• Title/Summary/Keyword: distribution data

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Interpretation of Seismic Profiles in the Sora and North Sora Sub-basins, South Sea of Korea (남해 소라 및 북소라 소분지 일대의 탄성파단면 해석)

  • Lee, Sung-Dong;Oh, Jin-Yong;Park, Myong-Ho;Chang, Tae-Woo
    • The Korean Journal of Petroleum Geology
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    • v.14 no.1
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    • pp.63-73
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    • 2008
  • The seismic interpretation was carried out to understand the evolution of the Sora and North Sora Sub-basins, South Sea of Korea. Both sub-basins belong to the Domi Basin, which is located in the northeastern margin of East China Sea Basin with Fukue Basin of Japan. Age assignment of each strata in this study was based on the data of boreholes and seismic interpretation in NW Japan. Four regional horizons were identified, and five geological units; Y(basement), Q(Eocene$\sim$Middle Oligocene), M(Middle Oligocene$\sim$Early Miocene), L(Early Miocene$\sim$Late Miocene) and D(Late Miocene$\sim$Present) groups in ascending order. Structural trends of the main boundary faults and the basin-fill sediment are different between the Sora and North Sora Sub-basins; i.e., trend of the main boundary-faults, dip of horizons, distribution of basin and development of growth fault. These results imply that the Sora Sub-basin would have opened earlier than the North Sora Sub-basin.

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The Analysis of the Value of the Thyroid Autoantibody Measured by Radioimmunoassay (방사면역측정법에 의한 갑상선 자가항체 측정의 기본적 및 임상적 검토)

  • Chung, Jae-Hoon;Lee, Myung-Shik;Cho, Bo-Youn;Lee, Hong-Kyu;Koh, Chang-Soon;Mim, Hun-Ki;Lee, Mun-Ho
    • The Korean Journal of Nuclear Medicine
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    • v.21 no.2
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    • pp.133-141
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    • 1987
  • To evaluate the values of the thyroid autoantibody measured by radioimmunoassay (RIA) and compare it with hemagglutination method (HA) in the normal and the thyroid disease, data were obtained from total 618 persons; 236 healthy persons, 217 patients with Graves' disease (including 113 patients with undertreated Graves' disease), 100 Hashimoto's disease, 31 thyroid nodule, and 34 simple goiter. RSR kit made in England was used and could be detected to at least 3 U/ml. The positive rates of normal group were antimicrosomal antibody (AMA) 31.8%, antithyroglobulin antibody (ATA) 44.5% by RIA and there was no considerable change in sex and age distribution. In Graves' disease, the positive rates of AMA and ATA were 90.4, 76.9% by RIA, 85, 39% by HA. In Hashimoto's disease, 94,91 % by RIA, and 87,48% by HA, respectively. The autoantibody titer by RIA in thyroid autoimmune disease as well as in normal group was more senisitive than that by HA, especially in ATA. There were linear relationships between the titer of RIA and that of HA in AMA of Graves' disease and AMA and ATA of Hashimoto's disease. There was no relationship among thyroid autoantibody, free $T_4$ index, TBII, and TSH. The titers of AMA and ATA were found to decrease in patients with Graves' disease during the course of antithyroid drug therapy. Of the 236 normal subjects, thirty-seven (15.7%) had concentrations of above 7.5 U/ml in AMA, forty. four (18.6%) above 9 U/ml in ATA. These values were considered as the upper limit for the normal range. In Graves' disease, 82.7, 53.8% were above 7.5, 9 U/ml, respectively; In Hashimoto's disease, 82, 79% were positive. We conclude that RIA was more sensitve than HA in measuring the thyoird autoantibody, but we will study further more for determining the normal range and its interpretation.

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GIS spatial D/B formation of geothermal data and Distribution of Heat Flow of Korea (한국의 지열자료 GIS 공간 D/B 구축과 지열류량 분포)

