• Title/Summary/Keyword: cross feedback

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Unsteady Flow Rate Measurement by Using Hydraulic Pipeline Dynamics (유압관로의 동특성을 이용한 비정상 유량계측)

  • 김도태
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Machine Tool Engineers Conference
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    • 1999.10a
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    • pp.411-416
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    • 1999
  • The measurement of unsteady flow rate is of vital importance to clarify and improve the dynamic characteristics in pipeline, hydraulic components and system. There is also demand for a real time flow sensor of ability to measure unsteady flow rate with high accuracy and fast response to realize feedback control of flow rate in fluid power systems. In this paper, we propose an approach for estimating unsteady flow rate through a pipeline and components under high pressure condition. In the method, unsteady flow rate is estimated by using hydraulic pipeline dynamics and the measured pressure values at two distant points along the pipeline. The distributed parameter model of hydraulic pipeline is applied with consideration of frequency dependent viscosity friction and unsteady velocity distribution at a cross section of a pipeline. By using the self-checking functions of the method, the validity is investigated by comparison with the measured and estimated pressure waveforms at the halfway section on the pipeline. The results show good agreement between the estimated flow rate waveforms and theroetical those under unsteady laminar flow conditions. the method proposed here is useful in estimating unsteady flow rate through an arbitray cross section in hydraulic pipeline and components without installing an instantaneous flowmeter.

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Design of the Large Diameter Faraday Rotator for High-power Laser Systems (고출력 레이저 시스템을 위한 대구경 Faraday Rotator 제작)

  • Hong, Sung-Ki;Seo, Young-Seok;Ko, Kwang-Hoon;Kim, Young-Won;Wee, Sang-Bong;Lim, Chang-Hwan
    • The Transactions of The Korean Institute of Electrical Engineers
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    • v.57 no.6
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    • pp.1026-1031
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    • 2008
  • We report on the design and experimental results of a large diameter faraday rotator for the high-power laser system(KLF: Kaeri laser facility) that was completed in late 2007s at Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute. The design involves modelling the magnetic field of cylindrical coil with large diameter(110 mm). Magnetic field generation coil is designed by 6 layers using a rectangular wire with cross-sectional area $3{\times}5[mm^2]$. We obtain an isolation ratio for optical feedback of 35 dB at 1064 nm and magnetic field strengths ${\sim}25kG$. We expect that the design can be widely used optical isolators in high-power laser system.

A study onthe stability of a missile body ina simplified model by finite element method (유한요소법에 의한 단순화된 미사일 몸체 모델의 안정성에 관한 연구)

  • ;;Kim, Chan Soo
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers
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    • v.5 no.4
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    • pp.293-302
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    • 1981
  • In this paper, the stability of a flexible missle, idealized as a free-free beam, is evaluated by using the finite element method. For the study, heavy machinery part is modeled as a concentrated mass and the thrust, which is controlled by a feedback sensor located at a predetermined position, is considered as a constant follower force. The aerodynamic forces, the structural damping, the cross sectional variation servo lag effect are neglected in this study. With unconstrained variational principle, the finite element method is applied to the nondimensionalized beam eqution. The matrix eigenvalue equation is obtained and the eigenvalues are calculated by a computer for the stability analysis. The stability is evaluated by the inspection of the eigenvalues are calculated by a computer for the stabilith analysis. The stabilith is evaluated by the inspection of the eigenvalues of the problem. For the study, the behaviors of the eigenvalues at various thrusts and the effects of the magnitudes and positions of the concentrated mass and directional control constant are analyzed.

Implementation of automatic gain control circuit for the gain control of receiving stage in pulse doppler radar (펄스 도플러 레이다의 수신단 이득 제어를 위한 자동 이득 조절 장치의 구현)

  • 김세영;양진모;김선주;전병태
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Telematics and Electronics D
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    • v.34D no.2
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    • pp.10-20
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    • 1997
  • This paper describes the design, the manufacture and the development of th eautomatic gain control unit which ajdusts the gain of IF processor in the high sensitive & multifunctional receiver unit (HMR) for pulse doppler radar system. Accodording to the effective distnce of target, radar cross section, and a lot of external environments (such as clutter), the receiving stage of RADAR system often deviates from dynamic range. To solve this kind o fproblem, continuous/pulse wave AGC are realized, make it possible to control the gain characteristics of receiver stably, and can increase dynamic range linearly by adjusting the gain slope of receiver which is limited by 1-dB gain compression point. In this study, AGC unit is designed to regulate the total gain of receiver by using te analog feedback theory. It also has rapid enough response to process pulse signal. This study presents the gain control method of IF, the real manufacture technique (the package-type components) and the measurement performance of AGC.

