• Title/Summary/Keyword: educate

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A Study on the Relationship between Images of Colors Derived from Plants and Color Names

  • Masuda, Kinuko;Iwasaki, Yutaka
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture Conference
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    • 2007.10b
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    • pp.78-83
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    • 2007
  • The colors have a close to our life and there are many color names derived from plants in Japan. This study aimed to analyze relationship people and plants and investigated what the images of colors derived from plants related to the color names. Surveys on color images of abstract and concrete were conducted with adults who lived in the metropolitan area and in urban areas. The subjects were surveyed about images of similar colors derived from plants(3 type of similar two colors; pink, green and yellow) and asked to select a pair of color names(momo or pink, midori or green, yamabuki or lemon) corresponding to the color. The subjects were simultaneously presented with two similar colors and asked to give their perceptions of each color against 13 polar opposite pairs of terms or phrases using a Semantic Differential Scale, and asked to select the number of the 16 items concerned with life such as clothes and food. With the pink colors, many subjects did not feel opposite abstract images between these two similar colors and felt the same concrete images such as 'cosmetics' and 'clothes', and these color names such as momo and pink are confused. With the green colors and the yellow colors, many subjects felt opposite abstract images between these two similar colors such as 'natural - artificial' and 'rural - urban' and different concrete images such as 'plants' and 'plastics', and these two similar colors are distinguished by the color names such as 'midori - green' and 'yamabuki - lemon'. The results revealed that there are two patterns in the relationship colors derived from plants, color images and color names. In the pattern which images of colors derived from plants are connected with artificial things irrelevant to plants, the color names corresponding to the two similar colors are confused. On the other hand, in the pattern which images of colors derived from plants are connected with plants and artificial things, the two similar colors are distinguished by their color names. So demographics influenced the images of color, younger subjects compared with older tend to obviously distinguish images of colors derived from plants, and there are images of color influenced by the environment as a child. In both patterns, images of colors derived from plants are influenced by artificial things and natural colors are limited among many people. These results indicate that there are a few opportunities to see colors of plants which are full of variety. These results suggest that it is necessary to recognize colors derived from plants in relation to plants and to educate regarding the nature of plants, therefore landscape architecture focused on colors of plants is required.

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A Study on the Self-confidence in Performance and Education Demand of First Aid in Kindergarten and Daycare Center Teachers (유치원 및 어린이집 교사의 응급처치 수행자신감 및 교육요구도)

  • Hwang, Ji-Young;Oh, Eun-Soon;Cho, Keun-Ja
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.17 no.1
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    • pp.234-243
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    • 2016
  • The aim of this study was to identify the self-confidence in performance and education demand of first aid in kindergarten and daycare center teachers. The data from a questionnaire were collected from teachers in kindergarten and daycare centers from March 5 to 31, 2015. The responses from 149 teachers were analyzed using SPSS 21.0. The results showed that self-confidence in the performance of first aid was mostly low (mean score 2.70), but was significantly high in cases of having a willingness to perform first aid (p=.002). The education demand for first aid was mostly high (mean score 4.04), and significantly high in the case of having experience of emergency situations (4.21, p=.006), and being educated in first aid while working in a childcare facility (4.14, p=.001). Therefore, it is important to educate teachers in first aid regularly after developing an optimized program considering the frequency of emergency situations, and level of self-confidence in the performance and education demand of first aid.

Development of STEAM Program Based on Emotion Science for Students of Early Elementary School (초등학교 저학년 학생을 위한 감성과학 기반 융합인재교육(STEAM) 프로그램 개발)

