• Title/Summary/Keyword: direct contact

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Improved Photoelectric Conversion Efficiency of Perovskite Solar Cells with TiO2:TiCl4 Electron Transfer Layer (TiO2:TiCl4 전자수송층을 도입한 페로브스카이트 태양전지의 광전변환효율 향상)

  • Ahn, Joon-sub;Kang, Seung-gu;Song, Jae-gwan;Kim, Jin-bong;Han, Eun-mi
    • Journal of the Microelectronics and Packaging Society
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    • v.24 no.4
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    • pp.85-90
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    • 2017
  • The $TiCl_4$ as a blocking material is adsorbed in the mesoporous $TiO_2$ electron transfer layer(ETL) of the Perovskite solar cell to prevent the direct contact between the FTO electrode and the photoactive layer(AL), and facilitate the movement of the electrons between $TiO_2:TiCl_4$ ETL and Perovskite AL to improve the photoelectric conversion efficiency(PCE). The structure of the perovskite solar cell is FTO/$TiO_2:TiCl_4$/Perovskite($CH_3NH_3PbI_3$)/spiro-OMeTAD/Ag. It was investigated that the dipping time of the $TiO_2$ into $TiCl_4$ aqueous solution affects on the photoelectric characteristics of the device. By the dipping for 30 minutes, the PCE of the perovskite solar cell with the $TiO_2:TiCl_4$ ETL was the highest 10.46%, which is 27% higher than the cell with $TiO_2$ ETL. From SEM, EDS, and XRD characterization on the $TiO_2:TiCl_4$ ETL and the perovskite AL, it was measured that the decrease of the porosity of the $TiO_2$ layer, the detection of the Cl component by the $TiCl_4$ adsorption, the cube-type morphology of perovskite AL, and shift of the $PbI_2$ peak of the perovskite AL. From these results, it was confirmed that the $TiO_2:TiCl_4$ ETL and the perovskite AL were formed.

Autometallography for Zinc Detection in the Central Nervous System (중추신경계통내 분포하는 Zinc의 조직화학적 동정)

  • Jo, Seung-Mook;Gorm, Danscher;Kim, Sung-Jun;Park, Seung-Kook;Kang, Tae-Cheon;Won, Moo-Ho
    • Applied Microscopy
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    • v.30 no.4
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    • pp.347-355
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    • 2000
  • Zinc is one of the most abundant oligoelements in the living cell. It appears tightly bound to some metalloproteins and nucleic acids, loosely bound to some metallothioneins or even as free ion. Small amounts of zinc ions (in the nanomolar range) regulate a plentitude of enzymatic proteins, receptors and transcription factors, thus rolls need accurate homeostasis of zinc ions. Zinc is an essential catalytic or structural element of many proteins, and a signaling messenger that is released by neural activity at many central excitatory synapses. Growing evidences suggest that zinc may also be a key mediator and modulator of the neuronal death associated with transient global ischemia and sustained seizures, as well as perhaps other neurological disease stoles. Some neurons have developed mechanisms to accumulate zinc in specific membrane compartment ('vesicular zinc') which can be evidenced using histochemical techniques. Substances giving a bright colour or emitting fluorescence when in contact with divalent metal ions are currently used to detect them inside cells; their use leads to the so called 'direct' methods. The fixation and precipitation of metal ions as insoluble salt precipitates, their maintenance along the histological process and, finally, their demonstration after autometallographic development are essential steps for other methods, the so called 'indirect methods'. This study is a short report on the autometallograhical approaches for zinc detection in the central nervous system (CNS) by means of a modified selenium method.

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A Study on the Water Reuse Systems (중수도개발연구(中水道開發研究))