  • Kim, Hyoung-Chan;Lee, Young-Min;Park, Jeong-Min
    • 한국신재생에너지학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2006.06a
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    • pp.459-460
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    • 2006
  • 현재 남한의 지열류량 측정값으로는 총 363개 지점의 자료가 측정 및 수집되어 있다. 이것은 Mizutani et at. (1970), 장정진 외(1970), 그리고 서정희(1976) 등의 자료, 총 35개의 자료도 추가된 것이다. 1989년 이후부터 측정된 지열류량 자료는 217개 자료이며(임정웅 외, 1989; 임정웅 외, 1996; Lim and Kim, 1997; 염병우 외, 1997), 모두 직접 측정한 것이나, 1989년 이후 보고된 지열류량 자료에 약간의 오류가 있어 이번 연구에서 수정 보완하였다. 또한 과거의 자료 35개 자료는 이미 지열류량 측정치가 논문화 되어 있는 것으로 암석시료는 없다 1989년 이후 2004년까지 자료 217개 2005년도 추가 자료 111개의 지열류량 자료는 암석시료도 있으며, 측정기기가 서로 달라 오차가 있을 수 있어 서로 보정을 해야 할 필요가 있어 시추공 주변 암석을 새로 수집해서 신장비로 다시 측정 보정하였다. 지열류량 D/B 구축은 각 자료의 일련번호, 고유번호 (Sn.), 위경도 좌표 (longitude, lattitude), 암석의 열전도도(thermal conductivity), 지온경사 (thermal gradient), 지열류량 (heat flow)등으로 구성되어 있다. 지열류량 자료 공간 데이터베이스는 점 속성을 가지며 자료형태는 각종 소프트웨어와 호환성이 좋은 shape 파일 형태로 작성하였다. 또만 최근 천부 토양 및 암석 열물성을 이용한 냉난방시스템 즉, Heat Pump System 설계를 위하여 반드시 들어가야 하는 요소인 열확산율, 공극율, 밀도, 비열 등 열물성 특성을 추가하여 GIS 공간 D/B구축하였다. 대륙붕 자료 4개 자료를 제외하고 359개의 지열류량 자료를 이용하여 한반도 남부, 즉 남한의 지열류량 분포도를 작성 분석해 본 결과(그림 1), 우리나라의 지열류량 이상대는 아산만 주변, 보령, 유성, 진안, 울진, 포항, 부산 지역과 포천, 속초, 충주, 수안보 등 지역에서 나타난다 이러한 이상대 주변에는 대개 온천이 발달되어 있었거나 새로 개발되어 있는 곳이다. 온천에 이용하고 있는 시추공의 자료는 배제하였으나 온천이응으로 직접적으로 영향을 받지 않은 시추공의 자료는 사용하였다 이러한 온천 주변 지역이라 하더라도 실제는 온천의 pumping 으로 인한 대류현상으로 주변 일대의 온도를 올려놓았기 때문에 비교적 높은 지열류량 값을 보인다. 한편 한반도 남동부 일대는 이번 추가된 자료에 의해 새로운 지열류량 분포 변화가 나타났다 강원 북부 오색온천지역 부근에서 높은 지열류량 분포를 보이며 또한 우리나라 대단층 중의 하나인 양산단층과 같은 방향으로 발달한 밀양단층, 모량단층, 동래단층 등 주변부로 NNE-SSW 방향의 지열류량 이상대가 발달한다. 이것으로 볼 때 지열류량은 지질구조와 무관하지 않음을 파악할 수 있다. 특히 이러한 단층대 주변은 지열수의 순환이 깊은 심도까지 가능하므로 이러한 대류현상으로 지표부근까지 높은 지온 전달이 되어 나타나는 것으로 판단된다.

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Evaluation of Lead levels in Airborne by a portable X-Ray Fluorescence Instrument (휴대용 X-Ray 형광기기(XRF)를 이용한 공기중 납농도 평가)

  • Ahn, Kyu Dong;Lee, Jong Chun;Cho, Kwang Sung;Kim, Nam Su;Kim, Jin Ho;Lee, Sung Soo;Lee, Byung Kook
    • Journal of Korean Society of Occupational and Environmental Hygiene
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    • v.11 no.3
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    • pp.235-240
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    • 2001
  • This study was performed to compare the lead levels of 20 quality control standard samples(KOSHA:18-2000) and 72 field samples in lead-acid battery manufacturing plant between ICP and portable-XRF methods. 1. While the proficiencies of 20 quality control standard samples by ICP were 100%, those of analytic result values by XRF were 75%. 2. The correlation coefficient(r) between the reference values for quality control (REF) and the analytic result values by ICP (ICP) was 1.0(p<0.05), and simple linear regression equation and the coefficient(R2) were REF = -0.0009 + 1.016 ICP and 0.9997, respectively. 3. The correlation coefficient(r) between the analytic result values of quality control standard samples by ICP (ICP) and by XRF (XRF) was 0.975(p<0.05), and simple linear regression equation and the coefficient(R2) were ICP = -0.0003 + 1.002 XRF and 0.950, respectively. 4. The correlation coefficient(r) between the analytic result values for lead samples of a lead-acid battery manufacturing plant by ICP (ICP) and by XRF (XRF) was 0.993(p<0.05), and simple linear regression equation and the coefficient(R2) were ICP = -2.058 + 0.996 XRF and 0.987, respectively. 5. While the frequency distributions of XRF /ICP(Ratio) for each ICP concentration levels in a lead-acid battery manufacturing plant revealed high proportion in ratio range of 0.876-1.125 than in ration range of 1.126-1.375. Also, ICP concentration level in ration range of 0.786-1.125 was increased with increase of frequency distribution of XRF/ICP. 6. The limit of detection of XRF on lead was determined to be $6.11{\mu}g$/filter The data presented in this study indicated that relationship for lead level of quality control samples and field samples in a lead -acid battery manufacturing plant by ICP and portable-XRF methods was proved. The practicing industrial hygienist can use portable-XRF to produce a rapid on-site determination of lead exposure that can immediately becommunicated to workers and help identify appropriate levels of personal protection.

