• Title/Summary/Keyword: degree of dominance

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A Prescriptive Group Decision Making Method with Imprecise Preference Information (불충분 선호 정보하에서 처방적 그룹의사결정방법 지배 규칙에 관한 연구)

  • Ahn Byeong-Seok
    • Journal of the Korean Operations Research and Management Science Society
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    • v.29 no.3
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    • pp.157-169
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    • 2004
  • This paper presents a prescriptive approach to group decision making with group members' imprecise preference information. This includes an alternative method to Salo's inventive approach for identifying group's preferred alternative when attribute weights, consequences, and possibly group members' importance weights are specified in imprecise ways. The imprecise additive group value function can be decomposed into individual group member's imprecise decision making problems, which are finally aggregated to identify group's preferred alternative. The proposed approach is intuitive and easy to implement, and has merits in a couple of points. First. it is possible to view individual group member's inclinations toward conflicting alternatives and the degree of discrepancies to each other. Second, we can observe how much previous decision results of individual decision maker are influenced during interaction since decisions usually are not made at a single step especially in presence of partial preference information. Finally, the individual group member's decision results can be utilized for further investigation of dominance relations among alternatives in a case that interactive questions and responses fail to give a convergent group consensus.

Studies on the Inheritance of Resistance to Bacterial Wilt(Ralstonia solanacearum) in Tobacco(Nicotiana tabacum L.) (연초의 세균성마름병 저항성 유전에 관한 연구)

  • 정석훈
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Tobacco Science
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    • v.22 no.1
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    • pp.25-30
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    • 2000
  • Bacterial wilt(Ralstonia solanacearum) is one of the major diseases of flue-cured tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L.) in the world. This study was conducted to investigate degree of dominance, selection, and correlation between leaf shape and degree of bacterial wilt resistance in flue-cured tobacco. The degree of disease caused by bacterial wilt was evaluated in parents, F$_1$, F$_2$ and F$_3$ populations of two crosses, BY 4 x NC 95 and BY 4 x Coker 86, in the infected field. The leaf shape index was also measured in parents and F$_2$ population of BY 4 x NC 95. The incidence of bacterial wilt was observed in the middle of June and peaked in late July, when the highest value of pathogen density reached 1.0 x 10$^{6}$ colony forming unit per gram. It was concluded that the inheritance mode of risestance to bacterial wilt in the above two crosses of susceptible and resistant varieties was recessive and polygenic. The resistance to bacterial wilt was significantly correlated with leaf shape in F2 generation of BY 4 x NC 95. But certain plants having narrower leaves were also resistant to bacterial wilt. It is considered that the bacterial wilt resistant lines having narrower leaves could be selected. The selection for bacterial wilt resistance in the F$_2$ population might be effective.

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Consumer Responses to Retailer's Location-based Mobile Shopping Service : Focusing on PAD Emotional State Model and Information Relevance (유통업체의 위치기반 모바일 쇼핑서비스 제공에 대한 소비자 반응 : PAD 감정모델과 정보의 상황관련성을 중심으로)