  • Park, Chung Hyun;Lee, Seong Key;Chung, Jae Chul
    • KSCE Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.4 no.4
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    • pp.113-125
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    • 1984
  • Water supply has been mainly dependent on the construction of the dams in Korea. It is difficult, however, to continue to construct dams for many reasons, such as the decrease of construction sites, the increase of construction costs, the compensation of residents in flooded areas, and the environmental effects. Water demands have increased and are expected to continue increasing due to the concentration of people in the cities, the rise of the living standard, and rapid industrial growth. It is acutely important to find countermeasures such as development of ground water, desalination, and recycling of waste water to cope with increasing water demands. Recycling waste water includes all means of supplying non-potable water for their respective usages with proper water quality which is not the same quality as potable water. The usages of the recycled water include toilet flushing, air conditioning, car washing, yard watering, road cleaning, park sprinkling, and fire fighting, etc. Raw water for recycling is obtained from drainage water from buildings, toilets, and cooling towers, treated waste water, polluted rivers, ground water, reinfall, etc. The water quantity must be considered as well as its quality in selecting raw water for the recycling. The types of recycling may be classified roughly into closed recycle systems and open recycle systems, which can be further subdivided into individual recycle systems, regional recycle systems and large scale recycle system. The treatment methods of wastewater combine biochemical and physiochemical methods. The former includes activated sludge treatment, bio-disc treatment, and contact aeration treatment, and the latter contains sedimentation, sand filtration, activated carbon adsorption, ozone treatment, chlorination, and membrane filter. The recycling patterns in other countries were investigated and the effects of the recycling were divided into direct and indirect effects. The problems of water reuse in recycle patterns were also studied. The problems include technological, sanitary, and operational problems as well as cost and legislative ones. The duties of installation and administrative organization, structural standards for reuse of water, maintenance and financial disposal were also studied.

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A Study on the Change of AIDS Knowledge and Sexual Behavior among Middle and High School Students through AIDS Prevention Education (중고등학생의 에이즈 예방교육(豫防敎育)을 통한 에이즈 지식(知識)과 성의식(性意識) 변화(變化)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究))

  • Kwon, Kwan-Woo;Lee, Kyoung-Mu;Kim, Joung-Soon
    • Journal of the Korean Society of School Health
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    • v.12 no.1
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    • pp.109-129
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    • 1999
  • AIDS is worldwide problem. It has threatens societies and is potentially a big problem among youth. UNAIDS has warned that collective global responses are necessary; with half of the newly infected being children and young people in 1998, educating youth below age 24 is essential. Because of both their unexpected, strong sexual activities and an easjer tendency to change their behavior than adults, UNAIDS emphasizes the importance of prevention education for youth. In Korea, 4 cases of HIV infection have officially been reported among high school students. Considering the potential seriousness of HIV infection among youth, the Korean AntiAIDS Federation (KAAF) began an education programme for Korean youth (middle & high school pupils) as one intervention method in 1993. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the impact of the education programs performed and to develop a better programme. The intervention method used in this study was mainly a lecture in a big or small auditorium or through broadcasting systems using audio-visual teaching aids. The period of this survey was from Nov. 10 to Dec. 26. in 1998. The subjects surveyed were 792 pupils who were sampled from 12 different middle and high schools in Seoul by a two-stage cluster sampling. Self-recording the structured questionnaire was used for data collection. Data were analyzed by using a paired t-test to compare the knowledge difference before and after the interrention method. A chi-square test to compare the consciousness difference between pre-post-education results was used, and an ANOVA was ased to compare the knowledge difference among the selected groups. Major results of this study are summarized as follows: (1) AIDS knowledge significantly changed after AIDS prevention education. (2) The direct lecture in a big or small auditorium is more effective than an indirect lecture through a broadcasting system or through audio-visual teaching aids. (3) Those who had not seen obscene materials (e.g. pornography films, magazines etc.) acguired much more knowledge than others after AIDS prevention education. (4) Those who had no girlfriend/or boyfriend acquired much more knowledge than the others after AIDS prevention education. (5) As to the attitudes toward chastity, more girls than boys and students who had not seen obscene materials rather than those who already had were liable to support the state ment: "all should remain chase" and their consciousness on "being chaste" changed much more than that of others after intervention. (6) As to the individual evaluation of lectures, 23.1% shows "very good", 44.1% "good", 26.9% "normar" '-' thus, the positive evaluation was to 94.2%. The negative response was 5.8%. (7) As to the desire for AIDS education sponsored by KAAF in the future, more than 90.5% showed a positive reaction. (8) As to the educators in future education methods, pupils wanted lecturers from outside their schood. (9) Students from vocational high schools have seen obscene materials much more than other groups and the percentage of those who had a girlfriend/or boyfriend was higher than that of the others as wello. (10) 90% of those who watched obscene materials responded that they experienced these materials while at middle school and 100% before reaching the second grade of high school. (11) The number of boys who have experienced obscene materials is twice as many as that of girls. (12) The percentage of boys who have a girlfriend is much higher than the percentage of girls who have a boyfriend. (13) Among those who have friends of the opposite sex, 11.1% say that they hare had sexual contact and 20.8% hare experienced kissing and caressing.

