• Title/Summary/Keyword: edge map

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Object Extraction Technique using Extension Search Algorithm based on Bidirectional Stereo Matching (양방향 스테레오 정합 기반 확장탐색 알고리즘을 이용한 물체추출 기법)

  • Choi, Young-Seok;Kim, Seung-Geun;Kang, Hyun-Soo
    • Journal of the Institute of Electronics Engineers of Korea SP
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    • v.45 no.2
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    • pp.1-9
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    • 2008
  • In this paper, to extract object regions in stereo image, we propose an enhanced algorithm that extracts objects combining both of brightness information and disparity information. The approach that extracts objects using both has been studied by Ping and Chaohui. In their algorithm, the segmentation for an input image is carried out using the brightness, and integration of segmented regions in consideration of disparity information within the previously segmented regions. In the regions where the brightness values between object regions and background regions are similar, however, the segmented regions probably include both of object regions and background regions. It may cause incorrect object extraction in the merging process executed in the unit of the segmented region. To solve this problem, in proposed method, we adopt the merging process which is performed in pixel unit. In addition, we perform the bi-directional stereo matching process to enhance reliability of the disparity information and supplement the disparity information resulted from a single directional matching process. Further searching for disparity is decided by edge information of the input image. The proposed method gives good performance in the object extraction since we find the disparity information that is not extracted in the traditional methods. Finally, we evaluate our method by experiments for the pictures acquired from a real stereoscopic camera.

Development of Species Distribution Models and Evaluation of Species Richness in Jirisan region (지리산 지역의 생물종 분포모형 구축 및 종풍부도 평가)

  • Kwon, Hyuk Soo;Seo, Chang Wan;Park, Chong Hwa
    • Journal of Korean Society for Geospatial Information Science
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    • v.20 no.3
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    • pp.11-18
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    • 2012
  • Increasing concern about biodiversity has lead to a rise in demand on the spatial assessment of biological resources such as biodiversity assessment, protected area selection, habitat management and restoration in Korea. The purpose of this study is to create species richness map through data collection and modeling techniques for wildlife habitat assessment. The GAM (Generalized Additive Model) is easy to interpret and shows better relationship between environmental variables and a response variable than an existing overlap analysis and GLM (Generalized Linear Model). The study area delineated by a large watershed contains Jirisan national park, Mt. Baekun and Sumjin river with three kinds of protected areas (a national park, a landscape ecology protected area and an otter protected area). We collected the presence-absence data for wildlife (mammals and birds) using a stratified random sampling based on a land cover in the study area and implemented natural and socio-environmental data affecting wildlife habitats. After doing a habitat use analysis and specifying significant factors for each species, we built habitat suitability models using a presence-absence model and created habitat suitability maps for each species. Biodiversity maps were generated by taxa and all species using habitat suitability maps. Significant factors affecting each species habitat were different according to their habitat selection. Although some species like a water deer or a great tit were distributed at the low elevation, most potential habitats for mammals and birds were found at the edge of a national park boundary or near a forest around the medium elevation of a mountain range. This study will be used for a basis on biodiversity assessment and proected area selection carried out by Ministry of Environment.

A Study on the Statistical GIS for Regional Analysis (지역분석을 위한 웹 기반 통계GIS 연구)

  • 박기호;이양원
    • Spatial Information Research
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    • v.9 no.2
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    • pp.239-261
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    • 2001
  • A large suite of official statistical data sets has been compiled for geographical units under the national directives, and it is the quantitative regional analysis procedures that could add values to them. This paper reports our attempts at prototyping a statistical GIS which is capable of serving over the Web a variety of regional analysis routines as well as value-added statistics and maps. A pilot database of some major statistical data was ingested for the city of Seoul. The baseline subset of regional analysis methods of practical usage was selected and accommodated into the business logic of the target system, which ranges from descriptive statistics, regional structure/inequality measures, spatial ANOVA, spatial (auto) correlation to regression and residual analysis. The leading-edge information technologies including the application server were adopted in the system design and implementation so that the database, analysis modules and analytic mapping components may cooperate seamlessly behind the Web front-end. The prototyped system supports tables, maps, and files of downloadable format for input and output of the analyses. One of the most salient features of out proposed system is that both the database and analysis modules are extensible via the bi-directional interface for end users; The system provides users with operators and parsers for algebraic formulae such that the stored statistical variables may be transformed and combined into the newly-derived set of variables. This functionality eventually leads to on-the-fly fabrication of user-defined regional analysis algorithms. The stored dataset may also be temporarily augmented by user-uploaded dataset; The extension of this form, in essence, results in a virtual database which awaits for users commands as usual. An initial evaluation of the proposed system confirms that the issues involving the usage and dissemination of information can be addressed with success.