  • Lee, Hyun-Hwa;Moon, Hee-Kang
    • Journal of Distribution Research
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    • v.17 no.2
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    • pp.63-92
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    • 2012
  • This study investigated consumer intention to use a location-based mobile shopping service (LBMSS) that integrates cognitive and affective responses. Information relevancy was integrated into pleasure-arousal-dominance (PAD) emotional state model in the present study as a conceptual framework. The results of an online survey of 335 mobile phone users in the U.S. indicated the positive effects of arousal and information relevancy on pleasure. In addition, there was a significant relationship between pleasure and intention to use a LBMSS. However, the relationship between dominance and pleasure was not statistically significant. The results of the present study provides insight to retailers and marketers as to what factors they need to consider to implement location-based mobile shopping services to improve their business performance. Extended Abstract : Location aware technology has expanded the marketer's reach by reducing space and time between a consumer's receipt of advertising and purchase, offering real-time information and coupons to consumers in purchasing situations (Dickenger and Kleijnen, 2008; Malhotra and Malhotra, 2009). LBMSS increases the relevancy of SMS marketing by linking advertisements to a user's location (Bamba and Barnes, 2007; Malhotra and Malhotra, 2009). This study investigated consumer intention to use a location-based mobile shopping service (LBMSS) that integrates cognitive and affective response. The purpose of the study was to examine the relationship among information relevancy and affective variables and their effects on intention to use LBMSS. Thus, information relevancy was integrated into pleasure-arousal-dominance (PAD) model and generated the following hypotheses. Hypothesis 1. There will be a positive influence of arousal concerning LBMSS on pleasure in regard to LBMSS. Hypothesis 2. There will be a positive influence of dominance in LBMSS on pleasure in regard to LBMSS. Hypothesis 3. There will be a positive influence of information relevancy on pleasure in regard to LBMSS. Hypothesis 4. There will be a positive influence of pleasure about LBMSS on intention to use LBMSS. E-mail invitations were sent out to a randomly selected sample of three thousand consumers who are older than 18 years old and mobile phone owners, acquired from an independent marketing research company. An online survey technique was employed utilizing Dillman's (2000) online survey method and follow-ups. A total of 335 valid responses were used for the data analysis in the present study. Before the respondents answer any of the questions, they were told to read a document describing LBMSS. The document included definitions and examples of LBMSS provided by various service providers. After that, they were exposed to a scenario describing the participant as taking a saturday shopping trip to a mall and then receiving a short message from the mall. The short message included new product information and coupons for same day use at participating stores. They then completed a questionnaire containing various questions. To assess arousal, dominance, and pleasure, we adapted and modified scales used in the previous studies in the context of location-based mobile shopping service, each of the five items from Mehrabian and Russell (1974). A total of 15 items were measured on a seven-point bipolar scale. To measure information relevancy, four items were borrowed from Mason et al. (1995). Intention to use LBMSS was captured using two items developed by Blackwell, and Miniard (1995) and one items developed by the authors. Data analyses were conducted using SPSS 19.0 and LISREL 8.72. A total of usable 335 data were obtained after deleting the incomplete responses, which results in a response rate of 11.20%. A little over half of the respondents were male (53.9%) and approximately 60% of respondents were married (57.4%). The mean age of the sample was 29.44 years with a range from 19 to 60 years. In terms of the ethnicity there were European Americans (54.5%), Hispanic American (5.3%), African-American (3.6%), and Asian American (2.9%), respectively. The respondents were highly educated; close to 62.5% of participants in the study reported holding a college degree or its equivalent and 14.5% of the participants had graduate degree. The sample represents all income categories: less than $24,999 (10.8%), $25,000-$49,999 (28.34%), $50,000-$74,999 (13.8%), and $75,000 or more (10.23%). The respondents of the study indicated that they were employed in many occupations. Responses came from all 42 states in the U.S. To identify the dimensions of research constructs, Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA) using a varimax rotation was conducted. As indicated in table 1, these dimensions: arousal, dominance, relevancy, pleasure, and intention to use, suggested by the EFA, explained 82.29% of the total variance with factor loadings ranged from .74 to .89. As a next step, CFA was conducted to validate the dimensions that were identified from the exploratory factor analysis and to further refine the scale. Table 1 exhibits the results of measurement model analysis and revealed a chi-square of 202.13 with degree-of-freedom of 89 (p =.002), GFI of .93, AGFI = .89, CFI of .99, NFI of .98, which indicates of the evidence of a good model fit to the data (Bagozzi and Yi, 1998; Hair et al., 1998). As table 1 shows, reliability was estimated with Cronbach's alpha and composite reliability (CR) for all multi-item scales. All the values met evidence of satisfactory reliability in multi-item measure for alpha (>.91) and CR (>.80). In addition, we tested the convergent validity of the measure using average variance extracted (AVE) by following recommendations from Fornell and Larcker (1981). The AVE values for the model constructs ranged from .74 through .85, which are higher than the threshold suggested by Fornell and Larcker (1981). To examine discriminant validity of the measure, we again followed the recommendations from Fornell and Larcker (1981). The shared variances between constructs were smaller than the AVE of the research constructs and confirm discriminant validity of the measure. The causal model testing was conducted using LISREL 8.72 with a maximum-likelihood estimation method. Table 2 shows the results of the hypotheses testing. The results for the conceptual model revealed good overall fit for the proposed model. Chi-square was 342.00 (df = 92, p =.000), NFI was .97, NNFI was .97, GFI was .89, AGFI was .83, and RMSEA was .08. All paths in the proposed model received significant statistical support except H2. The paths from arousal to pleasure (H1: ${\ss}$=.70; t = 11.44), from information relevancy to intention to use (H3 ${\ss}$ =.12; t = 2.36), from information relevancy to pleasure (H4 ${\ss}$ =.15; t = 2.86), and pleasure to intention to use (H5: ${\ss}$=.54; t = 9.05) were significant. However, the path from dominance to pleasure was not supported. This study investigated consumer intention to use a location-based mobile shopping service (LBMSS) that integrates cognitive and affective responses. Information relevancy was integrated into pleasure-arousal-dominance (PAD) emotional state model as a conceptual framework. The results of the present study support previous studies indicating that emotional responses as well as cognitive responses have a strong impact on accepting new technology. The findings of this study suggest potential marketing strategies to mobile service developers and retailers who are considering the implementation of LBMSS. It would be rewarding to develop location-based mobile services that integrate information relevancy and which cause positive emotional responses.

