• Title/Summary/Keyword: dgps : signal

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Reduction of Relative Position Error for DGPS Based Localization of AUV using LSM and Kalman Filter (최소자승법과 Kalman Filter를 이용한 AUV 의 DGPS 기반 Localization 의 위치 오차 감소)

  • Eom, Hyeon-Seob;Kim, Ji-Yen;Baek, Jun-Young;Lee, Min-Cheol
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Precision Engineering
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    • v.27 no.10
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    • pp.52-60
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    • 2010
  • It is generally important to get a precise position information for autonomous unmanned vehicle(AUV) to run safely. For getting the position of AUV, the GPS has been using to navigation in a vehicle. Though it is useful to finding a position, it is difficult to precisely control a trajectory of the AUV due to large measuring error which may reach over 10 meters. Therefore to apply AUV it needs to compensate for the error. This paper proposes a method to more precisely localize AUV using three low-cost differential global positioning systems (DGPS). The distance errors between each DGPS are minimized as using the least square method (LSM) and the Kalman filter to eliminate a Gaussian white noise. The selected DGPS is cheaper and easier to set up than the RTK-GPS. It is also more precise than the general GPS. The proposed method can compensate the relatively position error according to stationary and moving distance of the AUV. For evaluating the algorithm by simulation, the DGPS signal with the Gaussian white noise to any points is generated by the AR model and compared with the measurement signal. It is confirmed that the proposed method can effectively compensate the position error as comparing with the measurement signal. The compensated position signal can be used to localize and control the AUV in the road.


  • Kim, Gang-Ho;Kim, Do-Yoon;Lee, Taik-Jin;Kee, Changdon
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Navigation and Port Research Conference
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    • v.1
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    • pp.309-314
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    • 2006
  • In general DGPS system, the correction message is transferred to users by wireless modem. To cover wide area, many DGPS station should be needed. And DGPS users must have a wireless modem that is not necessary in standalone GPS. But SBAS users don't need a wireless modem to receive DGPS corrections because SBAS correction message is transmitted from the GEO satellite by L1 frequency band. SBAS signal is generated in the GUS(Geo Uplink Subsystem) and uplink to the GEO satellite. This uplink transmission process causes two problems that are not existed in GPS. The one is a time delay in the uplink signal. The other is an ionospheric problem on uplink signal, code delay and carrier phase advance. These two problems cause ranging error to user. Another critical ranging error factor is clock synchronization. SBAS reference clock must be synchronized with GPS clock for an accurate ranging service. The time delay can be removed by close loop control. We propose uplink ionospheric error correcting algorithm for C/A code and carrier. As a result, the ranging accuracy increased high. To synchronize SBAS reference clock with GPS clock, I reviewed synchronization algorithm. And I modified it because the algorithm didn't consider doppler that caused by satellites' dynamics. SBAS reference clock synchronized with GPS clock in high accuracy by modified algorithm. We think that this paper will contribute to basic research for constructing satellite based DGPS system.

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Realtime Long-Distance Transmission Method of DGPS Error Correction Signal (DGPS 보정 신호 실시간 장거리 전송 방안)

  • 조익성;임재홍
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.17 no.3
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    • pp.243-251
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    • 2001
  • GPS is one of today's most widely used surveying techniques. But, users can't acquire an enough accuracy in applications of the navigation or geodesy by the GPS positioning technique because of the effects of the ionosphere and troposphere. The solution of these restrictions in the DGPS technique that is to eliminate the common errors and can achieve a high accuracy. Although of sufficient density for good DGPS, accuracy of positioning is just not dense enough to provide complete coverage for real-time positioning, because distances between base and rover is short. In this paper, we suggest Realtime Long-Distance Transmission Method of DGPS Error Correction Signal, which consist of TCP, UDP and IP, which allows a user to increase the distance at which the rover receiver is located from the base, due to radio modem.

Measurement and Analysis of the Korean NDGPS Radiation Spectrum

  • Kim, Young-Wan;Jee, Suk-Kun
    • Journal of information and communication convergence engineering
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    • v.10 no.3
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    • pp.225-230
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    • 2012
  • The Korean nationwide differential global positioning system (NDGPS) reference station transmits a global positioning system (GPS) enhancement signal using minimum shift keying modulation with a 200 bps data rate. The ocean-based DGPS covers the service area of 100 NM with 300 W output power; on the other hand, the land-based DGPS transmits the output power of 500 W, which covers the service area of 100 km. The DGPS reference stations with high output power can radiate spurious signals, which may act as interference sources affecting the other DGPS reference stations or the wireless ground stations that utilize the medium frequency band. In this paper, the radiation spectrums of the DGPS reference stations are measured and analyzed in the spurious domain. The DGPS radiation spectrums are evaluated from the perspective of the interference effect.

Implementation of Propagation delay estimation model of medium frequency for positioning (측위 적용을 위한 중파의 전파 지연 예측 모델 구현)

  • Yu, Dong-Hui
    • Journal of the Korea Society of Computer and Information
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    • v.14 no.2
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    • pp.111-118
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    • 2009
  • Against Anomaly of GPS, there are several projects of independent satellite navigation systems like Galileo of Europe and QZSS of Japan and modernization of terrestrial navigation system like Loran. In domestic, the need of independent navigation system was proposed and DGPS signal was nominated as the possible substitute. The DGPS signal uses medium frequency, which travels through the surface and cause the additional delay rather than the speed of light according to Conductivities and elevations of the irregular terrain. The similar approach is Locan-C. Loran-C has been widely used as the maritime location system. Loran-C uses the ASF estimation method and provides more precise positioning. However there was rarely research on this area in Korea Therefore, we introduce the legacy guaranteed model of additional delay(ASF) and present the results of implementation. With the comparison of the original Monteath results and BALOR results respectively, we guarantee that the implementation is absolutely perfect. For further works, we're going to apply the ASF estimation model to Korean DGPS system with the Korean terrain data.

