• 제목/요약/키워드: diseases and pests

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국내산 식물체 추출물의 여섯 가지 주요 식물병원권에 대한 살균활성 (Fungicidal Activity of Domestic Plant Extracts against Six Major Phytopathogenic Fungi)

  • 박일권;이상길;박지두;신상철;안용준
    • 농약과학회지
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    • 제7권2호
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    • pp.83-91
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    • 2003
  • 118 종 국내산 식물체의 에탄올 추출물을 대상으로 기주식물상의 온실실험조건에서 6 종의 주요 식물병원균에 대해 방제효과를 조사한 결과 살균효과는 식물의 종류 및 채집부위에 따라 커다란 차이를 보였다. 118 종 207 샘플을 2,000ppm 농도로 처리하였을 때 두 종 이상의 병원균에 90% 이상의 방제효과를 나타 낸 식물체는 측백나무 잎, 육계나무 잎, 비목나무 수피 및 잎, 잣나무 목부, 헛개나무 목부, 모감주나무 수피, 때죽나무 목부, 동백나무 잎, 그리고 빗죽이나무 잎이었다. 특히 헛개나무 목부 추출물은 여러 식물병원 균에 대하여 강함 살균효과를 나타내어 방제에 크게 이용할 수 있을 것으로 기대되었다.

IoT 기반의 스마트 팜 시스템 구조설계에 관한 연구 (A Study on the Architecture Design of Smart Farm System based on IoT Technology)

  • 길민식;곽동걸;최신형;신종근
    • 전력전자학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 전력전자학회 2019년도 전력전자학술대회
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    • pp.543-545
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    • 2019
  • Recently, the demand for smart farms is increasing due to the increase in the cultivation area such as horticulture, fruit trees and special crops. However, due to the irregular weather changes and the cultivation method of the crops due to the different cultivation environment, there are frequent occurrence of diseases and insect pests and infectious diseases due to system error or carelessness, and the cycle is also very short. In addition, the Smart Farm business has been built by combining various sensors (temperature, humidity, CO2, illumination) and LED lighting, but it is costly in terms of frequent errors, lack of power supply, And thus the management can not be efficiently managed. Therefore, this paper combines real time sensing technology based on IoT Platform and high performance control technology to control pests and equipment errors and monitor the growth status of crops in real time based on big data analysis and Artificial Intelligence System.

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Characteristics of the Infection of Tilletia laevis Kuhn (syn. Tilletia foetida (Wallr.) Liro.) in Compatible Wheat

  • Ren, Zhaoyu;Zhang, Wei;Wang, Mengke;Gao, Haifeng;Shen, Huimin;Wang, Chunping;Liu, Taiguo;Chen, Wanquan;Gao, Li
    • The Plant Pathology Journal
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    • 제37권5호
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    • pp.437-445
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    • 2021
  • Tilletia laevis Kuhn (syn. Tilletia foetida (Wallr.) Liro.) causes wheat common bunt, which is one of the most devastating plant diseases in the world. Common bunt can result in a reduction of 80% or even a total loss of wheat production. In this study, the characteristics of T. laevis infection in compatible wheat plants were defined based on the combination of scanning electron microscopy, transmission electron microscopy and laser scanning confocal microscopy. We found T. laevis could lead to the abnormal growth of wheat tissues and cells, such as leakage of chloroplasts, deformities, disordered arrangements of mesophyll cells and also thickening of the cell wall of mesophyll cells in leaf tissue. What's more, T. laevis teliospores were found in the roots, stems, flag leaves, and glumes of infected wheat plants instead of just in the ovaries, as previously reported. The abnormal characteristics caused by T. laevis may be used for early detection of this pathogen instead of molecular markers in addition to providing theoretical insights into T. laevis and wheat interactions for breeding of common bunt resistance.

Migrations and Multiplications of Bursaphelenchus xylophilus and B. mucronatus in Pinus thumbergii in Relation to Their Pathogenicity

  • Son, Joung A;Moon, Yil-Sung
    • The Plant Pathology Journal
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    • 제29권1호
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    • pp.116-122
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    • 2013
  • To evaluate the mechanisms of pathogenicity and nonpathogenicity of Bursaphelenchus xylophilus and B. mucronatus isolated in South Korea, we used 4-year-old P. thunbergii seedlings and 20-cm long one-year-old stem cuttings of 5-year-old Pinus thunbergii, and studied distributions and multiplications of pine wood nematodes after inoculation. The distributions of B. xylophilus in the 20-cm pine stem cuttings were not significantly different from that of B. mucronatus. Conversely, the proliferation rate of B. xylophilus on mycelial mats of Botrytis cinerea was significantly different from that of B. mucronatus. The study using 4-year-old P. thunbergii seedlings also showed that B. mucronatus can migrate to distal portions of the pine seedlings the same as B. xylophilus, but the populations of B. xylophilus remaining in the pine seedlings were relatively larger than those of B. mucronatus. Therefore, we concluded that the pathogenicity of B. xylophilus could be strongly influenced by its ability to multiply.

