• Title/Summary/Keyword: dual control problem

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A Comparative Study on Image Quality of Breast Image Tests using ACR Phantom (ACR 팬텀을 이용한 시스템별 유방검사 영상의 비교 연구)

  • Hong, Dong-Hee;Jung, Hong-Ryang;Lim, Cheong-Hwan
    • Journal of radiological science and technology
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    • v.29 no.4
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    • pp.241-247
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    • 2006
  • Recently, interests and utilization on Computed Radiography(CR) and Digital Radiography(DR) tends to increase owing to an introduction of Picture Archiving and Communication System(PACS) and an accuracy control of special medical equipment for a breast imaging examination. This study was intended to compare and analyze a detector's imaging quality by each system to be used for the breast imaging examination by using ACR Phantom used at the accuracy control. As an evaluation method, a significance and reliability of image's value using the ACR Phantom was analyzed by using SPSS program. The results are followed. 1. For the fiber, there was 3.9 score in Screen-Film, 4.2 score in CR($50{\mu}m$), 3.2 score in CR($100{\mu}m$), and 4.2 score in DR. There was the high score in the order of CR($50{\mu}m$), DR, Screen-Film, and CR($100{\mu}m$)(P<0.05). 2. For the calcification, there was 2.7 score in Screen-Film, 2.5 score in CR($50{\mu}m$), 2.0 score in CR($100{\mu}m$), and 2.9 score in DR. There was the high score in the order of DR, Screen-Film, CR($50{\mu}m$), and CR($100{\mu}m$).(0.025(P<0.05). 3. For Mass, there was 3.8 score in Screen-Film, 3.8 score in CR($50{\mu}m$), 3.6 score in CR($100{\mu}m$), and 4.5 score in DR. There was the high score in the order of DR, CR($50{\mu}m$), Screen-Film, and CR($100{\mu}m$) (P<0.1). 4. As the total score, there was 10.4 score in Screen-Film, 10.6 score in CR($50{\mu}m$), 8.7 score in CR($100{\mu}m$), and 11.3 score in DR. There was the high score in the order of DR, $CR(50{\mu}m$), Screen-Film, and $CR(100{\mu}m$). As shown in the above results, it can be known that DR and Screen-Film System has higher image quality than CR. But, DR has unstability caused by element, and Screen-Film has the low image quality caused by artifact as disadvantages. When Dual-Side CR($50{\mu}m$) was used among CR systems which had the problem of low image quality, it was indicated that there was no difference with Screen-Film System. Because the radiation imaging examination tends to become digitalized, each system for the breast imaging examination will need to be developed and supplemented.

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Distributed Throughput-Maximization Using the Up- and Downlink Duality in Wireless Networks (무선망에서의 상하향 링크 쌍대성 성질을 활용한 분산적 수율 최대화 기법)

  • Park, Jung-Min;Kim, Seong-Lyun
    • The Journal of Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences
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    • v.36 no.11A
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    • pp.878-891
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    • 2011
  • We consider the throughput-maximization problem for both the up- and downlink in a wireless network with interference channels. For this purpose, we design an iterative and distributive uplink algorithm based on Lagrangian relaxation. Using the uplink power prices and network duality, we achieve throughput-maximization in the dual downlink that has a symmetric channel and an equal power budget compared to the uplink. The network duality we prove here is a generalized version of previous research [10], [11]. Computational tests show that the performance of the up- and downlink throughput for our algorithms is close to the optimal value for the channel orthogonality factor, ${\theta}{\in}$(0.5, 1]. On the other hand, when the channels are slightly orthogonal (${\theta}{\in}$(0, 0.5]), we observe some throughput degradation in the downlink. We have extended our analysis to the real downlink that has a nonsymmetric channel and an unequal power budget compared to the uplink. It is shown that the modified duality-based approach is thoroughly applied to the real downlink. Considering the complexity of the algorithms in [6] and [18], we conclude that these results are quite encouraging in terms of both performance and practical applicability of the generalized duality theorem.

