• Title/Summary/Keyword: duration reduction

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Studies on Improved Carbon Cathode Performance in High Rate $Li/SOCl_2$ Cell (고율 방전용 $Li/SOCl_2$ 전지의 카본 양극 개선에 관한 연구)

  • 최정자;조성백;박희숙
    • Journal of the Korean Ceramic Society
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    • v.34 no.3
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    • pp.225-232
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    • 1997
  • The performance characteristics of high rate discharge LiSOCl2 cells are highly affected by carbon cathode. During the cell discharge, SOCl2 reduction takes place at the porous carbon cathode, resulting in the precipitation of reaction products, mainly LiCl, within the pores of the substrate. This leads to eventual passivation of the cathode surface and resulting cell failure. To improve the cathode performance, we ex-amined discharge reactions of cathodes (half-cell, 50 mA/$\textrm{cm}^2$ constant current) with various surface density and thickness. The carbon cathode with the optimum capacity for our application is surface density 0.04 g/$\textrm{cm}^2$ and thickness 1.4mm carbon. The carbon cathode with surface density 0.04g/$\textrm{cm}^2$ and thickness 1.4 mm exhibits decreased polarization, increased discharge duration time and capacity (Ah/$\textrm{cm}^2$) as compared with that with surface density 0.04g/$\textrm{cm}^2$ and thickness 0.8mm. The porosities analyses on the two carbon cathodes show that total pore volume of the carbon cathode with thickness 1.4 mm is larger than that with thickness 0.8mm. The increased volume of mesopores (0.05$\mu$m~0.5$\mu$m) and macropores(>0.5$\mu$m) is ob-served with the carbon cathode with thickness 1.4mm as compared with that with thickness 0.8mm, which can be related with the observed capacity increase. We observed LiCl crystals, cubic crystallites and fused, plate-like aggregates, and some elemental S as discharge products by EDS and XRD.

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Investigation of Changes in Grain Quality and Physicochemical Properties of Rice According to the Temperature during the Ripening Stage and Preharvest Sprouting (벼 등숙기 기온 및 수발아가 종실 품질 및 이화학적 특성에 미치는 영향)

  • Lee, HyeonSeok;Lee, YunHo;Hwang, WoonHa;Jeong, JaeHyeok;Yang, SeoYeong;Lee, ChungGen;Choi, MyoungGoo
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    • v.65 no.4
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    • pp.294-302
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    • 2020
  • Studies on the occurrence of rice preharvest sprouting (PHS) have primarily focused on temperature and rainfall duration at the time of PHS induction, but average temperature during grain filling can have a great influence on PHS. This study analyzed the effect of average temperature during grain filling on PHS occurrence and subsequent changes in grain quality after PHS. For two consecutive years, average temperature differences during grain filling were produced by varying the transplanting date. Artificial rainfall was treated under identical accumulated temperatures of 1200℃ after heading. It was confirmed that the occurrence of PHS was higher under high average temperature conditions during grain filling. In addition, the degree of grain quality reduction caused by PHS occurred more severely under high temperature conditions during grain filling. In order to reduce the risk of PHS occurrence and subsequent quality damage, it is important to control the planting date to avoid high-temperature conditions during grain filling.

The Effect of Korean Soysauce and Soypaste Making on Soybean Protein Quality Part I. Chemical Changes During Meju Making (재래식 간장 및 된장 제조가 대두 단백질의 영양가에 미치는 영향 제1보 재래식 메주 제조의 성분변화)

  • Lee, Cherl-Ho
    • Korean Journal of Food Science and Technology
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    • v.8 no.1
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    • pp.12-18
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    • 1976
  • Fermented soybean Mejus were prepared in the laboratory with varying lengths of fermentation and the changes in the Chemical composition during the Meju making were determined. The moisture of cooked soybean was gradually evaporated during the Meju fermentation, and after 2 months of fermentation the water level reached to the level of the raw soybean. The concentrations of crude fat, crude protein and ash of the dry matter of soybean did not change considerably during soaking, cooking and Meju fermentation of up to 3 months, whereas carbohyrates decreased significantly during soaking and Meju fermentation. The percentage retention of the nutrients were 58% for carbohydrates and 93% for crude fat and crude protein. The nitrogen solubility of soybean decreased drastically during cooking, from 79% to 21%, while Meju fermentation increased it to approximately 30% in the first week and this level remained constant for the duration of the fermentation. The concentration of free amino nitrogen in total nitrogen of soybean decreased during cooking, from 7% to 3%, but fermentation of Meju liberated it to the level of raw soybean. The concentration of free amino-nitrogen in the total-N of soybean was increased by cooking and further increased during Meju fermentation. The amino acid pattern of soybean did not change significantly during soaking, cooking and the Meju fermentation up to 3 months. Serine and the basic amino acids, lysine, arginine and histidine, decreased to the range $81{\sim}87%$ of the raw soybean during the first month of Meju fermentation and thereafter remained almost constant. The total amino acid per 16g nitrogen was 99 g incooked soybean and 93 g in 1 month Meju, indicating a 6% reduction.

