• Title/Summary/Keyword: digital communication

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Machine Parts(O-Ring) Defect Detection Using Adaptive Binarization and Convex Hull Method Based on Deep Learning (적응형 이진화와 컨벡스 헐 기법을 적용한 심층학습 기반 기계부품(오링) 불량 판별)

  • Kim, Hyun-Tae;Seong, Eun-San
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Information and Communication Engineering
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    • v.25 no.12
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    • pp.1853-1858
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    • 2021
  • O-rings fill the gaps between mechanical parts. Until now, the sorting of defective products has been performed visually and manually, so classification errors often occur. Therefore, a camera-based defect classification system without human intervention is required. However, a binarization process is required to separate the required region from the background in the camera input image. In this paper, an adaptive binarization technique that considers the surrounding pixel values is applied to solve the problem that single-threshold binarization is difficult to apply due to factors such as changes in ambient lighting or reflections. In addition, the convex hull technique is also applied to compensate for the missing pixel part. And the learning model to be applied to the separated region applies the residual error-based deep learning neural network model, which is advantageous when the defective characteristic is non-linear. It is suggested that the proposed system through experiments can be applied to the automation of O-ring defect detection.

AWGN Removal using Laplace Distribution and Weighted Mask (라플라스 분포와 가중치 마스크를 이용한 AWGN 제거)

  • Park, Hwa-Jung;Kim, Nam-Ho
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Information and Communication Engineering
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    • v.25 no.12
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    • pp.1846-1852
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    • 2021
  • In modern society, various digital devices are being distributed in a wide range of fields due to the fourth industrial revolution and the development of IoT technology. However, noise is generated in the process of acquiring or transmitting an image, and not only damages the information, but also affects the system, causing errors and incorrect operation. AWGN is a representative noise among image noise. As a method for removing noise, prior research has been conducted, and among them, AF, A-TMF, and MF are the representative methods. Existing filters have a disadvantage that smoothing occurs in areas with high frequency components because it is difficult to consider the characteristics of images. Therefore, the proposed algorithm calculates the standard deviation distribution to effectively eliminate noise even in the high frequency domain, and then calculates the final output by applying the probability density function weight of the Laplace distribution using the curve fitting method.

Development of Core Competency Model for Adult College Students (성인대학생의 핵심역량모형 개발)

  • Kim, Eun-Young;Kim, Jin-Sook
    • The Journal of the Convergence on Culture Technology
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    • v.8 no.6
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    • pp.389-395
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    • 2022
  • This study aims to develop a core competency model for adult college students. For this purpose, the core competencies of adult college students were derived by analyzing domestic and foreign literature studies. And the Delphi survey was conducted for the validity of core competencies. The SPSS 18.0 program was used for analysis. As results of the analysis, there are 11 core competencies of adult college students derived: communication, problem-solving and meta, interpersonal, personal management and development, digital information literacy, major knowledge, citizenship, convergence, character, professional job, and global. The core competency model of adult college students was developed by assigning numbers from 01 to 11 based on the results of the Delphi survey. Core competencies of adult college students were organically linked, so the cultivation of one core competency affects other core competencies.

A Study on a PDA-Based Ubiquitous Healthcare System for the Management of Chronic Diseases (만성질환 관리를 위한 PDA폰 기반 이동형 방문건강관리 시스템 개발)

  • Son, Sung-Yong;Hwang, Won-Sook;Yee, Yang-Hee;Kim, Chang-Seob;Lim, Chae-Seung;Park, Gil-Hong
    • Journal of Home Health Care Nursing
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    • v.14 no.1
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    • pp.18-22
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    • 2007
  • Purpose: The rapid change to an aging society generates an increase in the incidence of chronic diseases. Many chronic patients have been facing their illnesses without enough preparation. In order to solve these problems, we designed and tested a public healthcare service based on ubiquitous technology. Method: Telemedicine has emerged as new medical care system of chronic disease. However, public potential of its technology is difficult to know under current traditional health care system. In this work, we developed a Personal Digital Access (PDA) phone based healthcare system by trained visiting nurses for elderly patients. A field test was performed by SeongBuk Public Health Center in Seoul, Republic of Korea (ROK). Result: Surveys were generated to assess the effects of this system compared to conventional public health system. Findings of trials demonstrate that healthcare coordination enhanced by PDA phone technology is satisfactory to the patients and nurses compared to previous one because prompt responses arouse their recognition of health. Conclusion: Ubiquitous healthcare system applied to public health service proved to be efficient and time-saving to monitor and control the chronic illnesses of large population.

