• Title/Summary/Keyword: cultural policies

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Rent-seeking Analysis of the Cultural Voucher from the Viewpoint of Culture and Arts Management (문화예술경영 관점으로 본 문화이용권사업의 지대추구론적 분석)

  • Bae, Seung-Ju
    • Management & Information Systems Review
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    • v.38 no.3
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    • pp.151-170
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    • 2019
  • This study deals with the rent-seeking behavior that exist in cultural voucher from the viewpoint of culture and arts management. Art organizations open to consumers, producers and governments of the arts are dependent on the internal and external influence of an open system. Researcher has found rent-seeking in the course of introducing policies and legalization of the cultural voucher business which has been promoted in the direction of democratization of culture or cultural democracy. Cultural voucher business is a legal term. Although the government has increased the budget or tried to change the policies of the cultural voucher business, the implementation of the cultural voucher business has been opposed to the diversity of consumption and equity as the consumption of genre and the concentration of the capital region have increased. These results were structurally related to the process of legalization and rent-seeking behavior in bureaucracy. This study reaffirms that the efficient operation standard of the cultural voucher business is a balance between the choice of the beneficiary, the competition of the supplier, and access to the cultural voucher. And the theory of rent-seeking was applied as a criterion to analyze this balance. Thus, it is suggested that the criteria of evaluation and improvement to check the conservativeness of bureaucrats are needed to establish a legal system applied to the purpose of 'cultural democracy' and 'democratization of culture' ideology and to guarantee individual creativity and autonomy.

A Study on Collaborative Governance: Focusing on the Cultural Heritage Guardians (문화재지킴이 정책의 협력적 거버넌스 운영 체계 연구)

  • Jang, Youngki
    • Korean Journal of Heritage: History & Science
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    • v.54 no.1
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    • pp.184-205
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    • 2021
  • Governance is valued as a new concept and principle of social operation and public policy management, and its influence is gradually expanding. Among the various governance theories being put into practice and in case analysis studies, collaborative governance embracing various governance concepts has been found to increase interdependence and responsibility beyond participation and compromise, and create new public values by integrating and utilizing optimal social coordination forms. In the field of cultural assets, governance-related research is also being conducted for the efficiency, sustainability, and scalability of public policy enforcement. This study explored the government's role (promotion, arbitration, and condition creation) in collaborative governance, focusing on the "Cultural Heritage Guardians" to understand how collaborative governance operates in the cultural heritage sector. Regarding governance policies in the cultural asset sector, the cultural asset guardians highlighted the status, role, and characteristics of policies by examining their introduction, development, and implementation. The results of the analysis revealed that private-led, horizontal public-private cooperation, collaborative governance, policy introduction, solidarity, professionalism, resource/knowledge imbalance, cooperation precedence, etc., facilitate increased participation. The government has accordingly proposed measures to establish comprehensive legal stability centered on cooperation; strategic reorganization of dedicated organizations; strengthened, supportive intermediate organizations; and individual and multi-party consultative bodies.

Diaspora and National policy - Focusing on Russian Diaspora and chinese Diaspora (디아스포라와 국가정책 - 러시안 디아스포라와 차이니즈 디아스포라를 중심으로)

  • Chun, Byung Kuk
    • Cross-Cultural Studies
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    • v.26
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    • pp.123-144
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    • 2012
  • In the modern society in which globalization and localization proceed simultaneously, diversified and rapid migration of diaspora makes a new from of boundary off the frame of the state and the nation. This new border accompanies cultural change and racial mixture; retains ethnic conflict, the gap between rich and poor, alienation and discrimination, as well as power conflict; and extends its influence. Nowadays, the countries all over the world including Korea face problem of Diaspora in numerous forms. And each country takes an approach to the problem of the diaspora in the aspects of their society, culture and political technology. This implies that most countries, without understanding the new form of border which is alive and dynamic, define and conceptualize the diaspora in the frame of one state and one nation to carry forward the policies accordingly, resulting in inequal, incomplete and awkward homogenization. This study aimed to explore the identity of the diaspora, the core for the problem solving. Of course, studies about the identity of the diaspora have been continued until today and many great outcomes have been achieved. Nevertheless, this study aimed to explore the identity of the diaspora and the national policies which have a close interrelationship with it. It is because the study ultimately aimed to highlight the interrelationship between the destination countries, Russia and China, and the diaspora, through the definition and the classification of Russian diaspora and Chinese diaspora and the analysis of the national policies about that. However, the intention was not to distinguish superiority through the comparison of the polices about the diaspora between two countries, but to focus on the diversity of the identity of the diaspora through defining each different diaspora and paralleling the policies. Second, the reason for looking into the diaspora policies of these two countries is because it is judged the changes in the diaspora policies of each country is one of the active factors for the changes in the identify of the diaspora of each country and it is the basic research for the study on the identity of the diaspora. New migration of diaspora changes the identity of the state, and the state makes the policies and enforce the policies, resulting in the influence on the diaspora. This interaction acts as the growth factor for the new boundary. The causes of Russian diaspora and Chinese diaspora show apparent 'differences'. In parallel with this, the policies about the diaspora in Russia and China arouse 'differences' to the diaspora. The variation of the identity of the diaspora made by these differences will suggest other viewpoints on the diaspora, and these viewpoints will become the foundation for solving the problem of the diaspora in the present times.

