• Title/Summary/Keyword: cylinder height

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Comparative study on the behavior of soil fills on rigid acrylic and flexible geotextile containers

  • Kim, Hyeong-Joo;Won, Myoung-Soo;Lee, Jang-Baek;Joo, Jong-Hoon;Jamin, Jay C.
    • Geomechanics and Engineering
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    • v.9 no.2
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    • pp.243-259
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    • 2015
  • Comparative study has been performed to investigate the behavior of dredged fills on rigid (Model 1) and flexible (Model 2) containers. The study was focused on the sedimentation of soil fills and the development of total stresses. Model 1 is made of an acrylic cylinder and Model two is a scale-size geotextile tube. Results indicate that for rigid containers, significant decrease of the sediment height is apparent during the dewatering process. On the other hand, because the geotextile is permeable, the water is gradually dissipated during the filling process on flexible containers. Hence, significant loss in the tube height is not apparent during the duration of the test. Pressure spikes are apparent on rigid containers during the filling process which can be attributed to the confining effect due to hydrostatic pressure. For the flexible containers, the pressure readings gradually increases with time during the filling process and normalize at the end on the filling stage. No pressure spikes were apparent due to the gradual dissipation of pore water pressure.

A Study of Heat Flux on the Height of an Instantaneous Temperature Probe in a Constant Volume Combustion Chamber (정적 연소기에서 순간온도 프로브의 돌출높이에 따른 열유속에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, C.W.
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Heat Treatment
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    • v.16 no.4
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    • pp.216-223
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    • 2003
  • In the production of internal combustion engines, there have been trends to develop the high performance engines with improved fuel efficiency, lighter weights and smaller sizes. This trends help to answer problems related to thermal load and abnormal combustion, etc. in these engines. In order to investigate these problems, a thin film-type probe and its manufacturing method for instantaneously measuring surface-temperatures have been proposed in this study, Instantaneous surface temperature of a constant volume combustion chamber was measured by this probe and heat flux was obtained by Fourier analysis. In order to thoroughly understand the characteristics of combustion, the authors measured the wall temperature of the combustion chamber and computed heat flux through a cylinder wall while varying the protrusion height of the probe have been measured. To achieve the above goals, a instantaneous temperature probe was developed, thereby making possible the analysis of the instantaneous temperature of wall surface and the detection of unsteady heat flux in the constant volume combustion chamber.

Experimental and Numerical Study on the Characteristics of Free Surface Waves by the Movement of a Circular Cylinder-Shaped Submerged Body in a Single Fluid Layer

  • Jun-Beom Kim;Eun-Hong Min;Weoncheol Koo
    • Journal of Ocean Engineering and Technology
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    • v.37 no.3
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    • pp.89-98
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    • 2023
  • Analyzing the interactions of free surface waves caused by a submerged-body movement is important as a fundamental study of submerged-body motion. In this study, a two-dimensional mini-towing tank was used to tow an underwater body for analyzing the generation and propagation characteristics of free surface waves. The magnitude of the maximum wave height generated by the underwater body motion increased with the body velocity at shallow submerged depths but did not increase further when the generated wave steepness corresponded to a breaking wave condition. Long-period waves were generated in the forward direction as the body moved initially, and then short-period waves were measured when the body moved at a constant velocity. In numerical simulations based on potential flow, the fluid pressure changes caused by the submerged-body motion were implemented, and the maximum wave height was accurately predicted; however, the complex physical phenomena caused by fluid viscosity and wave breaking in the downstream direction were difficult to implement. This research provides a fundamental understanding of the changes in the free surface caused by a moving underwater body.