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Controls on KSTAR Superconducting Poloidal Field (PF) Magnets

  • Hahn, Sang-Hee;Kim, K.H.;Choi, J.H.;Ahn, H.S.;Lee, D.K.;Park, K.R.;Eidietis, N.W.;Leuer, J.A.;Walker, M.L.;Yang, H.L.;Kim, W.C.;Oh, Y.K.
    • Progress in Superconductivity and Cryogenics
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    • v.10 no.4
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    • pp.23-28
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    • 2008
  • As a part of the plasma control system (PCS) for the first plasma campaign of KSTAR, seven sets of fast feedback control loop for the superconducting poloidal field magnet power supply (PF MPS) have been implemented. A special real-time digital communication interface has been developed for the simultaneous exchanges of the current/voltage data from the 7 sets of 12-thyristor power supplies in a 200 microsecond control cycle. Preliminary power supply tests have been performed before actual cooldown of the device. A 29mH/50mΩ29mH/50mΩ solenoid dummy has been fabricated for a series of single power supply tests. Connectivity and response speed of the plasma control system have been verified. By changing hardware cabling, this load was also used to estimate mutual inductance coupling effects of two geometrically adjacent solenoid coils on each power supply. After the cooldown was complete, each pair of the up/down symmetric PF coils has been serially connected and tested as part of the device commissioning process. Bipolar operation and longer pulse attempts have been investigated. The responses of the coils and power supplies corresponding to the plasma magnetic controls in plasma discharges are also analyzed for the future upgrades.

Proposal on the Improvement of Psychological Support System for Cyber Sexual Crime Investigators Based on Their Mental Health Survey (사이버성폭력수사관 정신건강 실태조사에 근거한 심리지원제도 개선 방향에 관한 연구)

  • Bora Kim;Sujin Lim
    • Knowledge Management Research
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    • v.23 no.4
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    • pp.43-67
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    • 2022
  • One of the dark sides of the development of information and communication technology is the significant increase in cybercrime. In particular, investigators in charge of cyber sexual crime are repeatedly exposed to video data of illegal sexual violence; hence, they are at high risk of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and experiencing vicarious trauma. Notwithstanding, few studies have focused on these investigators' PTSD, and, to the best of our knowledge, no study has been conducted on the vicarious trauma of cyber sexual crime investigators. Therefore, this study identifies investigators' mental health status (trauma-related, especially) and examines their perception of the currently operating psychological support programs. Further, by reviewing the psychological support system of overseas institutions, we would suggest psychological support and policies necessary for domestic cyber sexual crime units to manage investigators' work stress and prevent mental illness under domestic circumstances.

A Study on Optimizing Disk Utilization of Software-Defined Storage (소프트웨어 정의 스토리지의 디스크 이용을 최적화하는 방법에 관한 연구)

  • Lee Jung Il;Choi YoonA;Park Ju Eun;Jang, Minyoung
    • KIPS Transactions on Computer and Communication Systems
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    • v.12 no.4
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    • pp.135-142
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    • 2023
  • Recently, many companies are using public cloud services or building their own data center because digital transformation is expanding. The software-defined storage is a key solution for storing data on the cloud platform and its use is expanding worldwide. Software-defined storage has the advantage of being able to virtualize and use all storage resources as a single storage device and supporting flexible scale-out. On the other hand, since the size of an object is variable, an imbalance occurs in the use of the disk and may cause a failure. In this study, a method of redistributing objects by optimizing disk weights based on storage state information was proposed to solve the imbalance problem of disk use, and the experimental results were presented. As a result of the experiment, it was confirmed that the maximum utilization rate of the disk decreased by 10% from 89% to 79%. Failures can be prevented, and more data can be stored by optimizing the use of disk.

