• Title/Summary/Keyword: die face

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Analysis-based Die Face Design for the Improvement of Surface Quality for a Heat Protect Panel of an Automobile (차량용 열차단판의 면품질 개선을 위한 성형해석 기반 금형면 설계)

  • Kim, K.P.;Kim, S.H.;Lee, D.G.;Jang, K.C.
    • Transactions of Materials Processing
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    • v.17 no.4
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    • pp.278-283
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    • 2008
  • This paper concerns the die face design for a heat protect panel aided by the finite element forming analysis in order to eliminate the surface defect and to improve the surface quality. The CAE procedure of the stamping process is introduced in order to reveal the reason of surface inferiorities and to improve surface quality. Complicated shape of the product induces the surface inferiorities such as wrinkling due to the insufficient restraining force of the forming blank and the non-uniform contact of the blank with the tools. This paper proposes a new guideline for the die design which includes the modification of tool shapes and addition of the draw-beads on the tool surface for ensuring the increased the restraining force with the uniform contact condition. The effectiveness of the proposed design is verified by the forming analysis and is confirmed by the tryout operation in the press shop. The analysis and test results show that the modified process parameters such as tool shapes and draw-beads can reduce the tendency of wrinkling and improve surface quality.

Tool Wear and Cutting Characteristics in the Machining of Die Material using Ceramic Toll (세라믹 공구를 이용한 금형강 가공시 공구마멸과 절삭특성)

  • 손창수
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Precision Engineering Conference
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    • 1996.04a
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    • pp.114-118
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    • 1996
  • Evaluation of cutting condition is one of the most important aspect to improve productivity and quality. In this study, the wear and cutting characteristics(cutting force, acoustic emission signal and surface roughness) of ceramic cutting tool for hardened die material(SKD11) were investigated by experiment. Flank wear on relief face of tool was occurred more dominant than crater wear on rake face. Experiments were performed under the various cutting condition.

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A study on the design of a strip Lay-out for trimming tool of the automobile bonnet (자동차 본네트 트림 금형 스트립 레이아웃 설계에 관한 연구)

  • 정효상;이성수
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Machine Tool Engineers Conference
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    • 2002.04a
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    • pp.675-681
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    • 2002
  • Parametric modeling and configuration design method are a important methods for rapid design in manufacturing. This paper proposes a relation rules which parametrically models a bonnet trimming tool based on Pro/Engineer. The concept of desogn is applied a trimming die of the bonnet outer panel. Trimming die have a many parameters. Each a parameter is related the die face and punch profile. A design system consists of a Pro/Engineer, a Pro/program.

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Control of Position of Neutral Line in Flexible Microelectronic System Under Bending Stress (굽힘응력을 받는 유연전자소자에서 중립축 위치의 제어)

  • Seo, Seung-Ho;Lee, Jae-Hak;Song, Jun-Yeob;Lee, Won-Jun
    • Journal of the Microelectronics and Packaging Society
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    • v.23 no.2
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    • pp.79-84
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    • 2016
  • A flexible electronic device deformed by external force causes the failure of a semiconductor die. Even without failure, the repeated elastic deformation changes carrier mobility in the channel and increases resistivity in the interconnection, which causes malfunction of the integrated circuits. Therefore it is desirable that a semiconductor die be placed on a neutral line where the mechanical stress is zero. In the present study, we investigated the effects of design factors on the position of neutral line by finite element analysis (FEA), and expected the possible failure behavior in a flexible face-down packaging system assuming flip-chip bonding of a silicon die. The thickness and material of the flexible substrate and the thickness of a silicon die were considered as design factors. The thickness of a flexible substrate was the most important factor for controlling the position of the neutral line. A three-dimensional FEA result showed that the von Mises stress higher than yield stress would be applied to copper bumps between a silicon die and a flexible substrate. Finally, we suggested a designing strategy for reducing the stress of a silicon die and copper bumps of a flexible face-down packaging system.

