• Title/Summary/Keyword: dyeing & finishing

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Solvatokinetic and Solvatochromic Behavior of Bis(indolinobenzospiropyranyl) Sulfide Derivatives in Various Solvents

  • Keum, Sam-Rok;Ku, Byung-Soo;Kim, Sang-Eun;Choi, Yoon-Ki;Kim, Sung-Hoon;Koh, Kwang-Nak
    • Bulletin of the Korean Chemical Society
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    • v.25 no.9
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    • pp.1361-1365
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    • 2004
  • Solvatokinetic and solvatochromic behavior of bis(indolinobenzospiropyranyl) sulfide derivatives 1a-1c have been studied in various solvents. The marked negative solvatochromism is exhibited for 1a and 1b in the whole region of solvent polarity examined. Whereas, it is found only in the polar solvent region ($E_T$ > 37) for 1c. The sensitivity order to the solvent media (slope values) is 1a > 1b > 1c. The branched linear plot with a zero slope was shown for the most sterically-hindered compound 1c in the less polar-solvent region (($E_T$ < 37). The biphasic plot is indicative of dual mechanistic process, i.e., a transition state with increased zwitter-ionic character in more polar solvents and electrocyclic process with an isopolar transition state in less polar solvents.

A Study for the Real-Time Textile Dimension Inspection System Using Image Processing Technique (영상처리 기법을 이용한 실시간 섬유 성량 검사 시스템 개발)

  • Lee, Eung-Ju;Bae, Seong-Ho
    • The Transactions of the Korea Information Processing Society
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    • v.7 no.3
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    • pp.992-999
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    • 2000
  • Textile dimension inspection is one of the basic issues in the textile dyeing and finishing industry. And also, it a plays an important role in the quality control of total fabric products. In this paper, we implement a real-time textile dimension inspection system which detects various real defects, defects positions of textile and the density of textiles. The proposed method consists of textile density measurement algorithms with zone-occurrence features from subband image which detect various types of real defects. The performance of the proposed method is tested with a number of real textile samples with 10 types of defects and three basic structures of textile. By the dimension inspection of textile at continuous stages in the fabrication process, it is possible to measure the density of textile up to 150m/min and to detect the defect of textile at real time within $\pm$1% error percentages. And also it can be monitored the condition of textile throughout at all the significant working process and can be improved textile quality.

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Field Investigation of Debris Flow Hazard Area on the Roadside and Evaluating Efficiency of Debris barrier

  • Lee, Jong Hyun;Lee, Jung Yub;Yoon, Sang Won;Oak, Young Suk;Kim, Jae Jeong;Kim, Seung Hyun
    • The Journal of Engineering Geology
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    • v.25 no.4
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    • pp.439-447
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    • 2015
  • In this study, specific sections vulnerable to debris flow damage were selected, and a complete enumeration survey was performed for the sections with debris flow hazards. Based on this, the characteristics of the sections with debris flow hazards and the current status of actions against debris flow were examined, and an efficient installation plan for a debris flow damage prevention method that is required in the future was suggested. The results indicated that in the Route 56 section where the residential density is relatively higher between the two model survey sections, facilities for debris flow damage reduction were insufficient compared to those in the Route 6 section which is a mountain area. It is thought that several sites require urgent preparation of a facility for debris flow damage reduction. In addition, a numerical analysis showed that for debris barriers installed as a debris flow damage prevention method, distributed installation of a number of small-scale barriers facilities within a valley part was more effective than single installation of a large-scale debris barrier at the lower part of a valley.

Fabrication and characteristics of photofunctional polymer waveguide-type UV sensor (광기능성 폴리머 도파로형 자외선 센서의 제작 및 특성)

  • Kim, Kyu-Jin;Jang, Su-Won;Kang, Byoung-Ho;Kim, Do-Eok;Kwon, Dae-Hyuk;Kim, Sung-Hoon;Lee, Yong-Hyun;Kang, Shin-Won
    • Journal of Sensor Science and Technology
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    • v.15 no.4
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    • pp.231-236
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    • 2006
  • Single-mode planar waveguide type UV sensor was fabricated using SU-8 and photochromic dye. Polymer waveguide was fabricated $10{\mu}m$ width and $2{\mu}m$ thickness for single-mode operation. The UV sensor had an absorbance with $0.0396{\sim}0.114$ absorbance/mW respectively when the 5 mm sensing area was irradiated with UV for 3 sec. And sensor had a linear properties by sensing area variation. Proposed single-mode sensor had more excellent properties of UV sensitivity than other UV sensors.