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A Transdisciplinary and Humanistic Approach on the Impacts by Artificial Intelligence Technology (인공지능과 디지털 기술 발달에 따른 트랜스/포스트휴머니즘에 관한 학제적 연구)

  • Kim, Dong-Yoon;Bae, Sang-Joon
    • Journal of Broadcast Engineering
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    • v.24 no.3
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    • pp.411-419
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    • 2019
  • Nowadays we are not able to consider and imagine anything without taking into account what is called Artificial Intelligence. Even broadcasting media technologies could not be thought of outside this newly emerging technology of A.I.. Since the last part of 20th century, this technology seemingly is accelerating it's development thanks to an unbelievably enormous computational capacity of data information treatments. In conjunction with the firmly established worldwide platform companies like GAFA(Google, Amazon, Facebook, Apple), the key cutting edge technologies dubbed NBIC(Nanotech, Biotech, Information Technology, Cognitive science) converge to change the map of the current civilization by affecting the human relationship with the world and hence modifying what is essential in humans. Under the sign of the converging technologies, the relatively recently coined concepts such as 'trans(post)humanism' are emerging in the academic sphere in the North American and Major European regions. Even though the so-called trans(post)human movements are prevailing in the major technological spots, we have to say that these terms do not yet reach an unanimous acceptation among many experts coming from diverse fields. Indeed trans(post)humanism as a sort of obscure term has been a largely controversial trend. Because there have been many different opinions depending on scientific, philosophical, medical, engineering scholars like Peter Sloterdijk, K. N. Hayles, Neil Badington, Raymond Kurzweil, Hans Moravec, Laurent Alexandre, Gilbert Hottois just to name a few. However, considering the highly dazzling development of artificial intelligence technology basically functioning in conjunction with the cybernetic communication system firstly conceived by Nobert Wiener, MIT mathematician, we can not avoid questioning what A. I. signifies and how it will affect the current media communication environment.

Spread and distribution characteristics of ecosystem-disturbing plant Alliaria petiolata(M. Bieb.) Cavara & Grande in Korea (생태계교란식물 마늘냉이의 확산과 분포 특성)

  • Yeon-Ji Lee;Bo-Ram Hong;Kyu-Song Lee
    • Korean Journal of Environmental Biology
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    • v.42 no.1
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    • pp.62-79
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    • 2024
  • Garlic mustard (Alliaria petiolata) is a species that has devastated the United States and Canada. It is known to play a role in destroying the ecosystem. In this study, the domestic distribution of garlic mustard was confirmed and a detailed distribution map was created for the Samcheok region, where the largest population has been established in South Korea. This study investigated the growth environment, life cycle, and population dynamics of the species in the Samcheok region. Garlic mustard was found in a total of 301 locations in Samcheok, with a total distribution area of 2,957 square meters. Annual plants germinated in mid-April, overwintered in rosette form, underwent vegetative growth from April 10 to April 24 the following year, and flowered from April 24 to May 7. Individuals producing seeds began to die off from June. Both annual and biennial individuals showed a trend of increasing and then decreasing in number around April 27 (118 days). Garlic mustard grew well under favorable light conditions in early spring. They showed less growth on leaf litter, short distance from roads, lower altitude, deciduous broad-leaved forest of middle and lower parts of the slope and forest edge. Without proper control measures in the Samcheok region, it is likely to spread more rapidly in deciduous broad-leaved forests along hiking trails in the Galyasan Mountains. In particular, it is more likely to extend to oak community where light enters the site during flowering than to pine community where there is less light in the site.