Antenna Radiation Efficiency of the Korean NDGPS Based on Radiation Power Measurements

  • Kim, Young-Wan
    • Journal of information and communication convergence engineering
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    • v.10 no.2
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    • pp.97-102
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    • 2012
  • The differential global positioning system (DGPS) transmits a GPS enhancement signal using a top-loaded monopole antenna in the medium frequency range. The top-loaded antenna in the medium frequency band can attain a radiation efficiency on the order of 10%. The antenna ground plane characteristics affect the antenna radiation efficiency. To improve the radiation efficiency, it is necessary to install the antenna on a ground plane with large enough physical dimensions and good conductivity. The antenna radiation efficiency is a primary factor in determining the DGPS service area. The service area of the DGPS using a medium frequency band is dominantly affected by the antenna radiation efficiency. To determine antenna radiation efficiencies accurately, the antenna radiation efficiencies of DGPS are deduced from the propagation power in this paper. Based on the deduced antenna radiation efficiencies, the service area for the Korean nationwide-DGPS is analyzed and evaluated.

Architecture Design for Integration of Software RS and IM of Maritime DGPS Reference Station System (해양 DGPS 기준국 시스템의 소프트웨어 RS,IM 통합을 위한 아키텍처 설계)

  • Jang, Wonseok;Kim, Youngki;Seo, Kiyeol
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Information and Communication Engineering
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    • v.18 no.2
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    • pp.282-288
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    • 2014
  • The DGPS reference station is a national infrastructure generating GPS correctional information and transmitting the signal for Differential GPS. Currently, Korea has applied and operated the software-based DGPS reference station as a standard of the next generation proposed by the USCG in order to improve the hardware-based DGPS reference system. However, software-based DGPS reference station proposed by USCG was changed in software method, only for form. There is no advantage to changing software-based because the most critical part of architecture has not been improved. In this paper, we have designed a new software-based marine DGPS station architecture that a reference station software and a monitor station were integrated. The new marine DGPS station architecture based on software is a more simplified structure than it used to be and can be utilized in the DGPS reference station.

A GPS Initial Synchronization Method for Robust DGPS Reference Stations in Noisy Environment (잡음환경에 강인한 DGPS 기준국을 위한 GPS 초기동기 방법)

  • Park Jeong-Yeol;Park Sang-Hyun;Sin Jae-Ho
    • Journal of Navigation and Port Research
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    • v.30 no.5 s.111
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    • pp.343-349
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    • 2006
  • In order to enhance the robustness against noisy environment, the previous GPS initial synchronization method of DGPS reference stations adopts not only the coherent integration method but also the non-coherent integration method. However the previous GPS initial synchronization method muses the non-coherent integration loss, which is a dominant factor among the signal acquisition losses in noisy environment. And the non-coherent integration loss increases with the strength of noise signal. In this paper, a novel GPS initial synchronization method is proposed for robust DGPS reference stations in noisy environment. This paper presents that the proposed GPS initial synchronization method suppresses the non-coherent acquisition loss. Furthermore, with regard to the mean acquisition time, it is shown that the number of the search cells of the proposed GPS initial synchronization method is much smaller than that of the previous GPS initial synchronization method Finally, through the simulation by the GPS simulator, it is seen that the GPS signal of nigh signal-to-noise ratio can be acquired under increased noise floor using the proposed GPS initial synchronization method.

Implementation and Performance Analysis of DGPS & RTK Error Correction Data Real-Time Transmission System for Long-Distance in Mobile Environments

  • Cho, Ik-Sung;Ha, Chang-Seung;Yim, Jae-Hong
    • Proceedings of the KSRS Conference
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    • 2002.10a
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    • pp.291-291
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    • 2002
  • DGPS(Differential Global Positioning System) and RTK(RealTime Kinematic) is in one of today's most widely used surveying techniques. But It's use is restricted by the distance between reference station and rover station and it is difficult to process data in realtime by it's own orgnizational limitation in precise measurement of positioning. To meet these new demands, In This paper, new DGPS and RTK correction data services through Internet and PSTN(Public Switched Telephony Network) have been proposed. For this purpose, we implemented performance a DGPS and RTK error correction data transmission system for long-distance using the internet and PSTN network which allows a mobile user to increase the distance at which the rover receiver is located from the reference in realtime. and we analyzed and compared DGPS and RTK performance by experiments through the Internet and PSTN network with the distance and the time.

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Analysis of Radio Interference for Korean NDGPS Reference Station using Medium Frequency Band (중파대역을 사용하는 국내 NDGPS 기준국의 전파 간섭 분석)

  • Kim, Young-Wan;Jee, Seok-Keun
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Information and Communication Engineering
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    • v.16 no.7
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    • pp.1344-1349
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    • 2012
  • The Korean DGPS station transmits the 200 bps GPS enhancement signal using the MSK modulation in frequency range of 283.5 kHz to 325 kHz. The land-based stations of 6 sites provide the service area of 80 km with the output power of 500 W. The ocean-based stations of 11 sites provide the output power of 300 W, which provide the DGPS service to 185 kM. Some places are serviced from two or three DGPS stations. The interferences among the DGPS stations using the high power can be occurred. Also, the performances of the user terminasl in dual service area can be degraded. In this paper, the protection ratios for the DGPS service are defined. Using the MF wave propagation model, the interferences among the DGPS stations and the adjacent wireless ground stations are analyzed. Also, the performances of DGPS user terminals are analyzed in the viewpoint of interference.