Evaluation on Noise Characteristics by Field Application of Improved Rumble Strip (개선된 럼블스트립의 현장적용에 따른 사후 소음특성 평가)

  • An, Deok-Soon;Suh, Young-Chan;Son, Hyeon-Jang;Lee, Jae-Jun;Eom, Byeong-Sik
    • International Journal of Highway Engineering
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    • v.15 no.6
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    • pp.33-39
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    • 2013
  • PURPOSES : This research investigates traffic noise characteristics as change the transverse rumble strips shape from rectangular to cylinder at toll plaza of highway. METHODS : The traffic noise was investigated at two different places at toll plaza of highway. One is modified grooving, another is employed cylinder shape of TRS instead of rectangular shape of TRS. A measurement of traffic noise was conducted at same location and time period. The traffic volume information was gotten from office of highway office and vehicle speed was measured by speed measuring device. The traffic noise measurement was conducted from 13:00 to 23:00 and by pass-by method. Also, the traffic noise was measured behind noise barrier. Various distance from noise barrier(7.5m, 30m, 50m) and different heights(1.2m, 3m, and 5m) were parameter for measurement of traffic noise in this study. RESULTS : The class 1 vehicle was contributed from traffic volume which was increased 1,500. However, the distribution of traffic speed didn't change compare to previous investigated period. From this study, It was found that the external traffic noise was changed as function of geometric shape of TRS. The external noise from modified grooving was less than 1.2dB(A) of the current TRS. A difference of traffic noise was 20dB(A) before and after barrier. It came from a noise barrier effect as reduction of traffic noise. According to investigate a traffic noise distribution near barrier, there is similar noise characteristic as function of height at 7.5m distance from noise barrier. Also, There is no different traffic noise between 30m and 50m from source of the noise of sound barrier. CONCLUSIONS : Based on this traffic noise investigation result, there is a clear characteristic difference as changed TRS shape. The traffic noise was reduced by changed TRS shape. Specially, traffic noise was decreased although the traffic volume was increase for same investigation time and period. It is implied that cylinder type of TRS significantly reduces the traffic noise. The specification of various TRS will be studied in the future.


  • Cattaneo, Tiziana M.P.;Maraboli, Adele;Giangiacomo, Roberto
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Near Infrared Spectroscopy Conference
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    • 2001.06a
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    • pp.1519-1519
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    • 2001
  • The aim of this work was to test the feasibility of NIRS in analysing textural characteristics of “Pasta Filata” cheese during the shelf-life. For this purpose, 128 samples of “Pasta Filata” cheese, subdivided into two sets on the basis of the wax used to avoid mechanical damages (paraffin, biodegradable wax), were analysed by using an InfraAlyzer 500 (Bran+Luebbe). Analyses were performed at room temperature. Samples were cut into small cylinders (D=3.2 cm, height = 1 cm), in agreement with literature information. Data were processed by using Sesame Software (Bran+Luebbe). Samples were analysed, during the shelf-life, at 90 and 120 days. In parallel, textural characteristics were detected carrying out a compression method by using an Universal Testing Machine Instron model 4301 (Instron Corporation, Canton, Massachusetts). As compression probe was used a cylinder (D = 5.8 cm, height = 3.7 cm) and a speed rate of 20mm/min was applied. The load at 20 mm of compression was recorded on sample cylinders of 1.7 cm (D) by 2 cm (height). Qualitative analysis of full spectra showed the possibility to gather samples on the basis of the days of shelf-life. The textural characteristics of cheese during the shelf-life was evaluated by comparing NIRS data with rheological results. The best correlation was obtained applying MLR to the first derivative of normalized absorbance values at seven wavelengths. Load values were plotted against the NIR prediction values based on first derivatives. NIRS proved to be an useful tool in classifying samples on the basis of the shelf-life period as well as in predicting their textural characteristics ($R^2$= 0.916, SEC = 0.192, SEP = 0.248, SEV = 0.345).

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On the Wave Drift Forces Acting on the Fixed 2-Dimensional Cylinder (고정 2차원 주상분에 작용하는 파랑표류력)

  • Hong, Seok-Won;Lee, Sang-Mu;Yang, Seung-Il
    • 한국기계연구소 소보
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    • s.14
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    • pp.135-144
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    • 1985
  • A method is described to obtain the first order force and second order steady force on the fixed two dimensional submerged or semisubmerged cylinders at infinite depth of water due to regular waves. The first order diffraction wave velocity potential which describes the flow diffracted by a body is obtained numerically using source distribution method on the mean wetted surface. And a technique to remove the irregular frequency phenomena of the source distribution method is also applied. The second order steady force is calculates by means of direct integration of the pressures on the body as derived from the first order velocity potential and is also computed by means of reflection wave height derives from momentum conservation theory. The results are compared with those of published works, and show good agreement.

