• Title/Summary/Keyword: ecological welfare

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Future of Social Work Practice - Human, human again. - (사회복지실천의 미래 - 사람과 사람 -)

  • Kim, Miok;Choi, Hyeji;Chung, Ick-Joong;Min, So-young
    • Korean Journal of Social Welfare
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    • v.69 no.4
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    • pp.41-65
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    • 2017
  • This study aimed to examine the social transition, which is often metaphorized as the Fourth Industrial Revolution, within the context of social work practice and to explore measures to improve social work practice in such transition. Four social welfare researchers held seven discussions to predict the social changes in the near future centered on the Fourth Industrial Revolution and find the corresponding development strategies in social work practice; collective autobiography method was used to analyze the discussion. The analysis ascertained hyper connectivity, the advent and expansion of new communities, diversification and individualization, and the emergence of new criteria for the assessment of one's quality of life as the distinctive qualities of the near future. It was analyzed that humans and organic materials will be interconnected through spatial and temporal transcendence and that humans liberated from labor will seek for diverse communities while the number of atomized individual will increase simultaneously. Furthermore, the rise of new order of life accompanied by both the expansion of diversification and individualization and the ecological worldview brought forth by post materialistic trend was predicted. Meanwhile, the disengagement from macroscopic context, a biased inclination towards technique orientated professionalism, and individualistic social work practices without integrity were identified as the limitations of the current social work practice. This study presented three goals for social work practice to help it overcome its current shortcomings and correspond to the social changes: first, the rearrangement of practice knowledge, technique, and value so that it is based on humans and society, which are the essence of social practice work; second, the practice, such as sharing economy, that expands the individuals' boundaries of life to the community; three, the restoration of the desirability of professional social works by examining its special nature.

A Study on Elderly People in Health Inequality in Vulnerable Health Areas Centering around Agriculture and Fisheries Areas (농어촌 건강취약지역 노인의 건강불평등 관련요인 연구)

  • An, Sung A;Sim, Mi Young;Jeong, Baek Geun;Kim, Jang-Rak;Kang, Yun Sik;Park, Ki-Soo;Yeum, Dong Moon
    • 한국노년학
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    • v.31 no.3
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    • pp.673-689
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    • 2011
  • It is a qualitative study based on a focus group with an aim to figure out elderly people's experiences in health inequality in vulnerable health zones in agriculture and fisheries areas. Of eups, myeons and dongs selected as 40 vulnerable areas where standardized death rates had continued to be high from 2004 to 2007 in 20 counties and cities in Gyeongsang-do, 15 agriculture and fisheries areas were randomly chosen to extract 8 to 10 elderly people. Explanations were given to study subjects, and 7 to 8 people who agreed to take part in the study joined a regional focus group. Contents of interviews were analyzed with a phenomenological method by Colaizzi (1978) in order to accurately describe pertinent phenomena. The study has found four categories including ecological environmental problems, insufficient services for local community & harmful environmental problems, worsening economic conditions and insufficient health care management in terms of health behavior.


  • Park, In-Seon;Baek, Yeon-Ok;Han, In-Young
    • Journal of the Korean Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
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    • v.12 no.1
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    • pp.138-148
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    • 2001
  • The focus of the research was on identifying the risk factors that may result in unprepared intercourse among the adolescent from an ecological systems prospective. A survey questionnaire was conducted from September through December 1999 to 2326 youths, ages from 13-18 years old. After eliminating thirty respondents from Unwed Mother's Home we found that 8.8% of the remaining respondents had experienced sexual intercourse. Of those, 5% of the female and 13.4% of male adolescents has had sexual intercourse, showing 2.7 times more for the male sample population. Broken down to age groups, 3.2% of the thirteen years old group and 19.2% of the eighteen years old group had experienced intercourse, an almost six fold increase in the older age group. To find out the differences between those who had and not had experienced intercourse the group was then divided into two comparative groups by same sex and age variables. Findings from comparative analysis identified five ecological system risk factors among the youth sample that had intercourse;First, individual factor:adolescents who thought less of themselves or didn't consider their potentials, those more exposed other risk behaviors such as drinking, smoking, drugs, runaway and come in contact with pornography, those who thought they knew more about sex and etc. Second, family factor:those who thought family was less important, had less supportive family, higher or lower income family and etc. Third, peer factor:Both groups thought friends were important and had their support. The group with intercourse experience seems to be think that more peers are experiencing other risk behavior. Fourth, school factor:Those in the group who had experienced intercourse seems to think school is less important and with lower academic achievements. Fifth, community factor:There were no statistical significant differences found between the two groups. The overall results from this study implies that if we want to prevent our youths from having unprepared intercourse during adolescence the significance of having meaningful emerging self, family relationship and school experience is important. This study identified the risk factors leading to adolescent sexual intercourse but further research is necessary in finding out about their predictability.

