• Title/Summary/Keyword: distribution data

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Estimation of the Reach-average Velocity of Mountain Streams Using Dye Tracing (염료추적자법을 이용한 산지하천의 구간 평균 유속 추정)

  • Tae-Hyun Kim;Jeman Lee;Chulwon Lee;Sangjun Im
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.112 no.3
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    • pp.374-381
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    • 2023
  • The travel time of flash floods along mountain streams is mainly governed by reach-average velocity, rather than by the point velocity of the locations of interest. Reach-average velocity is influenced by various factors such as stream geometry, streambed materials, and the hydraulic roughness of streams. In this study, the reach-average velocity in mountain streams was measured for storm periods using rhodamine dye tracing. The point cloud data obtained from a LiDAR survey was used to extract the average hydraulic roughness height, such as Ra, Rmax, and Rz. The size distribution of the streambed materials (D50, D84) was also considered in the estimation of the roughness height. The field experiments revealed that the reach-average velocities had a significant relationship with flow discharges (v = 0.5499Q0.6165 ), with an R2 value of 0.77. The root mean square error in the roughness height of the Ra-based estimation (0.45) was lower than those of the other estimations (0.47-1.04). Among the parameters for roughness height estimation, the Ra -based roughness height was the most reliable and suitable for developing the reach-average velocity equation for estimating the travel time of flood waves in mountain streams.

Improving Lifetime Prediction Modeling for SiON Dielectric nMOSFETs with Time-Dependent Dielectric Breakdown Degradation (SiON 절연층 nMOSFET의 Time Dependent Dielectric Breakdown 열화 수명 예측 모델링 개선)

  • Yeohyeok Yun
    • The Journal of Korea Institute of Information, Electronics, and Communication Technology
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    • v.16 no.4
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    • pp.173-179
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    • 2023
  • This paper analyzes the time-dependent dielectric breakdown(TDDB) degradation mechanism for each stress region of Peri devices manufactured by 4th generation VNAND process, and presents a complementary lifetime prediction model that improves speed and accuracy in a wider reliability evaluation region compared to the conventional model presented. SiON dielectric nMOSFETs were measured 10 times each under 5 constant voltage stress(CVS) conditions. The analysis of stress-induced leakage current(SILC) confirmed the significance of the field-based degradation mechanism in the low electric field region and the current-based degradation mechanism in the high field region. Time-to-failure(TF) was extracted from Weibull distribution to ascertain the lifetime prediction limitations of the conventional E-model and 1/E-model, and a parallel complementary model including both electric field and current based degradation mechanisms was proposed by extracting and combining the thermal bond breakage rate constant(k) of each model. Finally, when predicting the lifetime of the measured TDDB data, the proposed complementary model predicts lifetime faster and more accurately, even in the wider electric field region, compared to the conventional E-model and 1/E-model.

Developing an Occupants Count Methodology in Buildings Using Virtual Lines of Interest in a Multi-Camera Network (다중 카메라 네트워크 가상의 관심선(Line of Interest)을 활용한 건물 내 재실자 인원 계수 방법론 개발)

  • Chun, Hwikyung;Park, Chanhyuk;Chi, Seokho;Roh, Myungil;Susilawati, Connie
    • KSCE Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.43 no.5
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    • pp.667-674
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    • 2023
  • In the event of a disaster occurring within a building, the prompt and efficient evacuation and rescue of occupants within the building becomes the foremost priority to minimize casualties. For the purpose of such rescue operations, it is essential to ascertain the distribution of individuals within the building. Nevertheless, there is a primary dependence on accounts provided by pertinent individuals like building proprietors or security staff, alongside fundamental data encompassing floor dimensions and maximum capacity. Consequently, accurate determination of the number of occupants within the building holds paramount significance in reducing uncertainties at the site and facilitating effective rescue activities during the golden hour. This research introduces a methodology employing computer vision algorithms to count the number of occupants within distinct building locations based on images captured by installed multiple CCTV cameras. The counting methodology consists of three stages: (1) establishing virtual Lines of Interest (LOI) for each camera to construct a multi-camera network environment, (2) detecting and tracking people within the monitoring area using deep learning, and (3) aggregating counts across the multi-camera network. The proposed methodology was validated through experiments conducted in a five-story building with the average accurary of 89.9% and the average MAE of 0.178 and RMSE of 0.339, and the advantages of using multiple cameras for occupant counting were explained. This paper showed the potential of the proposed methodology for more effective and timely disaster management through common surveillance systems by providing prompt occupancy information.

