• Title/Summary/Keyword: e- loyalty

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The Effect of Mileage Program in e-Business on Brand Loyalty : Focused on the Mediating Roles of Trust and Relational Commitment (e-Business에서의 마일리지프로그램이 신뢰와 관계몰입을 통해 브랜드애호도에 미치는 영향)

  • Lee Joung-Sil;Lim Chae-Kwan;Park Bong-Gyu
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.5 no.4
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    • pp.28-35
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    • 2005
  • This paper examines empirically the effect of mileage program in e-Business on brand loyalty, and the mediating role of customers' trust and relational commitment. The results show that customer's benefits and convenience of the program significantly influences positively customer's trust. In addition, customer's trust also influences positively relational commitment, and relational commitment significantly influences positively brand loyalty. Thus, trust and relational commitment should be considered in the mileage program to improve the brand loyalty of internet shopping mall. Implications and limitations of this study are suggested.

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Clothing Shopping Motivation on Internet and Customer e-Loyalty among Korean and Chinese College Students (한.중 대학생들의 인터넷 의복쇼핑동기와 고객충성도)

  • Park, Hye-Sun;Lee, Yeon;Kim, Hyun-Sook
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Clothing and Textiles
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    • v.33 no.11
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    • pp.1744-1754
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    • 2009
  • This study identifies the main factors of internet clothing shopping motivation and analyzes their effect on customer e-loyalty among Korean and Chinese college students. Data were collected from 300 Koreans and 300 Chinese college students. The survey was statistically analyzed through an exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis, T-test, and structural equation modeling. The factors of clothing shopping motivations were identified as merchandising characteristics, shopping convenience, value price, and hedonic pleasure. Chinese students had stronger motivations for value price and hedonic pleasure; Koreans had stronger motivations for merchandising characteristics. The structural equation model showed that the shopping motivations for merchandising characteristics, shopping convenience, and hedonic pleasure had significant effects on e-loyalty for Chinese students and the motivations for value price had significant effects on e-loyalty for Korean students. The conclusion shows a strategic direction for entering the Chinese e-market.

The Effects of Experiential Value of on Customer Loyalty in Dessert Café of College Students: Focused on Moderating Effect of the Eating Out Consumption Patterns (대학생의 디저트카페에 대한 경험가치가 고객충성도에 미치는 영향: 외식소비성향의 조절효과를 중심으로)

  • Yoon, Hee-Souk
    • Culinary science and hospitality research
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    • v.24 no.1
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    • pp.82-95
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    • 2018
  • The purpose of this study is to investigate the relationship between experiential value, customer loyalty and eating out tendency of dessert $caf{\acute{e}}$ in college students. This survey was conducted for college students who have used dessert $caf{\acute{e}}$ mainly in college areas where dessert cafes are concentrated in Seoul. The survey was conducted on August 17, 2017 to 28 August. A total of 250 copies of the questionnaires were distributed and 208 copies of valid data were used for the analysis. The results of the analysis are as follows. First, emotional experience value and service experience value were found to affect customer loyalty, and cognitive experience value did not affect customer loyalty. Second, the economic and health seeking type showed a positive(+) moderating effect between emotional experience value and customer loyalty, and negative(-) moderating effect between cognitive experiential value and customer loyalty. Next, atmosphere seeking type showed a moderating effect between service experience value and customer loyalty, and the eating out seeking type showed a moderating effect between emotional experience value and customer loyalty. Finally, convenience seeking type showed positive(+) moderating effect between cognitive experiential value and customer loyalty, and negative(-) moderating effect between service experience value and customer loyalty. Based on the results of this study, the dessert cafe operator can grasp the experience value of college students in order to secure college students who are using dessert cafe as loyal customers. In particular, the relationship between experience value and customer loyalty, it is expected to provide useful data for constructing a specific positioning strategy according to each segment market.

