• Title/Summary/Keyword: domestic journals

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Review of the Weather Hazard Research: Focused on Typhoon, Heavy Rain, Drought, Heat Wave, Cold Surge, Heavy Snow, and Strong Gust (위험기상 분야의 지난 연구를 뒤돌아보며: 태풍, 집중호우, 가뭄, 폭염, 한파, 강설, 강풍을 중심으로)

  • Chang-Hoi Ho;Byung-Gon Kim;Baek-Min Kim;Doo-Sun R. Park;Chang-Kyun Park;Seok-Woo Son;Jee-Hoon Jeong;Dong-Hyun Cha
    • Atmosphere
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    • v.33 no.2
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    • pp.223-246
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    • 2023
  • This paper summarized the research papers on weather extremes that occurred in the Republic of Korea, which were published in the domestic and foreign journals during 1963~2022. Weather extreme is defined as a weather phenomenon that causes serious casualty and property loss; here, it includes typhoon, heavy rain, drought, heat wave, cold surge, heavy snow, and strong gust. Based on the 2011~2020 statistics in Korea, above 80% of property loss due to all natural disasters were caused by typhoons and heavy rainfalls. However, the impact of the other weather extremes can be underestimated rather than we have actually experienced; the property loss caused by the other extremes is hard to be quantitatively counted. Particularly, as global warming becomes serious, the influence of drought and heat wave has been increasing. The damages caused by cold surges, heavy snow, and strong gust occurred over relatively local areas on short-term time scales compared to other weather hazards. In particularly, strong gust accompanied with drought may result in severe forest fires over mountainous regions. We hope that the present review paper may remind us of the importance of weather extremes that directly affect our lives.

Trend Analysis of Barrier-free Academic Research using Text Mining and CONCOR (텍스트 마이닝과 CONCOR을 활용한 배리어 프리 학술연구 동향 분석)

  • Jeong-Ki Lee;Ki-Hyok Youn
    • Journal of Internet of Things and Convergence
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    • v.9 no.2
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    • pp.19-31
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    • 2023
  • The importance of barrier free is being highlighted worldwide. This study attempted to identify barrier-free research trends using text mining. Through this, it was intended to help with research and policies to create a barrier free environment. The analysis data is 227 papers published in domestic academic journals from 1996 when barrier free research began to 2022. The researcher converted the title, keywords, and abstract of an academic thesis into text, and then analyzed the pattern of the thesis and the meaning of the data. The summary of the research results is as follows. First, barrier-free research began to increase after 2009, with an annual average of 17.1 papers being published. This is related to the implementation guidelines for the barrier-free certification system that took effect on July 15, 2008. Second, results of barrier-free text mining i) As a result of word frequency analysis of top keywords, important keywords such as barrier free, disabled, design, universal design, access, elderly, certification, improvement, evaluation, and space, facility, and environment were searched. ii) As a result of TD-IDF analysis, the main keywords were universal design, design, certification, house, access, elderly, installation, disabled, park, evaluation, architecture, and space. iii) As a result of N-Ggam analysis, barrier free+certification, barrier free+design, barrier free+barrier free, elderly+disabled, disabled+elderly, disabled+convenience facilities, the disabled+the elderly, society+the elderly, convenience facilities+installation, certification+evaluation index, physical+environment, life+quality, etc. appeared in a related language. Third, as a result of the CONCOR analysis, cluster 1 was barrier-free issues and challenges, cluster 2 was universal design and space utilization, cluster 3 was Improving Accessibility for the Disabled, and cluster 4 was barrier free certification and evaluation. Based on the analysis results, this study presented policy implications for vitalizing barrier-free research and establishing a desirable barrier free environment.

How Far Have You been studying Workforce Diversity? : Trends Analysis in studies on Korean Organizations (조직 다양성(Workforce Diversity) 연구, 어디까지 왔는가? : 국내조직 논문의 경향분석)

  • 안소영;조상미;조정화
    • Journal of Korean social welfare administration
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    • v.21 no.4
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    • pp.199-239
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    • 2019
  • This study is a trend study on the Workforce Diversity. The purpose of this study is to present a direction for the management of workforce diversity in Korean organization in the context of the rapidly growing interest and discussion of diversity within an organization, as the diversity of manpower in women, foreigners and the elderly has recently expanded. To this end, 70 studies that are related to Korean Organizations published in KCI and SSCI-class journals were selected from 2002 to 2018 to perform technical analysis and content analysis. The results are as follows. First, diversity research into Korean organizations first began in 2002. The researches related to this aspect have increased rapidly since the diversity of human resources within the organization gradually increased after the revision of 'Act on the Equal Employment for Both Sexes'. Most of the research has been done mainly for profit organizations, but it has also spread to public and educational organizations since 2012. However, only one study was conducted on non-profit organizations such as social welfare organizations, showing a wide gap between the types of organizations. Second, the diversity of Korean organizations is mainly focused on 'gender' and 'age' due to diversity in social categories, and the diversity factor has not been significantly expanded compared to foreign countries. Meanwhile, in informational diversity, there are greatest number of 'job duration' and 'diversity of major', which put weight on 'practical work experience' and 'task-oriented diversity'. In addition, organizational diversity has shown a tendency to expand gradually into diversity perception. Third, in the diversity and organization performance study, the organizational cultural sensitivity is twice as much as the institutional management study in the diversity convergence mechanism. Fourth, the 'Diversity Management Model' has had the most 'diversity efficaciousness models' in the early stages of the study. However, more and more research have been done on the need to embrace diversity and converge on organizational performance. As a result, 'organizational culture approach model' accounts for the highest percentage. The proposals for the results of this study are as follows. First, as the diversity of non-profit and third-sector organizations is discussed in foreign countries, research on organizational diversity in non-profit organizations and third-sector organizations, which are not yet available in Korea, should be actively carried out. Second, we need to overcome limited diversity factors in Korea's single culture and explore the upcoming new diversity characteristics. Third, strategies for appropriate diversity management should be established by accurately diagnosing and applying the diversity management model to each type of organization.