• 제목/요약/키워드: cross-section design

검색결과 1,052건 처리시간 0.023초

MGGC2.0: A preprocessing code for the multi-group cross section of the fast reactor with ultrafine group library

  • Kui Hu;Xubo Ma;Teng Zhang;Xuan Ma;Zifeng Huang;Yixue Chen
    • Nuclear Engineering and Technology
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    • 제55권8호
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    • pp.2785-2796
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    • 2023
  • How to generate the precise broad group cross section is important for the fast reactor design. In this study, a fast reactor multi-group cross-section generation code MGGC2.0 are developed in-house for processing ultrafine group MATXS format library. Validation and verification are performed for MGGC2.0 code by applying the benchmarks of ICSBEP handbook, and the results of MGGC2.0 agree well with that of MCNP. The consistent PN method with critical buckling search is in good agreement that condensed with TWODANT flux and flux moment for the inner core and outer core region. For the radial blanket and reflector, two region approximation method has been applied in MGGC2.0 by using collision Probability Method neutron flux solver. The RBEC-M benchmark was used to verify the power distribution calculation, and the relative error of power distribution comparison with the reference are less than 0.8% in the fuel region and the maximum relative error is 5.58% in the reflector region. Therefore, the precise broad cross section can be generated by MGGC2.0 for fast reactor.

Flow Analysis of Profile Extrusion by a Modified Cross-sectional Numerical Method

  • Seo, Dongjin;Youn, Jae-Ryoun
    • Fibers and Polymers
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    • 제1권2호
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    • pp.103-110
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    • 2000
  • Flow analysis of profile extrusion is essential for design and production of a profile extrusion die. Velocity, pressure, and temperature distribution in an extrusion die are predicted and compared with the experimental results. A two dimensional numerical method is proposed for three dimensional analysis of the flow field within the profile extrusion die by applying a modified cross-sectional numerical method. Since the cross-sectional shape of the die is varied gradually, it is assumed that the pressure is constant within a cross-sectional plane that is perpendicular to the flow direction. With this assumption, the velocity component in the cross-sectional direction is neglected. The exact cross-sectional shape at any position is calculated based on the geometry of standard cross-sections. The momentum and energy equations are solved with proper boundary conditions at a cross-section and then the same calculation is carried out for the next cross-section using the current calculated values. An L-shaped profile extrusion die is produced and employed for experimental investigation using a commercially available polypropylene. Numerical prediction for the varying cross-sectional shape provides better results than the previous studies and is in good agreement with the experimental results.

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가변 롤 성형 공정시 길이방향 변형률에 근거한 제품 형상 설계 기술 개발 (Development of Profile Design Method Based on Longitudinal Strain for Flexible Roll Forming Process)

  • 주병돈;한상욱;신세계로;문영훈
    • 소성∙가공
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    • 제22권7호
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    • pp.401-406
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    • 2013
  • The use of roll-formed products increases every year due to its advantages, such as high production rates, reduced tooling cost and improved quality. However, till now, it is limited to part profiles with constant cross section. In recent years, the flexible roll forming process, which allows variable cross sections of profiles by adaptive roll stands, was developed. In this study, an attempt to optimize profile design for the flexible roll forming process was performed. An equation that predicts the longitudinal strain for part geometries with variable cross-sections was proposed. The relationship between geometrical parameters and the longitudinal strain was analyzed and investigations on the optimal profile design were performed. Experiments were conducted with a lab-scale roll forming machine to validate the proposed equation. The results show that the profile design method proposed in this study is feasible and parts with variable cross sections can be successfully fabricated with the flexible roll forming process.

