• Title/Summary/Keyword: data farming

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Assessment of Water Quality Characteristics in the Middle and Upper Watershed of the Geumho River Using Multivariate Statistical Analysis and Watershed Environmental Model (다변량통계분석 및 유역환경모델을 이용한 금호강 중·상류 유역의 수질특성평가)

  • Seo, Youngmin;Kwon, Kooho;Choi, Yun Young;Lee, Byung Joon
    • Journal of Korean Society on Water Environment
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    • v.37 no.6
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    • pp.520-530
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    • 2021
  • Multivariate statistical analysis and an environmental hydrological model were applied for investigating the causes of water pollution and providing best management practices for water quality improvement in urban and agricultural watersheds. Principal component analysis (PCA) and cluster analysis (CA) for water quality time series data show that chemical oxygen demand (COD), total organic carbon (TOC), suspended solids (SS) and total phosphorus (T-P) are classified as non-point source pollutants that are highly correlated with river discharge. Total nitrogen (T-N), which has no correlation with river discharge and inverse relationship with water temperature, behaves like a point source with slow and consistent release. Biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) shows intermediate characteristics between point and non-point source pollutants. The results of the PCA and CA for the spatial water quality data indicate that the cluster 1 of the watersheds was characterized as upstream watersheds with good water quality and high proportion of forest. The cluster 3 shows however indicates the most polluted watersheds with substantial discharge of BOD and nutrients from urban sewage, agricultural and industrial activities. The cluster 2 shows intermediate characteristics between the clusters 1 and 3. The results of hydrological simulation program-Fortran (HSPF) model simulation indicated that the seasonal patterns of BOD, T-N and T-P are affected substantially by agricultural and livestock farming activities, untreated wastewater, and environmental flow. The spatial analysis on the model results indicates that the highly-populated watersheds are the prior contributors to the water quality degradation of the river.

Detection Model of Fruit Epidermal Defects Using YOLOv3: A Case of Peach (YOLOv3을 이용한 과일표피 불량검출 모델: 복숭아 사례)

  • Hee Jun Lee;Won Seok Lee;In Hyeok Choi;Choong Kwon Lee
    • Information Systems Review
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    • v.22 no.1
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    • pp.113-124
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    • 2020
  • In the operation of farms, it is very important to evaluate the quality of harvested crops and to classify defective products. However, farmers have difficulty coping with the cost and time required for quality assessment due to insufficient capital and manpower. This study thus aims to detect defects by analyzing the epidermis of fruit using deep learning algorithm. We developed a model that can analyze the epidermis by applying YOLOv3 algorithm based on Region Convolutional Neural Network to video images of peach. A total of four classes were selected and trained. Through 97,600 epochs, a high performance detection model was obtained. The crop failure detection model proposed in this study can be used to automate the process of data collection, quality evaluation through analyzed data, and defect detection. In particular, we have developed an analytical model for peach, which is the most vulnerable to external wounds among crops, so it is expected to be applicable to other crops in farming.

Effect of Compost Application on Yield and Chemical Components of Chinese Cabbage(Brassica pekinensis Rupr.) and Changes of Soil Physico-chemical Properties in Organic Farming (유기농산물 생산을 위한 퇴비시용이 배추의 수량과 무기성분 및 토양의 이화학성에 미치는 영향)

  • Lee, Joo-Sam;Chang, Ki-Woon;Cho, Sung-Hyun;Kim, Chong-Yun
    • Korean Journal of Soil Science and Fertilizer
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    • v.29 no.4
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    • pp.365-370
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    • 1996
  • To get the basic data for organic farming, the Chinese cabbage(Brassica pekinensis Rupr.) was cultivated in field of sandy loam soil and compost was applied at the ratios of 0, 20, 40, 80, 120ton per ha, respectively, with N-P-K elements. The yield of Chinese cabbage was maximum in the plot of compost 40t/ha application and it's weight was 3,783g/head. The chemical components of Chinese cabbage were no remarkable changes with the increasing amount of compost application. Content of organic matter in soil after experiment was finished was 39g/kg, total nitrogen was 2.2g/kg, available phosphorus was 1,927mg /kg. CEC was $11.4cmol^+/kg$, exchangable cations were K:0.5. Ca:0.6. Mg:0.3 and $Na:0.2cmol^+/kg$ in treatment of compost 120 t/ha.

