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A Study of Standard eBook Contents Conversion (전자책 표준간의 컨텐츠 변환에 관한 연구)

  • Ko, Seung-Kyu;Sohn, Won-Sung;Lim, Soon-Bum;Choy, Yoon-Chul
    • The KIPS Transactions:PartD
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    • v.10D no.2
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    • pp.267-276
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    • 2003
  • Many countries have established eBook standards adequate to their environments. In USA, OEB PS is announced for distribution and display of eBooks, in Japan, JepaX is announced for storage and exchange, and in Korea, EBKS is made for clear exchange of eBook contents. These diverse objectives lead to different content structures. These variety of content structure will cause a problem in exchanging them. To correctly exchange eBook contents, the content structure should be considered. So, In this paper, we study conversion methods of standard eBooks contents based on Korean eBook standard, with contemplating content structure. To convert contents properly, the mapping relations should be clearly defined. For this, we consider standard's structure and extension mechanisms, and use path notations and namespaces for precise description. Moreover, through analysis of each mapping relationships, we classify conversion cases into automatic, semi-automatic, and manual conversions. Finally we write up conversion scripts and experiment with them.

Development of Engineering Checklist Model for Case-based Evaluation of Plant EPC Project (플랜트사업 설계사례의 체크리스트기반 평가모델에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Sang-Youb;Son, Jae-Ho;You, Young-Hun;Han, Choong-Hee
    • Korean Journal of Construction Engineering and Management
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    • v.9 no.3
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    • pp.146-152
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    • 2008
  • Since the year of mid 2000, the EPC industry in Korea has the highest amount of orders received due to tremendous need form middle east asia region. However, the quality requirement from the owner is getting critical, which lead to the more competitive engineering capacity equipped. In order to do so, the development of objective and quantitative evaluation model of engineering process is essential. In order to develop the engineering checklist model for case-based evaluation of EPC project, first, the general description of worldwide EPC industry as well as the literature review of prior study have been performed. Then, the survey interview with experts in the engineering area of EPC project was performed In order to Identify the engineering work tasks and the critical check items, which should be checked during engineering process. Based on these checklist, the weights of check items as well as engineering work tasks also have been defined. The developed checklist model evaluated the two EPC project cases of S company in Thailand in order to explore its applicability. From the analysis of evaluation results, it is expected that the continuous implementation of evaluation based on checklist model can help the EPC practitioner check the critical items in engineering process more efficiently and take an appropriate action for better engineering performance, which finally can lead to the Korea EPC industry being more competitive.

A Study on Behavioral Factors for the Safely of Ambulance Driving (일부지역에서 구급차운전자의 구급차 안전운전 운행행태에 관한 연구)

  • Jo, Jeanman;Lee, Byung-Ju
    • The Korean Journal of Emergency Medical Services
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    • v.1 no.1
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    • pp.100-111
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    • 1997
  • This is the first Korea study to evaluate the effects od the safety of ambulance driving and the occurrence of ambulance traffic accidents and to provide basic informaion for the description of various factors to reduce the ambulance traffic accidents. The major insturment of this study were Krean Self-Analysis Driver Opinionnaire. Questionnaire contains 8 items which measure driver's opinions or attitudes : driving courtesy, emotion, traffic law, speed, vehicle conditions, the use of drugs, high-risk behaviors, and human factors. To take the analysis of data, the total of 350 divers were investigated ambulance divers and others in Taejon City and others (6 City) from 1996. 1. July to 1996. 31. July. The data were analyzed by the descriptive statistics and the logistic regression - path analysis - with SPSS and SAS package program. The result are as follows : 1. There was desirable attitude group(16.2%) and undesirable attitude group(17.6%) on safety ambulance driving. 2. It have suggested that risk factors of ambulance traffic accidents much affected with emotion and speed control on safety ambulance driving < Y(Accdient) = -2.64 + 0.57 X1 (Emotion Control) + 0.30 X2(Seed control) + E > and motor traffic acident much affected with emotion control and high-risk behavior on safety driving < Y(Accident) = -1.11 + 0.33 X1(Emotion Control) + 0.29 X2(High-risk Behvior) + E > 4. The primary emphassis of ambulance drivers was make us realized that improthatnt factors on safety ambulance driving were 1)making way for emergent ambulance, 2)driver's career, 3)The ability of emergency medical technics, and the knowledge or under standing of ambulance way difficut(or easy) of accdess. 5. Almost 96.6% of respondents have agreed to necessity of emergency medical technics for ambulance drivers. 6. Almost 94.6% of respondents have consented to necessity of emergtency medical technicians for ambulance driving. 7. It have suggested that the proportion of traffic accident proportion by desitable attitude group(16.7%) was much less than that of undesirable attitude group(30.8%) on safety ambulance driving(P < 0.05)/Ps) Accidents are unplanned, unforesen incidents which can lead to harmful or unfortunate outcomes, Collisons are not accidents, since the basic cause of the majority of collisons invovles high-risk human behavior. Although there are many factors which contribute to accident causation, four basic factors seem to predominate in most traffic related situations. These four factors include: the human factor, the vehicle factor, the environmental factors and destination factor(Peto G. et al. 1995).

