• Title/Summary/Keyword: ethanolamine

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Effects of Aluminum Feedings on Aluminum, Phospholipid and Catecholamine Concentrations in Old Rat Brain Tissue (알루미늄을 투여한 노령 흰쥐에 있어서 뇌조직의 인지질 구성과 신경전달 물질 농도에 미치는 영향)

  • Han, Sung-Hee;Choi, Deck-Ho
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Culture
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    • v.24 no.2
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    • pp.236-243
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    • 2009
  • This study was performed to investigate the effects of aluminum sulfate administration on the brain tissues of old rats, when given at different concentrations. The experiment attempted to further ascertain whether aluminum exposure cause Alzheimer's disease. Seventy-five aged Sprague-Dawley rats were divided into five groups; a control group, 2 ppm aluminum sulfate group, 20 ppm aluminum sulfate group, 40 ppm aluminum sulfate group, and 200 ppm aluminum sulfate group, and were kept on the respective diets for 12 weeks. In order to understand the influence of aluminum on the brain, serum aluminum concentrations, phospholipid composition, and catecholamine concentrations were compared between the aluminum-treated groups and the normal group. According to the results, serum aluminum was higher in the aluminum sulfate-treated groups than in the normal group. Within the cortex, catecholamine concentrationes were significantly increased but cerebellum and brainstem tissue were significantly decreased, in the aluminum sulfate-treated groups compared to the normal group. For phospholipid composition, phosphatidyl inositol was significantly increased wherase phosphatidyl choline, phosphatidyl ethanolamine, and phosphatidyl serine were significantly decreased in the aluminum sulfate-treated groups versus the normal group. Based on the data, increased aluminum consumption in experimental animals causes increased serum aluminum levels and catecholamine variation. These phenomena are very similar to conditions of Alzherimer's disease. Therfore, the results of this experiment further suggest that aluminum cause Alzherimer's disease, coinciding with reports that aluminum is a cause of neurofibrilly tangles in the brain.

Fatty Acid Combination of Major Triglyceride in Hagfish Flesh Lipids (먹장어 지질의 주된 트리글리세리드의 지방산조성)

  • LEE Eung-Ho;WADA Shun;KOIZUMI Chiaki;OHSHIMA Toshiaki;NONAKA Junsaku
    • Korean Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences
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    • v.17 no.4
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    • pp.291-298
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    • 1984
  • The extracted hagfish (Eptatretus burgeri) flesh lipid was separated into following fractions by column chromatography on Bio-beads SX-2 and Sephadex LH-20 prior to gab chromatographic analysis of their fatty acid compositions: polar lipid, triglyceride and free fatty acid. The major fatty acids of total lipid and triglyceride in hagfish were $C_{16:0},\;C_{16:1},\;and\;C_{18:1}$. The ratio of $C_{18:0}/C_{18:1}$ in the total lipid and triglyceride of hagfish was 0.1. The polar lipid of the hagfish muscle was mainly composed of phosphatidyl choline ($65.5\%$) and phosphatidyl ethanolamine ($28.0\%$). The triglyceride obtained was fractionated into four fractions by HPLC on the basis of partition numbers. Both the fatty acid composition and triglyceride composition on the basis of the total carbon number in the acyl chains of the triglyceride were analysed by the GLC. From the information obtained on triglyceride compositions based on the total carbon number by GLC and the partition number by HPLC and fatty acid composition by GLC, the combination of fatty acid in each triglycerides was estimated. A computer was used for estimation of the fatty acid combination in the triglyceride because hagfish lipid triglyceride was composed of various kinds of fatty acids. Fortyfour kinds of triglyceride were estimated. The major triglycerides in hagfish flesh lipid were found to those of ($1{\times}C_{16:0},\;2{\times}C_{18:1};\;13.5\%$), ($1{\times}C_{16:0},\;1{\times}C_{18:0},\;1{\times}C_{18:1};\;7.2\%$), ($1{\times}C_{16:1},\;2{\times}C_{18:1};\;5.4\%$), ($2{\times}C_{16:0},\;1{\times}C_{22:5};\;5.2\%$), ($1{\times}C_{14:0},\;2{\times}C_{18:1};\;4.5\%$), ($2{\times}C_{18:1},\;1{\times}C_{22:5};\;3.6\%$), ($1{\times}C_{14:0},\;1{\times}C_{18:0},\;1{\times}C_{18:1};\;2.7\%$) and ($1{\times}C_{14:0},\;1{\times}C_{16:0},\;1{\times}C_{18:2};\;2.2\%$).