지하환기소 대단면 터널 시공 사례 연구 (A Case Study on the Construction of Large Cross Section Tunnel for Underground Ventilation System)

  • 노승환;최성욱;노상림
    • 터널과지하공간
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    • 제27권4호
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    • pp.195-204
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    • 2017
  • 본 사례연구에서는 신림~봉천터널 지하환기소 대단면 터널의 시공 사례를 소개하였다. 환기갱(폭 7.8 m, 높이 6.6 m)에서 환기소(축류팬실, 폭 20.8 m, 높이 12.3 m)로 터널 단면이 확대되는 구간에 대해 안전성 및 시공성 등을 고려하여 점진적인 확대 굴착 방안 및 Q 시스템을 이용한 확폭 구간의 임시 보강 방안이 검토되었다. 확폭이 완료된 이후 대단면 터널은 현장의 암반조건을 확인하고, 전산해석을 이용한 터널의 안정성 검토 등을 통해 암반등급에 따라 굴진장을 일부 조정하고, 터널 상부 굴착을 분할 없이 전단면 굴착으로 변경하여 시공성을 향상시켰다. 본 사례연구에서 소개한 시공 사례가 향후 유사한 조건의 지하환기소 또는 4차로 도로 등의 대단면 터널의 설계 및 시공에 유용한 참고 자료가 될 수 있기를 기대한다.

스트럿 부재와 융합단면을 이용한 기둥-보 강결 구조물 해석 (Analysis of Beam-column Joints in a Structure using Strut Members and Composite Section)

  • 조재형;송재호
    • 한국산업융합학회 논문집
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    • 제23권2_2호
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    • pp.289-299
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    • 2020
  • The composition of convergence cross-section of the material is a technique that provides reasonable design and construction of structures. It is frequently used in medium-sized bridges and architectural structures. However, the structural behavioral spare capacity enhancement of the structure by the application of the convergence cross-section is still limited by the expandability due to the limiting state of each material. In order to overcome these limitations, this study reasonably analyzed the construction stages before and after the convergence cross-section constructed and developed a technique for forming multi-point boundary conditions using struts, which are compression members. Based on the existing cases, a reasonable construction step for forming the material composite section of the entire structural system of the structure was derived, and a numerical analysis model for a specific part was constructed to analyze the behavior of the strut application. As a result of this study, the effect of reducing the sectional force of 7.40% in beam-column joint and 6.31% in the center of girder was derived, and the deflection, which is a measure of the serviceability of the structure, improved by 54.41% from the installation and dismantling of strut members at each construction stage.

이중냉각 연료봉의 단면치수와 스팬길이에 따른 진동특성해석 (Vibration Characteristic Analysis of a Duel-cooled Fuel Rod according to the Cross-sectional Dimensions and the Span Length)

  • 이강희;김재용;이영호;윤경호;김형규
    • 한국소음진동공학회논문집
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    • 제17권9호
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    • pp.819-825
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    • 2007
  • Vibration characteristics of an duel-cooling cylindrical fuel rod, which was proposed as a candidate design of fuel's cross section for the ultra-high burnup nuclear fuel, according to the cross-sectional dimensions and the number of supports or the span length were analytically studied. Finite element(FE) modeling for the annular cross sectional fuel was based on the methodology, that have been proven by the test verification, for the conventional PWR nuclear fuel rod. A commercial FEA code, ABAQUS, was used for the FE modeling and analysis. A planar beam element (B21) that uses a linear interpolation was used for the fuel rod and a linear spring element for the spring and dimple of the SG. Natural frequencies and mode shape were calculated according to the preliminary design candidates for the fuel's cross sectional dimension and the number of span. From the analysis results, the design scheme of the annular fuel compatible to the present PWR nuclear reactor core was discussed in terms of the number of supports and fuel's cross section.

nT-T/n 단면형상을 갖는 프로펠러 뿌리 필렛의 구조 성능 분석과 설계방안에 관한 연구 (A Study on the Structural Performance and the Design of Propeller Root Fillet Surfaces having nT-T/n section)

