• Title/Summary/Keyword: environmental restoration

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Performance of Railway Roadbed Reinforced by Acrylate in Laboratory Experiment (실내실험을 통한 아크릴레이트의 철도노반 보강 성능)

  • Yoon, Hwan-Hee;Son, Min;Kim, Jin-Hwan;Kim, Dong-Hyun;Kim, Byung-Hyun;Jung, Hyuk-Sang
    • Journal of the Korean Geosynthetics Society
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    • v.20 no.1
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    • pp.9-19
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    • 2021
  • This paper deals with the reinforcement performance of acrylate for reinforcing the settled railway roadbed. Concrete tracks have the advantage of reducing track maintenance costs and high resistance to track destruction. However, roadbed settlement is occurring in some construction sections, and the safety of railways is a serious concern because of difficulties in maintenance. Currently, maintenance through the track restoration method is being carried out in Korea as a way of roadbed settlement in concrete tracks, but continuous re-settlement can occur because the roadbed itself cannot be reinforced, and there are very few cases of reinforcement of railway roadbeds and field application. So the development of reinforcement materials and construction methods to reinforce railway roadbeds is required. Therefore, in this paper, acrylate was selected as reinforcement material for railway roadbed, and the reinforcement performance of acrylate was analyzed through experiment. As a result, it was analyzed that the acrylate can penetrate into a permeability coefficient of 1×10-4 cm/sec, and secure uniaxial compression strength of 0.5 MPa/30min or more and stiffness of 80 MPa or more.

Forest Vegetation Structure around Marugeum (Ridge Line) Area in Deogyusan Region, Baekdudaegan (백두대간 덕유산권역 마루금 주변의 산림식생구조)

  • Kim, Hojin;Song, Juhyeon;Lee, Jeongeun;Cho, Hyunje;Park, Wangeun;Kim, Sujin;Yun, Chung Weon
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.111 no.1
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    • pp.81-99
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    • 2022
  • The Baekdudaegan, spanning around 701 km from Hyangrobong to Cheonwangbong of Mt. Jirisan in South Korea, is rich in biodiversity and known as the main ecological axis of the Korean Peninsula. The Neuljae-Yuksimnyeong section of Marugeum in the southern part of the Baekdudaegan, particularly Mt. Deogyusan, is an area in which various types of vegetation appear depending on the environmental characteristics. The aims of this study were to investigate the current vegetation status at the Neuljae-Yuksimnyeong section of the Baekdudaegan and to provide basic data to aid systematic conservation and management through future classification of forest vegetation types. A vegetation survey was conducted using 637 plots from May to October 2019. Vegetation-type analysis showed that the vegetation units could be classified as a Quercus mongolica community group divided into seven communities: the Abies koreana community, Sanguisorba hakusanensis community, Persicaria hydropiper community, Quercus variabilis community, Quercus dentata community, Cornus controversa community, and Quercus mongolica community. The A. koreana community was subdivided into the Dryopteris expansa group and Picea jezoensis group. The Q. variabilis community was also subdivided into the Q. dentata group and Q. variabilis typical group. We concluded that special management plans for distinctive forest vegetation, including subalpine vegetation, grass or herb vegetation, and agricultural vegetation, should be prepared urgently to aid ecosystem preservation and enhancement.

Effects of Urban Forest Healing Program Education and Activities on Emotional Rest - Focusing on Healing Recovery Environment Awareness, Attention Recovery and Leisure Activities Satisfaction - (도시 숲 산림치유프로그램 교육 및 활동이 정서적 쉼에 미치는 효과 - 치유회복환경지각, 주의회복, 여가활동만족을 중심으로 -)

  • Yoon, Sun-Hee;Shin, Chang-Sub;Hong, Jong-Sook;Jung, Young-Mi
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.22 no.6
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    • pp.386-399
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    • 2022
  • The purpose of this study is to identify how education and activities of urban forest healing programs affect emotional rest (healing recovery environment awareness, restoration of attention, and leisure life satisfaction). To this end, 38 people were divided into experimental groups (forest healing program education and practice), and control groups (non-program participation). As a result of the study, in the case of the experimental group, emotional rest factors such as healing recovery environment perception, attention recovery, and satisfaction with leisure activities after the program were statistically significantly improved, and in the case of the control group, there was no change in emotional rest after the program. In addition, there were differences between groups in both pre and post regarding the difference in emotional rest between the participant groups, and the difference in emotional rest afterwards was much larger than the pre-difference. In conclusion, people who receive regular education on forest healing and have done actual forest healing activities experience higher emotional rest than those who do not. This suggests that continuous motivation and regular practice can raise awareness of the healing recovery environment, promote attention recovery, and have a positive effect on leisure life through appropriate programs rather than simply taking a walk.