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An Empirical Study on the Different Interindustrial Pricing Strategies of Internet Retailers (인터넷 소매상 가격 전략의 산업 의존성에 관한 실증연구)

  • 홍정유;김주성;남순해;이수정;고석하
    • Journal of Information Technology Application
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    • v.3 no.3
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    • pp.41-69
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    • 2001
  • This paper compares the price strategies of Korean internet retailers against those of Korean traditional retailers in regard to books, CD\\`s, cosmetics, softwares, PC and peripherals, and electronic home appliances. The data shows that the average prices of books, CD\\`s, and cosmetics are cheaper in the internet market than in the traditional market when there is a large purchase. However, when there is a small purchase, the average prices of books and CD\\`s are more expensive in the internet market than in the traditional market. In other cases, the difference of the average prices in the two markets was negligible. When there is a large purchase, the dispersion of prices of books is smaller in the internee market than in the traditional market. In other cases, the dispersion of prices is smaller in the internet market than in the traditional market, but the difference was negligible to be statistically significant. The findings imply that internet retailers generally pursue a specialization strategy against traditional retailers by factors other than prices. Internee retailers seem to pursue price competition against traditional retailers only for large purchases in some cheap commodity industries. It is also found that the internet shopping-malls managed or owned by existing traditional retailers or manufactures are rare and are operated dependently on existing distribution channels. The findings also imply that the Internet market begins to be established only in some cheap commodity industries and the Internet market has yet to be generally established in Korea.

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Using Text-mining Method to Identify Research Trends of Freshwater Exotic Species in Korea (텍스트마이닝 (text-mining) 기법을 이용한 국내 담수외래종 연구동향 파악)

  • Do, Yuno;Ko, Eui-Jeong;Kim, Young-Min;Kim, Hyo-Gyeom;Joo, Gea-Jae;Kim, Ji Yoon;Kim, Hyun-Woo
    • Korean Journal of Ecology and Environment
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    • v.48 no.3
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    • pp.195-202
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    • 2015
  • We identified research trends for freshwater exotic species in South Korea using text mining methods in conjunction with bibliometric analysis. We searched scientific and common names of freshwater exotic species as searching keywords including 1 mammal species, 3 amphibian-reptile species, 11 fish species, 2 aquatic plant species. A total of 245 articles including research articles and abstracts of conference proceedings published by 56 academic societies and institutes were collected from scientific article databases. The search keywords used were the common names for the exotic species. The $20^{th}$ century (1900's) saw the number of articles increase; however, during the early $21^{st}$ century (2000's) the number of published articles decreased slowly. The number of articles focusing on physiological and embryological research was significantly greater than taxonomic and ecological studies. Rainbow trout and Nile tilapia were the main research topic, specifically physiological and embryological research associated with the aquaculture of these species. Ecological studies were only conducted on the distribution and effect of large-mouth bass and nutria. The ecological risk associated with freshwater exotic species has been expressed yet the scientific information might be insufficient to remove doubt about ecological issues as expressed by interested by individuals and policy makers due to bias in research topics with respect to freshwater exotic species. The research topics of freshwater exotic species would have to diversify to effectively manage freshwater exotic species.

Migration Patterns of Brachymystax lenok tsinlingensis Using Radio Tags in the Upper Part of the Nakdong River (Radio tag을 이용한 낙동강 상류에 서식하는 열목어의 이동양상)

  • Yoon, Ju-Duk;Jang, Min-Ho
    • Korean Journal of Ecology and Environment
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    • v.42 no.1
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    • pp.58-66
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    • 2009
  • The telemetry of eight adult manchurian trouts (Brachymystax lenok tsinlingensis) in the upper part of the Nakdong River, which is the southern limit of distribution of manchurian trout on the Korean peninsula, was used to examine migration patterns and evaluate characteristics of over-wintering and the spawning season between December, 2007 and May, 2008. Based on the tracking data, the tagged fish showed a limited migration between adjacent pools, moving only up to $8.6m\;day^{-1}$ during the winter season (December to February). Hydraulic conditions of over-wintering pool areas were, ca. 1m depth, slow moving surface water with areas of sand and gravel. The migration of tagged individuals was successful, moving up to $96.2m\;day^{-1}$ during the spawning season. Two tagged individuals (BL4, BL6) exhibited upstream migration, whereas others showed downstream movements. The timing of upstream migration of the two individuals was consistent with an increasing phases of water level and discharge. The fishes migrating toward the down stream moved to the wide pool areas downstream, where they spent the summer season for the growth.