Governance of Urban Regeneration Policies of Newcastle/Gateshead England (영국 뉴카슬/게이츠헤드의 도시재개발사업에 관한 연구 : 정책 거버넌스를 중심으로)

  • Shin, Dong-Ho
    • Journal of the Economic Geographical Society of Korea
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    • v.15 no.1
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    • pp.131-145
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    • 2012
  • During the 1980s and 1990s, most of the old industrial cities of advanced countries have experienced serious de-industrialisation. This has caused many problems, such as economic decline, increasing unemployment, environmental degradation and social unrests. Since the mid-1980s, some of these cities have started to tackle the problems by urban regeneration programs with cultural and artistic activities, new industries, and implementing housing projects. The cities of Newcastle and Gateshead in Northeastern England were the examples of the ones which have created major development projects, such as building condominiums, renovating old factory building, and promoting cultural and art activities. This paper introduces policies and programs of the cities' urban regeneration, analyses their governance structure, and articulates factors contributing to the success of the policies and programs.

  • PDF

The Ming Castle Conservation Policy and the Creation of Historical and Cultural Environments (중국 '난징(南京) 명성곽(明城郭)'의 보존정책과 역사문화환경 조성)

  • Ryu, Ho Cheol
    • Korean Journal of Heritage: History & Science
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    • v.46 no.1
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    • pp.346-361
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    • 2013
  • Since the Ming Castle located in Nanjing was designated by the Government of China as a cultural property in 1988, the Nanjing city government has been conserving the castle according to its plan and thus restoring the historical and cultural values of Nanjing. The project is still in progress, and in this regard, a series of logistics have formulated and a lot of discussions have taken place. Likewise, Korea has been carrying out multidirectional policies to conserve and utilize castles lying throughout the country, appreciating the historical and cultural resources of castles lying throughout the country, and at the same time gets down to designation as the World Heritage. This study focused on how Nanjing, not only a castle city but also a historical city, had established a principle and legal foundation regarding the protection of the Ming Castle, especially on how the problems, which might continually arise in a process where a scheme reached a working stage, had been solved. The problem-solving process is expected to have great implications for Korea in a similar situation. Hereat, this study analyzed the project plans formulated seasonally and gathered data on practical operation by conducting interviews with hands-on workers. The results showed that Nanjing had carried out policies to utilize the castles as tourism resources by harmonizing cityscape and ecological environment, but that it well conserved castles without damaging cultural assets. The stereoscopic protection system for the Ming Castle, based on the consideration of historical and cultural environments, may provide practical and useful data for Korea's administration mapping out for a castle conservation policy and designation as the UNESCO World Heritage.

A Study on the Supporting Strategy of Cultural Programs in Korean Public Libraries (공공도서관 문화프로그램 지원방안 연구)

  • Ahn, In-Ja;Hoang, Gum-Sook
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Library and Information Science
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    • v.42 no.3
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    • pp.325-344
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    • 2008
  • Supporting strategies of national level are required as the cultural programs in Korean public libraries are becoming one of key tasks which takes more than 30% of total library duties. This study proposed 6 categories of supporting strategies as national and local libraries based on analysis of 88 public libraries's cultural programs and their requirements. The study's research methods mainly include literature investigation, case study and expert panel group discussions. The 6 supporting categories that this study proposes are: (1) Advisory committee working, (2) Development and distribution of the cultural program models (3) Development of cultural program packages, (4) Development and execution of educational programs for cultural program librarians. (5) Financial support policies, (6) Human Resources and networks for local level programs.

Case Study for Revitalization of Abanoned Nordstern Mine as Industrial/Technological Cultural Properties in Germany (독일 산업.기술문화재 노르트스테른 폐광산 재생 사례 분석)

  • Kim, Hong-Gi;Kim, Sei-Yong;Chu, Beom
    • Korean Institute of Interior Design Journal
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    • v.20 no.5
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    • pp.254-261
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    • 2011
  • Industrial/Technological Cultural Properties are closely related to contemporary life, and have played the dominant role as a bridge between the traditional architectural buildings and contemporary architectural buildings, reflecting the overall economical, social and cultural portraits of that time. Nowadays, due to various sprawling developments and new development-oriented urban policies, only a select few Industrial/Technological Cultural Properties are being protected, the rest facing with demolition and damages. In order to better cope with such situation, Korea has officially introduced the Registered Cultural Properties System since 2001, and began acknowledging the historical values of industrial buildings as modem cultural properties. Under this circumstances, purpose of this study is to analyze main project plans of each facility in Abanoned Nordstern Mine Gelsenkirchen in the state of Nordhein-Westfalen, that have been preserved and recycled as office spaces. and to bring out the main features of the plans, so that they can be utilized to find suggestions for Industrial /Technological Cultural Properties Revitalization.