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Vacuum Assisted Wound Closure Appliance and Continuous Irrigation on Infected Chronic Wound (감염된 만성창상에서 국소음압세척치료의 이용)

  • Jeong, Jin-Wook;Kim, Jun-Hyung;Jung, Yung-Jin;Park, Mu-Sik;Son, Dae-Gu;Han, Ki-Hwan
    • Archives of Plastic Surgery
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    • v.37 no.3
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    • pp.227-232
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    • 2010
  • Purpose: Continuous irrigation method is an important step in managing wound infection. V.A.C. devices have been used in intractable wounds for reducing discharge, improving local blood flow, and promoting healthy granulation tissue. We expect synergistic effects of reduced infection and more satisfactory, accelerated wound healing when using both methods simultaneously. This study evaluated continuous irrigation combined with V.A.C. appliance for treatment of infected chronic wounds. Methods: We reviewed data from 17 patients with infected intractable chronic wounds. V.A.C. device (Group A) was used in 9 patients, and V.A.C. with antibiotics irrigation (Group B) was used in 8 patients. We placed Mepitel$^{(R)}$ on the surface of wound and placed an irrigation and aspiration tube on each side. A sponge was placed on the Mepitel$^{(R)}$ and covered with film dressing. The wound was irrigated continuously with mixed antibiotics solution at the speed of 200 cc/hr and aspirated through the wall suction at the pressure of -125 mmHg. V.A.C. applied time, wound culture and wound size were compared between the two groups. Results: No complication were seen in two groups. Compared with Group A, in the Group B, V.A.C. applied time was shortened from 32.7 days to 25.6 days and showed efficacy in the reduction rate of wound size. No statistical differences were shown in bacterial reversion. Conclusion: V.A.C. appliance with continuous irrigation is an effective new method of managing infected chronic wounds and useful to reduce treatment duration and decrease wound size. Moreover it could be applied more widely to infected wound.

A Change of Peak Outflows due to Decision of Flow Path in Storm Sewer Network (우수관망 노선 결정에 따른 첨두유출량 변화 분석)

  • Lee, Jung-Ho
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.11 no.12
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    • pp.5151-5156
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    • 2010
  • In the previous researches for storm sewer design, the flow paths in overall network were determined to minimize the construction cost and then, it was not considered the superposition effect of runoff hydrographs in the sewer pipes. However, in this research, the flow paths are determined considering the superposition effect to reduce the inundation risk by controlling and distributing the flows in the sewer pipes. This is accomplished by distributing the inflows that enter into each junction by changing the flow path in which pipes are connected between junctions. In this paper, the superposition effect and peak outflows at outlet were analyzed considering the changes of the flow paths in the sewer network. Then, the flow paths are determined using genetic algorithm and the objective function is to minimize the peak outflow at outlet. As the applied result for the sample sewer network, the difference between maximum and minimum peak outflows which are caused by the change of flow path was about 5.6% for the design rainfall event of 10 years frequency with 30 min. duration. Also, the typhoon 'Rusa' which occurred at 2002 was applied to verify the reduction of inundation risk for the excessive rainfall, and then, the amount of overflows was reduced to about 31%.

Pathologic Fracture of Unicameral Bone Cyst (단순 골낭종에서 발생한 병적 골절)

  • Choo, Suk-Kyu;Lee, Hee-Du;Oh, Hyoung-Keun
    • The Journal of the Korean bone and joint tumor society
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    • v.17 no.2
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    • pp.58-64
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    • 2011
  • Purpose: The purpose of this study is to observe unicameral bone cyst (UBC) outcome after the fracture has healed and if there is any identifiable prognostic factors. Materials and Methods: 13 UBC patients with pathologic fracture from 2001 to 2010 were reviewed. The mean follow up were 26 months (3-90 months). There were 11 male and 2 female patients and the mean age of the patients were 10.2 years old (6-16 years). 9 involved proximal humerusand 2 involved humerus shaft and 1 involved proximal femur and 1 involved proximal tibia. The treatment of UBC fracture was conservative cast application to heal the fracture initially, and 1 patient was treated with primary auto bone graft and open reduction with internal fixation. 5 patients were treated with steroid injection during follow up period and 2 patients with auto bone graft. We analyzed the change of UBC during pathologic fracture healing period and prognostic factor about age, the size of UBC, the involvement of physis. Results: The mean duration of the fracture healing was 8.2 months. Complete healing were occurred at 4 patients (31%). No statiscal difference was checked with age about UBC healing (p=0.42). But, more larger size about UBC and more closer to physis, the healing was difficult (p=0.05, p=0.03). Conclusion: While pathologic fracture of UBC was possibly healed, active treatment should be applied especially those cysts that involvescloser area of the physis or large size.

