• 제목/요약/키워드: dentistry radiation

검색결과 308건 처리시간 0.026초

Occupational Exposure to Physical and Chemical Risk Factors: A Systematic Review of Reproductive Pathophysiological Effects in Women and Men

  • Soleiman Ramezanifar;Sona Beyrami;Younes Mehrifar;Ehsan Ramezanifar;Zahra Soltanpour;Mahshid Namdari;Noradin Gharari
    • Safety and Health at Work
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    • 제14권1호
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    • pp.17-30
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    • 2023
  • The human reproductive system can be affected by occupational exposure to many physical and chemical risk factors. This study was carried out to review the studies conducted on the issue of the pathophysiological effects of occupational physical and chemical risk factors on the reproductive system of females and males. In this systematic review, the databases such as "Google Scholar," "Pub-Med," "Scopus," and "Web of Science" were used. Following the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA 2020), the studies included in our study were published between 2000 and 2021. In order to extract the required data, all sections of the articles were reviewed. Out of 57 articles we reviewed, 34 articles were related to field studies and 23 articles to clinical studies. Among them, 43 studies dealt with the pathophysiological effects of chemical agents, six studies dealt with the pathophysiological effects of physical factors, and 8 studies dealt with the pathophysiological effects of physicochemical factors on the human reproductive system. Physical (noise, heat, and radiofrequency radiation) and chemical (such as carbamate and organophosphate pesticides, benzene, toluene, xylene, formaldehyde, NO2, CS2, manganese, lead, nickel, and n-hexane) risk factors had pathophysiological effects on the human reproductive system. The presence of these risk factors in the workplace caused damage to the human reproductive system. The rate of these negative pathophysiological effects can be reduced by performing appropriate managerial, technical, and engineering measures in work environments.

생쥐에서 홍삼의 감마선조사에 의한 방어효과 (Radioprotective Effect of Red Ginseng in Irradiated Mice with ${\gamma}$-ray)

  • 승가연;이흥만;김종상;이준행
    • 한국방사선학회논문지
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    • 제4권1호
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    • pp.31-35
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    • 2010
  • 최근 의료계 및 산업계에서는 방사선 및 방사선동위원소의 이용 증가로 인한 방사선의 직접, 간접적인 피폭이 증가하고 있다. 방사선은 세포에 조사되어 생물학적 작용으로 free radical을 생성하고, 직 간접적으로 세포를 손상시킨다. 본 연구는 홍삼추출물인 사포닌을 방사선방어효과제로 이용하여 분자생물학적 측면인 세포수준(in vitro), 개체측면(in vivo)에서 사포닌의 효과를 살펴보고자 본 실험을 실시하였다. 세포수준(in vitro)실험에서는 마우스 중간엽줄기세포(mesenchymal stemcell)인 C3H/10T1/2 cells에 홍삼추출물인 사포닌(0, 0.05, 0.2, and 0.4 g/L)을 첨가 하여 세포 활성도를 실험하여 세포에 미치는 사포닌의 최적의 농도를 도출 하고, 최적의 농도에서 감마선을 각각 5 Gy, 10 Gy 조사하고 직후, 24시간, 48시간, 72시간, 96시간 후에 각각 XTT assay방법을 통한 세포생존율을 관찰하였다. 최적의 C3H/10T1/2 cells활성도를 위한 배양시간은 48시간으로 판단되었고, 0.05 g/L에서 최적의 활성도를 나타내었다. 따라서 0.05 g/L로 처리한 C3H/10T1/2 cells에 5 Gy를 조사하여 48시간 후에 활성도를 실험한 결과 10%증가를 보여주었다. 개체측면(in vivo) 실험에서는 6주령의 미성숙 생쥐(ICR계열)에 홍삼추출물인 사포닌을 100 mg/kg/day로 복강 내에 2주 동안 주사하고 마지막 복강주사 후 바로 감마선을 각각 5 Gy, 10 Gy의 선량으로 전신 조사하였다. 조사 48시간 후에 혈액을 채취하여 혈구세포수를 측정한 결과 백혈구 수의 감소폭이 홍삼 추출물인 사포닌 처리군에서 대조군보다 약 2.3배 줄었음이 관찰되었다. 이상의 결과로 보아 홍삼추출물인 사포닌은 세포수준 실험에서 방사선 피폭에 대한 방호효과가 있는 것으로 사료되었다. 동물실험에서는 혈구 세포수의 감소폭이 줄었음이 관찰되었고 향 후 다양한 연구가 선행되어야 할 것으로 사료되는 바이다.