  • PDF

Criticism on Anti-Kitsch Theory (반키치론 비판)

  • Kim, Joo-hyoun
    • Journal of Korean Philosophical Society
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    • v.123
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    • pp.87-110
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    • 2012
  • The kitsch was emerged from the people's cultural desire in the conditions of the various duplicating technology, the capital economy system, and the civil revolution in the western modern mass society. But it is underestimated constantly because of the conspicious consumption and the aesthetic inadequacy. Even though some kitsches are elevated to the 'kitsch arts' in the historical description of the modern arts, still the most of kitsches are remained as 'just kitsches' and excluded from the aesthetic research according to the double standard. In this essay, I research for whether anti-kitsch theory is convincing theoretically and practically. Anti-kitsch theory criticizes the kitsch on the basis of the modernist aesthetics, in which the 'fine art' provokes the aesthetic pleasure in the disinterested contemplation. But kitsch purposes for the sensual gratification and the sentimentality. So the anti-kitish theorists conclude that the kitsch is the bad taste. In critically analyzing the argumentation of Greenberg's. Kaplan's and C˜alinescus, I refute the privileged prejudice of the ideal critic. They don't justify the criteria of the classification of 'art'/ 'kitsch'. They supplement the economical and the political grounds for the evaluative theory of the kitsch. But the argumentation of the kitsch is consumed conspicuously and results in the unlettered masses is not sufficient. People produce and enjoy the kitsches in the various ways. People envelope the genres, styles and media of the kitsches and they try to suggest the new horizon of the popular aesthetics. So anti-kitsch theories cannot be accepted because they adhere to the elitism and formalism. The exclusion of the kitsch is the derogation for people's taste. Also they didn't reflect the contemporary cultural practice and the aesthetic needs in the system of post-art. The alternative aesthetics of the kitsch is the topic of my next essay.

Comparative Study on Mathematics Curriculum and Contents of Early Childhood Education in Korea and the United States based on Common Core State Standards(CCSS) and New Jersey Preschool Standards (한국과 미국의 유아 수학교육과정 내용 비교 연구: Common Core State Standards 및 뉴저지 주 Preschool Standards를 중심으로)

  • Yu, Sun-young
    • Korean Journal of Comparative Education
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    • v.28 no.3
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    • pp.333-354
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    • 2018
  • The study aimed to compare and analyze Nuri curriculum and contents for mathematics in Korea and the Common Core State Standards(CCSS) and New Jersey Preschool Standards for mathematics in the United States. With the results as basis, this study intended to provide suggestions and directions for improving Nuri curriculum of mathematics for young children. For the goal of this study, educational goals, categories of contents, and specific contents were reviewed. First, results of this study indicated that Nuri curriculum for mathematics provides comprehensive educational goals that promote problem-solving ability in everyday contexts with composing mathematical knowledge. On the contrary, CCSS and Preschool Standards provide specific educational goals that focus on children's mathematical skills and concepts. Second, the contents of both countries' curriculum concentrate on 'counting and cardinality', 'measurement', and 'spatial and geometric sense.' There are 5 categories of CCSS, 4 categories of Preschool Standards based on CCSS and one category of Nuri curriculum for mathematics. Third, there are the differences between the two countries' curriculum in continuity from kindergarten to first grade and description method for curriculum.