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The Stress Analysis According to the Change of the Implants and Bond Density (임프란트와 골밀도의 변화에 따른 응력분석)

  • Son Choong-Yul;Paik Jin-Sung;Shin Gong-Myoung;Park Jong-Bin;Kim Il-Kyu
    • Proceedings of the Computational Structural Engineering Institute Conference
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    • 2005.04a
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    • pp.232-239
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    • 2005
  • The objective of this study is to evaluate the simulated effects of axial and off-axial vertical loads at the implant/bone interface and the stress distribution according to the bone density of a single-unit dental implant in the cylinder and square thread implants by 3D FEA The implants were placed in the mandibular model with 25mm in height, 15mm in width and 20mm in length; then the mandibular bone density was classified into the bone type : I, II III and IV. In addition, the force were applied into 0mm, 2mm, 4mm away from the center of the implants.

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Investigation of the Optimal Forging Condition in Open Die Forging with the Flat Die (평다이를 사용한는 자유 단조 공정의 최적 단조 조건에 관한 연구)

  • 조종래;김동권;이부윤;양동열
    • Transactions of Materials Processing
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    • v.4 no.2
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    • pp.141-150
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    • 1995
  • The purpose of the open die press forging is to maximize the internal deformation for better structural homogeneity and center-line consolidation in case of the ingot. A two and three dimensional viscoplastic finite element analysis is carried out for the plate, cylinder and square forging with the flat die in order to study the forging effects during the process. Effect of width, height reduction, and die staggering are studied through simulation of the process. Thus favorable working conditions are suggested for better and more disirable product quality.

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Performance Tests of an Induction Motor with Hexahedron HTS Bulk Bearing (고온초전도 벌크 베어링을 사용한 유도 전동기의 특성 시험)

  • 임형우;이광윤;박명진;차귀수;이지광
    • The Transactions of the Korean Institute of Electrical Engineers B
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    • v.52 no.6
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    • pp.286-290
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    • 2003
  • The high temperature superconducting bulk can be used as the bearing of induction motors. This paper presents the fabrication and test results of an induction motor with superconducting bearings using HTS bulks. The bearing had eight hexahedron type YBCO bulks. Height, width and thickness of the HTS bulk were 30mm, 30mm and 10mm, respectively. Single phase induction motor was used to drive the shaft made of aluminum and the rotor of a conventional induction motor. To estimate the performance of the HTS bulk magnetic bearing, no load test, load test and Impact test were carried out. Load tests were performed by using air resistance caused by the shaft-mounted thin cylinder with buckets. Impact tests by axial direction and vertical direction impact showed that the vibration of the shaft gradually decayed. The induction motor with HTS bulk magnetic bearing rotated silently and smoothly throughout the tests. According to the test results, conventional bearings can be replaced with superconducting magnetic bearings made of HTS bulks.

A Study on the Three-Dimensional Stability Analysis of the Slope (사면의 3차원 안정해석에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Yeong-Su;Baek, Yeong-Sik;Seo, In-Seok
    • Geotechnical Engineering
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    • v.7 no.4
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    • pp.89-98
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    • 1991
  • This paper presents the three-dimensional stability analysis of the homogeneous, isotropic soil Slopes. Rotational slides are assumed with a cylindroid central part terminated with log-spiral curved ends. The ratio of threeiimensional minimum factor of safety to two 4imensional case is examined and factor of safety changes are showed for the ratio of cylinder length to slope height. On touch babes the following conclusions may be made 1. Factors of safety computed for 3-D geometry differ considerablely from ordir,arty 2-D factor of. safety. Sinoe Fn 1 Fa2 exceeds unity, threeiimensional effects tend to increase the factor of safety. 2. A,B LIU increase, the value of Fb3/ Fs2 decreases. 3. The ratio of Fr/Fs2 appears to be very sensitive to c and values.

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