A Study of Equipment Accuracy and Test Precision in Dual Energy X-ray Absorptiometry (골밀도검사의 올바른 질 관리에 따른 임상적용과 해석 -이중 에너지 방사선 흡수법을 중심으로-)

  • Dong, Kyung-Rae;Kim, Ho-Sung;Jung, Woon-Kwan
    • Journal of radiological science and technology
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    • v.31 no.1
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    • pp.17-23
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    • 2008
  • Purpose : Because there is a difference depending on the environment as for an inspection equipment the important part of bone density scan and the precision/accuracy of a tester, the management of quality must be made systematically. The equipment failure caused by overload effect due to the aged equipment and the increase of a patient was made frequently. Thus, the replacement of equipment and additional purchases of new bonedensity equipment caused a compatibility problem in tracking patients. This study wants to know whether the clinical changes of patient's bonedensity can be accurately and precisely reflected when used it compatiblly like the existing equipment after equipment replacement and expansion. Materials and methods : Two equipments of GE Lunar Prodigy Advance(P1 and P2) and the Phantom HOLOGIC Spine Road(HSP) were used to measure equipment precision. Each device scans 20 times so that precision data was acquired from the phantom(Group 1). The precision of a tester was measured by shooting twice the same patient, every 15 members from each of the target equipment in 120 women(average age 48.78, 20-60 years old)(Group 2). In addition, the measurement of the precision of a tester and the cross-calibration data were made by scanning 20 times in each of the equipment using HSP, based on the data obtained from the management of quality using phantom(ASP) every morning (Group 3). The same patient was shot only once in one equipment alternately to make the measurement of the precision of a tester and the cross-calibration data in 120 women(average age 48.78, 20-60 years old)(Group 4). Results : It is steady equipment according to daily Q.C Data with $0.996\;g/cm^2$, change value(%CV) 0.08. The mean${\pm}$SD and a %CV price are ALP in Group 1(P1 : $1.064{\pm}0.002\;g/cm^2$, $%CV=0.190\;g/cm^2$, P2 : $1.061{\pm}0.003\;g/cm^2$, %CV=0.192). The mean${\pm}$SD and a %CV price are P1 : $1.187{\pm}0.002\;g/cm^2$, $%CV=0.164\;g/cm^2$, P2 : $1.198{\pm}0.002\;g/cm^2$, %CV=0.163 in Group 2. The average error${\pm}$2SD and %CV are P1 - (spine: $0.001{\pm}0.03\;g/cm^2$, %CV=0.94, Femur: $0.001{\pm}0.019\;g/cm^2$, %CV=0.96), P2 - (spine: $0.002{\pm}0.018\;g/cm^2$, %CV=0.55, Femur: $0.001{\pm}0.013\;g/cm^2$, %CV=0.48) in Group 3. The average error${\pm}2SD$, %CV, and r value was spine : $0.006{\pm}0.024\;g/cm^2$, %CV=0.86, r=0.995, Femur: $0{\pm}0.014\;g/cm^2$, %CV=0.54, r=0.998 in Group 4. Conclusion: Both LUNAR ASP CV% and HOLOGIC Spine Phantom are included in the normal range of error of ${\pm}2%$ defined in ISCD. BMD measurement keeps a relatively constant value, so showing excellent repeatability. The Phantom has homogeneous characteristics, but it has limitations to reflect the clinical part including variations in patient's body weight or body fat. As a result, it is believed that quality control using Phantom will be useful to check mis-calibration of the equipment used. A value measured a patient two times with one equipment, and that of double-crossed two equipment are all included within 2SD Value in the Bland - Altman Graph compared results of Group 3 with Group 4. The r value of 0.99 or higher in Linear regression analysis(Regression Analysis) indicated high precision and correlation. Therefore, it revealed that two compatible equipment did not affect in tracking the patients. Regular testing equipment and capabilities of a tester, then appropriate calibration will have to be achieved in order to calculate confidential BMD.

