• Title/Summary/Keyword: enabling technology

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Stereo Vision Based 3D Input Device (스테레오 비전을 기반으로 한 3차원 입력 장치)

  • Yoon, Sang-Min;Kim, Ig-Jae;Ahn, Sang-Chul;Ko, Han-Seok;Kim, Hyoung-Gon
    • Journal of the Institute of Electronics Engineers of Korea SP
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    • v.39 no.4
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    • pp.429-441
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    • 2002
  • This paper concerns extracting 3D motion information from a 3D input device in real time focused to enabling effective human-computer interaction. In particular, we develop a novel algorithm for extracting 6 degrees-of-freedom motion information from a 3D input device by employing an epipolar geometry of stereo camera, color, motion, and structure information, free from requiring the aid of camera calibration object. To extract 3D motion, we first determine the epipolar geometry of stereo camera by computing the perspective projection matrix and perspective distortion matrix. We then incorporate the proposed Motion Adaptive Weighted Unmatched Pixel Count algorithm performing color transformation, unmatched pixel counting, discrete Kalman filtering, and principal component analysis. The extracted 3D motion information can be applied to controlling virtual objects or aiding the navigation device that controls the viewpoint of a user in virtual reality setting. Since the stereo vision-based 3D input device is wireless, it provides users with a means for more natural and efficient interface, thus effectively realizing a feeling of immersion.

Energy Efficiency Enhancement of Macro-Femto Cell Tier (매크로-펨토셀의 에너지 효율 향상)

  • Kim, Jeong-Su;Lee, Moon-Ho
    • The Journal of the Institute of Internet, Broadcasting and Communication
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    • v.18 no.1
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    • pp.47-58
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    • 2018
  • The heterogeneous cellular network (HCN) is most significant as a key technology for future fifth generation (5G) wireless networks. The heterogeneous network considered consists of randomly macrocell base stations (MBSs) overlaid with femtocell base stations (BSs). The stochastic geometry has been shown to be a very powerful tool to model, analyze, and design networks with random topologies such as wireless ad hoc, sensor networks, and multi- tier cellular networks. The HCNs can be energy-efficiently designed by deploying various BSs belonging to different networks, which has drawn significant attention to one of the technologies for future 5G wireless networks. In this paper, we propose switching off/on systems enabling the BSs in the cellular networks to efficiently consume the power by introducing active/sleep modes, which is able to reduce the interference and power consumption in the MBSs and FBSs on an individual basis as well as improve the energy efficiency of the cellular networks. We formulate the minimization of the power onsumption for the MBSs and FBSs as well as an optimization problem to maximize the energy efficiency subject to throughput outage constraints, which can be solved the Karush Kuhn Tucker (KKT) conditions according to the femto tier BS density. We also formulate and compare the coverage probability and the energy efficiency in HCNs scenarios with and without coordinated multi-point (CoMP) to avoid coverage holes.

Interactive 3D Visualization of Ceilometer Data (운고계 관측자료의 대화형 3차원 시각화)

  • Lee, Junhyeok;Ha, Wan Soo;Kim, Yong-Hyuk;Lee, Kang Hoon
    • Journal of the Korea Computer Graphics Society
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    • v.24 no.2
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    • pp.21-28
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    • 2018
  • We present interactive methods for visualizing the cloud height data and the backscatter data collected from ceilometers in the three-dimensional virtual space. Because ceilometer data is high-dimensional, large-size data associated with both spatial and temporal information, it is highly improbable to exhibit the whole aspects of ceilometer data simply with static, two-dimensional images. Based on the three-dimensional rendering technology, our visualization methods allow the user to observe both the global variations and the local features of the three-dimensional representations of ceilometer data from various angles by interactively manipulating the timing and the view as desired. The cloud height data, coupled with the terrain data, is visualized as a realistic cloud animation in which many clouds are formed and dissipated over the terrain. The backscatter data is visualized as a three-dimensional terrain which effectively represents how the amount of backscatter changes according to the time and the altitude. Our system facilitates the multivariate analysis of ceilometer data by enabling the user to select the date to be examined, the level-of-detail of the terrain, and the additional data such as the planetary boundary layer height. We demonstrate the usefulness of our methods through various experiments with real ceilometer data collected from 93 sites scattered over the country.