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The Effect of Brown Tinted or UV-A blocking Ophthalmic Lens Against the Photooxidation of A2E, a Lipofuscin in Retina (망막 내 노인성 형광색소의 광산화에 미치는 Brown 착색렌즈와 UV-A 차단 안경렌즈의 영향)

  • Park, Sang-Il
    • Journal of Korean Ophthalmic Optics Society
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    • v.17 no.1
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    • pp.91-97
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    • 2012
  • Purpose: This purpose of study is to investigate the effect of UV-A-blocking or brown-tinted ophthalmic lens against A2E photooxidation which known as one of the etiologies of AMD(Age-related macular degenaration). Methods: The photooxidation of A2E, synthetic product of two molecules of all-trans-retinal and ethanolamine, was induced by the exposure to blue light (420~470 nm, $94mW/cm^2$) for 3 minutes. The inhibitory effect of UVblocking or brown-tinted ophthalmic lens against A2E photooxidation was evaluated by UV absorbance and HPLC analysis of remained A2E after the exposure to blue light. Results: UV-blocking ophthalmic lens could not inhibit A2E photooxidation induced by blue light irradiation. There was no difference in A2E photooxidation in the presence of brown-tinted ophthalmic lens to block 15% of visible ray, however, those lenses blocking 55% or 86% of visible ray showed the inhibitory effect of A2E photooxidation as 9.98% and 16.55%, respectively. By HPLC analysis, the amount of residual A2E which was not blocked by any lens was $199.29{\pm}26.53{\mu}M$, however, the inhibitory effect against A2E photooxidation was shown in the presence of brown-tinted lens. The remained A2Es were $264.58{\pm}31.91{\mu}M$ and $402.93{\pm}28.68{\mu}M$ in brown-tinted lenses of 55% and 86% blocking visible ray, respectively. However, there was no inhibitory effect against A2E photooxidation in the case of UV-blocking lens by HPLC analysis. Conclusions: In this study, brown-tinted ophthalmic lens was confirmed to have the inhibitory effect against the photooxidation of A2E, a causing substance of AMD onset.

Utilization of Ascidian, Halocynthia roretzi -2. Lipids of Ascidian with seasonal and regional variation- (우렁쉥이 이용에 관한 연구 -2. 계절 및 서식지에 따른 우렁쉥이의 지질성분-)

  • LEE Kang-Ho;PARK Chun-Soo;HONG Byeong-Il;JUNG Woo-Jin
    • Korean Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences
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    • v.26 no.2
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    • pp.141-149
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    • 1993
  • The seasonal variation of lipid content was mostly attributed to diet, water temperature and period of reproduction etc. The lipid mainly consisted of neutral lipid and phospholipid. Nonpolar lipid content was higher in between late spring and summer, while polar lipid content lower during the period. The composition of neutral, glyco, and phospholipid of the total lipid: in average was 53.88, 10.09 and $36.03\%$, respectively. The neutral lipids were composed of triglycride($51.88\%$) and free sterol($23.21\%$) as major component and a little quantity of diglycerides, monoglycerides, esterified sterols and hydrocarbon, free fatty acid were also identified. The phospholipids of each fraction were mainly occupied by phosphatidyl choline($55.5\%$), followed by phosphatidyl ethanolamine($27.8\%$), phosphatidyl inositol($8.65\%$) and phosphatidyl serine($4.85\%$). The major fatty acids of the total lipid in ascidian were $C_{20:5},\;C_{22:6},\;C_{16:6}\;and\;C_{18:1}$, respectively. The fatty acid composition of phospholipid and neutral lipid showed a similar tendency to that of the total lipid. The major fatty acids in the fraction of glycolipid, however, appeared $C_{16:0},\;C_{20:1},\;C_{18:0}\;and\;C_{18:1}$ in order.