  • 박봉욱;변준호;신희석;김종렬
    • Maxillofacial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery
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    • 제30권1호
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    • pp.83-91
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    • 2008
  • The goal of reconstruction following ablative therapy for intraoral cancer is the restoration of form and function to permit a return to activities of daily life. Traditional reconstruction includes split thickness skin grafts, myocutaneous flaps and, more recently, various free flaps. Free flaps provide higher level of functional recovery relative to that seen with other techniques but require the complexity of the technique and microvascular anastomosis and thus, extended surgical time and occasionally a second team for harvesting. The platysma myocutaneous cervical flap is a possible alternative for intraoral reconstruction. It is thin and pliable like the tissue provided by the radial forearm free flap. It can be harvested with enough tissue to close most head and neck ablative defects. There is virtually no donor site morbidity involved. This study evaluated 7 patients affected by intraoral squamous cell carcinoma (SCC). All patients underwent the resection of intraoral SCC with neck dissection and subsequent intraoral reconstruction with the superiorly based platysma myocutaneous cervical flap. Flap-related complications occurred in 3 patients. Adjuvant radiation therapy was performed in 3 patients. Average follow-up was 24.1 months after surgery, with a range of 8 to 42 months. All patients presented self assessment of discomfort associated with intraoral recipient sites and cervical donor sites. However, the neck function measured by two-inclinometer technique was within the normal range during relatively long term follow-up period. Our study concluded that superiorly based platysma myocutaneous cervical flap is good alternative to free flaps, especially for relatively smaller defects and for the defects appropriate for the rotation arc of the flap.

유방암 생존자들의 자가관리에 대한 현상학적 연구: 비약물적 접근방법을 중심으로 (The phenomenological study of self-management intervention among breast cancer survivors: Non-pharmacological approaches)

  • 허석모;허나래
    • 한국산학기술학회논문지
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    • 제17권12호
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    • pp.270-284
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    • 2016
  • 본 연구는 현상학적 방법을 적용하여 유방암 생존자들의 비약물적 추후 관리 경험에 대한 본질적 구조와 의미에 대해 심도 있게 파악하는 것을 목적으로 한다. 이번 연구에서 총 참여자는 10명으로 S시 E병원 외래에 정기적으로 내원하는 유방암 생존자로 수술, 화학요법, 방사선요법을 완료한 자들이었다. 자료수집 기간은 2014년 8월부터 2015년 2월까지로 수집된 자료는 심층면담 후 Colaizzi의 방법 적용하여 분석하였다. 연구결과, 7개의 주제와 16개의 하위범주가 도출되었다. 7개의 주제는 '1. 증상을 완화하기 위해 용이한 방법을 적용함, 2. 변화된 신체 상태를 위해 움직이려 함, 3. 재발 방지를 위해 특정 식용 작물을 섭취함, 4. 건강을 유지하기 위한 식생활 양식이 있음, 5. 보완대체요법에 대해 항상 예의주시함, 6. 주치의 처방외 필요한 치료가 있음, 7. 자연친화적인 환경에서의 삶을 지향함' 이었다. 이번 연구는 유방암 생존자들이 치료 후에 일상생활에서 어떻게 추후관리를 하는지 심도있게 파악하는 데 도움을 줄 것이다. 나아가 본 결과는 향후 유방암 생존자들에게 실제 관리 양식에 근거한 실행 가능한 지침과 프로그램을 제공하는데 있어 기초자료로써 제공될 것이다.