Anthocyanin Composition and Characteristics of 'Gaeryangmeoru', 'Kyoho', and 'Hongisul' Grape Varieties ('개량머루', '거봉' 및 '홍이슬' 품종의 anthocyanin 조성과 특징)

  • Kwon, YongHee;Park, Hee-Seung
    • Horticultural Science & Technology
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    • v.33 no.4
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    • pp.470-478
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    • 2015
  • This study was investigated the anthocyanin composition of 'Gaeryangmeoru', 'Kyoho', and 'Hongisul' grapes cultivated in Korea using ultra-performance liquid chromatography (UPLC) coupled to a mass spectrometer (MS) equipped with an ESI (electrospray ionization) source. 'Gaeryangmeoru' is a dark-blue grape used for winemaking that can reach its coloring in unfavorable weather. The 'Kyoho' and 'Hongisul' varieties are hybrid grapes that feature black and pink skin, respectively. The anthocyanins extracted from the peels of grapes were analyzed using UPLC-ESI-MS/MS. Twenty-five anthocyanins were identified in the 'Gaeryangmeoru' and 'Kyoho' varieties, and 21 were identified in the 'Hongisul' variety. Eight, 14 and five predominant anthocyanins were identified in 'Gaeryangmeoru', 'Kyoho' and 'Hongisul' grape respectively. In all three varieties, mono-glucosides were 2.3-5.9 times more abundant than di-glucoside. Malvidin was the predominant anthocyanidin in 'Gaeryangmeoru' (44.1%) and 'Kyoho' (56.5%), but cyanidin (96.8%) was in 'Hongisul'. The acylated anthocyanins in 'Gaeryangmeoru' (2.0%) were rare, whereas acylated anthocyanins with p-coumaric acid were predominant in 'Kyoho' (40.9%) and 'Hongisul' (70.7%). In particular, cyanidin feruloyl glucoside was found only in the 'Hongisul' cultivar and considered to be useful as a criterion for identification of the variety. As a result, the grape varieties were demonstrated to have variety-specific anthocyanin characteristics, enabling classification based on anthocyanin composition in terms of anthocyanidins, glucosylation and acylation. The taxonomical application of anthocyanin composition confirmed the possibility that 'Gaeryangmeoru' originated from Vitis amurensis or its hybrids, and the 'Hongisul' grape was distinguished from other grapes by cyanidin feruloyl glucoside.

A Design of Human Cloud Platform Framework for Human Resources Distribution of e-Learning Instructional Designer (이러닝 교수 설계자 인적 자원 유통을 위한 휴먼 클라우드 플랫폼 프레임워크 설계)

  • Kim, Yong
    • Journal of Distribution Science
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    • v.16 no.7
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    • pp.67-75
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    • 2018
  • Purpose - In the 21st century, as information technology advances alongside the emergence of the 4th generation, industrial age, industrial environment has become individualized and customized. It is important to hire good quality employees for good service in the industry. The e-learning market is growing every year. Although e-learning companies are finding better quality employees in e-learning, it is not easy to find it. Companies also spend a lot of time and cost to find employee. On the employees side, they want to get a job freely when they want, but they cannot find their job easily. Furthermore, the labor market environment is changing fast. In the 4th generation, industrial age, employers require to find manpower whenever they need and want at little cost. So of their own accord, we have considered the necessity of management of human resources for employees and employers in e-learning. The purpose of this study is to propose a human cloud platform framework for enabling an efficient management of human resources in e-learning industry. Research design, data, and methodology - To pinpoint the items of a human cloud platform framework, the study was initiated according to the following process. First, items of competency relating to e-learning instructional designer was analyzed. Second, based on the items of information from this analysis, selection and validity verification took place with 5 e-learning specialists group. Third, the opinion of experts who were in charge of hiring in e-learning companies were collated with the questionnaire. Lastly, the human cloud platform framework was proposed based on opinion results. Results - The framework was comprised of 7 domains and 27 items in order to develop the human cloud platform for e-learning instructional designer. The analysis results showed that the most highly considered item were 'skill (4.60)' that employee already have the capability. Following this (in order) were 'project type (4.56)', 'work competency (4.56)', and 'strength area of instructional design (4.52)'. Conclusions - The 27 items in the human cloud platform framework were suggested in this study. Following this, we can consider to develop the human cloud platform for finding a job and hiring e-learning instructional designer easily. For successful platform operation, we need to consider reliability between employer and employee. In addition, we need quality assurance system based on operation has public confidence.