Utilization of Bamboo Leaves as a New Resource of Natural Green Colorants

  • Shin, Younsook;Cho, Arang;Yoo, Dong Il
    • Textile Coloration and Finishing
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    • v.24 no.4
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    • pp.247-252
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    • 2012
  • The objective of this study was to find an appropriate method and process for protecting the green color in bamboo leaves and subsequent extraction of the green colorants, chlorophyll. Various inorganic salts including cupric sulfate, ferric sulfate, and zinc chloride were employed as green color protectors. Accordingly, the effects of metal salts and treatment conditions on color protection were investigated to find appropriate protector and conditions. And also, the efficacy of bamboo colorants as a natural green dye was evaluated through dyeing and colorfastness tests. Antimicrobial activity of dyed fabrics was measured by shake flask method in terms of bacterial reduction rate using Staphylococcus aureus(ATCC 6538). On the basis of experimental results for stabilizing bamboo leaves colorants, it was confirmed that Cu was the most appropriate metal type considering dye uptake, photostability and light fastness, and its optimum concentration was 0.025%. After the stabilization, the colorants were extracted efficiently at NaOH aqueous solution of 1.00%. It was concluded that bamboo leave has a high potentiality as new resources to produce a natural green dye with antimicrobial functionality.

Structural Analysis of Natural Indigo Colorants Extracted from polygonum tintorium (쪽풀에서 추출한 천연 인디고 색소의 구조 분석)

  • 정인모;김인회;남성우
    • Textile Coloration and Finishing
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    • v.10 no.3
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    • pp.20-28
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    • 1998
  • Natural indigo colorants were prepared by extraction of polygonum tintorium which was harvested just in the blooming season(in the late of July). The components were analyzed by TLC and HPLC, and its structures were analyzed by FT-IR, EI-mass and NMR. The dyeing mechanism and fermentation conditions were investigated. Its colour fastness was studied as well. The results obtained are summarized as follows ; The natural indigo powder was dissolved in DMSO and developed in eluent, $CHCl_3/CH_3CN(8.5:1.5v/v)$ by means of TLC for its quality analysis. It was segregated into indirubin as il red colour and indigo as a blue colour. In case of HPLC analysis, the retention times of indirubin and indigo were 7.442 and 6.543, respectively. FT-IR spectrum of indirubin showed a peak for NH residue between 3200 and $3300cm^{-1}.^1H-NMR$ spectrum for indigo displayed AA'BB' spin system caused by indole structure between 6.5 and 7.7ppm of H4, 5, 6 and 7, and -NH proton for indirubin showed an singlet between 10.88 and. 11.0ppm. EI-mass spectrum of indigo an d indirubin both disclosed their molecular size as 262 and it implies that these two substances are isomer.

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면직물의 Embossing 가공, Moire 가공 및 Schreiner 가공

  • 장병호
    • Textile Coloration and Finishing
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    • v.3 no.1
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    • pp.37-45
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    • 1991
  • 면직물의 Embossing 가공은 의류, 종이, 가죽 제품 등에 수요가 상당히 많고, Moire 및 Schreiner 가공은 의류에 이용되고 있다. 原布(grey)$\rightarrow$(2) 檢布(cloth inspection).標識(marking)$\rightarrow$((3) 節取(knotting), 修正(mending), 汚染빼기(stain removing)$\rightarrow$((4) 필이음(cloth sewing).rolling$\rightarrow$((5) 燒毛(singeing)v(6) 糊拔(desizing)$\rightarrow$((7) 水洗(washing)$\rightarrow$((8) 精練(scouring)$\rightarrow$((9) 水洗(washing)$\rightarrow$((10) 漂白(bleaching)$\rightarrow$((11) 水洗(washing)$\rightarrow$((12) 酸處理(souring)$\rightarrow$((13) 水洗(washing)$\rightarrow$((14) 打布(scutching)$\rightarrow$((15) 脫鹽素處理(dechlorination).水洗 (16) 螢光漂白(optical bleaching). 乾燥(drying)$\rightarrow$((17) Mercerizing.水洗.乾燥$\rightarrow$((18) 染色(dyeing).捺染(printing).水洗.乾燥$\rightarrow$((19) 樹脂液 padding 및 豫備乾燥$\rightarrow$((20) Embossing calendering(또는 moire calendering, schreiner miendering)$\rightarrow$((21) 熱處理(curing)$\rightarrow$((22) Soaping$\rightarrow$((23) 乾燥$\rightarrow$((24) 給混 (damping)$\rightarrow$((25) 幅내기$\rightarrow$((26) 最終檢布(final inspection)$\rightarrow$((27) 천접기(holding) $\rightarrow$((28) 整布(1필씩 짜르기)$\rightarrow$((29) 천감기(1필씩 또는 1권으로)$\rightarrow$((30) 商標붙이기(marking).包裝(packing).荷造(baling).出荷(forward)