The Effect of Brand Hearsay of Franchised Bakery Stores on Brand Attitude and Brand Loyalty (프랜차이즈 베이커리 전문점의 브랜드 풍문이 브랜드 태도와 브랜드 충성도에 미치는 영향)

  • HAN, Sang Ho
    • The Korean Journal of Franchise Management
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    • v.13 no.4
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    • pp.13-22
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    • 2022
  • Purpose: Brand hearsay refers to information that can be acquired from advertisement, media publicity, and word-of-mouth prior to experiencing products or services of brands. Previous information about brands obtained through brand hearsay affects consumer behavior in choosing brands. Moreover, brand hearsay is an effective communication method in promoting brands to consumers. Thus, bakery franchises need to improve strengths and differentiate characteristics of their brand, thereby attracting more consumers. Therefore, this study investigates relationships the effect of brand hearsay on consumers' brand attitude and brand loyalty in the context of franchised bakery brands. Research design, data, and methodology: A research model was proposed to examine structural relationships between brand hearsay (advertising, publicity, word-of-mouth), brand attitude, and brand loyalty. An online survey was conducted to consumers who had an experience of visiting a franchise bakery. A total of 513 responses were used for data analysis. SPSS 22.0 was used for analyzing general demographics, and SmartPLS 4.0 was used to test validity and reliability of the proposed model. Result: Among attributes of brand hearsay, advertisement and word-of-mouth had positively significant effects on brand attitude, but no significant effect was found between publicity and attitude. Advertisement had a positively significant impact on brand loyalty, while publicity had a negative effect on brand loyalty opposite to hypothesis. Moreover, brand attitude had a statistically significant effect on brand loyalty. Conclusions: In the context of franchise bakeries, brand hearsay contents may change consumers' attitude toward brands but does not increase brand loyalty. Though media publicity does not affect consumers' attitude toward brands, it may decrease brand loyalty when consumers are too exposed to it. In addition, it is necessary to enhance brand attitude to increase brand loyalty of customers. This study provides bakery franchisors and franchisees information about which type of brand hearsay (e.g., advertisement, word-of-mouth, media, publicity) is effective in enhancing brand attitudes and loyalty of consumers. Further studies may include other variables (e.g., trust) in addition to attitude and loyalty, or compare findings based on brand characteristics (e.g., low-to-medium/high prices, store size).

The Impact of e-Store Personality on e-Store Loyalty-Focus on the Mediating Role of Identification, Trust, and Engagement (온라인에서 점포 개성이 점포 충성도에 미치는 영향-동일시, 신뢰, 인게이지먼트의 매개 역할을 중심으로)

  • Park, Hyo-Hyun;Jung, Gang-Ok;Lee, Seung-Chang
    • Journal of Distribution Research
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    • v.16 no.2
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    • pp.57-94
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    • 2011
  • Nowadays, it is common that most consumers are purchasing goods in e-stores. The e-stores eager to attract, revisit, retain, and finally convert them into loyal customers. The e-store marketers have planned and executed numerous marketing efforts. As one of the marketing activities, e-store managers attempt to build web sites that meet customers' functional and psychological needs. A wide array of studies has been done to identify factors that could affect customers' response of web sites. Majority of studies were conducted to verify technology-related and functional variables of the website which facilitate transactions and enhance customer responses such as purchase intention and website loyalty. However, there has been little research on the external cues of website and psychological variables of consumer that could have positive influences on customer response. The purpose of this study is to investigate the influence of e-store personality on e-store loyalty through mediating variables such as e-store identification, e-store trust, and e-store engagement. The authors of this study develop the model and set up the six main hypotheses and a set of sub-hypotheses based on a literature review, shown in