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Studies on Genetic Analysis by the Diallel Crosses in $F_2$ Generation of Cowpea(Vigna sinensis savi.) (동부 Diallel Cross$ F_2$세대의 유전분석에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, J.H.;Ko, M.S.;Chang, K.Y.
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    • v.28 no.2
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    • pp.216-226
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    • 1983
  • Genetic studies on the $F_2$ generation of a set of half diallel crosses involving six cowpea varieties were conducted. by the randomized block design with three replications to determine combining ability, gene action and the relationships between parents and their $F_2$ hybrids. The 12 agronomic characters namely, days to flowering, days from flowering to maturity, days to maturity, diameter of stem, length of internode, number of branches per plant, length of pod, number of pods per plant, number of grains per pod, number of grains per plant, 100 grain weight and grain weight per plot were observed, and the $F_2$ generation of this diallel set of crosses was analysed for each character according to the method by Jinks and Hayman. The results obtained are summarized as follows: 1. Vr-Wr graphical analyses; The following seven characters, days to flowering, number of branches per plant, length of pod, number of pods per plant, number of grains per plant, 100 grain weight and grain weight per plot appeared to be partially dominant, and over dominance was found for days from flowering to maturity, days to maturity, length of internode and number of grains per pod. But diameter of stem indicated partial dominance near complete dominance. 2. Estimates of genetic variance components; In the degree of dominance,. eight characters, that is, days to flowering, days from flowering to maturity, days to maturity, length of internode, number of pods per plant, number of grains per pod, number of grains per plant and grain weight per plot were expressed larger than 1. And the characters, days from flowering to maturity, number of branches per plant and number of grains per plant as the degree of mean dominance ($H_1$/D) were found to be negative value over other characters. On the other hand, apprent asymmetry of dominance-recessive allele ($H_2$ /$4H_1$) produced comparatively estimates with lower value on days from flowering to maturity, length of internode, number of branches per plant and number of grains per pod. 3. Analyses of combining ability; Mean square value of GCA(general combining ability) appeared to be more important than those of SCA (specific combining ability) for most characters, and among them, grain weight per plot showed the highest mean square value in GCA and SCA. 4. Effect of combining ability; Variety 178 was expressed as the highest GCA effects in five characters (days to flowering days to maturity, number of pods per plant, number of grains per plant and grain weight per plot). SCA effects were differed from parents, characters and crosses, but crosses between TVu 1857 $\times$ TVu 2885 and TVu 2702 $\times$ J78 were shown to be highly with SCA effects on yield.

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Germanition, Shade Toarance and Community Characteristics on $\emph{Erigeron annuus}$ L.in Cheju (濟州 地域에서 개망초의 發芽 習性 및 耐陰性과 群落特性)

  • Lee, Ho-Joon;Kim, Tae-Sung;Byun, Doo-Weon
    • The Korean Journal of Ecology
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    • v.15 no.2
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    • pp.103-115
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    • 1992
  • This dissertation, which has been prepared in the region of cheju(33o31'N, 126o32'E) from may,1987 to appril, 1989, is to elucidate the dominant characteristics of early stages in secondary succession, by examining the life history of erigeron annuus for the seeding depth of a seed was dependent upon the degree of shading. That is, on the area of ocm,the more tense the shading was, the more germination percentage was increased, while, in the case of 1.5cm, it was somewhat increased, when shading bwcame ess and less tense. The rosette of e. annuus, through its relative light intensity was decreased by shading, up to 5% of natural light, showed some strong shade tolerance, which had no difficulty in matter production. The species diversity of mixed-species community was the highest in the middle of April, the lowest in the last of may. The dominance index was the highest in the late may, the lowest in the middle of April. Toward the end of may, the occupation rate of dominance species was the highest. There was a neutral relationship between intraspecific and interspecific, owing to the differentiation of its niche, temporally and spatially. Productive structure of the community revealed a narrow leaf type which was concentratively distributed in the mid part of community height. The relative light intensity of community ground surface was 6.1%, the leaf inclination 60o,the extinction coefficient(k) 0.4, biomass of community 1,045.6 g.d.w./m2,T/Rratio 9.3, C/Frate 7.0 and sumgermanition, shade toarance and community characteristics on erigeron annuus l.in chejumed leaf area index 3.88. through the various life cycles o e.annuus, we can say that it decreases mortality of seeding caused by some stress and disturbance, for germination lasts for a long time at any opportunity available, and it promotes population growth. The strong shade tolerance of a rosette and the variableness of a life from differentiate the niche between intraspecific and interspecific within the community, and avoid the direct competition between them, thus poromoting community growth.