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A Study on the Effects of Health Behavior upon Health Status in Some Old People (일부 노인의 건강행동이 건강상태에 미치는 영향)

  • 김정원;김초강
    • Korean Journal of Health Education and Promotion
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    • v.14 no.1
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    • pp.73-95
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    • 1997
  • Elderly problem from being aging society, especially health related problem of the elderly is very serious in many parts of this country. The reason is that most of geriatric disease are chronic and debilitating. The cause of chronic and debilitating disease are bad lifestyle and wrong health habit. Health is affected by a result of interaction of environment and human being. Because of difference of lifestyle between a city and a farm village, health behavior and health status of urban elderly and rural elderly may be dissimilar. Thus the purpose of this study was to grasp health behavior and health status, to identify the factors that effect on health status of the elderly. The subfects for this study, 488 persons aged 60 and over who live in Seoul or Cheonbuk Province. The preliminary survey was carried out from Aug. 19, to Aug. 22, 1996. With complement of questions, main survey was carried out from Sep. 29, to Oco. 10, 1996. The data was analysed by using in SPSS/PC+ program. The results were as follows. 1. General Characteristics 1) In the individual characteritics of the respondents, Seoulites aged 80 and over were 24.7%, the average age was 73.14 years old and rural residents aged 60-69 were 63.7%, the average age was 68.90 years old. In Seoul, 142 men and 101 women were respondents. In Cheonbuk Province, 101 men and 144 women were answered. In Seoul, those who graduated form elementary school were 35.4%, in farming region, illiteracy persons were 44.9%. In Seoul, 47.7% of respondents had spouse and in farming village, 66.1% of respondents had spouse. 39.0% of respondents who's imcome type was independent were Seoulite, and 66.1% of respondents who's income type was independent were rural residents. Employed persons in Seoul and in rural region were 16.9% and 62.0%. 2. Health Behavior 1) For the health behavior total score, the difference by region was not statistically significant. But the score of individual item was different and statistically significant. 2) For the Seoulites, younger person(p〈0.01), the female(p〈0.001) showed better health behavior and for the farming village residents, younger person(p〈0.01), the female(p〈0.01), independent income type(p〈0.05), employed person(p〈0.05) showed better health behavior. 3. Health Status 1) For the self-rated health status total score, the difference by region was statistically significant and individual item score was different and statistically significant. For ADL and IADL total score, the difference by region was not statistically significant, but individual item score was different and statistically significant. 2) For the Seoulites, woman(p〈0.05), lower education(p〈0.00l), independent income type(p〈0.05) showed higher score in self-rated health status. For rural residents, woman(p〈0.05), lower education(p〈0.01), independent Income type(p〈0.001) showed higher score in self-rated health status. For the Seoul residents, younger person(p〈0.001), employed(p〈0.05) showed higher score in ADL and IADL, and for the farm area residents, younger person(p〈0.001), higher education(p〈0.01), having spouse(p〈0.001), family type(p〈0.01) showed higher score In ADL and IADL. 3) For the Seoulites, drinking(p〈0.05), breakfast(p〈0.05), exercise(p〈0.05) and for the rural residents, drinking(p〈0.05), deep sleeping(p〈0.05), exercise(p〈0.01), washing hands before meal(p〈0.01) showed higher score In self-rated health status. For the Seoulites, deep sleeping(p〈0.05), exercise(p〈0.05) and for the farm village residents, fruit(p〈0.05), deep sleeping(p〈0.05), exercise(p〈0.001) showed higher score in ADL and IADL. We carried out this study to analyze the effectiveness through health education program in short term which was performed to use the special subject activities. This study was conducted on 63 students who were first grade in S Junior High School from Dec. 1995 to Feb. 1996. To analyze the effectiveness, we performed the Pretest, 1st Posttest, and 2nd Posttest for learned health knowledge. The results were as follows: 1. Most of the students(69.8%) responded that their health were good, and they got the information for health through Mass Com.. The students who had experience of health education were 15.9%, and the 77.8% of the respondents needed the health education. 2. The means of health knowledge on tests were 18.2(Pretest), 21.5(1st Posttest), and 21.4(2nd Posttest). Increase of health knowledge between Pretest and 1st Posttest was 10.9%. 3. The mean of differences between Pretest and 1st Posttest was 3.26, it was significant(p〈0.01). And the mean of differences between Pretest and 2nd Posttest was 3.19, it was significant(p〈0.01);however, the mean of differences between 1st Posttest and 2nd Posttest was not significant(p=0.2514). 4. The significant main contents were Health Facilities(d=0.42), Pregnancy and Labor(d=0.39), Hygiene(d=0.35), Safety Education(d=0.66), and Drug Abuse(d=0.60)(p〈0.01).