The Effect of Training Patch Size and ConvNeXt application on the Accuracy of CycleGAN-based Satellite Image Simulation (학습패치 크기와 ConvNeXt 적용이 CycleGAN 기반 위성영상 모의 정확도에 미치는 영향)

  • Won, Taeyeon;Jo, Su Min;Eo, Yang Dam
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.40 no.3
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    • pp.177-185
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    • 2022
  • A method of restoring the occluded area was proposed by referring to images taken with the same types of sensors on high-resolution optical satellite images through deep learning. For the natural continuity of the simulated image with the occlusion region and the surrounding image while maintaining the pixel distribution of the original image as much as possible in the patch segmentation image, CycleGAN (Cycle Generative Adversarial Network) method with ConvNeXt block applied was used to analyze three experimental regions. In addition, We compared the experimental results of a training patch size of 512*512 pixels and a 1024*1024 pixel size that was doubled. As a result of experimenting with three regions with different characteristics,the ConvNeXt CycleGAN methodology showed an improved R2 value compared to the existing CycleGAN-applied image and histogram matching image. For the experiment by patch size used for training, an R2 value of about 0.98 was generated for a patch of 1024*1024 pixels. Furthermore, As a result of comparing the pixel distribution for each image band, the simulation result trained with a large patch size showed a more similar histogram distribution to the original image. Therefore, by using ConvNeXt CycleGAN, which is more advanced than the image applied with the existing CycleGAN method and the histogram-matching image, it is possible to derive simulation results similar to the original image and perform a successful simulation.

Phytosociological Vegetation Classification and Community Characteristics in Maruguem (the Ridge Line) Area of Mt. Jirisan (Yuksipryeong to Cheonwangbong), the Baekdudaegan (백두대간 지리산권역(육십령-천왕봉 구간) 마루금의 식물사회학적 유형분류 및 군집 특성)

  • Song, Ju Hyeon;Kim, Ho Jin;Lee, Jeong Eun;Cho, Hyun Je;Park, Wan Geun;Yun, Chung Weon
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.111 no.1
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    • pp.19-35
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    • 2022
  • In this study, the forest vegetation structure in the Maruguem (ridge line) area from Yuksipryeong to Cheonwangbong, Baekdudaegan, was analyzed using vegetation classification, importance values, species diversity, and NMS. Data were collected using 373 quadrates in a Braun-Blanquet vegetation survey conducted from May to October 2020. Vegetation was classified into nine vegetation units, which were verified using DCA analysis. Vegetation units 1-5, which were grouped by sub-alpine region, showed high importance values, mainly for sub-alpine vegetation, such as Abies koreana, Picea jezoensis, Pinus koraiensis, and Betula ermanii. In Maruguem, which is not high above sea level, importance values for species such as Pinus densiflora and Quercus serrata were high due to the topographical characteristics of the ridge. The A. koreana community (vegetation unit 1-5), which had a relatively high average elevation, had higher species diversity compared with that of other vegetation units. According to NMS analysis, for abiotic environmental factors, there was a positive correlation between vegetation units 1, 2, 4, and 5 and elevation. Overall, this study describes all low-elevation area vegetation (P. densiflora and Lindera erythrocarpa) to high-elevation area vegetation (A. koreana and P. jezoensis) as well as the characteristics of the Baekdudaegan ridge vegetation that did not include valley vegetation.