디지털 X-선 영상을 통한 치아우식증 진단 보조 시스템으로써 치아 와동 자동 검출 프로그램 연구 (Studies of Automatic Dental Cavity Detection System as an Auxiliary Tool for Diagnosis of Dental Caries in Digital X-ray Image)

  • 허장용;남혜원;김주혜;박지만;신석영;이레나
    • 한국의학물리학회지:의학물리
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    • 제26권1호
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    • pp.52-58
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    • 2015
  • 본 연구팀이 개발한 신개념 강내형 치과 진단 장치에서 촬영한 X선 치아영상으로부터 치아 우식증을 조기 단계에서 판별하고 치과의사의 정확한 진단을 돕기 위해서 병변진단 보조시스템인 치아 와동 자동 검출 프로그램을 개발하고자 하였다. 치아 와동 자동 검출 시스템을 구성하고 있는 기본 알고리즘은 치아 와동과 정상 치아를 구분 할 수 있는 영상분별 알고리즘과 치아 영상의 고유 특성 정보를 분석하고 이를 병변 검출에 적용할 수 있는 알고리즘으로 나눌 수가 있는데, 본 연구에서는 먼저, DRLSE 방법을 적용하여 병변과 정상치아 사이의 윤곽선 분할 성능을 테스트 하였다. 개발된 알고리즘의 와식 판별 성능을 테스트하기 위해서 다양한 형태의 와식을 포함하는 전치, 견치, 소구치 등의 7개의 치아팬텀을 제작하고 치아 와식 분별을 실시하였다. 총 14 개의 와식 중에 와식의 경계를 부분적으로 식별한 2개를 제외하고는 12개 와식의 경계를 정확하게 구별하여 개발된 자동 치아 병변 알고리즘의 가능성을 입증하였다. 그러나 실제 치아 와식의 형태는 개개인마다 다르고 복잡하기 때문에 무작위로 선택된 실제 치아에 적용하기 위해서는 보강된 알고리즘이 필요하다. 향후에는 치아에 대한 사전정보를 처리하고 적용하는 패턴 인식 혹은 기계학습 알고리즘을 추가하여 보다 효과적이고 정확한 병변 알고리즘으로 개선할 예정이다.


  • 김기덕;박창서
    • 치과방사선
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    • 제27권2호
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    • pp.27-47
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    • 1997
  • The purpose of this study was to evaluate the accuracy and usefulness of spiral tomography through the comparison and analysis of SCANORA cross-sectional tomographs and DentaScan computed tomographic images of dry mandibles taken by a SCANORA spiral tomographic machine and a computed tomographic machine. Thirty-one dry mandibles with full or partial edentulous areas were used. To evaluate the possible effect of location in the edentulous area, it was divided into 4 regions of Me (region of mental foramen), MI (the midportion between Me and M2), M2 (the midportion between mental foramen and mandibular foramen) and S (the midportion of the mandibular symphysis). A ZPC column (sized 4 mm x 5 mm) was seated on the edentulous regions of Me, MI, M2 and S using the acrylic stent. Then SCANORA spiral tomography and computed tomography were taken on the edentulous regions which contained the ZPC column. The ZPC columns and cross-sectional images of the mandible were measured in the radiographs by three observers and the differences between the two imaging modalities were analysed. The results were as follows: 1. In comparing the actual measurements of the ZPC column and measurements in the radiographs, the mean error of the DentaScan computed tomography was 0.07 mm in vertical direction and -0.06 mm in horiwntal direction, while the mean error of the SCANORA spiral tomography was 0.06 mm in vertical direction and -0.12 mm in horizontal direction. There was a significant difference between the two radiographic techniques in the horizontal measurement of the ZPC column of the symphysis region (p<0.05). But there was no significant difference in the measurements of other regions (p>0.05). 2. In measurements of the distance from the alveolar crest to the inferior border of the mandible (H), and of the distance from the alveolar crest to the superior border of the mandibular canal (Y), there was no significant difference between the two radiographic techniques (p>0.05). 3. In measurements of the distance from the lingual border of the mandible to the buccal border of the mandible (W), and of the distance from the lingual border of the mandible to the lingual border of the mandibular canal (X), there was a significant difference between the two radiographic techniques in measurements of the midportion between the mental foramen and the mandibular foramen (M2) (p<0.05). But there were no significant differences in measurements of the other regions of symphysis (S), mental foramen (Me), the first one-fourth portion between the mental foramen and the mandibular foramen (M1) (p>0.05). 4. Considering the mean range of measurements between observers, the measurements of SCANORA spiral tomography showed higher value than those of DentaScan computed tomography, except in measurements of symphysis (S). 5. On the detectability of the mandibular canal, there was no significant difference between the two radiographic techniques (p>0.05). In conclusion, SCANORA spiral tomography demonstrated a higher interobserver variance than that of DentaScan computed tomography for implant site measurements in the posterior edentulous area of the mandible. These differences were mainly the result of difficulty in the detection of the border of the mandible in SCANORA spiral tomography. But considering the cost and the radiation exposure, SCANORA spiral tomography can be said to be a relatively good radiographic technique for implant site measurement.