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Prospective for Successful IT in Agriculture (일본 농업분야 정보기술활용 성공사례와 전망)

  • Seishi Ninomiya;Byong-Lyol Lee
    • Korean Journal of Agricultural and Forest Meteorology
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    • v.6 no.2
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    • pp.107-117
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    • 2004
  • If doubtlessly contributes much to agriculture and rural development. The roles can be summarized as; 1. to activate rural areas and to provide more comfortable and safe rural life with equivalent services to those in urban areas, facilitating distance education, tole-medicine, remote public services, remote entertainment etc. 2. To initiate new agricultural and rural business such as e-commerce, real estate business for satellite officies, rural tourism and virtual corporation of small-scale farms. 3. To support policy-making and evaluation on optimal farm production, disaster management, effective agro-environmental resource management etc., providing tools such as GIS. 4. To improve farm management and farming technologies by efficient farm management, risk management, effective information or knowledge transfer etc., realizing competitive and sustainable farming with safe products. 5. To provide systems and tools to secure food traceability and reliability that has been an emerging issue concerning farm products since serious contamination such as BSE and chicken flu was detected. 6. To take an important and key role for industrialization of farming or lam business enterprise, combining the above roles.

Distribution Characteristics and Overwintering of Golden apple snails, Pomacea canaliculata (Gastropoda:Ampullariidae) at the Environment-friendly complex in Korea (한국 친환경농업단지의 왕우렁이 월동 및 분포특성)

  • Shin, I-Chan;Byeon, Young-Woong;Lee, Byung-Mo;Kim, Jurry;Yoon, Hyun-Jo;Yoon, Ji-Young;Lee, Young-Mi;Han, Eun-Jung;Park, Sang-Gu;Kuk, Yong-In;Choi, Duck-Soo;Cho, Il Kyu;Hong, Sung-Jun
    • Korean Journal of Environmental Agriculture
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    • v.40 no.4
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    • pp.279-289
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    • 2021
  • BACKGROUND: Recently, the golden apple snail, Pomacea canaliculata has been used as an environmentally-friendly weed-control agent in rice farming. Although effective for this particular style of farming, P. canaliculata can be destructive to other crops. The objective of this study was to identify overwintering as well as regional and seasonal distribution characteristics of P. canaliculata. Notably, winter is typically fatal for P. canaliculata. However, owing to increasing average global temperatures, we assessed the ability of P. canaliculata to survive through uncharacteristically warm winters. METHODS AND RESULTS: To examine the distribution and overwintering regions of P. canaliculata, We conducted a survey from April 2020 to May 2021 on environmentally-friendly rice fields, agricultural waterways, and streams in 23 cities belonging to 8 provinces. In addition, because air temperature may influence the distribution density of P. canaliculata, we analyzed the winter temperature data (http://weather.rda.go.kr). CONCLUSION(S): In 2021, overwintering of P. canaliculata (1-3 individuals/m2) was observed in the Goheung and Yeongam regions in Jeonnam. Overwintering of P. canaliculata was observed in fewer regions in 2021 than in 2020; this fact may be attributed to the lower minimum temperatures measured in 2021 (approximately 8℃ lower) than those in 2020. Our results suggest that overwintering occurs as long as overnight temperatures are ≥ -15℃, but can take place if temperatures are as low as -19℃.

Development of Ubiquitous Sensor Network Quality Control Algorithm for Highland Cabbage (고랭지배추 생육을 위한 유비쿼터스 센서 네트워크 품질관리 알고리즘 개발)

  • Cho, Changje;Hwang, Guenbo;Yoon, Sanghoo
    • Korean Journal of Agricultural and Forest Meteorology
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    • v.20 no.4
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    • pp.337-347
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    • 2018
  • Weather causes much of the risk of agricultural activity. For efficient farming, we need to use weather information. Modern agriculture has been developed to create high added value through convergence with state-of-the-art Information and Communication Technology (ICT). This study deals with the quality control algorithms of weather monitoring equipment through Ubiquitous Sensor Network (USN) observational equipment for efficient cultivation of cabbage. Accurate weather observations are important. To achieve this goal, the Korea Meteorological Administration, for example, developed various quality control algorithms to determine regularity of the observation. The research data of this study were obtained from five USN stations, which were installed in Anbandegi and Gwinemi from 2015 to 2017. Quality control algorithms were developed for flat line check, temporal outliers check, time series consistency check and spatial outliers check. Finally, the quality control algorithms proposed in this study can also identify potential abnormal observations taking into account the temporal and spatial characteristics of weather data. It is expected to be useful for efficient management of highland cabbage production by providing quality-controlled weather data.

Comparative Analysis of TTAK.KO-06.0288-Part3 and Development of an Open-source Communication Library for Greenhouse Control System