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Studies on the Improvement of Mountainous Pasture I. Effect of the various litters on germination , establishment , and herbage production of oversown grasses (산지초지 개량에 관한 연구 I. 낙엽퇴적물이 겉뿌린 목초의 발아 , 정착 및 수량에 미치는 영향)

  • 이인덕
    • Journal of The Korean Society of Grassland and Forage Science
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    • v.4 no.1
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    • pp.35-40
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    • 1983
  • This study was conducted to investigate the effect of some kinds of tree litters covered the soil surface on the germination, establishment, sward composition, and herbage production of the grasses sown by the oversowing method. The litters were leaves of Pinus rigida Miller, Quercus variabilis Blume, Larix leptolepis Gord, and Alnus hirsuta Rupr. The results obtained were as follows; 1. In the Petri dish, germination was affected by grass species and kinds of litters, especially the percolate from Pinus litter seriously suppressed the early germination of small size seeds such as ladino clover and timothy. 2. In the pot, establishment was slightly suppressed in ladino and timothy by the percolate from Pinus litter, while in others it was decreased relatively. 3. Among the 6 species investigated, the small size seeds of ladino clover and timothy and the large size seeds of red clover, they could be early put into the litter spaces and established well. 4. In Larix litter, the establishment percentage of all species were decreased seriously owing to low moisture retention capacity. 5. Grass height and root length were different in kinds of litters and species. 6. The percentages of establishment on each surface treatments of burning, treading, raking, and the control under Quercus tree were 36, 46, 37, and 31%, respectively. 7. The sward percentage of oversown grasses and legumes was 57.8% in burning, 70.9% in treading, 59.6% in raking, and 54.0% in the control. 8. Treading treatment was most effective to destroy existing vegetation and improve soil-seed contact when oversowing and showed the best result. 9. Yield of dry matter per unit area in treading treatment was higher (p<0.05) than those of the other treatments. The above experimental results suggest the importance of direct oversowing on the litters in the mountainous land and forest land.

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The Relationship between Intracellular Protein Kinase C Concentration and Invasiveness in U-87 Malignant Glioma Cells (교모세포종 세포주 U-87에서 세포내 PKC 농도와 종양침습성과의 상관 관계)

  • Ji, Cheol;Cho, Kyung-Keun;Lee, Kyung Jin;Park, Sung Chan;Cho, Jung Ki;Kang, Joon Ki;Choi, Chang Rak
    • Journal of Korean Neurosurgical Society
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    • v.30 no.3
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    • pp.263-271
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    • 2001
  • Objective : Glioblastomas, the most common type of primary brain tumors, are highly invasive and cause massive tissue destruction at both the tumor invading edges and in areas that are not in direct contact with glioma cells. As a result, patients with high-grade gliomas are faced with a poor prognosis. Such grim statistics emphasize the need to better understand the mechanisms that underlie glioma invasion, as these may lead to the identification of novel targets in the therapy of high grade gliomas. Protein kinase C(PKC) is a family of serine/threonine kinases and an important signal transduction enzyme that conveys signals generated by ligand-receptor interaction at the cell surface to the nucleus. PKC appears to be critical in regulating many aspects of glioma biology. The purpose of this study was to assess accurately the role of PKC in the invasion regulation of human gliomas based on hypothesis that protein kinase C(PKC) is functional in the process of glial tumor cell invasion. Method : To test this hypothesis, U-87 malignant glioma cell line intracellular PKC levels were up and down regulated and their invasiveness was tested. Intracellular PKC level was characterized using PKC activity assays. Invasion assays including barrier migration and spheroid confrontation were used to study the relationship between PKC concentration and invasiveness. Result : The cell line which were treated by PKC inhibitor tamoxifen and hypericin exhibited decreased PKC activity and decreased invasive abilities dose dependently both in matrigel invasion assay and tumor spheroid fetal rat brain aggregates(FRBA) confrontation assay. However, the cell line that was treated by PKC activator 12-O-tetradecanylphorbol-13acetate(TPA) did not exhibit increases in either PKC activity or invasive ability. Conclusion : These studies suggest that PKC may be a useful molecular target for the chemotherapy of glioblastoma and other malignancies and that a therapeutic approach based on the ability of PKC inhibitors may be helpful in preventing invasion.