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  • 이선기;이상래
    • 치과방사선
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    • 제23권2호
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    • pp.229-250
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    • 1993
  • This study was performed to investigate the morphological and structural changes of bone tissues and the effects of irradiation on the mandibular bodies of rats which were fed low calcium diets. In order to carry out this experiment, 160 seven-week old Sprague-Dawley strain rats weighing about 150 gm were selected and equally divided into one normal diet group of 80 rats and one low calcium diet group with the remainder. These groups were then subdivided into two groups, 40 were assigned rats for each subdivided group, exposed to radiation. The Group 1 was composed of forty non-irradiated rats with normal diet, Group 2 of forty irradiated rats with normal diet, Group 3 forty non-irradiated rats with low calcium diet, and Group 4 forty irradiated rats with low calcium diet. The two irradiation groups received a single dose of 20 Gy on the jaw area only and irradiated with a cobalt-50 teletherapy unit. The rats with normal and low calcium diet groups were serially terminated by ten on the 3rd, the 7th, the 14th, and the 21st day after irradiation. After termination, both sides of the dead rats mandible were removed and fixed with 10% neutral formalin. The bone density of mandibular body was measured by use of bone mineral densitometer(Model DPX -alpha, Lunar Corp., U.SA). Triga Mark ill nuclear reactor in Korea Atomic Research Institute was used for neutron activation and then calcium contents of mandibular body were measured by using a 4096 multichannel analyzer (EG and G ORTEC 919 MCA, U.SA). Also the mandibular body was radiographed with a soft X-ray apparatus(Hitex Co., Ltd., Japan). Thereafter, the obtained microradiograms were observed by a light microscope and were used for the morphometric analysis using a image analyzer(Leco 2001 System, Leco Co., Canada). The morphometric analysis was performed for parameters such as the total area, the bone area, the inner and outer perimeters of the bone. The obtained results were as follows: 1. In the morphometric analysis, total area and outer perimeter of the mandibular bodies of Group 3 were a little smaller than that of Group 1. The mean bone width and bone area were much smaller than that of Group 1 and the inner perimeter of Group 3 was much longer than that of Group 1. The total area and outer perimeter of Group 2 and Group 4 showed little difference. The mean bone width and bone area of Group 4 were smaller than that of Group 2 and the inner perimeter of Group 4 was longer than that of Group 2. 2. The remarkable decreases of the number and thickness of trabeculae and also the resorption of endosteal surface of cortical bone could be seen in the microradiogram of Group 3, Group 4 since the 3rd day of experiment. On the 21st day of experiment, the above findings could be more clearly seen in Group 4 than in Group 3. 3. The bone mineral density of Group 3 was lesser than that of Group 1 and the bone mineral density of Group 4 was lesser than that of Group 2 on the 7th, 14th, 21st days. The irradiation caused the bone mineral density to be decreased regardless of diet. In the case of Groups with low calcium diet, the bone mineral density was much decreased on the 21st day than on the 3rd day of experiment. 4. The calcium content in mandible of Group 3 was smaller than that of Group 1 throughout the experiment. roup 4 showed the least amount of calcium content. The irradiation caused the calcium content to be decreased regardless of diet. In the case of Groups with low calcium diet, the calcium content was much decreased on the 21st day than on the 3rd day of experiment. In conclusion, the present study demonstrated that morphological changs and decrease of bone mass due to resorption of bone by low calcium diet, and that the resorption of bone could be found in the spongeous bone and endosteal surface of cortical bone. So the problem of resorption of bone must be considered when the old and the postmenopausal women are taken radiotherapy because the irradiation seems to be accelerated the resorption of osteoporotic bone.