Study on the Heat Transfer Phenomenon around Underground Concrete Digesters for Bigas Production Systems (생물개스 발생시스템을 위한 지하매설콘크리트 다이제스터의 열전달에 관한 연구)

  • 김윤기;고재균
    • Magazine of the Korean Society of Agricultural Engineers
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    • v.22 no.1
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    • pp.53-66
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    • 1980
  • The research work is concerned with the analytical and experimental studies on the heat transfer phenomenon around the underground concrete digester used for biogas production Systems. A mathematical and computational method was developed to estimate heat losses from underground cylindrical concrete digester used for biogas production systems. To test its feasibility and to evaluate thermal parameters of materials related, the method was applied to six physical model digesters. The cylindrical concrete digester was taken as a physical model, to which the model,atical model of heat balance can be applied. The mathematical model was transformed by means of finite element method and used to analyze temperature distribution with respect to several boundary conditions and design parameters. The design parameters of experimental digesters were selected as; three different sizes 40cm by 80cm, 80cm by 160cm and l00cm by 200cm in diameter and height; two different levels of insulation materials-plain concrete and vermiculite mixing in concrete; and two different types of installation-underground and half-exposed. In order to carry out a particular aim of this study, the liquid within the digester was substituted by water, and its temperature was controlled in five levels-35。 C, 30。 C, 25。 C, 20。C and 15。C; and the ambient air temperature and ground temperature were checked out of the system under natural winter climate conditions. The following results were drawn from the study. 1.The analytical method, by which the estimated values of temperature distribution around a cylindrical digester were obtained, was able to be generally accepted from the comparison of the estimated values with the measured. However, the difference between the estimated and measured temperature had a trend to be considerably increased when the ambient temperature was relatively low. This was mainly related variations of input parameters including the thermal conductivity of soil, applied to the numerical analysis. Consequently, the improvement of these input data for the simulated operation of the numerical analysis is expected as an approach to obtain better refined estimation. 2.The difference between estimated and measured heat losses was shown to have the similar trend to that of temperature distribution discussed above. 3.It was found that a map of isothermal lines drawn from the estimated temperature distribution was very useful for a general observation of the direction and rate of heat transfer within the boundary. From this analysis, it was interpreted that most of heat losses is passed through the triangular section bounded within 45 degrees toward the wall at the bottom edge of the digesten Therefore, any effective insulation should be considered within this region. 4.It was verified by experiment that heat loss per unit volume of liquid was reduced as the size of the digester became larger For instance, at the liquid temperature of 35˚ C, the heat loss per unit volume from the 0. 1m$^3$ digester was 1, 050 Kcal/hr m$^3$, while at for 1. 57m$^3$ digester was 150 Kcal/hr m$^3$. 5.In the light of insulation, the vermiculite concrete was consistently shown to be superior to the plain concrete. At the liquid temperature ranging from 15。 C to 350 C, the reduction of heat loss was ranged from 5% to 25% for the half-exposed digester, while from 10% to 28% for the fully underground digester. 6.In the comparison of heat loss between the half-exposed and underground digesters, the heat loss from the former was fr6m 1,6 to 2, 6 times as much as that from the latter. This leads to the evidence that the underground digester takes advantage of heat conservation during winter.

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Interpretation of Landscape Elements in Borimsa Temple after 17th Century (17세기 이후 장흥 보림사(長興 寶林寺)의 경관요소 해석)