  • 유원선
    • 대한조선학회논문집
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    • 제52권5호
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    • pp.372-379
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    • 2015
  • The blade root fillets which have strong influences on the performance of propellers in the both structural and hydrodynamic points of view, are mechanical parts for smooth connection surface with a blade and a hub. A few related researches (Sabol, 1983; Kennedy, 1997) have noted that 3T-T/3 double radius section design would be suitable for reducing Stress Concentration Factor(SCF) and increasing Cavitation Inception Speed(CIS). In this paper, it is confirmed that this compound cross-section design has come close to the optimum solution in the shape optimization standpoint so that it could protect the propeller blade under the frequent and various loading cases. On that basis, we suggest the definite and simple fillet design methodology that has the cross-section with nT-T/n compound radius and elliptic shape which could sustain the given derivatives information as well as the offsets at the boundary and all inner region of the fillet surface. In addition, the result of design is presented in form of IGES file format in order to connect with NC machine seamlessly.

도로교 설계기준을 적용한 초간편 H-형강 강합성 교량 설계단면 연구 (A Study on Design Section of Composite Steel H-Beam Bridge Based on KRTA Design Specifications)

  • 박종섭;김재흥
    • 한국산학기술학회논문지
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    • 제9권6호
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    • pp.1711-1717
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    • 2008
  • 본 논문에서는 신형식 강합성 H형강 교량의 최적 설계단면 결정 및 거동 특성을 분석하고 있다. 단경간 교량과 등간격 2 3경간 연속교량에 대한 설계단면을 도로교 설계기준(2005)을 토대로 최적의 H-형강거더 선정과정을 상세히 기술하고 있으며, 설계단면결정을 위한 구조해석시 범용구조해석프로그램 MIDAS(2006)를 사용하여 발생되는 내력과 응력을 계산하였다. 설계단면의 안전성을 검토하고자 ABAQUS(2007)를 사용하여 설계단면의 발생응력과 처짐을 설계기준의 허용값들과 비교 검토하였다. 검토결과 제안된 설계단면은 안전측으로 제안되고 있음을 확인할 수 있었다.

CFD practical application in conceptual design of a 425 m cable-stayed bridge

  • Nieto, F.;Hernandez, S.;Jurado, J.A.;Baldomir, A.
    • Wind and Structures
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    • 제13권4호
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    • pp.309-326
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    • 2010
  • CFD techniques try to find their way in the bridge engineering realm nowadays. However, there are certain fields where they offer superior performance such as conceptual bridge design and bidding design. The CFD studies carried out for the conceptual design of a 425 m length cable-stayed bridge are presented. A CFD commercial package has been employed to obtain for a set of cross-sections the aerodynamic coefficients considering 2D steady state. Additionally, for those cross-sections which showed adequate force coefficients, unsteady 2D simulations were carried out to detect the risk of vortex shedding. Based upon these computations the effect on the aerodynamic behavior of the deck cross-section caused by a number of modifications has been evaluated. As a consequence, a new more feasible cross-section design has been proposed. Nevertheless, if the design process proceeds to a more detailed step a comprehensive set of studies, comprising extensive wind tunnel tests, are required to better find out the aerodynamic bridge behavior.

이동식 크레인 붐의 최적설계 (Optimum Design of Movable Hydraulic Crane Booms)

  • 유광선;박정완;히다카 신이치;한석영
    • 한국생산제조학회지
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    • 제19권6호
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    • pp.776-781
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    • 2010
  • Optimum design of movable hydraulic crane's booms for weight reduction was performed in this study. Since the boom weight of the present used booms is very heavy, it is needed to make them lighter structure as possible as we can. Optimum design was performed for the booms by changing from the hexagonal cross section to triangular truss structure under the conditions, which are the allowable stress for the present cross section must be maintained, and the optimized weight must be minimized. CATIAV5 was used for stress analysis and design variables were established as the height and width of the triangular truss structure. As the results, it is found that the height of the truss structure is increased in proportion to the height of the booms and the maximum stress for optimal truss structure was obtained as 412MPa, which is lower than the allowable stress for the present hexagonal cross section. The optimized weight of the booms is reduced to about 19.88% comparing to the original weight.