    . This model is composed of four paths such as dimensions of e-store personality${\rightarrow}$e-store identification, e-store identification${\rightarrow}$e-store loyalty, e-store identification ${\rightarrow}$e-store trust${\rightarrow}$e-store loyalty, and e-store identification${\rightarrow}$e-store engagement${\rightarrow}$e-store loyalty. II. Research Method Ladies under 30s were the respondents of this survey. Data were collected from January 20th to February 26th in 2010. A total of 200 questionnaires were distributed and 169 respondents were analysed finally to test hypotheses because 31 questionnaires had incorrect or missing responses. SPSS 12.0 and LISREL 7.0 program were used to test frequency, reliability, factor, and structural equation modeling analysis. III. Result and Conclusion According to results from factor analysis, eigen value was over 1.0 and items which were below 0.6 were deleted. Consequently, 9 factors(% of total variance is 72.011%) were searched. All Cronbach's ${\alpha}$ values are over the recommended level(${\alpha}$ > 0.7). The overall fit indices are acceptable such as ${\chi}^2$=2028.36(p=0.00), GFI=0.87, AGFI=0.82, CFI=0.81, IFI=0.92, RMR=0.075. All factor loadings were over the recommended level. As the result of discriminant validity check with chi-square difference test between paired constructs, each construct has good discriminant validity. The overall fit indices of final model are acceptable such as ${\chi}^2$=340.73(df=36, p=0.00), GFI=0.92, AGFI=0.81, CFI=0.91, IFI=0.91, RMR=0.085. As test results, 5 out of 6 hypotheses are supported because there are statistically significant casual relationships in structural equation model, shown in . First of all, hypothesis 1 is partially supported because sub-hypothesis 1-1 and 1-2 are supported, whereas sub-hypothesis 1-3, 1-4, and 1-5 are rejected. Specifically, it reveals that warmth and sophistication dimensions in e-store personality have positive influence on e-store identification, however, activity, progressiveness, and strictness does not have any significant relationship on e-store identification. Secondly, hypothesis 2 was supported. Therefore, it can be said that e-store identification has a positive impact on e-store trust. Thirdly, hypothesis 3 is also supported. Hence, there is a positive relationship between e-store identification and e-store engagement. Fourthly, hypothesis 4 is supported too. e-store identification has a positive influence on e-store loyalty. Fifthly, hypothesis 5 is also accepted. This indicates that e-store trust is a precedent variable which positively affects e-store loyalty. Lastly, it reveals that e-store engagement has a positive impact on e-store loyalty. Therefore, hypothesis 6 is supported. The findings of the study imply that some dimensions of e-store personality have a positive influence on e-store identification, and that e-store identification has direct and indirect influence on e-store loyalty through e-store trust and e-store engagement positively. These results also suggest that the e-store identification in e-store personality is a precedent variable which positively affects e-store loyalty directly and indirectly through e-store trust and engagement as a mediating variable. Therefore, e-store marketers need to implement website strategy based on e-store personality, e-store identification, e-store trust, and e-store engagement to meet customers' psychological needs and enhance e-store loyalty. Finally, the limitations and future study directions based on this study are discussed.

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  • The Effect of Corporate Social Responsibility on Brand Loyalty-The Mediating Effect of Brand Trust and e-WOM (기업의 사회적 책임이(CSR) 브랜드 충성도에 미치는 영향 - 브랜드 신뢰와 e-WOM의 매개효과를 중심으로)

    • Chen, Si-Si;Li, Yan-Nan
      • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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      • v.21 no.11
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      • pp.294-306
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      • 2021
    • In the era of brand economy, companies fulfill their social responsibilities to enhance consumers' brand trust, thereby enhancing brand loyalty. On the other hand, the current Covid-19 epidemic has accelerated the pace of digital transformation of enterprises and has also made consumers pay more attention to the online reputation of enterprises. Based on the Chinese consumer market, this paper studies the corporate social responsibility, Internet word-of-mouth, brand trust, and brand loyalty of electronic product companies. To verify the impact of corporate social responsibility on brand loyalty through Internet word-of-mouth and brand trust, this paper issued a questionnaire survey to Chinese consumers. A total of 469 questionnaires were used for empirical analysis, and SPSS21.0 was used to analyze the collected data. The results are summarized as follows: (1) CSR has a positive impact on brand trust. (2) CSR has a positive impact on brand loyalty. (3) Brand trust has a positive impact on brand loyalty. (4) Brand trust and e-WOM play an intermediary role in CSR and brand loyalty.