  • Kwon, Jieun;Kwak, Sojung;Kim, HeaJin;Lee, SeJung
    • Science of Emotion and Sensibility
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    • v.20 no.4
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    • pp.79-88
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    • 2017
  • As the age in which the importance of sensitivity has increased, education for the future generation regarding emotion engineering, affective recognition and cognitive science have taken center stage. We measure human's emotion quantitatively, analyze evaluation and apply them to various services in life, which are based on human technology. Therefore, we need the education which is related to emotion science to cultivate talented people. The goal of this paper is to suggest the possibility of emotion science education and effective methods through development of the STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, Mathematics) program which can teach emotion science to early elementary school students by applying it to pilot classes. For this study, first, we build a program, 'The mind made by figure' for student of early elementary school. The method of STEAM was used in this program, because it is an effective system to educate the emotion science. We recognize the needs and value of this program development through theory and benchmarking of STEAM related to emotion science. And then the contents of class, activities, course book and kit are designed with elementary school textbook of pertinent grade. Secondly, we analyze the result which is applied in two pilot classes of second grade by satisfaction survey and teacher interview. As a result, the average of satisfaction level was very high (4.40/5), Class participation was especially high. Third, we discuss the ability, value and limits of this program based on the result of analysis. The outcome of this research shows that students of early elementary school who have difficulty in understanding science can approach the education program related to emotion science with ease and interest. We hope this education will help students understand emotion science effectively, and to train people to lead the emotion centered era.

Study on the Levels of Informal Statistical Inference of the Middle and High School Students (중·고등학생들의 비형식적 통계적 추리의 수준 연구)

  • Lee, Jung Yeon;Lee, Kyeong Hwa
    • School Mathematics
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    • v.19 no.3
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    • pp.533-551
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    • 2017
  • The statistical education researchers advise instructors to educate informal statistical inference and they are paying close attention to the progress of the statistical inference in general. This study was conducted by analyzing the levels and the traits of each levels of the informal statistical inference of the middle and high school students for comparing the samples of data and estimating the graph of a population. Research has shown that five levels of the informal statistical inference were identified for comparing the samples of data: responses that are distracted or misled by an irrelevant aspect, responses that focus on frequencies of individual data points and hold a local view of the sample data sets, responses that the student's view of the data is transitioning from local to global, responses that hold a global view but do not clearly integrate multiple aspects of the distribution, and responses that integrate multiple aspects of the distribution. Another five levels of the informal statistical inference were identified for estimating the graph of a population: responses that are distracted or misled by an irrelevant aspect, responses that focus only on representativeness, responses that consider both representativeness and variability and focus on one particular aspect of the distribution, responses that focus on multiple aspects of distribution but do not clearly integrate them, and responses that integrate multiple aspects of the distribution.

Developing a Customized Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs) Smartphone Application for Adolescents: An Application of the Instructional System Design Model (청소년 성매개 감염병 교육을 위한 스마트폰 어플리케이션 개발과정)

  • Jeong, Soo-Kyung;Cha, Chi-Young
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.18 no.2
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    • pp.651-659
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    • 2017
  • Although the need for education on sexually-transmitted-infections (STIs) for adolescents has been increasing, a limited number of adolescents receive STI education. Importantly, the exposure of youth to an STI during their adolescence period can seriously affect their genital health. Smartphones are an innovative medium that can be used to change individual behaviors, especially useful when used to educate adolescents. Therefore, we developed a customized smartphone application for Korean adolescents. The application was based on Dick and Carey's instructional system design model. In this paper, we describe the process for development of the smartphone application, and the strategies we applied to attract adolescents to use the smartphone application. Six experts verified the educational content of the application. The application's easygoing words were chosen to help adolescents understand the topic. Strategies such as cartoon clips, secret chat rooms, buttons changing color from blue to grey, questions and answers, and a repeated-learning function were used to attract Korean adolescents to the application. The smartphone application developed in this study could be used in schools, youth centers, and hospital centers to improve STI knowledge, STI prevention, and STI coping skills.

According to the BMI of Children and Adolescents, Eating-Lifestyle Habits, and Recognized Study (아동·청소년의 BMI에 따른 식생활습관 및 인식 연구)

