• Title/Summary/Keyword: design of slope

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Pullout Resistance of Pressurized Soil-Nailing by Cavity Expansion Theory (공팽창이론에 의한 압력식 쏘일네일링의 인발저항력 산정)

  • Seo, Hyung-Joon;Park, Sung-Won;Jeong, Kyeong-Han;Choi, Hang-Seok;Lee, In-Mo
    • Journal of the Korean Geotechnical Society
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    • v.25 no.7
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    • pp.35-46
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    • 2009
  • Pressure grouting is a common technique in geotechnical engineering to increase the stiffness and strength of the ground mass and to fill boreholes or void space in a tunnel lining and so on. Recently, the pressure grouting has been applied to a soil-nailing system which is widely used to improve slope stability. The soil-nailing design has been empirically performed in most geotechnical applications because the interaction between pressurized grouting paste and the adjacent ground mass is complicated and difficult to analyze. The purpose of this study is to analyze the increase of pullout resistance induced by pressurized grouting with the aid of performing laboratory model tests and field tests. In this paper, two main causes of pullout resistance increases induced by pressurized grouting were verified: the increase of mean normal stress and the increase of coefficient of pullout friction. From laboratory tests, it was found that dilatancy angle could be estimated by modified cavity expansion theory using the measured wall displacements. The radial displacement increases with dilatancy angle decrease and the dilatancy angle increases with injection pressure increase. The measured pullout resistance obtained from field tests is in good agreement with the estimated one from the modified cavity expansion theory.

Increase of Spillway Discharge by Labyrinth Weir (래버린스위어에 의한 여수로 배제유량 증대)

  • Seo, Il Won;Song, Chang Geun;Park, Se Hoon;Kim, Dong Joo
    • KSCE Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.28 no.1B
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    • pp.11-20
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    • 2008
  • The spillway type of small and midsize dams in Korea is almost overflow weir. To examine flood control capacity of overflow spillway, FLOW-3D was applied to Daesuho dam and analysis was focused on the discharge of dam spillway by changing weir shape. Overflow phases and discharges of linear labyrinth weir and curved labyrinth weir were compared with those of existing linear ogee weir. Hydraulic model experiment was performed to verify numerical result. Verification results showed that overflow behaviors and flow characteristics in the side channel by hydraulic model experiment and numerical simulation are well matched, and water surface elevation at side wall coincides with each other. When the reservoir elevation was increased up to design flood level, in case of the linear ogee weir the flow over the crest ran through smoothly in the side channel, whereas in cases of linear labyrinth weir and curved labyrinth weirs, the flow discharge was increased by 40 cms, and the flow over the weir crest, rotating counter-clockwise, was submerged in the side channel. The results of the water level-discharge curve revealed that labyrinth weir can increase discharge by 71% compared to the discharge of linear ogee weir at low reservoir elevation since it can have longer effective length. But as water surface elevation rises, the slope of water level-discharge curve of labyrinth weir becomes milder by submergence and nappe interference in the side channel.

Effective Measuring Method of Discontinuity Orientation (불연속면 방향의 효율적인 측정 방안)

  • 김해경;고영구
    • The Journal of Engineering Geology
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    • v.13 no.3
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    • pp.321-334
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    • 2003
  • This study is aimed at the effective measurement plan of discontinuity orientation on rock mass. The discontinuity orientation is expressed as three methods. strike/dip. dipdirection/dip (a three digit number / a two digit number) and right hand rule. Generally, strike/dip is measured with clinometer. and dipdirection/dip with silva compass(type15). A sign of strike/dip. discontinuity orientation is used to geological survey. and dipdirection/dip to engineering. Dipdirection/dip converted by strike/dip measured with clinometer is useful on the statistical analysis of a lot of data. To measure the azimuth of the dip with clinometer and to change strike/dip to dipdirection/dip may have potential errors in each person. The newly designed apparatus, clinometer equipped by a rotational azimuth plate and an arrow to measuring strike and dipdirection, has been developed to measure effectively the discontinuity orientation with two method (strike/dip and dipdirection/dip). The measuring method of discontinuity orientation with clinometer having newly designed apparatus is effective one for accurate measurement of strike as well as dipdirection which is degrees counted clockwise from true north. Used by clinometer with newly designed apparatus, concurrent measuring strike/dip and dipdirecton/dip of discontinuity is possible. In application to measuring discontinuity orientation on rock slope, it has been recognized that the newly designed method, unambiguously, led to drop measuring errors comparing with existing measuring apparatuses. Therefore, it is considered that measuring method of discontinuity orientation (strike/dip and dipdirecton/dip) by the newly designed apparatus is useful to one in geological engineering investigation of road design, and to unskilled investigator.