Forming Characteristics of the Forward and Backward Tube Extrusion Using Pipe (중공축 소재를 이용한 전후방 복합압출의 성형 특성)

  • Kim S. H.;Lee H. Y.
    • Transactions of Materials Processing
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    • v.14 no.9 s.81
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    • pp.772-778
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    • 2005
  • This paper is concerned with the analysis of material flow characteristics of combined tube extrusion using pipe. The analysis in this paper concentrated on the evaluation of the design parameters for deformation patterns of tube forming, load characteristics, extruded length, and die pressure. The design factors such as punch nose radius, die corner radius, friction factor, and punch face angle are involved in the simulation. The combined tube extrusion is analyzed by using a commercial finite element code. This simulation makes use of pipe material and punch geometry on the basis of punch geometry recommended by International Cold Forging Group. Deformation patterns and its characteristics in combined forward and backward tube extrusion process were analyzed for forming loads with primary parameters, which are various punch nose radius relative to backward tube thickness. The results from the simulation show the flow modes of pipe workpiece and the die pressure at the contact surface between pipe workpiece and punch. The specific backward tube thickness and punch nose radius have an effect on extruded length in combined extrusion. The combined one step forward and backward extrusion is compared with the two step extrusion fer forming load and die pressure.

A study on the design and manufacture of fine blanking die for the clinch washers (크린치와셔 F/B금형 설계 및 제작에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Sei-hwan;Choi, Kye-kwang
    • Design & Manufacturing
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    • v.6 no.2
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    • pp.37-41
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    • 2012
  • Usually compound dies are used in clinch washer production. However, in this study, a fine blanking die is designed and manufactured, and clinch washers are produced by the die. Clinch washers are for electric exhaust gas recirculation (EEGR) and they recirculate some of exhaust gas to reduce harmful substances. Fine blanking automation production eliminates difficulties operators face on conventional press.

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Die $Gespr\"{a}chsverhalten$ von zwei Geschlechten bei Online- und Offline-Kommnunikation aus der $gespr\"{a}chsanalytischen$ Perspektive (담화분석적 입장에서 고찰한 실생활과 온라인 소통에서 나타나는 양성의 소통 관행)