  • Lee, Yeo Jin
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.14 no.1
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    • pp.265-274
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    • 2013
  • The purpose of this study was to investigate the dietary habits of the relevant factors according to the obesity status of children and adolescents. Services research studies conducted in the Ministry of Health, Welfare and Family Affairs of the '2009 Children and Youth Online Games and Family Activity Survey findings utilizing data. Study, the subjects utilized 9,462 elementary school students 2,778 people, 3,385 middle school students, high school students a total of 3,299 people were enrolled in the study. Were grouped according to the BMI of the study subjects. After dinner snack intake 18.5>BMI groups disagree 38.8%, 18.5BMI<23.0 group it was 41.1%, 23.5BMI<25.0 group it was 40.1%, 25BMI groups disagree 37.4% response was highest(p=0.001). Investigate whether regular exercise every day, results showed that a high BMI index groups do not exercise more. Aggressiveness in time, such as physical education, the survey showed that a low BMI index group more likely to exercise vigorously. BMI index group of people around you and the speed of eating more meals were faster. If you let more to allow time to practice proper education of children and youth, health and enrich lives of the appropriation will be able to Services to live a healthy and happy life than to correct perceptions and lifestyles of children and adolescents. To do this, there is a need to educate parents, children and youth, as well as.

Perceptions of the Security Management at Critical Facilities in South Korea: College students' attitudes toward increasing demand for security personnel and the alternatives to police (공공부문 정규직 전환 및 의무경찰제도 폐지에 따른 보안산업 변화에 대한 인식)

  • Wang, Sug-Won;Choi, Yeon-Jun
    • Korean Security Journal
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    • no.61
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    • pp.87-107
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    • 2019
  • With the government policy on converting contract workers to full-time employees, there have been significant changes about the security personnel at the nation's critical facilities, including the National Assembly Building and airports. Moreover, the scheduled disbandment of the conscripted police force in 2023 has raised concerns about security management at different government agencies. To examine the college students' perceptions on the possible alternatives to fill the expected security gap, 234 undergraduate students of security management and protection in the Seoul metropolitan region were surveyed. Particularly, a comparative analysis was conducted on the legal bases and supervision, the employment types and salaries, and the scopes of responsibility and authority of suggested alternatives were compared. The results showed that utilization of private police forces was thought to be the most effective option. Based on the research findings, the university departments should develop and maintain a quality curriculum to educate their students to be prepared security professionals with a focus on emergency response capabilities and martial arts, including the courses on private police law and emergency rescue and cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR).

A Study on the Obesity Index and the Physical Activities of Elementary School Children (초등학교 아동의 비만지수와 신체활동에 관한 조사연구)

  • Shin, Jae-Shin;Kim, Myung-Hee;Park, Hyung-Suk;Song, Mi-Gyoung
    • Journal of the Korean Society of School Health
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    • v.13 no.1
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    • pp.97-108
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    • 2000
  • This study researches an obesity index and the realities of physical activity of elementary school children and provide basic data to instruct correct physical activity for low weight and obese children. The subject was 813 Elementary School Children of grade 4-6 in Kyungju and data were collected with a Physical Activity Questionnaire from YHS, USA. The collected data were analyzed with real number, percentage, average and standard deviation techniques. The range was by SPSS WIN. Both of them were in the normal range, between -38.3 and 77.7, between low weight and obesity. The results are as follows : 1. An Obesity index according to grade and sex: the average obesity index of 423 boys was 7.56±15.7, for girls it was 2.56±14.3. Both of them were in the normal range, between -38.3 and 77.7. There were low weight(38.85±0.9) students as well as obese, including extremely low weight children (38.85±0.9) and extremely obese children. 2. On the whole, in the Frequency of the 25 item physical activities breakdown, children reported to watch TV 1. (2.7±0.6), or do homework(2.1±0.9), more than three-fourths of the week, male children, however, played more football(2.0±0.9). As male obese children do less MET5, MET8(highly active activity) than male normal children, it was also discovered that low weight children do more severe activity in MET8(high activity). In female cases, it was revealed that neither do highly intense activity. 3. In physical activity, male children received higher points than female children with 92.94±37.95 to 74.46±29.50. On the whole, male and female obese children had lower score than normal children. 4. As for attitude toward physical activity, male children(31.96±4.37) had a positive attitude than female children (29.57±3.89), but obese male children had a negative attitude regarding activity viewed as normal. Therefore, in preventing obesity in elementary school children the treating of under-weight children should be included in the obesity program so as to prevent mal-nutrition or deficiency. It is needed to instruct obese children to carry out intensive work-outs at least 3 times a week through systematic programs. It is also needed that parents and teachers educate elementary school children from an early age with information on the frequency and intensity of work-outs to prevent obesity. It is also desirable that children be educated to carry out physical activities that address their specific needs. As a result of this study, obesity management must be started from elementary school and children should be instructed to act in high-intensity actirities when they spend leisure time.

