• Title/Summary/Keyword: dust fluid and viscous fluid spacetimes

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On Weakly Z Symmetric Spacetimes

  • De, Uday Chand
    • Kyungpook Mathematical Journal
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    • v.58 no.4
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    • pp.761-779
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    • 2018
  • The object of the present paper is to study weakly Z symmetric spacetimes $(WZS)_4$. At first we prove that a weakly Z symmetric spacetime is a quasi-Einstein spacetime and hence a perfect fluid spacetime. Next, we consider conformally flat $(WZS)_4$ spacetimes and prove that such a spacetime is infinitesimally spatially isotropic relative to the unit timelike vector field ${\rho}$. We also study $(WZS)_4$ spacetimes with divergence free conformal curvature tensor. Moreover, we characterize dust fluid and viscous fluid $(WZS)_4$ spacetimes. Finally, we construct an example of a $(WZS)_4$ spacetime.