  • Kim, Joon Yong;Kim, Sangcheol;Lee, Jaesu
    • Journal of Biosystems Engineering
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    • v.43 no.1
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    • pp.72-80
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    • 2018
  • Purpose: A modern greenhouse consists of various Information and Communications Technology (ICT) components e.g., sensor nodes, actuator nodes, gateways, controllers, and operating softwarethat communicate with each other. The interoperability between these components is an essential characteristic for any greenhouse control system. A greenhouse control system could not work unless the components communicate via common interfaces. The TTAK.KO-06.0288 is an interface standard consisting of four parts. Notably, TTAK.KO-06.0288-Part3, which describes the interface between a greenhouse operating system (GOS) and a greenhouse control gateway (GCG), is the core standard of TTAK.KO-06.0288. The objectives of this study were to analyze the TTAK.KO-06.0288-Part3 standard, to suggest alternative solutions for identified issues, and to develop a library as a proof of the alternative solutions. Methods: The "data field" was analyzed using a comparative analysis method, since it is a data transmission unit of TTAK.KO-06.0288-Part3. It was compared with other parts of TTAK.KO-06.0288 in terms of definition, format, size, and possible values. Although TTAK.KO-06.0288-Part1 and TTAK.KO-06.0288-Part2 do not use a "data field," they have a similar data structure. That structure was compared with the "data field" of TTAK.KO-06.0288-Part3. Results: Twenty-one issues were identified across four categories: inter-standard issues, intra-standard issues, operational issues, and misprint issues. Since some of the issues can raise interoperability problems, 16 alternative solutions were suggested. In order to prove the alternative solutions, an open-source communication library called libtp3 was developed. The library passed 14 unit tests and was adapted to two research. Conclusions: Although TTAK.KO-06.0288-Part3 is an interface standard for communication between a GOS and a GCG, it might not communicate between different implementations because of the identified issues in the standard. These issues could be solved by the alternative solutions, which could be used to revise TTAK.KO-06.0288. In addition, a relevant organization should develop a program for compatibility testing and should pursue test products for smart greenhouses.

An Impact Assessment on Atmospheric Dispersion of Pesticide using AGDISP Model (AGDISP모델을 이용한 농약의 대기확산 영향평가)

  • Kim, Jeong-Hwan;Koo, Youn-Seo;Lee, Seung-Hoon
    • Journal of Environmental Impact Assessment
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    • v.22 no.6
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    • pp.547-556
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    • 2013
  • Recently, golf courses have increased over the years because golf became popular leisure sport. Various environmental problems have been then issued by a golf course during constructing and running them. A problem of pesticide, which is serious among various environmental problems, from golf course has harmful effect on surrounding area and makes human suffer from acute and chronic diseases. Pesticides are used for the cost-effective managing of golf course and the amount of pesticides also increases as the number of golf course increase. Since the assessment of pesticides on near-by surrounding has been focused on water and soil media, studies related to atmospheric dispersion have been hardly attempted. The method to assess an impact of pesticide nearby agricultural production by the atmospheric dispersion using AGDISP(AGricultural DISPersal) model was developed and applied to the actual planned golf course located in Hongcheon, Gangwon. For implementing AGDISP, parameters were investigated from the golf course's land use planning map, pesticide spray device, Hong-Cheon weather station and etc. First of all, a kind of pesticide, a form of spraying pesticide, geographical features, weather data, and distance(golf course to plantation) were investigated to understand how to work these parameters in AGDISP. Restricted data(slope angle, droplet size distribution and solar insolation) sensitivity analysis of these parameters to estimate effect of pesticide nearby a plantation and a high relative contribution data of analyzed data was selected for input data. Ethoprophos was chosen as the pesticide used in the golf course and the amounts of pesticide deposition per annual agricultural productions were predicted. The results show that maximum amount of pesticide deposition through atmospheric dispersion was predicted $2.32{\mu}/m^2$ at 96 m where the nearest organic plantation exists. The residues of pesticide were also estimated based on the annul production of the organic and the deposition amount of the pesticide. Consequently, buckwheat, wheat and millet were likely to exceed maximum residue limits for pesticides in foods(MRL) and sorghum, corn and peanut were likely to exceed MRL by organic farming as well.

A Web-based Monitoring of Electrical Energy Consumption and Data Analysis of Smart Farm Facilities (스마트팜 전기 사용에 대한 웹기반 실시간 모니터링 시스템 운영 및 전력사용량 분석)

  • Lee, Mu Yeol;Sim, Sojeong;Kim, Eun-jeong;Han, Young-Soo
    • Journal of Bio-Environment Control
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    • v.31 no.4
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    • pp.366-375
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    • 2022
  • The monitoring of electricity consumption using Internet of Things (IoT) technology is attracting attention as a technology to reduce operation costs of smart farms. In this study, we propose a method to apply a real-time electrical consumption monitoring system (the e-Gauge system) and utilization of the collected data real-time while a melon-producing smart farm is in operation. For this purpose, the electrical consumption data for the individual smart-farm facilities such as boilers, nutrient distribution systems, automatic controllers, circulation fans, boiler controllers, and other IoT-related utilities were collected during three months of melon cultivation period. By using the monitoring results, the electrical energy consumption pattern was analyzed as an example, and necessary considerations needed to optimally utilize the measurement data were suggested. This paper will be useful in lowering the technological implementation barriers for new researchers to build a electrical consumption monitoring system and reducing trial and errors in the usage of the generated data.