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The Effect of Corporate Social Responsibility on Brand Loyalty-The Mediating Effect of Brand Trust and e-WOM  

Chen, Si-Si (경희대학교 테크노경영대학원)
Li, Yan-Nan (경희대학교 테크노경영대학원)
Publication Information
In the era of brand economy, companies fulfill their social responsibilities to enhance consumers' brand trust, thereby enhancing brand loyalty. On the other hand, the current Covid-19 epidemic has accelerated the pace of digital transformation of enterprises and has also made consumers pay more attention to the online reputation of enterprises. Based on the Chinese consumer market, this paper studies the corporate social responsibility, Internet word-of-mouth, brand trust, and brand loyalty of electronic product companies. To verify the impact of corporate social responsibility on brand loyalty through Internet word-of-mouth and brand trust, this paper issued a questionnaire survey to Chinese consumers. A total of 469 questionnaires were used for empirical analysis, and SPSS21.0 was used to analyze the collected data. The results are summarized as follows: (1) CSR has a positive impact on brand trust. (2) CSR has a positive impact on brand loyalty. (3) Brand trust has a positive impact on brand loyalty. (4) Brand trust and e-WOM play an intermediary role in CSR and brand loyalty.
Corporate Social Responsibility; Brand Trust; e-WOM; Brand Loyalty; Chinese consumers;
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