The Effect of Electric Acupuncture Therapy on Myofascial Pain Syndrome (근근막 동통증후군과 전침(Electric Acupuncture)치료의 유효성에 관한 연구)

  • Jung, Mun-Boung;Lee, Sang-Han;Min, Boung-Ki;Yoon, Mi-Yean
    • Journal of Korean Physical Therapy Science
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    • v.6 no.1
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    • pp.897-903
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    • 1999
  • Many out patients of the rehabilitation center complaint a pain caused by suffering of MPS, and it brings many different kind of social and ecinomical problems such as medical expenses and the reduction in work efficiency. Therefore, we conducted a research to present a fast and effective treatment to the MPS patients. this research was conducted from November, 1996 to January 1998 with eighteen outpatients who agreed to be the subjects to our reserach. We applied the electric acupuncture on 28 different trigger point on the patients with mostly muscular-skeletal pain and some tender and radiating pain. After the treatment, VRS, VAS, PRI were used to measure the degree of the pain on the patients third and seventh visits, and following results were found. 1. To apply EAP treatment, we acupunctured 6em-Iong needles on Tps region, then the electrodes of pulse generater pg-306 E.S.T were connected on the top of the needles. the electric acupuncture therapy was conducted for 20 minutes with the intensity of 4hz - 60hz(auto wave). The treated electric intensity was the level at which the patients did not feel discomfort. 2. Thirteen out of the 18 participated patients were in their 30s and 40s(72.2%), showing highest frequency. There were more female than male with the ratio of 1 to 1:2. 3. six out of the participated patients (33.3%) had the pain for less then a week, and the average duration of the pain of the participated patients wear 0.8 years. 4. The pain occured mostly in the upper trapezius by 6 part (21.4%), then in the gluteus medius region by 4 part (14.3%). Many of the patients with the pain in the upper back area accompanied varios kind of the referred pains such as radiculopathy, HIVD and Frozen shoulder. 5. MPS occured more frequently on the right side than left side then left side and it seemed to be due to the frequent use of the right hand. 6. There was almost no difference in the measurement of the intensity of the pain right before and after the EAP treatment. Howerver, there was significant decrease in the numerical values of the VAS, and a little bit of decrease in the numerical values of the PRI after the EAP treatment. 7. Based on the results of this present research, it can be concluded that EAP can be used for the treating the myofascial pain syndrome with promptness and safety in most cases.

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A Study on Organic Sludge Application and Duration Estimate for Treating Natural Purification of Acidic Mine Drainage (폐탄광폐수의 자연정화처리를 위한 유기성슬러지 적용 및 지속시간예측에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Eun-Ho;Kim, Hyeong-Seok;Sung, Nak-Chang
    • Journal of Korean Society of Environmental Engineers
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    • v.22 no.3
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    • pp.475-484
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    • 2000
  • The purpose of this study was to develop model for estimating biodegrability of organic sludge (sewage and papermill) in various environmental conditions. to assume degradable degree with operating time of SRB reactor. and evaluate duratior of organic sludge as carbon source. Average TCOD was 28.7~63.2mg/L in effluent. organic sludge did not much supply carbon source for experimental period. But in point of durability. it seemed that organic sludge was efficient because it was not consumed by degradation of much organic matter within short period. With increasing $SO_4{^{2-}}$ reduction rate. Pb and Fe was removed 77~82% and 33~59%. respectively. Because Al was precipitated as a hydroxide. its removal rate wa,. about $54{\pm}2%$ in R-l~R-3 maintaining low pH but about 78% in R-4 maintaining high pH. Because Mn was large in solubility. it showed to be much lower than other heavy metals. Considering supportable capacity or durability of orgainc matter for initial SRB mixing ratio of sewage/papermill 0.5 was regarded as appropriate substituting material and at this time. it estimated that carbon source continued about 3.08 year but safety factor must apply to be thought over. because various factors had an effect on degradation of organic sludge.