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The Characteristics of Spinal Injury in Skiing and Snowboarding Injuries (스키와 스노보드 사고에서 척추손상의 특징)

  • Cha, Yong Sung;Lee, Kang Hyun;Kim, Sun Hyu;Jang, Yong Su;Kim, Hyun;Shin, Tae Yong;Hwang, Sung Oh
    • Journal of Trauma and Injury
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    • v.20 no.1
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    • pp.33-39
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    • 2007
  • Purpose: Few studies have been done for spinal injuries after skiing and snowboarding accidents. Assuming that the riding patterns of skiing and snowboarding were different, we analyzed the differences between the mechanisms, diagnoses and levels of spinal injuries caused by them. The purpose of this study was to gain a better understanding of spinal hazards associated with skiing and snowboarding in order to educate skiers and snowboarders. Methods: We conducted a prospective study of 96 patients who had sustained spinal injuries as a result of skiing and snowboarding accidents from January 2003 to March 2006. We used a questionnaire, radiological studies, history taking, and physical examinations. We analyzed the mechanism of injury, the level of spinal injury, the severity of spinal injury, and the Abbreviated Injury Scale scores (AIS score). We used the t-test and the chi-square test. Results: The skiing and the snowboarding injury group included in 96 patients. The skiing injury group included 30 patients (31.2%), and the snowboarding injury group included the remaining 66 patients (69.8%). The primary mechanism of injury in skiing was collisions and in snowboarding was slip downs (p=0.508). The primary level of spinal injury in skiing and snowboarding was at the L-spine level (p=0.547). The most common athlete ability of the injured person was at the intermediate level (p=0.954). The injured were most commonly at the beginner or the intermediate level (p=0.302). The primary diagnosis of spinal injury in skiing and snowboarding was back spain (p=0.686). The AIS scores did not differed between the two groups (p=0.986). Conclusion: The most common spinal injury after skiing and snowboarding accidents was back sprain. There was no difference in the severity of spinal injury between skiing and snowboarding accidents.

An Experience of Korean Consumer's Monitoring on Nanoproducts (국내 나노제품에 대한 시민 모니터링 결과 고찰)

  • Kim, Hoon-Gi
    • Journal of the Korean Vacuum Society
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    • v.19 no.6
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    • pp.442-452
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    • 2010
  • Our team carried out a new program for public engagement on nanotechnology in Korea. We chose 22 monitors, who majored in science or technology and graduated from universities long time ago. Most of them were married and housewives. This 'focus group' had not only general knowledge about science or technology but also much interest in social activities. The 167 nanoproducts to be monitored were for daily life, e.g. home appliances (washing machine, refrigerator, water purifier, etc), clothing, cosmetics, food, toy, and others. And the period of it was one month. The monitors had a sheet with 10 questions, and filled them out in essay form. All of them submitted 2~3 sheets every weekend to our team. Before monitoring, our team had a meeting for introduction and explanation about the potential risk of nanotechnology as well as benefits from it. Another meeting was held after finishing monitoring to share their experience one another. The main results of the monitoring were as follows: the number of nanoproducts describing both the definition of 'nano' and the size of nanomaterials was just 2 (1.2%) the number of them explaining the technical methods enough was 15 (9/0%) the number of them accounting for the reason of functional improvement enough was 14(8.4%); the number of them doubtful as if there would be exaggeration or false knowledge was 27 (16.2%); the number of them commenting potential hazards to human health or environment was almost zero; the number of them describing about safety certification acceptable was 9 (5.4%). The monitors made a proposal containing recommendation to Government and industry. The contents were as follows: industry should make the manual in detail and correctly, Describe Certificate detailed and correctly, Do research on risk and toxicity continually, Educate employee about nanoproducts at consumer's center; Government should make indication of nanoproducts compulsory, Appoint Certificate Authority and make Certificate Mark guaranteeing the safety on nanoproducts, Make detailed explanation about nanoproducts compulsory.