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A Study on Anti-Aging Properties of Recycled Leather Using Shaving Scrap by Applying Antioxidant (피혁 폐기물을 재활용한 재생가죽의 내노화특성 연구)

  • Eun Ho Seo;Sung Wook Lim;Yun Seob Lee;Won Joo Kim;Eun Young Park
    • Textile Coloration and Finishing
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    • v.35 no.3
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    • pp.151-158
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    • 2023
  • In this study, we investigated the durability properties of the recycled leather using shaving scrap with antioxidant. Recycled leather sheets were manufactured by mixing shaving scrap and NB latex as a binder. HALS(Hindered Amine Light Stabilizer) and UVA(UV absorbers) were used as antioxidant. Mechanical properties such as hardness, tensile strength, elongation, tear strength and abrasion resistance were measured. Light aging resistance was evaluated using UV lamp and the degree of discoloration of the recycled leather sheets using a gray scale. In addition, to evaluate heat aging and UV aging, the degree of discoloration of the recycled leather sheets over time was measured using colorimeter. Washing fastness was evaluated on the degree of dyeing of recycled leather sheets for six type of multi-fiber woven fabrics (Acetate, Cotton, Nylon-66, Polyester, Acryl, Wool). To determine whether hazardous substances were detected in recycled leather sheets, the contents of arylamine and Cr 6+ were evaluated. As a result, when used in combination with antioxidant, the heat aging and light aging of recycled leather were improved and hazardous substance were not detected.

Research on Functional Paper by using Traditional Dyestuffs (전통 염색 재료를 활용한 기능성 종이 연구)

  • Yi, Sun-Jo;Lee, Hye-Yoon;Cho, Kyoung-Sil;Chung, Yong-Jae
    • Journal of Conservation Science
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    • v.26 no.4
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    • pp.429-436
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    • 2010
  • Dyestuffs extracted from fifteen kinds of natural dyeing materials were researched on their antimicrobial performance against 3 kinds of bacteria and 2 kinds of fungi in order to develop conservation/storage materials of traditional and natural dyed papers. The three types of mordants were evaluated by using the same method and then mixed with the dyestuffs to research their antimicrobial performance. With those results, dyed paper was made by mixing mordants with 9 kinds of dyestuffs with excellent antimicrobial performance. Among the dyed papers, Cotinus coggygria, Coptis chinensis, Phellodendri amurense, Rhus javanica and Acer ginnala multiple mordant papers were found to have an antibacterial quality against fungi, while, in the insect repellent experiment using termites, Coptis chinensis and Phellodendri amurense dyed papers were found to have insect repellent qualities. Also, with regard to the research result about the affect of dyeing paper on other materials like metal, Coptis chinensis have relatively stable qualities. Also, the three types of dyeed paper by Cotinus coggygria, Coptis chinensis and Phellodendri amurense, were found to have a tendency to remove harmful gases. Not only can these dyed papers be used for making storage box for cultural properties to prevent various organic artifacts from bio-damaging, but they can also be utilized as functional finishing materials in various spaces.

Characteristics of Fur Design in the Contemporary Fashion -Mainly Focused on Works after the Year 2000- (현대패션에 나타난 모피디자인의 특성 -2000년 이후를 중심으로-)

  • Kim, Sun-Young
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Clothing and Textiles
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    • v.33 no.4
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    • pp.563-573
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    • 2009
  • This study analyzed the trends and aesthetic characteristics of fur design found in the contemporary fashion to examine the status of fur material in the contemporary fashion design, and through an analysis of the meaning it attempted to come up with a new viewpoint and form on material for the future fashion design. A literature review was used to explore the kinds and properties of furs. In addition, an empirical analysis of works that have appeared in fashion collections since the year 2000 was conducted with local and foreign fashion magazines such as Gap, Vogue, and Mode & Mode and other publications related to fashion collections. In the contemporary fashion, the trends of fur design are represented by use of various items, material combinations, application to decorative purposes(like trimmings, details, or accessories), and a wide range of colors and textures available by advanced dyeing and finishing techniques. The aesthetic values intrinsic to fur design are that the expression of conspicuous luxury covers even the qualitative aspect of luxury and adds fashionable images to casual items, contributing to the popularization of fur fashion, by using a variety of artificial furs; the expression of sensual feminine beauty allows the animal and primitive feel characteristic of furs to convert a feminine body into a sensual image of more than a simple biological impulse; and the expression of hybridity presents a new viewpoint through distortions, exaggerations, deviations from the existing constituent forms, or futuristic sensibilities in all elements of fashion design.