Analysis of Thermal Environment Impact by Layout Type of Apartment Complexes for Carbon Neutrality Net-Zero: Based on CFD Simulation (공동주택단지 배치유형별 열환경 영향성 분석: 유체역학 시뮬레이션을 기반으로)

  • Gunwon Lee;Youngtae Cho
    • Land and Housing Review
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    • v.14 no.3
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    • pp.93-106
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    • 2023
  • This study attempted to simulate changes in the thermal environment according to the type of apartment complex in Korea using CFD techniques and evaluate the thermal environment by type of apartment. First, apartment complex types in the 2000s and 2010s were referred from previous studies and four types of apartment complex were extracted from. Second, the layout of the apartment complex and temperature changes were analyzed by the direction of wind inflow. Third, a standardized model was created from each type using tower type, plate type, and mixed driving. Last, CFD simulations were performed by setting up the inflow of wind from a total of eight directions. The temperature was relatively low in the type consisting of only the tower type and the type of placing the tower type in the center of the complex, regardless of the direction of the wind. It was due to the good inflow of wind from these types to the inside of the complex. It can be interpreted because wind flows easily into the complex in these types. The findings showed that wind flow and resulting temperature distribution patterns differed depending on the building type and complex layout type, confirming the need for careful consideration of the complex layout in the early design stage. The results are expected to be used as basic data for creating a sustainable residential environment in the early design stage of apartment complexes in the future.

Evaluating Physical Characteristics of Raindrop in Anseong, Gyeonggi Province (강우입자의 물리적 특성평가: 경기도 안성시 지역을 사례로)

  • KIM, Jin Kwan;YANG, Dong Yoon;KIM, Min Seok
    • Journal of The Geomorphological Association of Korea
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    • v.17 no.1
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    • pp.49-57
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    • 2010
  • To evaluate physical characteristics of open rainfall in Korea, terminal velocity of raindrop and drop size distributions (DSD) were continuously measured using by laser-optical disdrometer around Gosam reservoir, Anseong-si, Gyeonggi-do during three rainfall events from 2008 to 2009. The relationships between kinetic energies (KE, Jm-2mm-1; KER, Jm-2h-1) and rainfall intensity were obtained, respectively. Moreover, we compared the rainfall intensity from a disdrometer with the rainfall intensity from a tipping bucket raingauge to transform the kinetic energy of rainfall using the data from a tipping bucket raingauge. Therefore, the established relationships between kinetic energies (KE and KER) and rainfall intensity could be a useful model to consider the kinetic energy of raindrop using the rainfall intensity below 40mmh-1 of max 5-min rainfall intensity in the middle of South Korea. However, to better examine the relationship between kinetic energy and rainfall intensity, further measurement will be required.

The Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic on the Relationship Structure between Volatility and Trading Volume in the BTC Market: A CRQ approach (COVID-19 팬데믹이 BTC 변동성과 거래량의 관계구조에 미친 영향 분석: CRQ 접근법)

  • Park, Beum-Jo
    • Economic Analysis
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    • v.27 no.1
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    • pp.67-90
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    • 2021
  • This study found an interesting fact that the nonlinear relationship structure between volatility and trading volume changed before and after the COVID-19 pandemic according to empirical analysis using Bitcoin (BTC) market data that sensitively reflects investors' trading behavior. That is, their relationship appeared positive (+) in a stable market state before COVID-19 pandemic, as in theory based on the information flow paradigm. In a state under severe market stress due to COVID-19 pandemic, however, their dependence structure changed and even negative (-). This can be seen as a consequence of increased market stress caused by COVID-19 pandemics from a behavioral economics perspective, resulting in structural changes in the asset market and a significant impact on the nonlinear dependence of volatility and trading volume (in particular, their dependence at extreme quantiles). Hence, it should be recognized that in addition to information flows, psychological phenomena such as behavioral biases or herd behavior, which are closely related to market stress, can be a key in changing their dependence structure. For empirical analysis, this study performs a test of Ross (2015) for detecting a structural change, and proposes a Copula Regression Quantiles (CRQ) approach that can identify their nonlinear relationship structure and the asymmetric dependence in their distribution tails without the assumption of i.i.d. random variable. In addition, it was confirmed that when the relationship between their extreme values was analyzed by linear models, incorrect results could be derived due to model specification errors.

Welding Bead Detection Inspection Using the Brightness Value of Vertical and Horizontal Direction (수직 및 수평 방향의 밝깃값을 이용한 용접 비드 검출 검사)

  • Jae Eun Lee;Jong-Nam Kim
    • Journal of the Institute of Convergence Signal Processing
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    • v.23 no.4
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    • pp.241-248
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    • 2022
  • Shear Reinforcement of Dual Anchorage(SRD) is used to reinforce the safety of reinforced concrete structures at construction sites. Welding is used to make shear reinforcement, and welding plays an important role in determining productivity and competitiveness of products. Therefore, a weld bead detection inspection is required. In this paper, we suggest an algorithm for inspecting welding beads using image data of welding beads. First, the proposed algorithm calculates a brightness value in a vertical direction in an image, and then divides a welding bead in a vertical direction by finding a position corresponding to a 50% height point of the brightness value distribution in the image. The welding bead area is also divided in the same way for the horizontal direction, and then the segmentation image is analyzed if there is a welding bead. The proposed algorithm reduced the amount of computation by performing analysis after specifying the region of interest. In addition, accuracy could be improved by using all brightness values in the vertical and horizontal directions using the difference of brightness between the base metal and the welding bead region in the SRD image. The experiment compared the analysis results using five algorithms, such as K-mean and K-neighborhood, as a method to detect if there is a welding bead, and the experimental result proved that the proposed algorithm was the most accurate.