Splice Strengths of Noncontact Lap Splices Using Strut-and-Tie Model (스트럿-타이 모델을 이용한 비접촉 겹침 이음의 이음 강도 산정)

  • Hong, Sung-Gul;Chun, Sung-Chul
    • Journal of the Korea Concrete Institute
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    • v.19 no.2
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    • pp.199-207
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    • 2007
  • Strut-and-tie models for noncontact lap splices are presented and parameters affecting the effective lap length $(l_p)$ and the splice strength are discussed in this paper. The effective lap length along which bond stress is developed is shorter than the whole lap length. The effective lap length depends on the transverse reinforcement ratio $({\Phi})$ and the ratio of spacing to lap length $({\alpha})$. As the splice-bar spacing becomes wider, the effective lap length decreases and, therefore, the splice strength decreases. The influence of the ratio ${\alpha}$ on the effective lap length becomes more effective when the transverse reinforcement ratio is low. Because the slope of the strut developed between splice-bars becomes steeper as the ratio ${\Phi}$ becomes lower, the splice-bar spacing significantly affects the effective lap length. The proposed strut-and-tie models for noncontact lap splices are capable of considering material and geometric properties and, hence, providing the optimal design for detailing of reinforcements. The proposed strut-and-tie model can explain the experimental results including cracking patterns and the influence of transverse reinforcements on the splice strength reported in the literature. From the comparison with the test results of 25 specimens, the model can predict the splice strengths with 11.1% of coefficient of variation.

A UHF-band Passive Temperature Sensor Tag Chip Fabricated in $0.18-{\mu}m$ CMOS Process ($0.18-{\mu}m$ CMOS 공정으로 제작된 UHF 대역 수동형 온도 센서 태그 칩)

  • Pham, Duy-Dong;Hwang, Sang-Kyun;Chung, Jin-Yong;Lee, Jong-Wook
    • Journal of the Institute of Electronics Engineers of Korea SD
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    • v.45 no.10
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    • pp.45-52
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    • 2008
  • We investigated the design of an RF-powered, wireless temperature sensor tag chip using $0.18-{\mu}m$ CMOS technology. The transponder generates its own power supply from small incident RF signal using Schottky diodes in voltage multiplier. Ambient temperature is measured using a new low-power temperature-to-voltage converter, and an 8-bit single-slope ADC converts the measured voltage to digital data. ASK demodulator and digital control are combined to identify unique transponder (ID) sent by base station for multi-transponder applications. The measurement of the temperature sensor tag chip showed a resolution of $0.64^{\circ}C/LSB$ in the range from $20^{\circ}C$ to $100^{\circ}C$, which is suitable for environmental temperature monitoring. The chip size is $1.1{\times}0.34mm^2$, and operates at clock frequency of 100 kHz while consuming $64{\mu}W$ power. The temperature sensor required a -11 dBm RF input power, supported a conversion rate of 12.5 k-samples/sec, and a maximum error of $0.5^{\circ}C$.

Selection of Appropiate Plant Species of VFS (Vegetative Filter Strip) for Reducing NPS Pollution of Uplands (밭 비점오염저감을 위한 초생대 적정 초종 선정)

  • Choi, Kyung-Sook;Jang, Jeong-Ryeol
    • Journal of Korea Water Resources Association
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    • v.47 no.10
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    • pp.973-983
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    • 2014
  • This study focused on the selection of appropriate plant species of VFS (vegetative fiter strips) and the assessment of VFS effects for reducing NPS (non-point source) pollution from uplands. The experimental field was constructed with 1 control and 6 treated plots in the upland area of $1,500m^2$ with 5% slope which is located in Gunwi-gun, Gyeongbuk province. Six vegetation including Chufa, Common crabgrass, Barnyard grass, Turf grass, Tall fescue, Kenturky bluegrass, were applied to install VFS systems during the study period from June 2011 to Dec. 2012. The results of this study showed that 6.1~77.8% in runoff and 15.6~90.3% in TS, 49.9~96.6% in T-P, and 6.7~91.1% in T-N were reduced from the VFS treated plots. Generally high reduction effects were observed from TS, T-P, T-N, and SS, while BOD, TOC, and $NO_3^-$ showed low reductions. The best vegetation type was Turf grass showing higher reduction effects of NPS pollutions and having relatively easier maintenance efforts compared to other vegetations selected in this study. Based on these results, VFS technique found to be an effective management practice for reducing agricultural NPS pollutions in Korean upland conditions. Further study needs to be performed through various field experiments with long term monitoring in order to develop a design manual of VFS system for practical applications.

Evaluation of Hot Mix Asphalt Properties using Complex Modifiers (복합개질제를 이용한 아스팔트 혼합물의 물성 평가)