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Dose Rate of Restroom in Facilities using Radioisotope (방사성동위원소 사용시설(내/외) 화장실의 외부선량률)

  • Cho, Yong-Gwi;An, Seong-Min
    • Journal of radiological science and technology
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    • v.39 no.2
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    • pp.237-246
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    • 2016
  • This study is therefore aimed at measuring the surface dose rate and the spatial dose rate in and outside the radionuclide facility in order to ensure safety of the patients, radiation workers and family care-givers in their use of such equipment and to provide a basic framework for further research on radiation protection. The study was conducted at 4 restrooms in and outside the radionuclide facility of a general hospital in Incheon between May 1 and July 31, 2014. During the study period, the spatial contamination dose rate and the surface contamination dose rate before and after radiation use were measured at the 4 places-thyroid therapy room, PET center, gamma camera room, and outpatient department. According to the restroom use survey by hospitals, restrooms in the radionuclide facility were used not only by patients but also by family care-givers and some of radiation workers. The highest cumulative spatial radiation dose rate was 8.86 mSv/hr at camera room restroom, followed by 7.31 mSv/hr at radioactive iodine therapy room restroom, 2.29 mSv/hr at PET center restroom, and 0.26 mSv/hr at outpatient department restroom, respectively. The surface radiation dose rate measured before and after radiation use was the highest at toilets, which are in direct contact with patient's excretion, followed by the center and the entrance of restrooms. Unsealed radioactive sources used in nuclear medicine are relatively safe due to short half lives and low energy. A patient who received those radioactive sources, however, may become a mobile radioactive source and contaminate areas the patient contacts-camera room, sedation room, and restroom-through secretion and excretion. Therefore, patients administered radionuclides should be advised to drink sufficient amounts of water to efficiently minimize radiation exposure to others by reducing the biological half-life, and members of the public-family care-givers, pregnant women, and children-be as far away from the patients until the dose remains below the permitted dose limit.

The Effects of Calcium-Phosphate Coated Xenogenic Bone and Type I Collagen for Bone Regeneration on the Calvarial Defects in Rabbits (Ca-P 박막 이종골과 제 1형 교원질이 토끼 두개골 결손부의 골재생에 미치는 영향)

  • Kim, Chang-Han;Park, Jin-Woo;Lee, Jae-Mok;Suh, Jo-Young
    • Journal of Periodontal and Implant Science
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    • v.34 no.1
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    • pp.223-241
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    • 2004
  • The purpose of this present study evaluated the osseous response around Ca-P coated xenogenic bone and compared osteogenic potential of Ca-P coated xenogenic bone to that of combination with type I collagen derived from bovine tendon as a biocompatible binder to prevent migration of bone particle on the repair of calvarial defects in rabbits. To study the effects of Ca-P coated xenogenic bone and collagen on bone healing, four 5-mm-diameter skull defect were made in calvaria with trephine filled with an autogenous bone chip or Ca-P coated xenogenic bone or Ca-P coated xenogenic bone and type I collagen (1:1 mixture by volume) or left empty. The defects were evaluated histologically at 1, 2, 4 and 8 weeks following implantation. Ca-P coated xenogenic bone at the calvarial defects of rabbits showed osteoconductivity at the margin of defect in the early stage of bony healing, but no direct contact with new bone was observed. With time passed by, it was resorbed slowly and showed consistent inflammatory reaction. An additional use of type I collagen derived from bovine tendon improved clinical handling, but no new bone formation was observed histologically. Above all, autogenous bone graft showed most prominent healing in quantity and density of new bone formation. According to this study, the use of Ca-P coated xenogenic bone alone and combination with type I collagen did not showed effective healing in quantity and density of new bone formation.