Habitat Suitability Models of Endangered Wildlife Class II Mauremys reevesii in Gurye-gun, the Republic of Korea (전라남도 구례군에 서식하는 멸종위기 야생생물 II급 남생이의 서식지 적합성 모델 개발)

  • Chang-Deuk Park;Jeongwoo Yoo;Kwanik Kwon;Nakyung Yoo;Moon Seong Heo;Ju-Duk Yoon
    • Journal of Environmental Impact Assessment
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    • v.32 no.2
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    • pp.83-93
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    • 2023
  • This study was conducted to clarify the environmental variables that affect the appearance of Mauremys reevesii and to understand the relationship between M. reevesii and the variables. Habitat environmental survey was implemented by selecting 17 environmental variables considering ecological characteristics of M. reevesii in the main reservoir in Gurye-gun, the Republic of Korea. And the habitat data on the presence and absence of M.reevesii were analyzed statistically. The habitat suitability model of M. reevesii was described in following equation : logit (p) = -3.68 + (0.17 × leaf litter depth) + (1.55 × vegetation coverage of overstory on land) + (0.71 × coverage of midstory on land) + (0.96 × vegetation coverage of understory on water). This information gained is valuable for better understanding the distribution and how to conserve and promote populations of M. reevesii occurring in the Republic of Korea.

Study on Countermeasures Against Increasing New Drugs (신종 마약류 증가에 따른 대응방안)

  • Jaehun Shin
    • Journal of the Society of Disaster Information
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    • v.19 no.2
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    • pp.270-279
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    • 2023
  • Purpose: The purpose of this study is to examine the new drugs that recently have shown rapid increase and provide solutions to eradicate them. Method: This study used the relevant preceding studies, statistics, and overseas materials to identify the new drug problems and suggest solutions. Result: Compared to the past, the numbers of criminals detected for the administration, distribution, and production of drugs are rapidly increasing. According to the statistical data on drugs in 2021, the number of drug-related cases decreased compared to the previous year. However, there are concerns because the amount of detected drugs increased more than three times, and the age group of drugrelated criminals are getting younger. Such results are largely affected by the spread of new drugs. In particular, it is deemed to be affected by the spread of new drugs, such as fentanyl, yaba, khat, kratom, etc., as well as the new psychoactive drugs and hemp-related materials. Conclusion: In response to spread of new drugs, this study suggests simplifying the temporary classification of drugs, enforcing control of foreign drug users, strengthening the cooperation with relevant institutions, such as Korea Customs Service and the Ministry of Food and Drug Safety, and intensifying the punishment on the drug users in order to strengthen the countermeasure against the new drugs.

Development of a Site Productivity Index and Yield Prediction Model for a Tilia amurensis Stand (피나무의 임지생산력지수 및 임분수확모델 개발)

  • Sora Kim;Jongsu Yim;Sunjung Lee;Jungeun Song;Hyelim Lee;Yeongmo Son
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.112 no.2
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    • pp.209-216
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    • 2023
  • This study aimed to use national forest inventory data to develop a forest productivity index and yield prediction model of a Tilia amurensis stand. The site index displaying the forest productivity of the Tilia amurensis stand was developed as a Schumacher model, and the site index classification curve was generated from the model results; its distribution growth in Korea ranged from 8-16. The growth model using age as an independent variable for breast height and height diameter estimation was derived from the Chapman-Richards and Weibull model. The Fitness Indices of the estimation models were 0.32 and 0.11, respectively, which were generally low values, but the estimation-equation residuals were evenly distributed around 0, so we judged that there would be no issue in applying the equation. The stand basal area and site index of the Tilia amurensis stand had the greatest effect on the stand-volume change. These two factors were used to derive the Tilia amurensis stand yield model, and the model's determination coefficient was approximately 94%. After verifying the residual normality of the equation and autocorrelation of the growth factors in the yield model, no particular problems were observed. Finally, the growth and yield models of the Tilia amurensis stand were used to produce the makeshift stand yield table. According to this table, when the Tilia amurensis stand is 70 years old, the estimated stand-volume per hectare would be approximately 208 m3 . It is expected that these study results will be helpful for decision-making of Tilia amurensis stands management, which have high value as a forest resource for honey and timber.