Analysis of Fish Compositions and Ecological Indicator Characteristic in Masan Reservoir. (마산저수지의 어류 종조성 및 생태 지표 특성 분석)

  • Han, Jung-Ho;Lee, Eui-Haeng;An, Kwang-Guk
    • Korean Journal of Ecology and Environment
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    • v.42 no.2
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    • pp.212-220
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    • 2009
  • In this study, we analyzed fish compositions and ecological characteristics such as trophic guilds and tolerance guilds in association with water quality characteristics in Masan Reservoir during November 2008. Total number of species were 12 species (6 families) and the dominant species were Zacco platypus, Hemiculter eigenmanni, and Pseudorasbora parva. We found three Korean endemic species and one exotic species, Carassius cuvieri. According to the analysis of ecological indicator characteristics, relative proportion of tolerant and omnivore species was 98% of the total indicating that probably, the fauna was influenced by physical habitat disturbance and physicochemical degradations. Fish distribution analysis along with littoral zone showed that the most fishes (${\sim}$95%) were observed in the littoral zone where emerged macrophytes were well developed. Also, substrate analysis indicated that the most species were found near silt area (11 species, 91.7%), so that the significant differences were found between the substrate types. Analysis of water quality indicated that concentrations of total phosphorus (TP) and chlorophyll-a (ChI-a) as a lake trophic indicator were judged as eutrophic states, respectively and COD as an indicator of organic matter pollution averaged 10.9 mg $L^{-1}$. Based on the water quality, this system were influenced by the nutrient enrichments and organic matter. The degradations of water quality in Masan Reservoir resulted in trophic compositions of fish (increase of omnivore species) and the dominance of tolerant fish. This Monitoring data may contribute changes of fish fauna and compositions in relation to habitat modifications and chemical water quality degradations in the future.

Development of a Software to Evaluate the CPES(Cable Penetration Fire Stop) System in Nuclear Power Plane I (원자력발전소 케이블관통부 충전시스템 평가용 소프트웨어 개발 I)

  • 윤종필;권성필;조재규;윤인섭
    • Fire Science and Engineering
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    • v.18 no.1
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    • pp.24-30
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    • 2004
  • In this work the dynamic heat transfer occurring in a cable penetration fire stop system built in the firewall of nuclear power plants is three-dimensionally investigated to develop a test-simulator that can be used to verify effectiveness of the sealants. Here was carried out an experiment to observe the heat transfer in the cable penetration fire stop system made of DOW CORNING products. The dynamic heat transfer occurring in the fire stop system is formulated in a parabolic partial differential equation subjected to a set of initial and boundary conditions. And it was modeled, simulated, and analyzed. The simulation results were illustrated in three-dimensional graphics and were compared with experimental data. Through the simulations, it was shown clearly that the temperature distribution was influenced very much by the number, position, and temperature of the cable streams. It also was found that the dynamic heat transfer through the cable streams was one of the most dominant factors, and the feature of heat conduction could be understood as an unsteady-state process. It is certain that these numerical results are useful for making a performance-based design for the cable penetration fire stop system.

A Study on the uTradeHub Acceptance Factors Effecting upon the System Usefulness and User Satisfaction (uTradeHub 수용요인이 시스템 유용성과 사용자 만족도에 미치는 영향)

  • Song, Sun-Yok
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.15 no.5
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    • pp.2769-2777
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    • 2014
  • This research herein aims to assist maximizing performance of introduced systems by managing the acceptance factor of uTradeHub that is easily overlooked in the system installation process by trading companies aiming to install uTradeHub system in future by conducting the two following things: i) grasping factors affecting system usefulness and user satisfaction derived from uTradeHub acceptance factor, and ii) analyzing the effect relationship of system usefulness on user satisfaction at an inspection level of system usefulness and user satisfaction, since the uTradeHub system introduced for mid- and small-sized trading companies in export and import works in mid-2008. Proof analysis was conducted by using SPSS 19.0 statistic package on data of 112 effective responses collected through questionnaire surveys, whose results are as follows. First, the uTradeHub acceptance factors having a significant effect on system usefulness are relative advantage, easy of use, task adaptedness, support of CEO, maturity of IT infrastructures, and degree of education/training. Second, the uTradeHub acceptance factors having an effect on user satisfaction are relative advantages, task adaptedness, support of CEO, maturity of IT infrastructures, and degree of education/training. Third, system usefulness showed a significant effect on user satisfaction.