Transformation of the Music Market brought about by Technology (테크놀로지가 가져온 음악 시장의 변혁)

  • kim, Joy
    • The Journal of the Convergence on Culture Technology
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    • v.8 no.3
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    • pp.537-541
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    • 2022
  • As technology advances, various applications linked to the music industry are becoming popular through new media. There have been many changes in the music market. Beyond the existing music market, where music copyright and performance rights were the center of the music business, we are unifying and operating communication channels that connect artists and fans, such as investment products derived from music copyrights. The technology that connects the fandom with additional business digital content has transformed into global platforms such as HYBE Entertainment's and YG Entertainment's Weverse, as well as SM Entertainment's Bubble. In addition, various national support projects to build a 5G MEC (MobileEdge Computing) environment to quickly respond to the rapidly changing 5G industry ecosystem are supporting for the immersive content demonstration, immersive content testing, and technical analysis, we are laying the groundwork to efficiently respond to the ever-expanding metaverse content market. Technology is changing dramatically. Therefore, we would like to study to changes in the music market brought about by technology and suggest strategies for a new era in the music business.

An Economic Ripple Effect Analysis of Domestic Supercomputing Simulation in the Industrial Sector

  • Ko, Mihyun;Kim, Myungil;Park, Sung-Uk
    • Journal of Information Science Theory and Practice
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    • v.10 no.spc
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    • pp.66-75
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    • 2022
  • The manufacturing industry is the foundation that drives economic growth, and manufacturing innovation is essential for sustainable growth advantage and the transition into a digital economy. Therefore, major countries actively support the field of simulations, which incorporate information and communication technologies into manufacturing, and announce various policies at the national level along with increasing investment. Simulation technology virtualizes product development processes to replace physical production and experimentation of products, dramatically reducing time and costs. In South Korea, the Korea Institute of Science and Technology Information (KISTI) has supported manufacturing companies for about 14 years by providing relevant technologies. This study uses the input-output table for the Bank of Korea to analyze the economic ripple effect. First, we identified the domestic industrial sector dealing with the supercomputing-based simulation industry. Then we analyzed its ripple effects by dividing them into the production inducement effect, value-added inducement effect, employment inducement effect, and forward/backward linkage effect. Consequently, when the supercomputing simulation budget of KISTI (28.3 billion won, 2007-2020) was set as an input coefficient, the analysis showed 45.1 billion won as the production inducement effect, 24.7 billion won as the value-added inducement effect, and 282 individuals per 1 billion won as the employment inducement effect. This study is significant in that it derived the effects of the inputs by analyzing the economic ripple effects of the projects of KISTI, which have been supporting South Korean manufacturing companies for the past 14 years with supercomputing-based simulations.

Low-area Duty Cycle Correction Circuit for Voltage-Controlled Ring Oscillator (전압제어 링 발진기용 저-면적 듀티 사이클 보정 회로)

  • Yu, Byeong-Jae;Cho, Hyun-Mook
    • Journal of Software Assessment and Valuation
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    • v.15 no.1
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    • pp.103-107
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    • 2019
  • Recently, many technologies have been developed to realize low power high speed digital data communication and one of them is related to duty cycle correction. In this paper, a low-area duty cycle correction circuit for a voltage-controlled ring generator is proposed. The duty cycle correction circuit is a circuit that corrects the duty cycle using a 180 degree phase difference of a voltage controlled ring oscillator. The proposed low-area duty cycle circuit changes a conventional flip-flop to a true single phase clocking (TSPC) flip-flop And a low-area high-performance circuit is realized. By using TSPC flip-flop instead of general flip-flop, it is possible to realize low-area circuit compared to existing circuit, and it is expected to be used for high-performance circuit for low-power because it is easy to operate at high speed.