Effect of Temperature Conditions and Chemical Treatments on Seed Germination of Pseudolysimachion kiusianum var. diamantiacum (Nakai) T.Yamaz. (봉래꼬리풀의 종자 발아에 미치는 온도 조건과 화학적 처리의 영향)

  • Dong-Hak Kim;Young-Eun Kim;Seungju Jo;Jong-Won Lee;Sang-Jun Kim
    • Korean Journal of Plant Resources
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    • v.36 no.4
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    • pp.381-389
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    • 2023
  • The germination characteristics of Pseudolysimachion kiusianum var. diamantiacum (Nakai) T.Yamaz., a rare and endemic plant designated by the Korea Forest Service, were investigated according to light conditions, temperature, and pretreatment. As a result of the germination experiment according to light conditions, it was determined that P. kiusianum is a photoblastic seed that does not germinate at all in dark conditions. The optimum germination temperature of the seeds was found to be 20-25℃, considering the final germination rate and germination time. Three growth regulators (IAA, GA3, kinetin) and two inorganic salts (KNO3, KCl) were pretreated to improve the germination rate of P. kiusianum seeds. The growth regulators IAA and kinetin had no significant effect on improving the germination rate of P. kiusianum seeds. On the other hand, GA3 significantly increased the final germination percentage and germination rate regardless of the concentration, especially the treatment of more than 500 mg·L-1 at 20℃ was more than 4 times more effective than the untreated. The inorganic salts KNO3 and KCl had no significant effect on the seeds of P. kiusianum at low concentrations, but at higher concentrations (40 mM and 300 mM, respectively), they improved the germination rate and germination age by 2 times compared to the untreated. The results of this study will be useful for the mass propagation of P. kiusianum, which has the potential to be utilized as a native plant for restoration.

International Case Study and Strategy Proposal for IUCN Red List of Ecosystem(RLE) Assessment in South Korea (국내 IUCN Red List of Ecosystem(생태계 적색목록) 평가를 위한 국제 사례 연구와 전략 제시)

  • Sang-Hak Han;Sung-Ryong Kang
    • Journal of Wetlands Research
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    • v.25 no.4
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    • pp.408-416
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    • 2023
  • The IUCN Red List of Ecosystems serves as a global standard for assessing and identifying ecosystems at high risk of biodiversity loss, providing scientific evidence necessary for effective ecosystem management and conservation policy formulation. The IUCN Red List of Ecosystems has been designated as a key indicator (A.1) for Goal A of the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework. The assessment of the Red List of Ecosystems discerns signs of ecosystem collapse through specific criteria: reduction in distribution (Criterion A), restricted distribution (Criterion B), environmental degradation (Criterion C), changes in biological interaction (Criterion D), and quantitative estimation of the risk of ecosystem collapse (Criterion E). Since 2014, the IUCN Red List of Ecosystems has been evaluated in over 110 countries, with more than 80% of the assessments conducted in terrestrial and inland water ecosystems, among which tropical and subtropical forests are distributed ecosystems under threat. The assessment criteria are concentrated on spatial signs (Criteria A and B), accounting for 68.8%. There are three main considerations for applying the Red List of Ecosystems assessment domestically: First, it is necessary to compile applicable terrestrial ecosystem types within the country. Second, it must be determined whether the spatial sign assessment among the Red List of Ecosystems categories can be applied to the various small-scale ecosystems found domestically. Lastly, the collection of usable time series data (50 years) for assessment must be considered. Based on these considerations, applying the IUCN Red List of Ecosystems assessment domestically would enable an accurate understanding of the current state of the country's unique ecosystem types, contributing to global efforts in ecosystem conservation and restoration.

Characteristics of Plant Community of Willow Forest in the Wetland Protection Areas of Inland Wetlands (습지보호지역 버드나무림의 식물군락 특성)