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Vr-Wr Analysis of Yield Characters in Cotton (목화 주요형질의 Vr-Wr그래프 분석)

  • Choi Chu-Ho;Lee Shin-Woo;Lee Cheol-Ho;Chun Hyun-Sik
    • Journal of Life Science
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    • v.15 no.3 s.70
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    • pp.365-373
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    • 2005
  • The quantitative inheritance of some yield characters in Gosyium spp was carried out by means of a $10\times10$ diallel cross. In this study, 45 combinations of $F_1\;and\;F_2$ generations were genetically analyzed through 10 different cultivars diallel cross population of cotton (Gosyium spp) at an experimental field. The results of Vr-Wr graph analysis of six characters such as number of boll, boll weight, lint weight per boll, 100 seeds weight, fiber fineness and fiber length in those combinations by the Hayman's method were as follow: 1. The significant difference was observed from the genetic variance of all the examined characters. 2. On based the Vr-Wr graphical analysis, $F_1$ showed a complete dominance in all the experimental characters except boll weight, lint weight per boll and fiber fineness, but the dominance degree and gene arrangement of $F_2$ were somewhat different from those of $F_1$.

Determination of Reactivity by MO Theory (XXV), Theoretical Studies of $\omega$-Alkenyl Radical Cyclization

  • Lee, Ik-choon;Lee, Bon-Su;Song, Chang-Hyun;Kim Chan-Kyung
    • Bulletin of the Korean Chemical Society
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    • v.4 no.2
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    • pp.84-87
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    • 1983
  • Transition state structures were calculated for A and M routes of ${\omega}$-alkenyl radical cyclization (n = 2∼4) using MINDO/3-RHF method. Results of our analysis of HOMO level changes indicated that the transition state stability is not controlled by the decoupling effect alone as Bischof suggested, but in greater degree it is determined by through-bond interaction of the HOMOs with the framework $HO-{\sigma}$ or $LU-{\sigma}^*$ orbitals. In case of larger n (n > 4), the product stability was considered to be the main cause of M route dominance in the cyclization.

Early Begetational Recovery and Species Diversity of Pine Forest after Fire in Mt. Todok (山火後 道德山 소나무林의 初期植生回復과 種多樣性)

  • Cho, Young-Ho;Woen Kim
    • The Korean Journal of Ecology
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    • v.14 no.1
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    • pp.15-23
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    • 1991
  • The early vegetational recovery and species diversity were investigaed in burned pine forest of Mt. Todoksn from 1986 to 1990. The changes of vegetation in the burned site occurred Miscanthus→Miscanthus-Lespedeza→Lespedeza community. The biological spectra based on SD(%) and SP(%) of the burned site were similar to the unburned site with H---e type. The degree of succession(DS) was gradually increased with succession in burned site. The species diversity index(H') and evenness index(e) were declining successional trend, nut dominance index(C) inclining successional trend in the burned site. The domiance-diversity curves of the burned site showed gradual decrease in diversity and evenness, and then slopes of them were progressively steep in early successional stage.

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Major satisfaction and job preference for South Korean dental technology students (치기공과 학생들의 DISC 행동유형별 전공 만족도 및 직업 선호도 분석)

  • Kang, Wol;Jang, Yeon
    • Journal of Technologic Dentistry
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    • v.42 no.4
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    • pp.388-393
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    • 2020
  • Purpose: This study aims to understand the relationship between university major satisfaction and job preference according to DISC behavior patterns. Methods: To conduct our evaluation, we surveyed a group of 118 students from the Department of Dental Laboratory Technology at the college of Jinju city from August 31 to September 11, 2020. The collected data was evaluated through frequency analysis, descriptive statistics analysis, one-way ANOVA, and regression analysis. Results: The analysis revealed that the steadiness type had the highest and the dominance type had the lowest major satisfaction level by DISC behavior type. The job preference was different for each DISC behavior type, and higher the preference for stability and development, the higher the degree of satisfaction with the major. Conclusion: These results suggest that DISC behavior type, major satisfaction, and job preference are all related. Therefore, these factors should be considered when implementing career guidance and educational programs for college students.

Investment Analysis of Venture Business for Probabilistic Cases (벤처사업의 투자결정기법: 확률적 사례를 중심으로)

  • 백관호
    • Journal of Technology Innovation
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    • v.6 no.2
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    • pp.178-207
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    • 1998
  • This article suggests a methodology to decide the priority of investment project for venture business under the dynamic circumstance. By the Monte Carlo procedure on the probability distribution of cost and revenue, the model simulates the investment project to estimate profit ratio and risk. The profit ratio is calculated on the yearly basis for the relative comparison. The project risk is calculated as semi-variance under the target yield. After sufficient simulations in this fashion for several projects, the efficient projects with more profit and less risk are selected by the dominance principle. Then the regression equation of the selected projects is produced to find the relative value of the projects. The relative value is obtained through dividing the raw profit ratio by the estimated one on the equation. This value shows the degree to which the simulated project yields over the equation. The priority of investment is decided by this value. An examplary venture business of chemical development for semi-conductor is presented as a case study.

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