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A Study on Ecological Variables that Affect Runaway Youths at Risk in Preparation for a Independent Life - Centering on Youths at Shelters (가출위기청소년의 자립생활 준비에 영향을 미치는 생태 체계적 변인연구 - 쉼터 청소년을 중심으로 -)

  • Oh, Soo-Saing;Byun, Sang-Hae
    • Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Venturing and Entrepreneurship
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    • v.7 no.2
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    • pp.195-205
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    • 2012
  • This study examines runaway youths at risk in a youths' shelter who are preparing for an independent life and both the facilitating and adverse factors to personal characteristics and independence of runaway youths at risk with the aim to grasp their recognition of independence and level of desire for it and find out necessary factors for a successful independence in multidimensional perspectives including the economic independence, educational independence, psychological independence, and social independence for their sound growth. This will provide the basis for desirable interventions for youths runaway youths at risk to prepare for an independent life. The findings of this study on the factors that affect the preparation for an independent life are as follows: First, as a result of analyzing the effect of micro-systematic factors on the preparation for an independent life, it turned out that problem-solving abilities and self-efficacy had influence on the preparation for a career Second, as a result of analyzing the effect of mesoscopic-systematic variables on the preparation for an independent life, it turned out that the preparation for a career were affected by whether to participate in independence preparation programs and institutional supports, and that career maturity of runaway youths at risk were affected only by the relationship with teachers and participation in independence preparation programs. Third, as a result of analyzing the effect of macro systematic variables on the preparation for an independent life, it turned out that the preparation for a career were affected by participation of the local community and service network, and that participation of the local community was an predictor variable that would affect a career maturity of runaway youths at risk. Fourth, as a result of analyzing ecological systematic variables that might affect the preparation for a career, it turned out that intervening variables and macro systematic variables had the most powerful influence on the preparation for a career among runaway youths at risk. It is necessary, therefore, to provide education programs organized by policies in order to develop problem-solving abilities and vocational capabilities so that runaway youths at risk, and to train and appoint more professional teachers at shelters. Programs for independence preparation need to be developed actively and practically in consideration of the characteristics of shelters, and the network with the local community for support also need to be established in utilization of the human resources and service programs of the community. With the understanding of leaving home of runaway youths at risk as the previous stage of an independence, there should be a housing support for their stable settlement in the perspective of housing welfare until become adults. In addition, there should be education specialized programs for occupation and careers to train runaway youths at risk as professionals including such areas as health, mentality, learning, and voluntary work for their sound growth.

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Ecological Characteristics of the Endoparasitic Dinoflagellate, Amoebophrya sp. ex Heterocapsa triquetra Isolated from Jinhae Bay, Korea (진해만에서 분리한 기생성 와편모류 Amoebophrya sp. ex Heterocapsa triquetra의 생태특성)

  • Park , Jong-Gyu;Hur, Hyun-Jung;Coats, D.Wayne;Yih, Won-Ho
    • ALGAE
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    • v.22 no.4
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    • pp.287-295
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    • 2007
  • Infection of free-living dinoflagellates by endoparasitic dinoflagellates of the genus Amoebophrya are thought to have significant impacts on host population dynamics and have long been proposed to be a potential biological agent for controlling harmful algal bloom (HAB). To understand the impact of Amoebophrya on particular host species, however, it is necessary to quantify aspects the parasites life cycle. Here we used cultures of Amoebophryahost systems from Jinhae Bay, Korea to determine, parasite generation time, and dinospore survival and infectivity. The proportion of host cells infected by Amoebophrya sp. changed sharply from 5% to 87% with increasing dinospore:host inoculation ratios. In the absence of H. triquetra, most free-living dinospores died within 72 hours and their ability to infect host cells decreased remarkably in a day. The relatively short free-living phase of Amoebophrya suggests that the spread of infections is most likely to occur during seasons of high host abundance, as that is when dinospores have the greatest chance of encountering host cells. Infection of host cells inoculated with dinospores during the day was higher than when inoculated during the night, suggesting that infection rates might be related to environmental light conditions and/or diurnal biological rhythm of host species. Total generation times of parasite strains from a thecate dinoflagellate Heterocapsa triquetra were nearly the same regardless of dinospore:host inoculation ratios, representing 54 ± 0.5 h in a 1:1 ratio and 55 ± 1.2 h in a 20:1 ratio. Dinospore production of Amoebophrya sp. infecting Heterocapsa triquetra was estimated to be 125 dinospores per a strain of Amoebophrya sp. There is a growing need to maintain a variety of host-parasite systems in culture and to examine their autecology under various environmental conditions. Such studies would be very helpful in understanding ecological role of these parasites, their overlooked importance in the flow of material and energy in marine ecosystem, and their practical use as biological control agents applied directly to areas affected by HAB.