The Want for Home-Visit Health Care in Rural Olders (농촌지역(農村地域) 노인(老人)의 방문보건의료(訪問保健醫療) 요구도(要求度))

  • Kwag, Hwa-Soon;Kam, Sin;Kim, Jong-Yeon;Ahn, Soon-Gi;Jin, Dae-Gu;Lee, Kyung-Eun;Cha, Byung-Jun
    • Journal of agricultural medicine and community health
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    • v.27 no.1
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    • pp.143-153
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    • 2002
  • This study was performed to examine the want for home-visit health care of health center and health sub-center in rural olders and to provide the basic data to develop strategies for efficient and effective home-visit health care delivery of public health facilities. The questionnaire survey by interview was conducted to 355 olders whose ages were all over 65 years, residing at a rural community, Myun, Gyeongsangbuk- do. Among study population, 64.5% replied that their self-rated health status were 'poor', 14.1% had low ADL and 14.9% had low IADL. Among study population, 73.5% replied that they had health problem which were in need of medical personnel's care. The existence of health problem were significantly different according to sex, age, marital status, health security status, occupation, economic status, circumstances for medical care, self-rated health status, ADL, and IADL(p<0.05). Among olders with health problem which were in need of medical personnel's care, 19.5% wanted to receive the home-visit health care. The degree of want for home-visit health care was higher significantly in olders whose ages were 75-year old or more(p<0.05), jobless olders(p<0.01), the aged persons who were not in harmony with other family members, olders whose self-rated health status were 'poor' and olders with low IADL. The major reasons why they wanted to receive the home-visit health care services were 'they had no helpers when they were sick' (64.7%), 'long distance to the medical facilities from their residence'(23.5%). The medication service was the most need service among home-visit health care services. The reasons why they didn't want to receive the home-visit health care services were 'we could walk and move' (60.0%), 'we wanted to have a direct contact with doctor' (25.7%) in the order of high rate. In multiple logistic regression analysis, the degree of want for home-visit health care were higher significantly in olders who were not in harmony with other family members and olders whose self-rated health status were 'poor'(p<0.05).

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The experimental study of early loading on the Miniplate in the beagle dog (성견의 하악골에 식립된 Miniplate에 가한 조기 부하의 영향에 관한 실험적 연구)

  • Chung, Yong-Koo;Lee, Young-Jun;Chung, Kyu-Rhim
    • The korean journal of orthodontics
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    • v.33 no.4 s.99
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    • pp.307-317
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    • 2003
  • Conventional osseointegrated titanium implants have many limitations; large size, limited location for placement of the implant, severity of the surgery, discomfort of initial healing, difficulty of oral hygiene and uncontrollable force direction. Recently titanium miniscrew and miniplate have been used for an alternative to conventional dental implant. But in relation to miniplate, miniscrew has disadvantages in that more potential inflammation, light orthodontic force application and limited orthodontic application. This study was conducted to evaluate the effectiveness of miniplate by observing the reactions of peri-implant tissues to early orthodontic and orthopedic loading of titanium miniplate. In four adult beagle dogs 10 miniplates were inserted into the alveolar bone using 20 osseointegrated titanium screws. 4 miniplates were placed in two dogs(dogA, B) and 6 miniplates in two dogs(dogC, D). In dogA, B miniplates were loaded with 200gm of force immediately after placement for 15 weeks. In dogc, D, miniplates were loaded with 400gm of force immediately after placement for 8 weeks. Miniplates of dogA were removed, dogA was healed for 4 weeks, and the area which was removed of miniscrew was examined. Following an observation period, the miniplates including miniscrews and the surrounding bone of dogB and dogC, D were removed, respectively. Undecalcified section along the long axis of miniscrews were made and the degree of osseointegration was examined under the light microscope. The results were as follows. 1. In the histologic features there was direct contact between bone and miniscrew in all groups except one, dogC control group. The loaded miniscrew demonstrated only a slight increase of the osseous proximaty when compared with unloaded miniscrew 2. There was no significant difference of the osseointegration of Peri-miniscrew surface between dogB and dogC, D. But dogB showed slightly more increased bone apposition than dogC, D 3. The gingiva overlapping the miniplate and miniscrew showed no inflammatory sign in clinical and histological aspects. 4. The impaled hard and soft tissues at the area which was removed of miniscrews showed good healing without inflammatory reaction. 5. The mobility showed slight increase in un-loaded miniplate but that was insignificant. Based on the results of this study, miniplate(C-tube) can be used as a firm osseous orthodontic and orthopedic anchorage unit immediately after insertion.