A Study on Optimal Inspection Interval for the Major Components of Construction Lift (건설용 리프트의 운행정보 및 고장데이터 분석을 통한 주요 부품별 점검주기 산출 연구)

  • Soh, Jiyune;Bae, Jaehoon;Han, Choonghee;Lee, Junbok
    • Korean Journal of Construction Engineering and Management
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    • v.16 no.3
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    • pp.68-77
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    • 2015
  • One of recent concerns for super-tall buildings is how to manage hoisting plans and equipment efficiently. Disasters are frequently occurred in relation to electromotive hoists and cranes which are commonly used in construction sites. For construction lifts, particularly, it is highly important to conduct regular inspections or prepare against breakdown in terms of safety. However, unfortunately the reality is that regular inspections are only flatly conducted according to operating hours only. A lift, whose life span is subject to the complicated considerations such as operating hours, loading condition, and the like of each component, is far too invalid as a means of maintenance. As a way to resolve this problem and improve its convenience and safety for users, this study intends to calculate individual inspection interval for the main components of lifts by measuring their actual operating hours with sensing technology and analyzing their historical data. The findings of study include calculation of inspection intervals for the main components of lifts and classification of components to check by the actual operating hours of lift (40, 90, 130, 400 hours), which are drawn up into tables. This will make an opportunity to suggest efficient maintenance measures by enabling prevention of safety accidents and enhancement of safety for workers. Also, it will lead to increasing productivity of works by eliminating sources of delaying the term due to the breakdown of lifts.

Critical Review of Global Strategy in Japanese Small- and Medium-sized Companies: A Case of I.S.T Corporation that Dominated the Global Market (일본 중소기업의 글로벌전략과 검토 과제: 세계를 제패한 I.S.T 기업 사례)

  • Kang, Sangmin;Kim, Changju;Tanaka, Mikihiro
    • Journal of East Asia Management
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    • v.1 no.1
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    • pp.29-49
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    • 2020
  • In an intensively competitive global market, small-and medium-sized firms are puzzled about how to develop sustainable competitive advantages against global rivalries, thus leading satisfactory economic performance. However, despite the roles and contributions of such small-and medium-sized firms in the local community and national economies in Japan, little guidance has been offered to the practical issues related to their strategic behaviors toward global management. To fill this notable knowledge gap, this study aims to investigate the conditions in which how Japanese small-and medium-sized could dominates global market, which is one of key challenges in the literature of small business and entrepreneurship. To obtain better insights to this research area, this study undertakes an in-depth interview survey with I.S.T (Industrial Summit Technology) Corporation that shows off the highest global market share (40 per cent) with seamless polyimide tube product widely used in office automation equipment (e.g., copiers and printers). This method of survey is designed to deeply understand historical considerations about how I.S.T Corporation could dominate in the global market of such seamless polyimide tube product. Based on findings drawn from an interview, this study identifies five major factors enabling I.S.T Corporation to be a competitive global hidden company: vision sharing through founder's entrepreneurship, core competence, strategic network, risk management, and employee engagement. Specifically, to become a global hidden champion, sharing the vision motivating employees to partake in shaping company's future will be the first step on the road to global success through founder's entrepreneurship. However, in order to achieve such a vision, the importance of company's core competence cannot be overemphasized, which differentiates your customer solution with those of competitors. As such, a group of experts will be naturally formed and demonstrates your expertise in the global market, thereby building sustainable competitiveness. On the other hand, to maintain sustainable competitiveness, it is necessary to make up for the weaknesses small-and medium-sized firms suffer from competitive resources while strengthening their own strengths through strategic networks with external organizations. Here, every company has to understand the critical role of risk management, which is essential in this process of being global company so as not to lose your own strengths. Last but not least, do not forget the significant effects of employee engagement in firm performance. To enhance employees' engagement, a company has to create an ideal organization culture which fits into company's history and personality. In doing so, such organization culture can allow the vision and strategy to be implemented into detailed business tactics while facilitating employees to challenge the status quo by experimenting with creative ideas.