  • Kim, Kyu-Won;Sim, Woo-Kyung
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Traditional Landscape Architecture
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    • v.33 no.1
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    • pp.110-118
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    • 2015
  • Borimsa Temple in Jangheung, one of the Goosanseonmoon of Shilla Dynasty, calls for a study in the field of landscape architecture because it has very significant elements in cultural and ecological landscaping aspects. This study examined the changes in landscaping elements of Borimsa Temple since the 17th century in order to newly recognize cultural landscaping value of space composition elements for traditional temple and to verify landscape architectural position. For research method, literatures such as Sajeonggi (事蹟記), Joongchanggi, a surveyed map by Fujishima Gaijiro in 1928 and Joseon Gojeogdobo (朝鮮古蹟圖譜) and modern documents including Borimsa Temple Precision Ground Survey Report and photographic records of National Archives of Korea and provincial governments were examined together with a field survey in order to trace changes in landscape elements such as buildings within the temple site, pond and temple forest. The results are as the following: First, for geographical locations of Borimsa Temple, it is located in an auspicious location and Shipyuknahansang and Cheonbul were placed in a supplementary purpose according to the contents of Bojoseonsatapbi. Compared to Namhwaseonsa Temple in China, it has a similar environmental composition but the fact that buildings were placed on platforms is a distinctive difference. Second, architectural landscape of Borimsa Temple went through the Japanese colonial era and Korean War and still going through changes today. Thus, there shall be some appropriate measures such as to establish an archive of past landscape data. Third, the contents of Borimsa Temple Sajeonggi suggests that the pond of Borimsa Temple had been in a indeterminate form with stones on the outer edge. Its name could have been Yongcheon (湧泉) according to the contents of Joongchanggi. Also, the current landscape, in comparison with past photographs, is a result of changes from surface raise occurred by ground reinforcement within the temple site. Fourth, Jangsaengpyoju (長生標柱) mentioned in Bojoseonsatapbi and Borimsa Temple Sajeonggi was thought to be the dried juniper tree in front of Daewoongbojeon, which can be found in past photographic documents but, it is now assumed to be Seokbihyeong (石碑形) considering the Gukjangsaeng and Hwangjangsaeng of Dogapsa Temple of the similar time period. Moreover, Hongsalmoon mentioned in Joongchanggi was established by King's order after the Manchu war of 1636 in praising of Buddhist monks those who had volunteered to fight for the country. Fifth, it is apparent in Borimsa Temple Joongchanggi that geomancy was a consideration in landscaping process of Borimsa Temple, and the record indicates that pine trees, bo trees and persimmon trees were planted. Sixth, tea tree forest was verified of its historical root that is Seongchailyeo from Unified Shilla through passing down of Jeong Yak-yong's Goojeunggoopo method and relevant documents of Seon Master Choui and Yi Yu-won. Seventh, nutmeg tree forest suggests that nutmegs were used in national ceremonies and for medical uses. The nutmeg tree forest was also verified of its role as Naehwasoorimdae (a forest built to prevent fire from spreading) through aerial photographs and placement of a forest reserve.

Shallow subsurface structure of the Vulcano-Lipari volcanic complex, Italy, constrained by helicopter-borne aeromagnetic surveys (고해상도 항공자력탐사를 이용한 Italia Vulcano-Lipari 화산 복합체의 천부 지하 구조)

  • Okuma, Shigeo;Nakatsuka, Tadashi;Komazawa, Masao;Sugihara, Mitsuhiko;Nakano, Shun;Furukawa, Ryuta;Supper, Robert
    • Geophysics and Geophysical Exploration
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    • v.9 no.1
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    • pp.129-138
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    • 2006
  • Helicopter-borne aeromagnetic surveys at two different times separated by three years were conducted to better understand the shallow subsurface structure of the Vulcano and Lipari volcanic complex, Aeolian Islands, southern Italy, and also to monitor the volcanic activity of the area. As there was no meaningful difference between the two magnetic datasets to imply an apparent change of the volcanic activity, the datasets were merged to produce an aeromagnetic map with wider coverage than was given by a single dataset. Apparent magnetisation intensity mapping was applied to terrain-corrected magnetic anomalies, and showed local magnetisation highs in and around Fossa Cone, suggesting heterogeneity of the cone. Magnetic modelling was conducted for three of those magnetisation highs. Each model implied the presence of concealed volcanic products overlain by pyroclastic rocks from the Fossa crater. The model for the Fossa crater area suggests a buried trachytic lava flow on the southern edge of the present crater. The magnetic model at Forgia Vecchia suggests that phreatic cones can be interpreted as resulting from a concealed eruptive centre, with thick latitic lavas that fill up Fossa Caldera. However, the distribution of lavas seems to be limited to a smaller area than was expected from drilling results. This can be explained partly by alteration of the lavas by intense hydrothermal activity, as seen at geothermal areas close to Porto Levante. The magnetic model at the north-eastern Fossa Cone implies that thick lavas accumulated as another eruption centre in the early stage of the activity of Fossa. Recent geoelectric surveys showed high-resistivity zones in the areas of the last two magnetic models.