  • Lee, Kwan-Ho;Kim, Seong-Kyum
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.19 no.5
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    • pp.146-152
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    • 2018
  • In this study, to improve the performance of asphalt mixtures for plastic deformation occurring mainly in Korea, complex modifiers were prepared by mixing powders and liquid type modifiers. The main constituents were powdery diatomaceous earth, mica and carbon black, and liquid type solid 70% SBR latex. The tensile strength ratios for the two asphalt mixtures used in the test were above 0.80 for the Ministry of Land Transportation (2017) asphalt mixture production and construction guidelines. The effects of increasing the tensile strength in the dry state was more than 14% when the composite modifier was added. The deformation rate per minute by the wheel tracking test load was an average of 0.07 to 0.147 for each mixture. The strain rate per minute was improved by the modifier, and the dynamic stability was improved by almost 100% from 295 to 590. In addition, the final settling was reduced from 11.38 mm to 9.57 mm. A plastic deformation test using the triaxial compression test showed that the amount of deformation entering the plastic deformation failure zone at the end of the second stage section and in the third stage plastic deformation section was 1.76 mm for the conventional mixture and 1.50 mm for the complex modifier mixture. The average slope of the complex modifier asphalt mixture mixed with the multi-functional modifier was 0.005 mm/sec. The plastic deformation rate is relatively small in the section where the road pavement exhibits stable common performance, i.e. the traffic load.

Fabrication and analysis of $1.3\mum$ spot-size-converter integrated laser diodes (광모드변환기가 집적된 $1.3\mum$ SC-FP-LD 제작 및 특성 해석)

  • 심종인
    • Korean Journal of Optics and Photonics
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    • v.11 no.4
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    • pp.271-278
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    • 2000
  • We have fabricated and analyzed the lasing characteristics of 1.3$\mu\textrm{m}$ Spot-Size-Converter (SSC) integrated Fabry-Perot (FP) laser diodes, which are very promising light sources for optical subscriber networks. SSC-LDs has been developed by BIB (buttjoint-built-in) coupling and selective MOVPE growth. High-performances were achieved such as the slope efficiency from the SSC facet of 0.23-0.32 mW/mA, the full-width at the half maximum of the far-field pattern (FFP) of 9.5$^{\circ}$~12.3$^{\circ}$, the alignment tolerances of $\pm$2.3$\mu\textrm{m}$ and $\pm$2.5$\mu\textrm{m}$ within the extra-coupling loss of 1 dB for the vertical and parallel directions, respectively. These experimental results were compared to theoretical ones in order to clarify the operational problems and give a good design direction of the fabricated SSC-LDs. It was revealed that an asymmetric output power from the facets, an irrelevancy of FFP and the waveguide structure around SSC facet region, and a poor temperature characteristics were originated from the scattering in the BIB and SSC sections and SHB effect in the active section for the first time.t time.

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Transport and management of diffuse pollutants using low impact development technologies applied to highly urbanized land uses (고도화 도시지역에 적용된 LID 기법의 비점오염물질 관리 및 이동)

  • Geronimo, F.K.F.;Choi, H.S.;Kim, L.H.
    • Journal of Wetlands Research
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    • v.21 no.2
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    • pp.173-180
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    • 2019
  • This study was conducted to understand factors affecting TSS and heavy metals transport on the road, parking lot and roof. During storm events, heavy metals, which were mostly attached to TSS, were also transported when TSS was washed off in the road, parking lot and roof. This finding may be supported by the significant correlations between TSS load and total and soluble heavy metals load including Cr, Fe, Cu, and Pb (Pearson r value: 0.52 to 0.73; probability p value<0.01). Generation and transport of TSS and heavy metals were greater in the road and parking lot compared to the roof due to vehicular activities, slope and greater catchment areas of these sites. It was found that TSS transport during peak flows of storm events ranges from 65% to 75% implying that by controlling peak flows, TSS transportation to nearby water bodies may be decreased. Depending on the target TSS and heavy metal reduction, sizing of low impact development (LID) technologies and green infrastructures (GI) such as infiltration trench, tree box filter, and rain garden may be calculated. Future researchers were recommended to assess the limitations of the systems and determine the design considerations for these types of facilities.

Lunar Exploration Employing a Quadruped Robot on the Fault of the Rupes Recta for Investigating the Geological Formation History of the Mare Nubium (4족 보행 로봇을 활용한 달의 직선절벽(Rupes Recta)의 단층면 탐사를 통한 구름의 바다(Mare Nubium) 지역의 지질학적 형성 연구)

  • Hong, Ik-Seon;Yi, Yu;Ju, Gwanghyeok
    • Journal of Space Technology and Applications
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    • v.1 no.1
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    • pp.64-75
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    • 2021
  • On the moon as well as the earth, one of the easiest ways to understand geological formation history of any region is to observe the stratigraphy if it is available, the order in which the strata build up. By analyzing stratigraphy, it is possible to infer what geological events have occurred in the past. Mare Nubium also has an unique normal fault called Rupes Recta that shows stratigraphy. However, a rover moving with wheels is incompetent to explore the cliff since the Rupes Recta has an inclination of 10° - 30°. Therefore, a quadruped walking robot must be employed for stable expedition. To exploration a fault with a four-legged walking robot, it is necessary to design an expedition route by taking account of whether the stratigraphy is well displayed, whether the slope of the terrain is moderate, and whether there are obstacles and rough texture in the terrain based on the remote sensing data from the previous lunar missions. For the payloads required for fault surface exploration we propose an optical camera to grasp the actual appearance, a spectrometer to analyze the composition, and a drill to obtain samples that are not exposed outward.