    The Digital Loyalty Equation in Distribution Science: A Multi-method Exploration of E-commerce Success Factors

    • Vu Hiep HOANG;Quoc Dung NGO;Anh Kiet MAI;Huynh Mai LE
      • Journal of Distribution Science
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      • v.22 no.9
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      • pp.13-25
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      • 2024
    • Purpose: This study explores the complex interplay between service quality, customer engagement, and loyalty in the e-commerce sector, examining the moderating effect of technological adoption on these crucial relationships. Research design, data and methodology: Employing a robust multi-method approach, the research analyzes data from 481 e-commerce users, leveraging the complementary strengths of partial least squares structural equation modeling (PLS-SEM) and fuzzy-set qualitative comparative analysis(fsQCA). Acomprehensive multi-group analysisis conducted to uncover differences between experienced and non-experienced users. Results: PLS-SEM reveals that service quality significantly influences customer engagement, which in turn drives loyalty. Technological adoption positively moderates the service quality-engagement relationship. The multi-group analysis uncovers notable differences between user segments. fsQCA identifies two distinct configurational paths consistently leading to high customer loyalty: high customer engagement and high service quality. Conclusions: This study's innovative integration of PLS-SEM and fsQCA contributes to a deeper understanding of the intricate dynamics driving e-commerce success. Findings provide actionable insights for e-commerce businesses to enhance service quality, foster engagement, and cultivate loyalty. This research lays the groundwork for further exploration of these critical relationships in different contexts, offering a nuanced perspective on the complex interplay of factors shaping customer behavior in the digital marketplace.

    The Effect of Social Media on Brand Image and Brand Loyalty in Generation Y

    • BUDIMAN, Santi
      • The Journal of Asian Finance, Economics and Business
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      • v.8 no.3
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      • pp.1339-1347
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      • 2021
    • Indonesia has a population of more than 260 million, of which, by 2020, Generation Y is predicted to account for 70% of the total. With different birth years, Generation Y is the backbone of Indonesia's product purchasing. Generation Y is interested in establishing strong relationships with specific brands on social media. They are also interested in working with companies to design a product. Most Generation Y utilizes more than one electronic device and they are also brand loyal. Therefore, this study seeks to examine the effect of social media (i.e., e-WOM, online community, and online advertising) on brand image and loyalty in Generation Y in Indonesia. The sampling method employed was purposive sampling. A total of 150 respondents in the age range of 23-30 years were involved as the sample. Using multiple regression model in data analysis, this study proved that e-WOM, not only have a positive and significant effect on the brand image, but also on brand loyalty. Furthermore, online community also positively and significantly affects brand image and brand loyalty. Likewise, online advertising has a positive and significant effect on brand image and brand loyalty. This study's findings indicated that all the proposed hypotheses were well accepted.

    Customer Satisfaction and Loyalty to Tourism Websites (웹사이트에서의 고객만족과 충성도)

    • Gwon, Yeong-Guk;Park, Hyeon-Ji;Lee, Seon-Ro
      • Proceedings of the Korea Association of Information Systems Conference
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      • 2005.05a
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      • pp.1-18
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      • 2005
    • The main purpose of this paper is to investigate the relationship between website environmental characteristics (website characteristics, user characteristics, and external environments), satisfaction, trust and loyalty in tourism e-business. The following results were determined by verifying five hypotheses using LISREL. Website environments partially support perceived satisfaction and also perceived trust. Satisfaction has a strong effect upon perceived trust while satisfaction doesn't effect perceived loyalty. Trust significantly impacts perceived loyalを in tourism e-business.

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    Online Brand Community and Its Outcomes

    • Ha, Yongsoo
      • The Journal of Asian Finance, Economics and Business
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      • v.5 no.4
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      • pp.107-116
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      • 2018
    • The aim of this study is to delve deeper into the online brand community study. This study tests (a) the effects of online brand community on its outcomes, (b) the impact of value creation practice construct as a whole, (c) the effects of value creating practice construct on the two types of loyalty, loyalty toward the brand and the community. Participants of this study (N=353) are members of four types of online brand communities (e.g., business-to-consumer virtual product support community, firm-hosted online community, user-generated online community, peer-to-peer problem-solving community, and social media based brand community). Data were collected online using Amazon Mechanical Turk from April 10, 2016 to May 10, 2016. The data were analyzed through structural equations modeling using AMOS 20. The three community markers (e.g., consciousness of kind, rituals and traditions, and moral responsibility) and the four value creation practices (e.g., social networking, impression management, community engagement, and brand use) are proved to be significant indicators of online brand community and value creation practice constructs, respectively. Test results showed that strong and effective online brand communities generate value creation practices, and value creation practices enhance brand loyalty. The mediating effects of community loyalty between value creation practices and brand loyalty were revealed.

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