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Changes in Chemical Component and Lipid in Tomato Fruits Under the Treatment of Sub-Atmospheric Pressure (감압처리(減壓處理)에 따른 토마토과실(果實)의 주요성분(主要成分) 및 함유지질(含有脂質)의 변화(變化))

  • Kim, Sung-Dal
    • Applied Biological Chemistry
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    • v.23 no.1
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    • pp.31-44
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    • 1980
  • Climacteric phenomon in fruits was delayed ten days on the sub-atmospheric treatment than the normal atmospheric one. Average lipid content in tomatoes sampled was composed of neutral lipid (49%), phospholipid(31%) and glycolipid (13%). Seven constituents each from neutral and phospholipid were seperated through thin-lyaer chromatography. Changes on lipid content during treatments were associated with the climacteric pattern and the advance of maturity; At the climacteric on-set, the fruit color was light pink, and the content of neutral lipid was reduced to minimum. After this stage, this content was reversely increased. The maturity was related with diglyceride and sterol ester in neutral lipid, and phosphatidyl choline and phosphatidyl ethanolamine in phospholipid. The changes of two constituents each on both neutral and phospholipid were reversed each other. It was concluded that changes of lipid content in tomato fruits were closely associated with the advance of fruit maturity and climacteric pattern.

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Studies on Lipid and Fatty acid Composition of Korean Perilla Leaves(Penilla frutescens var. japonica HARA) (한국산 들깻잎의 지방질 및 지방산조성에 관한 연구)

  • Shin, Kwang-Kyu;Yang, Cha-Bum;Park, Hoon
    • Korean Journal of Food Science and Technology
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    • v.24 no.6
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    • pp.610-615
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    • 1992
  • The difference in content and composition of total lipid, lipid fractions and fatty acids of perilla leaves being used fresh vegetable was investigated in relation to the color of undersurface, i.e. green perilla leaves(GPL) and violet perilla leaves(VPL), by column- and thin layer- and gas chromatography. Total lipid(TL) content was of little difference between green leaves(GPL) (5.24%dw) and violet one (VPL) (5.02%dw), while neutral lipid(NL) content was higher In VPL(36.4% of TL) than GPL(34.7%). The major components were sterol ester and hydrocarbons(58.5%) and trigylcerides(14.9%) in NL, $mono-(42{\sim}45%)$ and $di-(13{\sim}15%)$ galactosyl digylceride in glycolipids(GL) and phosphatidyl ethanolamine$(40{\sim}45%)$ and phosphatidyl glycerol(13%) in phospholipids(PL) for both GPL and VPL. The number of component was 10 in all three fractions. The similarity of component between GPL and VPL was in decreasing order of NL(r=1.00), GL(r=0.997) and PL(r= 0.968). Major fatty acids were linolenic $(62{\sim}64%)$, palmitic$(10{\sim}12%)$ and linolic$(9{\sim}10%)$ for TL, linolenic, palmitic, myristic(43, 15, 14%) for NL, linolenic, oleic, palmitic(79, 11, 8%) for GL and linolenic, linoleic, palmitic(36, 25, 23%) for PL. Unsaturated fatty acid percentage was higher only in GL of VPL than GPL. The similarity of fatty acid composition between GPL and VPL was least in PL and so it was among other fraction with PL.

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Lipid Components of Dried Laver(Cultured Porphyra tenera and Wild Porphyra suborbiculata) Produced at Wan-do in Korea (완도산 마른 참김(양식산)과 마른 둥근돌김(천연산)의 지방질 조성)

  • CHUNG Young-Hoon;LEE Eung-Ho;OH Kwang-Soo;CHA Yong-Jun;AHN Chang-Bum;LEE Tae-Hun
    • Korean Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences
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    • v.18 no.5
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    • pp.433-438
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    • 1985
  • Lipids extracted from two kinds of sun-dried laver samples, wild Porphyra suborbiculata and cultured Porphyra tenera, produced at Wan-do in Korea were studied. Dried P. suborbiculata contained $0.8\%$ total lipid(TL) which consisted of $21.4\%$ neutral lipid(NL), $53.4\%$ glycolipid(GL) and $25.2\%$ phospholipid(PL), and dried P. tenera contained $1.2\%$ TL which consisted of $30.5\%$ NL, $50.3\%$ GL and $19.2\%$ PL. Among the NL of dried P. suborbiculate and P. tenera, free fatty acid ($41.4\%,\;39.0\%$), triglyceride($25.6\%,\;28.8\%$) and free sterol ($22.1\%,\;16.7\%$) were predominant. Digalactosyl diglyceride ($34.7\%,\;46.6\%$) and monogalactosyl diglyceride ($19.2\%,\;18.0\%$) were the major components among the GL. Sulfoquinovosyl digylceride ($4.2\%$) was also identified in P. tenera only. And main lipids in the PL of P. suborbiculata and P. tenera were phosphatidyl ethanolamine ($40.3\%,\;35.7\%$) and phosphatidyl choline ($28.6\%,\;30.7\%$) and followed by phosphatidyl serine($15.1\%,\;19.2\%$) and phosphatidyl inositol ($16.0\%,\;14.4\%$). The major fatty acids in the TL of the dried P. suborbiculata were 20:5 ($29.4\%$), 16:0 ($23.4\%$) and 20:4 ($13.0\%$), and those of the dried P. tenera were 20:5 ($36.7\%$), 16:0 ($16.2\%$), 16:1 ($10.7\%$) and 18:1 ($9.7\%$). The fatty acid composition of the both samples in the NL fraction were similar to the pattern in those of the TL. The abundant fatty acids in the PL of the both dried laver were 20:5, 16:0 and 18:1. In case of the GL fraction, the main fatty acids of the dried P. suborbiculata were 16:0, 20:5, 18:1 and 20:4, while those of the dried P. tenera were 20:5, 16:0 and 18:1.