Cultural Big Data Platform and Digital Management: Focused on Cultural Contents Industry

  • Hong, Jong Youl
    • International Journal of Advanced Culture Technology
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    • v.10 no.3
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    • pp.287-294
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    • 2022
  • This paper examines the change and its meaning of marketing strategy in business administration, which is changing along with the development of digital technology. Unlike conventional marketing, digital marketing is creating new relationships and making changes through a two-way approach rather than a one-way approach between producers and consumers. And these changes are creating new approaches not only in the problems between businesses and consumers, but also in the relationship between public institutions and citizens. In particular, the potential of platforms, which are emerging as important in digital management, is applied to public policies, and efforts are being made to establish marketing strategies for public institutions. One case of this was applied to the cultural contents industry and policy to examine specific measures and visions. The cultural big data platform is in line with digital management and continuously utilizes digital marketing strategies in the public domain, and aims to promote creative work as well as publicize it to citizens and workers in the cultural content industry. The synergy effect that will emerge from the combination of the cultural big data platform and digital management is expected to continue.

Evolutionary & Revival of ChunCheon Cultural Cluster (춘천 문화산업 클러스터의 진화와 회생)

  • Seo, Jeong-Soo;Kwon, Jae-Woong
    • Cartoon and Animation Studies
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    • s.25
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    • pp.155-175
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    • 2011
  • The cultural cluster in Chuncheon was initiated in the late 1990s with the combination of diverse components, which were companies, a local government entity, educational institutions, and human resources. In order to hold ability of standing on its own way in a hard time when the local cultural industries could not had developed by themselves, it urgently required the encouragement policy in the name of industry development. GIMC (Gangwon Information & Multimedia Corporation) was established in this situation, and policy strategies for promoting the cultural cluster was decided on the basis of GIMC's strategies. This article analyzes the evolution process of the local cluster and suggests characteristics of its every stage--initiation, development, and decline--on the basis of cluster competition concept because of the problem to deal with the evolution process of cluster from the existing viewpoint. This article finds out that Chuncheon cluster embarked on cultural cluster strategies without concerning basic elements which had to be prepared from the initial stage. This problem worked as the serious obstacle hampering development of Chunchen cluster. This problem was the matter of policies in providing a direction of industry development as well as leading a local cultural cluster and led to a result of weakening the connection among cluster components. As a result, this article shows that the current status of Chuncheon cultural cluster is being entered the decline stage, and, therefore, suggests that the advanced policy to promote cluster for a next round is urgently needed. Stable closing the first round of cultural cluster policies and thorough preparation for the second round is the only practical solution to minimize side effects of cluster decline. It is the prerequisite to restore trust and, at the same time, reinforce relationship between members who consist of Chuncheon cultural cluster.

A study on the Policies for the Promotion of Korean Literature seen through Manhae Festival (만해축전을 통해서 본 한국문학진흥정책에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Won-Oh;Rhyu, Ji-Sung;Kim, Ji-Won
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.15 no.12
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    • pp.234-246
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    • 2015
  • When the Information age led by media comes, The literature yielded its prominence to visual media, and the Korean literature also faced a crisis, prompted by decreased demand for it. In this reality, literature festivals which have increased rapidly since 1995 and currently number at least 110, when the local government system was launched, played an important role in promoting literature to the society. This thesis has selected Manhae Festival, one of the most vibrant and successful, as the case study to analyze its present status and accomplishments to derive ways for improvement which can be used to promote policies on literature. Manhae Festival which celebrates Manhae Han Yongun, a poet and an independence activist, also became one of the top literature festivals through Manhae Grand Awards and various cultural, art and academic events, despite being held in Inje County, Gangwon Province, a remote location. Based on this study, in the near future, Manhae Village, as a complex cultural venue, as a If we can make the place into complex cultural space and with additional policy support by gaining political supports like designation as Slowcity and special zone of culture and tourism, and pursuing glocalization by making Manhae into a star brand, Manhae Festival will cement its current position as a successful literary festival. It has very meaningful since most of literature festivals operate in small scale. Now, we need to develop literature festivals into local ones by attracting larger popularity. Meanwhile, a more comprehensive study, in the future, is needed with special emphasis on successful literary policies and their precedents in other countries.