A research on the Relationship between the Socio-economic Factors of the Regions and Suicidal Ideation of the Elderly -By utilizing the multi-level analyses- (지역의 사회·경제적 요인과 노인의 자살생각 간의 관련성 연구 -다수준 분석을 활용하여-)

  • Choi, Kwang-Soo
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.17 no.11
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    • pp.584-594
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    • 2016
  • This research empirically analyzes, from an ecological perspective, whether socio-economic factors of the regions in which the elderly live have any actual influence on thoughts of suicide on the part of the elderly. Microscopic data either included outliers in part of the variables, including income and other variables of that type, from among source data from investigations into actual conditions of the elderly in 2014. Regarding macroscopic data, the indices that represent social and economic situations in each region, which were provided by KOSIS, were selected. Regarding the method of analysis, hierarchical or multi-level analysis models were applied by considering special hierarchical characteristics and heterogeneity at the personal and regional levels. The analyses showed that the following had statistically significant influences: 1. the cost-of-living index and the national basic supply and demand rate of the region; 2. the extent of natural disaster damage; and 3. the number of leisure and welfare facilities for the elderly, compared to the elderly population. Based on the results, proposals are made for systematic and practical endeavors in the community.

Interregional Variant Factor Analysis of Hypertension Treatment Rate in COVID-19 (코로나19에서 고혈압 치료율의 지역 간 변이요인 분석)

  • Park, Jong-Ho;Kim, Ji-Hye
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.20 no.4
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    • pp.469-482
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    • 2022
  • The purpose of this study is to analyze regional variation factors of hypertension treatment rate in COVID-19 based on the analysis results based on ecological methodology. To this end, data suitable for ecological analysis were collected from the Korea Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's regional health statistics, local government COVID-19 confirmed cases, National Health Insurance Corporation, Health Insurance Review and Assessment Service's welfare statistics, and Korea Transport Institute's traffic access index. Descriptive statistics and correlation analysis were conducted using SPSS Statistics 23 for regional variation and related factors in hypertension treatment rate, and geographical weighted regression analysis was conducted using Arc GIS for regional variation factors. As a result of the study, the overall explanatory power of the calculated geo-weighted regression model was 27.6%, distributed from 23.1% to 33.4% by region. As factors affecting the treatment rate of hypertension, the higher the rate of basic living security medical benefits, diabetes treatment rate, and health institutions per 100,000 population, the higher the rate of hypertension treatment, the lower the number of COVID-19 confirmed patients, the lower the rate of physical activity, and the alcohol consumption. Percentage of alcohol consumption decreased due to COVID-19 pandemic. It was analyzed that the lower the ratio, the higher the treatment rate for hypertension. Based on these results, the analysis of regional variables in the treatment rate of hypertension in COVID-19 can be expected to be effective in managing the treatment rate of hypertension, and furthermore, it is expected to be used to establish community-centered health promotion policies.