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Characteristics of Food Components in Granular Ark and Ark Shell (고막 및 새고막의 부위별 식품성분 특성)

  • Kim Kui Shik;Kim Jeung Hoon;Bae Tae Jin;Park Choon-Kyu;Kim Myung-Hee
    • Korean Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences
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    • v.35 no.5
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    • pp.512-518
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    • 2002
  • In order to effectively utilize of granular ark and ark shell, lipid and fatty acid compositions, free amino acids, nucleotides and their related compounds and minerals in the muscle and viscera of raw and cooked specimens were analyzed. The major constituents of non-polar lipids in the granular ark and ark shell were triglycerides, which showed higher content in viscera than the muscle. The polar lipids in the granular ark and ark shell were mainly consisted of phosphatidylcholine and phosphatidylethanolamine. The major fatty acids of total lipid were 16:0, 20:5n-3, 18:1n-9, 16:1n-7, 18:0 and 22:6n-3 both the granular ark and ark shell. The major nucleotides and the related compounds were adenosine monophosphate and adenosine diphosphate and they had higher content in the muscle than in viscera both samples, free amino acids such as taurine, glycine, alanine, glutamic acid, phenyl alanine and aspartic acid were abundant both the granular ark and ark shell. In the raw muscle of granular ark, glycine, alanine and $\alpha$-amino-iso-butyric acid were high level, but glutamic acid, aspartic acid and phenyl alanine were low level compared with those of cooking muscle. In the raw muscle of ark shell, taurine and $\alpha$-amino-iso-butyric acid were high content, but the glutamic acid and aspartic acid were low level compared with those of cooking muscle. Minerals in the granular ark and ark shell were chiefly consisted of potassium, sodium, magnesium, iron and calcium.

Analysis of Free Amino Acids and Polyphenol Compounds from Lycopene Variety of Cherry Tomatoes (방울토마토 라이코펜 품종의 유리아미노산 및 폴리페놀 화합물의 분석)

  • Kim, Hyen-Ryung;Ahn, Jun-Bae
    • Culinary science and hospitality research
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    • v.20 no.3
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    • pp.37-49
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    • 2014
  • In order to elucidate the usefulness of Lycopene, a cherry tomato variety, as a food material, the compositions of free amino acids, amino acid metabolites and polyphenol compounds were analyzed using HPLC and LC-MS/MS method. Lycopene contained eighteen free amino acids except for L-Cys and L-Try. L-Glu was the most abundant free amino acid, followed by L-Gln and L-Asp. The percentages of L-Glu, L-Gln and L-Asp of total free amino acid were 55.5%, 15.9% and 9.9% respectively. Lycopene contained essential amino acids with the exception of tryptophan. The following amino acid metabolites were found : ${\gamma}$-aminobutyric acid(GABA), carnitine(L-Car), o-phosphoethanolamine(o-Pea), hydroxylysine(Hyl) phosphoserine (p-Ser), N-methyl-histidine(Me-His), ethanolamine($EtNH_2$). Especially, GABA known as a neurotransmitter was present at a high level(305.99 mg/100 g dry weight). We identified the following polyphenol compounds in the cherry tomatoes : caffeic acid-hexose isomer I (CH I), caffeic acid-hexose isomer II (CH II), 3-caffeoylquinic acid(3-CQA), 5-caffeoylquinic acid(5-CQA), caffeoylquinic acid isomer(CQAI), quercetin-hexose-deoxyhexose-pentose(QTS), quercetin-3-rutinoside(Q-3-R), di-caffeoylquinic acid(di-CQA), tri-caffeoylquinic acid(tri-CQA), naringenin chalcone(NGC). Large quantities of Q-3-R and NGC known as bioactive compounds were found. These results revealed that Lycopene variety contained various nutritional and bioactive compounds and would be a potent functional food material.