  • Cho, Kwang-Jin;Lim, Jeoncheol;Lee, Changsu;Chu, Yeounsu
    • Journal of Wetlands Research
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    • v.23 no.3
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    • pp.201-212
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    • 2021
  • In wetland protection areas, a phytosociological research was conducted on willow forests, which plays an important ecological and environmental role and is the main material for ecological restoration. A total of 61 relevés were collected according to the Z-M(Zürich-Montpellier) school's method and the characteristics of plant communities and the composition of the species were identified. A total of 9 plant communities including 237 taxa were differentiated. Willow species showing the high r-NCD(relative net contribution degree) value in study areas were Salix koriyanagi, Salix chaenomeloides, Salix triandra subsp. nipponica, Salix gracilistyla and Salix pierotii. Poaceae was the most diverse in species, followed by Asteraceae, Apiaceae, Polygonaceae and Fabaceae. Life form type of willow forests in wetland protection areas was determined to be Th(therophytes)-R5(non-clonal form)-D4(clitochores)-e(erect form) type. The naturalized plants and invasive alien species were identified as 24 taxa and 4 taxa, respectively. Naturalized and disturbance indices were 10.1% and 41.4%, respectively. The results of the site-species ordination by Non-Metric Multidimensional Scaling(NMDS), wetland types and altitude gradient were the main ecological factors determining the spatial distribution of plant communities. Diversity index and evenness index were high in mountainous palustrine wetlands with relatively high altitude, and the disturbance index, naturalized index and appearance rate of annual plant were high in riverine and lacustrine wetlands with low altitude.

Growth and Nutrient Dynamics of Planted Tree Species Following Fertilization in a Fire-Disturbed Urban Forest (도시 숲 산불피해지의 시비에 따른 식재 수목의 생장 및 양분 동태)

  • Choonsig Kim;Gyeongwon Baek
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.113 no.2
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    • pp.143-152
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    • 2024
  • This study was conducted to evaluate the growth and nutrient dynamics in response to fertilization of four tree species (LT: Liriodendron tulipifera L.; PY: Prunus yedoensis Matsumura; QA: Quercus acutissima Ca rruth; a nd PT: Pinus thunbergii Parl.) planted in a fire-disturbed urban forest in Bongdaesan (Mt.), Ulsan Metropolitan Area, South Korea. The trees were planted in 2009, and compound fertilizers (N6P4K1) were applied in April 2013 and March 2014. Tree growth, soil, and foliage nutrients were examined from March 2013 to October 2016. The regression coefficients for the increment of the diameter at breast height (DBH) significantly differed between the fertilized and unfertilized plots, suggesting the significant effects of fertilization. By contrast, fertilization did not affect the coefficients for height increments. Regarding soil nutrient contents, organic carbon and total nitrogen concentrations were lower in the fertilized plots than in the unfertilized plots, whereas available phosphorus, exchangeable calcium, and magnesium concentrations were higher in the fertilized plots than in the unfertilized plots. In foliage, nitrogen and phosphorus concentrations were higher in the fertilized plots than in the unfertilized plots, whereas potassium, calcium, and magnesium concentrations were not affected by fertilization. Nutrient concentration of foliage among the tree species were higher in LT and PY than in QA and PT. These results suggest that fertilizers may be used to enhance soil fertility and the growth and nutrient status of tree species planted in a fire-disturbed urban forest.

Shading Treatment-Induced Changes in Physiological Characteristics of Thermopsis lupinoides (L.) Link (차광처리에 따른 갯활량나물의 생리 특성)

  • Seungju Jo;Dong-Hak Kim;Jung-Won Yoon;Eun Ju Cheong
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.113 no.2
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    • pp.198-209
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    • 2024
  • This study aimed to investigate the impact of light intensity, manipulated through different shading levels, on the growth and physiological responses of Thermopsis lupinoides. To assess the effects of shading treatments, we examined leaf mass per area, chlorophyll content, chlorophyll fluorescence response, and photosynthetic characteristics. T. lupinoidesexhibited adaptive responses under low light conditions (50% shading), showing increased leaf area and decreased leaf mass per area as shading levels increased. These changes indicate morpho-physiological adaptations to reduced light availability. At 50% shading, the physiological and ecological responses were favorable, with optimal photosynthetic functions including chlorophyll content, photosynthesis saturation point, photosynthetic rate, carbon fixation efficiency, stomatal conductance, transpiration rate, and water use efficiency. However, at 95% shading, the essential light conditions for growth were not met, significantly impairing photosynthetic functions. Consequently, 50% shading was determined to be the most optimal condition for T. lupinoides growth. These findings provide valuable insights for effective ex-situconservation practices and site selection for T. lupinoides, serving as foundational data for habitat restoration efforts.