Factors affecting Non-suicidal self-injury: Ecological Momentary Assessment using a Daily Diary Method study (일상생활에서의 비자살적 자해에 영향을 미치는 요인: 생태순간평가 일기법 연구)

  • Hoin Kwon ;Sunjin Kim
    • Korean Journal of Culture and Social Issue
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    • v.29 no.3
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    • pp.321-340
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    • 2023
  • This study was conducted to understand the emotional and situational context where non-suicidal self-injury occurs in everyday life. Sixty adults(age 19-35) completed daily surveys assessing positive and negative emotions, stressful events, self-injury thoughts, and behaviors for two weeks. Using a total of 663 collected entries, we analyzed specific personal emotions and stressful events related to non-suicidal self-injurious thoughts and behaviors. As a result, high negative emotions, low positive emotions, and total stress event scores were significantly related to self-injury thoughts and behaviors. In the model in which both emotion and stress were inserted as predictors, the low level of positive emotion showed a significant related to non-suicidal self-injurious behavior. These results suggest that negative emotion management and overall positive emotion reinforcement are important in emotion regulation intervention for non-suicidal self-injurious patients. The meaning of this study is that it searched for risk factors of non-suicidal injury in everyday life using a short-term longitudinal method.

Lack of an Apparent Association between Mycotoxin Concentrations in Red Chili Peppers and Incidence of Gallbladder Cancer in India : an Ecological Study

  • Ikoma, Toshikazu;Kapoor, Vinay Kumar;Behari, Anu;Mishra, Kumudesh;Tsuchiya, Yasuo;Asai, Takao;Endoh, Kazuo;Okano, Kiyoshi;Nakamura, Kazutoshi
    • Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention
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    • v.17 no.7
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    • pp.3499-3503
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    • 2016
  • Our recent studies conducted in South America have shown that mycotoxin contamination of red chili peppers (RCPs) may be associated with an increased risk of gallbladder cancer (GBC). Whether this relationship exists in India, a country with a high incidence of GBC and high consumption of RCPs, is unclear. We therefore measured concentrations of aflatoxins (AFs) and ochratoxin A (OTA) in RCPs from areas of low, medium, and high incidence of GBC in India, and compared these concentrations with GBC incidence in each area. Twenty-one RCP samples were collected from nine cities (eight from a low-incidence area, five from a medium-incidence area, and eight from a high-incidence area). Concentrations of AFs and OTA were measured using high-performance liquid chromatography. No significant differences in mean concentrations of AFs and OTA were found in the three areas. AFB1 levels in the low-incidence area ($10.81{\mu}g/kg$) and high-incidence area ($12.00{\mu}g/kg$) were more than 2.2 and 2.4 times higher compared with the maximum permitted level of AFB1 in spices ($5.0{\mu}g/kg$) set by the Commission of the European Communities, or that ($4.4{\mu}g/kg$) obtained in our previous study in Chile. Our results show that the mean concentrations of mycotoxins in RCPs are similar among the three areas in India with different incidences of GBC. Further studies with human subjects are needed to evaluate any association between AFB1 and GBC.

A Study on the Process of Being Delinquent (청소년 비행화과정에 관한 연구 - 중학생을 중심으로 -)

  • Lee, Ik-Seob;Kim, Geun-Sik
    • Korean Journal of Social Welfare
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    • v.35
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    • pp.319-344
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    • 1998
  • The endeavor to reveal reasons and backgrounds of juvenile's being delinquent has been continuing. Most of them, however, are not multi-dimensional and integrative, but one-dimensional which has had just focused on the factor of family or individual. One of the main purposes of this. study is to get implications on practical programs through the ecological-systematic analysis on factors and processes of juvenile delinquency. In this study, region has separated into two, one is of poor and the other is non, and then informations on factors and process of being delinquent were gathered by comparing between them. Eleven hundreds and sixteen cases were sampled from six junior-high schools which have met the purpose of this study. The survey had been committed with structured questionnaire which had been consisted in several variables; personal; familial; school and peer related; delinquent characteristics. Reliability and validity of each variables had been tested through pilot test. Effects of independent variables on dependent variables were analyzed according to the region through path analysis. In the analysis, remarkable differences on the processes of being delinquent had been found and three path models of being delinquent had been made on the basis of those differences. Each of them has shown different effecting patterns of personal, familial, and school and peer related variables on one's degree of delinquency. In Pattern 1, peer related variables have committed more powerful effects on the degree of delinquency than the others have. School related variables, in Pattern 2, commit most striking effects on the dependent variables. The degree of delinquency in Pattern 3 is most strongly effected by familial variables. The limitations that personal behavior oriented approach might be confronted in the field of juvenile delinquency have been proved by these results of this study. These results have given many implications to us on the needs of distinctive and integrative approaches to the problems of juvenile delinquency.

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