  • Lee So-young
    • Koreanishche Zeitschrift fur Deutsche Sprachwissenschaft
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    • v.10
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    • pp.175-200
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    • 2004
  • Bei verschiedenen $Gespr\"{a}chen$ zwischen Frauen und $M\"{a}nnern$ sind mehrere Unterschiede in $Gespr\"{a}chsstrategien$ und -verhalten des jeweiligen Geschlechts zu beobachten. Herkemmlichen Ansichten nach $f\"{u}hrten$ $M\"{a}inner$ $Gespr\"{a}iche$ mit Frauen eher dominativ, $w\"{a}hrend$ Frauen eine deutliche Vorliebe $f\"{u}r$ kooperativ erlaufende $Gespr\"{a}che$ zeigen. Um die $G\"{u}ltigkeit$ dieser Perspektive zu $pr\"{u}fen$, wurden in dieser Albeit insgesamt $zw\"{o}lf$ Beratungsgesprache herangezogen. Daraus ergab sich, dass $M\"{a}nner$ im $Gespr\"{a}ich$ statistisch $h\"{a}ufiger$ die anderen $Gespr\"{a}chsteilnehmer$ unterbrechen. Da ein $Gespr\"{a}ch$ ein komplex vernetztes soziales Geschehen ist, sollte diese Statistik bei der Bestimmung der $Gespr\"{a}chsverhalten$ von zwei Geschiechtern keine entscheidende Rolle spielen. Im Anschluss daran habe ich mick mit Hilfe einiger im Internet gesammelten Daten, mit den $Gesp\"{a}chsverhalten$ bei der so genannten Online-Kommunikation befasst. Bei der Online-Kommunikation lassen sich zwei kontrastive verbale $Umg\"{a}nge$ der Geschlechtern beobachten, $n\"{a}mlich$ ein reibungslos ablaufendes IRC(Internet Relay Chatting) und eine $auff\"{a}llige$ Debatte, die mehrfache Konflikte zwischen den Beteiligten zeigt. Um diese $Ph\"{a}nomene$ auf der Basis der $Gespr\"{a}chsanalyse$ zu $erl\"{a}utern$, werden vol allem das Konzept der Kooperation beim $Gespr\"{a}ch$ und die Dynamik der $Gespr\"{a}chsstruktur$ erneut begriffen. $Schlie{\ss}lich$ werden die unterschiedlichen $Gespr\"{a}chsverhalten$ von Frauen und $M\"{a}nnern$ folgend wiedergegeben: Bei realen Face-To-Face-$Gespr\"{a}chen$ setzen Frauen den Schwerpunkt auf die emotionale und interaktive Kooperation, $w\"{a}hrend$ Manner ihn auf die kognitive Kooperation setzen. Dieser Sachverhait $\"{a}ndert$ sich aber bei der Online-Kommunikation. Auch Manner halten die emotionale und interaktive Kooperation $f\"{u}r$ wichtig und $f\"{u}hren$ mehr kooperative und reibungslose $Gespr\"{a}iche$ mit Frauen. Doch in einer Debatte um ein Thema $verh\"{a}lt$ sich jeder Beteiligte anders. Die moisten benutzen die Strategien, die den geringen Unterschied zwischen den Geschlechtern in Anfangsbedingungen $vergr\"{o}{\ss}ern$, und gleichzeitig die individuellen Unterschiede zwischen demselben Geschiecht verschleichen. Dadurch kann eine Debatte zwischen Geschlechten in Streit ohne Kompromisse geraten.

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A Split Die Design for Forging of Hexagonal Bolt Head (육각볼트 헤드 단조를 위한 분할금형설계)

  • Qiu, Yuangen;Cho, Hae Young
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Manufacturing Process Engineers
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    • v.19 no.5
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    • pp.91-97
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    • 2020
  • A split-die design for the cold forging of symmetric parts such as those having a hexagonal cross-section is presented in this paper. Parts with a hexagonal cross-section, such as bolt heads and nuts, should be forged with a die that has a hexagonal-shaped hole. A split type die is required to mitigate the buildup of stress concentrations located at the corners of the hexagonal hole. Generally, the insert of a hexagonal die is made by cutting each corner of a cylinder using a hexagonal hole and then combined with the die and shrink-fitted. However, split dies face problems when extruding material at the corners of the hexagonal split die. To address this problem, two types of split dies were evaluated: rounded hexagonal dies and angular hexagonal dies. The effects of the pre-stress ring on the dies were compared and analyzed and results show that using the angular split hexagonal die can extend the lifetime of forging dies.

Design of Strip Bridge for Unsymmetrical Progressive Stamping for an Automotive Seat Side Cushion Pane (자동차 시트 사이드 쿠션 패널의 비대칭 프로그레시브 스탬핑 성형을 위한 스트립 브릿지 설계)

  • Hong, S.;Joung, C. S.;Choi, B. S.;Lee, D. Y.
    • Transactions of Materials Processing
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    • v.24 no.6
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    • pp.400-404
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    • 2015
  • For mass production of stamped parts, which require complicated in-press operations, it is always advisable to use a progressive die set. It is difficult to choose a progressive die set if the stamped parts need to be deep drawn and especially if they are unsymmetrical. Because unsymmetrical deep drawing parts are very sensitive to the effect of weight during moving to the next step, they are hard to exactly locate on the die face. An automotive seat side cushion panel is about 80mm high, unsymmetrical and its low edge needs hemming, so it is hard to produce even using a progressive die set. In the current paper a progressive stamping for seat side cushion panel was examined. Five strip bridges were considered to be strong enough to move to the next die as predicted by the CAE analysis.