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미세단층촬영기법을 이용한 관상동맥 스텐트의 동물 모델 분석 (Ex vivo Morphometric Analysis of Coronary Stent using Micro-Computed Tomography)

  • 배인호;고정태;임경섭;박대성;김종민;정명호
    • 한국방사선학회논문지
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    • 제6권2호
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    • pp.93-98
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    • 2012
  • 미세단층촬영기법은 전임상 동물실험 분석시 고해상도의 혈관 영상화를 위한 중요한 수단이다. 이는 조직 분석과 같이 샘플 훼손이 예상되는 분석 작업 이전에 비파괴적인 방법으로 2차원 또는 3차원 이미지 재구성할 수 있는 장점이 있다. 본 연구에서는 생체 이식용 의료기기인 스텐트를 동물모델에서 전임상 분석을 하는데 있어 미세단층촬영기법의 활용방법을 제시하고 금속 스텐트(BMS)와 약물(paclitaxel)이 코팅된 스텐트(DES)의 스텐트 내 재협착정도(ISR)를 토끼 모델을 이용하여 평가하고자 하였다. BMS와 DES를 무작위적으로 토끼의 장골동맥에 식립하고 4주 후에 스텐트가 식립된 주위 혈관을 적출한 다음 스텐트 내강에 조영제를 투여하였다. 미세단층촬영기를 이용하여 50kV/200${\mu}A$의 X-ray 조사량으로 샘플을 스캔하였다. 정량적 분석을 위해 CTAN 소프트웨어를 이용하여 관심영역을 지정하여 정량적 분석을 수행하였다. 피폭 대상에 따라 각기 다른 CT값(Hounsfied Unit)을 획득할 수 있었으며(스텐트 영역; 약 1.2, 조영제 영역; 0.12~0.17, X-ray 비흡수 영역; 0~0.06), 이를 이용하여 2차원, 3차원적 영상을 획득하고 스텐트내 재협착 면적을 산출하였다. 조직병리학적 분석의 염증지수에 해당할 수 있는 확장된 스텐트의 크기를 측정하였을 때 BMS와 DES간의 유의한 차이가 나타나지 않았다. 또한 BMS 그룹의 ISR($1.52{\pm}0.48mm2$)이 DES의 ISR($0.94{\pm}0.42mm2$)에 비해 약 1.6배 높은 것으로 확인되었다. 이는 DES에 코팅된 paclitaxel이 세포 증식을 억제하여 스텐트 내강으로 증식하는 것을 저해하였기 때문으로 판단된다. 2차원적 분석 결과 BMS의 재협착 분포는 스텐트 중간 영역에서 전면부와 후면부에 비해 비교적 높은 것으로 확인되었다. 이러한 연구 결과로 볼 때 미세단층촬영기법은 비파괴적인 방법으로 분석이 가능하며 정량적 분석을 위한 기존의 복잡한 조직병리학적 분석법의 보조적인 수단으로 활용될 수 있을 것이다.