The Problem of Property Portrayed in Baktaryeong and Shin Jae?hyo (<박타령>에 나타난 재화(財貨)의 문제와 신재효)

  • Jeong, Choong-kwon
    • Journal of Korean Classical Literature and Education
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    • no.35
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    • pp.221-251
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    • 2017
  • This study attempts to examine the problem of properties mentioned in Shin Jae hyo's adapted version of Baktaryeong through the property related behavior of the characters, and discuss Shin Jae hyo's view of properties and his contemporary perception problems. As a result, in Baktaryeong, Nolbu takes the shape of a rich farmer in the existing text with grain centered accumulated properties, and of a wealthy man who is skilled in money management and growth as an economically well-informed person. In contrast, Heungbu is a poor peasant isolated from his own farm without enough property to minimally survive, representing the alienated poor who can not adapt to the currency economy led by the Nolbu people. This adaptation could have been a product of Shin Jae hyo's own view of property. Through the detailed description of Baktaryeong, it can be seen that he found it difficult to observe too much, but he thought that interest in property and money seemed basically to be affirmed in human life. In addition, in terms of issues of the poor, he found that the economic efforts of the lower classes and the care of the rich should be needed for the poor. However, he was forced to put the sense of crisis and the self defense consciousness as a wealthy family of middle class in the local society under the rapidly changing circumstances of the time into the text. That is, Baktaryeong included his own diagnosis of the present reality by drawing the issue of wealth and poverty in existing Heungboga(jeon), which is perhaps more appropriate for reality based on Shin Jae hyo's own view of properties.

Systematic Review of Short Stature and Growth Related Qualitative Researches (저신장 및 성장과 관련된 질적연구에 대한 체계적 문헌 고찰)

  • Kim, Hye Jin;Jeon, Chae Heun;Roh, Min Yeong;Han, Ye Ji;Kim, Hyun Ho;Cheong, Moon Joo;Leem, Jung Tae
    • The Journal of Pediatrics of Korean Medicine
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    • v.33 no.4
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    • pp.74-88
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    • 2019
  • Objectives The aim of this study is systematic evaluation of the quality of qualitative studies related to short stature. It will be utilized as fundamental data for future qualitative research about Korean Medicine Pediatrics treatment for short stature. Methods We searched qualitative studies related to short stature in the Pubmed. Two researchers independently assessed the quality of the qualitative researches by using Consolidated criteria for reporting qualitative research (COREQ) and Critical Appraisal Skills Program (CASP). We also qualitatively synthesized theme of each included studies. We presented integrated theme and categories with in vivo coding about qualitative research about short stature. Results A total of 47 papers were screened and 7 papers were finally selected. In the quality assessment using COREQ, detalied information about the researchers, methods of approach, reasons for non-participation, presence of non-participants, participant's review of the transcript, and participant's review of the findings were insufficient. In the quality evaluation using CASP, there were lack of justifications for the research methods, description method of research, and bias in process of data analysis. The findings were synthesized into three themes: fixed idea about height, discomfort caused by small stature and personal coping strategy with stress caused by short stature. Conclusions In further qualitative research, it is necessary to report the research according to COREQ and CASP checklist. It is also necessary to understand the stress and coping strategies to short stature of patients, We need to develop a social management strategy for short stature.