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Studies on Dairy Farming Status, Reproductive Efficiencies and Disorders in New Zealand (I) A Survey on Dairy Farming Status and Milk Yield in Palmerston North Area (뉴질랜드 (Palmerston North) 의 낙농 현황과 번식 및 번식장해에 관한 연구(I) Palmerston North 지역의 낙농 현황과 우유 생산량에 관한 조사 연구)

  • 김중계;맥도날드
    • Korean Journal of Animal Reproduction
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    • v.24 no.1
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    • pp.1-18
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    • 2000
  • Eighty dairy farms in Palmers ton North area in New Zealand were surveyed on 1) general characteristics (10 Questions), 2) milk yield and feed supplementary (7 questions), 3) reproductive efficiencies (12 questions) and 4) reproductive disorders (12 questions) by mail questions from February to July, 1998. Among those 4 items from 38 dairy farms (47.5%), especially in items 1) and 2), overall dairy farming situation, supplementary feeding and milk yields were surveyed and analyzed for Korean dairy farmers (especially in Cheju island) to have better understanding or higher economical gains. The results were as follows. 1. In dairy experience, 21 (45%) among 38 dairy farms surveyed were answered that farming less than 15 years, 15~19 year, 20~25 years and over 26 years experience were 3 (7.9%), 7 (18.4%), 6 (15.8%) and 5 (13.2%) which generally showed longer experience compare to Korean dairy farming situation. In survey of labour input and business goal of dairy farming, self-managing farms, sharemilkers, unpaid family manpowering farms, manager running farms, farms with hired worker, farms with part time helper and other type was 21 (55.3%), 10 (26.3%), 2 (3.5%), 3 (5.3%), 18 (31.6%), 2 (3.5%), and 1 (1.8%), respectively. 2. Analyzing pasture and tillable land, pasture according to feeding scale (200, 300 and 400 heads) were 56, 90 and 165.3 ha, and tillable lands were 51, 78 and 165 ha which showed some differences among feeding scale. In recording methods in 38 farms replied, 36 (95%) dairy handbook and 23 (70%) dual methods taking farms were higher than that of 10 (26.3%) computer and 15(39.5%) well-recorder methods. 3. Dairy waste processing facilities in environmental field were almost perfect except of metropolitan area, and so no problem was developed in its control so far. Hence, 26 farm (68.4%) of pond system was higher rather than those in 8 (21.2%) of using as organic manure after storing feces of dairy cattle, 1(2.6%) bunker system and 3 (7.9%) other type farms. 4. In milking facilities, 33 farms (86.9%) of Harringbone types were higher than those in 3 (7.9%) of Walkthrough types, 1 (2.6%) of Rotary system and other types. Although the construction facilities was not enough, this system show the world-leveled dairy country to attempted to elevate economic gains using the advantage of climatic condition. 5. In milking day and yearly yield per head, average 275 milking days and 87 drying days were longer than that of 228 average milking days in New Zealand. Annual total milk yield per head and milk solid (ms) was 3,990 kg and approximately 319 kg. Dairy milk solid (ms) per head, milk yield, fat percentage was 1.2 kg, 15.5 kg and average 4.83% which was much higher than in other country, and milk protein was average 3.75%. 6. In coclusion, Palmerstone North has been a center of dairy farming in New Zealand for the last 21 years. Their dairy farming history is 6~9 year longer than ours and the average number of milking cows per farm is 355, which is much greater than that (35) of Korea. They do not have dairy barn, but only milking parlors. Cows are taken care of by family 0.5 persons), are on a planned calving schedule in spring (93%) and milked for 240~280 days a year, avoiding winter. Cows are dried according to milk yield and body condition score. This management system is quite different from that of Korean dairy farms. Cows are not fed concentrates, relying entirely on pasture forages and the average milk yield per cow is 3,500 kg, which is about 1/2 milk yield of Korean dairy farms. They were bred to produce high fat milk with an average of 4.5%. Their milk production cost is the lowest in the world and the country's economy relies heavily on milk production. We Korean farmers may try to increase farming size, decreasing labor and management costs.

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