Kordyana commelinae Associated with White Smut-like Disease on Commelina communis and C. minor in Korea

  • Park, Ji-Hyun;Jung, Bok-Nam;Choi, In-Young;Shin, Hyeon-Dong
    • Mycobiology
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    • 제49권3호
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    • pp.275-279
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    • 2021
  • A fungus of the genus Kordyana, found on leaves of Commelina communis and C. minor exhibiting white smut-like symptoms, was identified as Kordyana commelinae based on morphological characteristics and two rDNA sequence analyses. We report the novel occurrence of the genus Kordyana in Korea and the association of K. commelinae with the host plant species. As well, we provide the necessary mycological information to resolve species delimitation and taxonomic problems of Kordyana.

A New Record of Candida kashinagacola (Synonym Ambrosiozyma kashinagacola) from Galleries of Platypus koryoensis, the Oak Wilt Disease Vector, in Korea

  • Suh, Dong Yeon;Kim, Seong Hwan;Son, Seung Yeol;Seo, Sang Tae;Kim, Kyung Hee
    • Mycobiology
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    • 제41권4호
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    • pp.245-247
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    • 2013
  • The ambrosia beetle, Platypus koryoensis, is an economically important pest affecting oak trees in Korea. Candida kashinagacola was isolated from galleries of the beetle in oak wood and identified by analyses of morphology, physiological properties, and nucleotide sequence of the large subunit ribosomal DNA. This is the first report on Candida species associated with oak wilt disease vectored by the ambrosia beetle, Platypus koryoensis, in Korea.

Macruropyxis fraxini on Fraxinus rhynchophylla: Confirmation in the Korean Peninsula after 82 Years and the First Record in South Korea

  • Jung, Bok-Nam;Choi, Young-Joon;Shin, Hyeon-Dong;Park, Ji-Hyun
    • Mycobiology
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    • 제48권6호
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    • pp.518-521
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    • 2020
  • Macruropyxis fraxini has been recorded on several species of Fraxinus in China, Japan, Russia (Far East), and North Korea since its first recorded observation as a rust fungus on F. rhynchophylla in Jilin, China, in 1899. In the Korean Peninsula, the rust fungus was first recorded on F. rhynchophylla in 1935, based on four specimens collected at Mt. Kumgangsan, Gangwondo Province, in the North Korean territory. We confirmed this rust in the Korean Peninsula after 82 years. The rust fungus was identified based on morphological characteristics and a molecular phylogenetic analysis. This is the first record of M. fraxini in South Korea.

Filamentous Fungi Isolated from Platypus koryoensis, the Insect Vector of Oak Wilt Disease in Korea

  • Suh, Dong-Yeon;Hyun, Min-Woo;Kim, Seong-Hwan;Seo, Sang-Tae;Kim, Kyung-Hee
    • Mycobiology
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    • 제39권4호
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    • pp.313-316
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    • 2011
  • The ambrosia beetle, Platypus koryoensis, is a serious pest of oak trees in Korea. In this study we investigated filamentous fungi present in the body of the beetle. Fourteen genera of filamentous fungi belonging to Ascomycota and Basidiomycota were isolated. Among the isolated fungi, some were able to produce wood degrading enzymes. This is first report of fungi associated with P. koryoensis.