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Relationship between Leisure Activity Participation, Job Stress, Social Support and Subjective Well-being among Security Agents (시큐리티 요원의 여가활동 참가와 직무스트레스, 사회적 지지 및 주관적 안녕감의 관계)

  • Kim, Kyong-Sik;Kim, Chan-sun;Park, Young-Man
    • Proceedings of the Korea Contents Association Conference
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    • 2009.05a
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    • pp.620-625
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    • 2009
  • The purpose of this research Is to clarify the relationship between leisure activity participation, job stress, social support and subjective well-being among security agents. 356 (92%) questionnaires were obtained from 12 private security companiesin metropolitan Seoul. The conclusion follows. First, the frequency of participation in activities on the subjective well-being reflects the direct influence. and period by participating in the job stress on the subjective well-being reported more negative affect, in other words, Job Stress is reduced, social support and subjective well-being is increased. Second, job stress has a negative effect as a parameter to subjective well-being and participation in the period, in other words, subjective well-being is decreased by the more get job stress. Third, social support affects the subjective well-being, leisure activity participation and social support that have no relationship, In other words, subjective well-being is increased by the more get social support. Fourth, frequency and duration of participation in leisure activity directly and indirectly affects to subjective well-being. increasing the frequency of participation activities make that subjective Well-being is increased, increasing the participation period makes that job stress is reduced, job stress reduction make that subjective well-being is increased, and increasing the social support makes that subjective well-being is increased.

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Sitagliptin and Vildagliptin Use Evaluation among Dipeptidyl Peptidase 4 Inhibitors in Adult Koreans with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus (한국인 제2형 당뇨병 환자에 대한 디펩티딜 펩티다제 4 억제제 중 Sitagliptin과 Vildagliptin의 약물 사용 평가)

  • Park, Hyun-Jung;Lee, Ok-Sang;Lim, Sung-Cil
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    • v.56 no.2
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    • pp.136-143
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    • 2012
  • Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus (T2DM) is characterized by high blood glucose in the context of insulin resistance and relative insulin deficiency. Diabetes is often initially managed by increasing exercise and dietary modification. As the condition progresses, medications may be needed such as oral sulfonylurea or others. Recently, dipeptidyl peptidase 4 (DPP- 4) Inhibitor is new drug which can control blood glucose by increasing the active levels of incretin hormone in the body. However, researches have been carried out for mostly Caucasian and Japanese, not for Koreans at all. Therefore, this study was to evaluate the efficacy and safety of DPP-4 inhibitor (Sitagliptin, Vildagliptin) in patients with T2DM in Koreans. This study was carried out retrospectively with reviewing of medical records from the 141 patients who received sitagliptin or vildagliptin over 24 week periods from January 2009, to December 2009. Information including demographics, concomitant medication, disease duration, and exercise was evaluated. $HbA_{1c}$, random blood glucose, post prandial 2 hour glucose, blood pressure, AST, ALT, serum creatinine, total cholesterol, triglyceride levels were also collected at baseline and endpoint (at 24 weeks). In each post-treatment group, $HbA_{1c}$, random blood glucose and post prandial 2 hour glucose levels were decreased significantly from baseline in the sitagliptin group (-0.82%, -28.76 mg/dl, -46.65 mg/dl) and vildagliptin group(-1.22%, -27.96 mg/dl, -67.2 mg/dl). Greater $HbA_{1c}$ mean reductions from baseline to 24 weeks were seen in patients with higher baseline values (>7.0%), with shorter disease durations (${\leq}1$ year) compared with those with lower baseline values (<7.0%), with longer disease durations (>1 year) in both sitagliptin and vildagliptin groups. The incidences of hypoglycemia, headache and upper respiratory infection were 0%, 8.7%, 5.8% in sitagliptin group and 2.8%, 8.3%, 6.9% in vildagliptin group. In conclusion, our results showed DPP-4 inhibitor provided similar efficacy compared with sulfonylurea after 24 weeks of treatment and were safer than sulfonylurea in hypoglycemia for Korean T2DM. Also vildagliptin was associated with significant improvement in $HbA_{1c}$ reduction in Korean patient with subgroup (body mass index<25 $kg/m^2$, metformin dose${\geq}$1000 mg, p<0.05) compared to sitagliptin. Therefore, even though DPP-4 inhibitor use for Korean needs to be studied more consistently in the future, DPP-4 inhibitor is a safe and effective drug for Korean T2DM based on our result.