• Title/Summary/Keyword: decimal numbers

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A Study of the Effect on Mathematical Learning Achievement and Disposition in a Class Using Level Orientated Teaching Method (초등학생의 학급 내 수준별 수업을 통한 수학 학업성취도 및 수학적 성향 변화 연구)

  • Jung, Sang-Tae;Park, Jong-Seo
    • Journal of Elementary Mathematics Education in Korea
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    • v.13 no.2
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    • pp.193-210
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    • 2009
  • This research were to develop and apply an educational program for 6th grade students in mathematics by using level orientated teaching method and to make an analysis of their effects on students' mathematics learning achievements and mathematical disposition. Those purposes is following: First, we develop the level orientated teaching method that fits to the low level and high level students and analyze the effect on students' mathematics learning achievements. Second, we analyze the effect on students' mathematical disposition by using level orientated teaching method. The biggest problem of applying level orientated teaching method is that all the groups should do the meaningful activity while just one group is on process. So we tried to keep the proposition that level orientated teaching method should be helpful to both high and low level students. The duration of the research was about 8 weeks from march 2 to may 22 and the level orientated mathematics program consists in lesson 1 "a fraction and a decimal" to lesson 3 "The range of numbers". The results of this study are as follows : First, there was significant effect to the students, develop level orientated mathematics program and using that program. Second, there was an affirmative effect to the students about mathematical disposition using level orientated mathematics program. To sum up conclusion of this study, the level orientated mathematics program has an affirmative effect on mathematics learning achievements and mathematical disposition. We expect further research about level orientated teaching method and use effective level orientated teaching method widely.

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Analyses of the precision and strategies for representing the magnitude of fractions and decimals on the number line among 6th graders (초등학교 6학년의 분수와 소수의 크기에 대한 수직선 표상의 정확성 및 사용 전략 분석)

  • Jinyoung Heo;Soo-hyun Im
    • The Mathematical Education
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    • v.63 no.3
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    • pp.393-409
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    • 2024
  • The number line model, which intuitively marks numerical magnitudes in space, is widely utilized to help in understanding the magnitudes that fractions and decimals represent. The study analyzed 6th graders' understanding of fractions and decimals, their problem solving strategies, and whether individual differences in the flexibility of various strategy uses are associated with the accuracy of numerical representation, calculation fluency, and overall mathematical achievement. As a result of the study, students showed relatively lower accuracy in representing fractions and decimals on a number line compared to natural numbers, especially for fractions with odd denominators compared to even denominators, and for two-digit decimals compared to three-digit decimals. Regarding strategy use, students primarily used benchmark, segmentation, and approximation strategies for fractions, and benchmark, rounding, and transformation strategies for decimals sequentially. Lastly, as students used various representation strategies for fractions, their accuracy in representing fractions and their overall mathematical achievement scores showed significantly better outcomes. Taken together, we suggest the need for careful instruction on different interpretations of fractions, the place value of decimals, and the meaning of zero in decimal places. Moreover, we discuss instructional methods that integrate the number line model and its diverse representation strategies to enhance students' understanding of fractions and decimals.