Studies on Lipids in Fresh-Water Fishes 1. Distribution of Lipid Components in Various Tissues of Crucian Carp, Carassius carassius (담수어의 지질에 관한 연구 1. 붕어(Carassius carassius)의 부위별 지질성분의 분포)

  • CHOI Jin-Ho;RO Jae-Il;PYEUN Jae-Hyeong;CHOI Kang-Ju
    • Korean Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences
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    • v.17 no.4
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    • pp.333-343
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    • 1984
  • This study was designed to elucidate the lipid and its fatty acid composition in various tissues of fresh water fishes. The free and bound lipids in meat, skin and viscera of crucian carp (Carassius carassius) were extracted with ethyl ether and the mixed solvent of chloroform-methanol-water (10/9/1, v/v). The free and bound lipids were fractionated into neutral lipid, glycolipid and phospholipid by a silicic acid column chromatography using chloroform, acetone and methanol, respectively, and quantitatively analyzed by thin layer chromatography (TLC) and TLC scanner. The fatty acid compositions of polar ana nonpolar lipids in meat, and these of neutral lipid in various tissues were analyzed by gas liquid chromatography(GLC). The free lipid content in meat, skin and viscera was $6.22\%,\;9.95\%\;and\;9.76\%$, whereas the bound lipid content in those tissues was $10.01\%,\;3.56\%\;and\;7.36\%$, respectively. The neutral lipid contents in free lipid were ranged from $71.7\%$ to $89.4\%$, and $3{\sim}9$ times higher than those in bound lipid, while the phospholipid contents in bound lipid were ranged from $42.3\%$ to $63.2\%$, and $5{\sim}10$ times higher than those in free lipid. The neutral lipid was mainly consisted of triglyceride ($81.91{\sim}88.34\%$) in free lipid, and esterified sterol & hydrocarbon ($41.00{\sim}59.43\%$) in bound lipid. The phospholipid was mainly consisted of phosphatidyl ethanolamine($54.56{\sim}66.79\%$) and phosphatidyl choline ($21.88{\sim}34.28\%$) in free lipid, and phosphatidyl choline ($50.49{\sim}70.57\%$) and phosphatidyl ethanolamine ($15.74{\sim}24.92\%$) in bound lipid. The major fatty acids of polar lipid in free and bound lipids were $C_{16:0}\;(17.53\%,\;19.29\%)$, $C_{18:1}\;(24.57\%,\;16.08\%)$, $C_{18:2}\;(8.39\%,\;4.03\%)$, $C_{22:5}\;(1.68\%,\;8.08\%)$, and $C_{22:6}\;(6.22\%,\;13.60\%)$ and these of neutral lipid in free and bound lipids were $C_{16:0}\;(17.67\%,\;24.15\%)$, $C_{16:1}\;(12.81\%,\;5.52\%)$, $C_{18:1}\;(24.13\%,\;13.02\%)$, $C_{18:2}\;(15.47\%,\;8.68\%)$, $C_{22:5}\;(0.88\%,\;4.14\%)$ and $C_{22:6}\;(1.17\%,\;5.04\%)$, respectively. The unsaturations (TUFA/TSFA) of polar lipid in free and bound lipids were 2.02 and 2.74, and $1.5{\sim}2.0$ times higher than 1.51 and 1.23 of nonpolar lipid. In both polar and nonpolar lipids, w3 highly unsaturated fatty acid (w3HUFA) content of bound lipid was $2{\sim}5$ times higher than that of free lipid. The polyenoic acid contents such as $C_{20:5},\;C_{22:5}\;and\;C_{22:6}$ in bound lipid were $2{\sim}5$ times higher than these in free lipid. Consequently, there were significant difference between the lipid and its fatty acid composition in free and bound lipids and/or in various tissues.

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