Two unrecorded naturalized plants in Korea: Stachys agraria and Dracocephalum moldavica (Lamiaceae) (한반도 미기록 귀화식물: 애기석잠풀과 향용머리)

  • Jeong, Keum Seon;Jang, Chang-Seok;Park, Soo Hyun;Lee, Jung Sim;Yoon, Suk Min;Kim, Tae Hwan;Shin, Chang Ho;Choi, Kyung
    • Korean Journal of Plant Taxonomy
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    • v.46 no.4
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    • pp.413-419
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    • 2016
  • Two unrecorded naturalized species, Stachys agraria Schltdl. & Cham. and Dracocephalum moldavica L (Lamiaceae), are newly reported in Korea. Stachys agraria and D. moldavica were found at Seogwipo-si on Jeju-do and at ChunChen-si in Gangwondo in Korea, respectively. Stachys agraria is distinguished from other related Korean taxa by corolla of 2.4-5.2 mm long with six to twelve flowers in the node. Its local name is "Ae-gi-seok-jam-pul" based on shorter than longer corollar. Dracocephalum moldavica was distinguishable from other Dracocephalum in Korea by the following combination of characters, oblong to ovate-triangular (1.72.4cm×0.81.2cm) leaves and rough crenate at the margin. This taxon is referred to as 'Hyang-yong-meo-ri' in Korean based on its fragrance. We provide a description, illustrations, photographs, and a key of related taxa in Korea.

A Study on The Correlation Between Ego-state and Five Factor Model for Game Character's Personality (게임 캐릭터의 성격 정의를 위한 자아 상태와 5대 성격 요인의 연관성 연구)

  • Kim, Mi-Sun;Ko, Il-Ju
    • Journal of the Korea Society of Computer and Information
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    • v.20 no.1
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    • pp.75-83
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    • 2015
  • As the importance of realistic game character in order to cause the interest of player is increased, it is necessary to develop the character that acts like a man by applying the human characteristics in the step of game character design. Formerly, there is a limit to create the human-like character because there is no set the character's personality in the game developing level. In this paper, therefore, we propose the correlation between Five Factor Model and Ego-state for game character. Five Factor Model and Ego-state are theories about person's characteristic. Five Factor Model is personality description method. Ego-state has an emphasis on internal mental processes directly from observable behaviors. In this regard, these theories could be used to the character defined its personality and designed to act by personality. To do this, it needs to determine the relations between Five Factor Model and Ego-state. Therefore we seek for the relations between two theories using Adjective Check List(ACL) and analysis their results with surveys. In the future, it is expected to construct a personality model using these analysis results, and develop the character based on realistic behavior.

A Phenomenological Study on the Meaning of Economic Life of Marriage Immigrant Women (결혼이주여성의 경제생활 의미에 관한 현상학적 연구)

  • Lee, Hyoung-Ha
    • Journal of the Korea Society of Computer and Information
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    • v.18 no.12
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    • pp.149-157
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    • 2013
  • The purpose of this study is to listen to vivid story on economic life of marriage immigrant women using phenomenological study out of qualitative study methods, and to analyze the meaning of dynamicity of experiences through in-depth interviews. The research question is "What is the meaning of economic life that marriage immigrant women experience?" From the research, 67 meaningful statements were abstracted and 15 core meanings were organized. The 15 core meanings were categorized as 5 theme categories such as 'Tough Life', 'Unstable Income such as Children Education Expense and Insurance Premium', 'Search for Changes in Life Style for Adaptation', 'Pursuit of Economic Stability through Employment', 'Expectation of Supports and Return to Married Woman's Parents' Home.' The researcher made structural description through first person speaker for the application of hermeneutical writing. In other words, the meaning of economic life of marriage immigrant women in Korea is 'difficult coping process to family-oriented culture pursuing changes in life style to adapt themselves to difficult reality.' Various undertones of practice were proposed through those statements such as policy to expand opportunities to receive an old-age pension by applying 'Joint Scheme for Couples' (Virtual Name) to People's pension for stable economic life of marriage immigrant women in old age.