Study on Remote control and monitoring system of the multipurpose guard rail using USN (USN을 이용한 다목적 가드레일의 원격제어 및 모니터링 시스템에 관한 연구)

  • Song, Je-Ho;Lee, In-Sang
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.16 no.10
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    • pp.7176-7181
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    • 2015
  • This thesis is about the system where the solar module is attached to the high functional guardrail posts with anti-weed, anti-plant, and road-kill applied to produce internal power, enabling the integrated control and real-time monitoring of appearance of wildlife and road conditions using the USN. The whole system consists of a photovoltaic module(PV), a detection sensor(pyroelectric), a controller(operation select and motion sensor), the USN system, the DB(sound and flash), an output unit of sound and flash, and the control system of road-kill prevention and safety induction for vehicles. Thus this study aims to address the remote control and monitoring system of multipurpose guardrails to improve road environment, prevent road-kills, protect wild animals, and guide cars safely by using the USN which is combined with new renewable energy and IT convergence technology. As a result of the study on the remote control and monitoring system using the USN, it was ascertained that the response time of the unmanned sensing system was within 5.1 ms with the current consumption of 0.328 mA, and the data transmission speed of the remote control system was 250 kbps with the current consumption of 0.283 mA.

CNVDAT: A Copy Number Variation Detection and Analysis Tool for Next-generation Sequencing Data (CNVDAT : 차세대 시퀀싱 데이터를 위한 유전체 단위 반복 변이 검출 및 분석 도구)

  • Kang, Inho;Kong, Jinhwa;Shin, JaeMoon;Lee, UnJoo;Yoon, Jeehee
    • Journal of KIISE:Databases
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    • v.41 no.4
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    • pp.249-255
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    • 2014
  • Copy number variations(CNVs) are a recently recognized class of human structural variations and are associated with a variety of human diseases, including cancer. To find important cancer genes, researchers identify novel CNVs in patients with a particular cancer and analyze large amounts of genomic and clinical data. We present a tool called CNVDAT which is able to detect CNVs from NGS data and systematically analyze the genomic and clinical data associated with variations. CNVDAT consists of two modules, CNV Detection Engine and Sequence Analyser. CNV Detection Engine extracts CNVs by using the multi-resolution system of scale-space filtering, enabling the detection of the types and the exact locations of CNVs of all sizes even when the coverage level of read data is low. Sequence Analyser is a user-friendly program to view and compare variation regions between tumor and matched normal samples. It also provides a complete analysis function of refGene and OMIM data and makes it possible to discover CNV-gene-phenotype relationships. CNVDAT source code is freely available from http://dblab.hallym.ac.kr/CNVDAT/.

Sequential localization with Beacon Nodes along the Seashore for Marine Monitoring Sensor Network (해안에 설치된 비콘 노드를 이용한 해양 모니터링 센서의 순차적인 위치 파악)

  • Kim, Chung-San;Kim, Eun-Chan;Kim, Ki-Seon;Choi, Young-Yoon
    • Journal of the Korea Society of Computer and Information
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    • v.12 no.4
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    • pp.269-277
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    • 2007
  • Wireless sensor network system is expected to get high attention in research for now and future owing to the advanced hardware development technology and its various applicabilities. Among variety of sensor network systems, the seashore and marine sensor network, which are extended to get sampling of marine resources, environmental monitoring to prevent disaster and to be applied to the area of sea route guidance. For these marine applications to be available, however, the provision of precise location information of every sensor nodes is essential. In this paper, the sequential localization algorithm for obtaining the location information of marine sensor nodes. The sequential localization is done with the utilization of a small number of beacon nodes along the seashore and gets the location of nodes by controling the sequences of localization and also minimizes the error accumulation. The key idea of this algorithm for localization is that the localization priority of each sensor nodes is determined by the number of reference nodes' information. This sequential algorithm shows the improved error performance and also provide the increased coverage of marine sensor network by enabling the maximum localization of sensor nodes as possible.

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