무농약 유기재배 사과원의 병해충 발생 및 관리 실태 (Current status on the occurrence and management of disease, insect and mite pests in the non-chemical or organic apple orchards)

  • 최경희;이동혁;송양익;남종철;이순원
    • 한국유기농업학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 한국유기농학회 2009년도 하반기 학술대회
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    • pp.45-56
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    • 2009
  • 2005년부터 2008년에 걸쳐 무농약 유기 농산물 인증을 받은 사과원의 변동상황을 조사하였고, 무농약 유기재배 사과원에서 병해충 발생과 관리 실태 파악을 목적으로, 2006년에는 17명을, 2009년에는 13명을 대상으로 심각한 피해를 야기하는 문제병해충과 병해충 관리를 위해서 사용하는 친환경 농자재에 대해서 설문조사를 실시하였다. 또한, 2007년에는 무농약 유기 농산물 인증을 받은 음성 무주 장성 영주 의성 청송 칠곡 지역의 10개 사과원을 대상으로, 2009년에는 충주 예산 영덕 지역의 3개 사과원을 추가한 13개 사과원을 대상으로 피해를 많이 주고 있는 병해충의 발생상황과 병해충 관리를 위해서 사용하는 친환경 농자재에 대해서 방문조사를 실시하여 다음과 같은 결과를 얻었다. 2005~2008년에 걸쳐 사과에 무농약농산물 인증을 받은 농가는 각각 9, 24, 42, 48농가였으며, 유기농산물(전환기유기농산물 포함) 인증을 받은 농가는 각각 5, 4, 11, 30농가로서, 2005년 대비 2008년에 무농약농산물은 5.3배, 유기농산물은 6배가 증가하였다. 무농약 유기 농산물 인증 사과원에서 문제병해는 갈색무늬병, 탄저병, 겹무늬썩음병, 그을음(점무늬)병이었는데, 석회유황합제와 석회보르도액을 사용하는 사과원의 경우에 2006년과 2007년에 비하여 2009년에는 갈색무늬병, 탄저병, 겹무늬썩음병의 피해가 적었고, 그을음(점무늬)병은 심하지는 않았지만 문제가 되었다. 문제해충은 2006년과 2007년에는 사과혹진딧물, 복숭아순나방, 복숭아심식나방이었으나, 2009년은 교미교란제, 난황유, 기계유유제를 사용하는 사과원의 경우에 이들 해충의 피해는 크게 적어진 반면에, 일부 사과원에서 사과유리나방과 사과면충이 새롭게 문제 되었다.

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무농약 유기재배 사과원의 병해충 발생과 관리 실태 (Current Status on the Occurrence and Management of Disease, Insect and Mite Pests in the Non-chemical or Organic Cultured Apple Orchards in Korea)

  • 최경희;이동혁;송양익;남종철;이순원
    • 한국유기농업학회지
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    • 제18권2호
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    • pp.221-232
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    • 2010
  • 본 연구에서는 2005년부터 2008년에 걸쳐 무농약 유기농산물 인증을 받은 사과원의 변동 상황을 조사하였고, 무농약 유기재배 사과원에서 병해충 발생과 관리 실태 파악을 목적으로, 2006년에는 17명, 2009년에는 13명을 대상으로 심각한 피해를 야기하는 문제병해충과 병해충 관리를 위해서 사용한 친환경 농자재에 대해서 설문조사를 실시하였다. 2007년에는 무농약 유기농산물 인증을 받은 음성 무주 장성 영주 의성 청송 칠곡 지역의 10개 사과원을 대상으로, 2009년에는 충주 예산 영덕 지역의 3개 사과원을 추가한 13개 사과원을 대상으로 피해가 많았던 병해충의 발생상황과 병해충 관리를 위해서 사용한 친환경 농자재에 대해 방문조사를 실시하여 다음과 같은 결과를 얻었다. 2005~2008년에 걸쳐 사과에 무농약농산물 인증을 받은 농가는 각각 9, 24, 42, 48농가였으며, 유기농산물(전환기 유기농산물 포함) 인증을 받은 농가는 각각 5, 4, 11, 30농가로서, 2005년 대비 2008년에 무농약농산물은 5.3배, 유기농산물은 6배가 증가하였다. 무농약 유기농산물 인증 사과원에서 문제된 병해는 갈색무늬병, 탄저병, 겹무늬썩음병, 그을음(점무늬)병이었는데, 석회유황합제와 석회보르도액을 사용하는 사과원의 경우에 2006년과 2007년에 비하여 2009년에는 갈색무늬병, 탄저병, 겹무늬썩음병의 피해가 적었고, 그을음(점무늬)병은 심하지는 않았지만 문제가 되었다. 문제된 해충으로는 2006년과 2007년에는 사과혹진딧물, 복숭아순나방, 복숭아심식나방이었으나, 2009년에는 교미교란제, 난황유, 기계유유제를 사용하는 사과원의 경우에 이들 해충의 피해는 크게 적어진 반면에, 일부 사과원에서 사과유리나방과 사과면충으로 인해 새로운 문제가 야기되었다.