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Low Voltage CMOS LC VCO with Switched Self-Biasing

  • Min, Byung-Hun;Hyun, Seok-Bong;Yu, Hyun-Kyu
    • ETRI Journal
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    • v.31 no.6
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    • pp.755-764
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    • 2009
  • This paper presents a switched self-biasing and a tail current-shaping technique to suppress the 1/f noise from a tail current source in differential cross-coupled inductance-capacitance (LC) voltage-controlled oscillators (VCOs). The proposed LC VCO has an amplitude control characteristic due to the creation of negative feedback for the oscillation waveform amplitude. It is fabricated using a 0.13 ${\mu}m$ CMOS process. The measured phase noise is -117 dBc/Hz at a 1 MHz offset from a 4.85 GHz carrier frequency, while it draws 6.5 mA from a 0.6 V supply voltage. For frequency tuning, process variation, and temperature change, the amplitude change rate of the oscillation waveform in the proposed VCO is 2.1 to 3.2 times smaller than that of an existing VCO with a fixed bias. The measured amplitude change rate of the oscillation waveform for frequency tuning from 4.55 GHz to 5.04 GHz is 131 pV/Hz.

Control system modeling of stock management for civil infrastructure

  • Abe, Masato
    • Smart Structures and Systems
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    • v.15 no.3
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    • pp.609-625
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    • 2015
  • Management of infrastructure stock is essential in sustainability of society, and its analysis and optimization are studied in the light of control system modeling in this paper. At the first part of the paper, cost of stock management is analyzed based on macroscopic statistics on infrastructure stock and economical growth. Stock management burden relative to economy is observed to become larger at low economic growth periods in developed economies. Then, control system modeling of stock management is introduced and by augmenting maintenance actions as control input, dynamic behavior of stock is simulated and compared with existing time history statistics. Assuming steady state conditions, applicability of the model to cross sectional data is also demonstrated. The proposed model is enhanced so that both preventive and corrective maintenance can be included as system inputs, i.e., feedforward and feedback control inputs. Optimal management strategy to achieve specified deteriorated stock level with minimal cost, expressed in terms of preventive and corrective maintenance actions, is derived based on estimated parameter values for corrosion of steel bridges. Relative cost effectiveness of preventive maintenance is shown when target deteriorated stock level is lower.

Modeling and $H_{\infty}$ Optimal Control Design for a Hydraulic Unit in ESP (ESP 유압 유니트의 모델링 및 $H_{\infty}$ 최적제어)

  • You, Seung-Han;Hahn, Jin-Oh;Cho, Young-Man;Lee, Kyo-Il
    • Proceedings of the KSME Conference
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    • 2004.04a
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    • pp.733-738
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    • 2004
  • This paper deals with feedback control of a hydraulic unit for direct yaw moment control, a method used to actively maintain the dynamic stability of an automobile. The uncertain parameters and complex structure naturally call for empirical modeling of the hydraulic unit, which readily results in a control-oriented model with high fidelity. The identified model is cross-validated against experimental data under various conditions, which helps to establish model uncertainty. Then, the $H_{\infty}$ optimization technique is employed to synthesize a controller with guaranteed robust stability and performance against the model uncertainty. The performance of the synthesized controller is verified using experimental results, which shows the viability of the proposed approach in a real-world application.

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Strategies for Operation of Single and Multiple Shake Tables

  • Laplace Patrick N.;Thoen Bradford K.
    • Proceedings of the Earthquake Engineering Society of Korea Conference
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    • 2006.03a
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    • pp.571-578
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    • 2006
  • Research using multiple shake tables present new and unique challenges in controls. Typical single shake table tests with large specimens must cope with significant specimen force feedback that can increase tracking error due to specimen gain, damping, and non-linearity. Multiple shaking tables with distributed specimens can produce cross-coupling forces due to inertial and response effects and forces due to static differential displacements. Although many various control architectures exist, basic simplified techniques can yield excellent results without risk to control stability. Off-line simulation techniques can also prove invaluable for studying system response before the real system is operated.

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Three-staged amplifier properties of single-short pulsed distributed feedback dye laser using a XeCl laser (XeCl 레이저를 이용한 단일 단펄스 분포궤한 색소레이저의 3단 증폭기 특성)

  • 김성훈;이영우;김용평
    • Korean Journal of Optics and Photonics
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    • v.10 no.5
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    • pp.424-429
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    • 1999
  • The amplifier properties of single distributed feedback dye laser with 106 ps pulse width and 616 nm wavelength were invested using only one XeCl-excimer laser as pump source. For optimized amplification of DFDL, the three-stage amplifiers were arranged with increasing cross-section and accordingly increasing pump energies. The first AmpI, II stages were dye cell of 5 mm, 10 mm and contained a $6{\times}10^{-4}$ [mol/l](solvent : Methanol) of Rhodamine 610. Double-pass amplification in the AmPII was measured to suppress the ASE by using a diffraction grating. The beam intensity of AmpI, II was saturated with a gain of respectively 10 and 48. The last AmpIII was Bethune cell of 30 mm and contained a $3{\times}10^ {-4}$ [mol/l] (solvent : Ethanol) of Rhodamine 610. In the single-pass and double-pass amplification, the output energy was obtained 168.2 $\mu$J and 471$\mu$J respectively.

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Haptic and Sound Grid for Enhanced Positioning in 3-D Virtual Environment (햅틱 / 사운드 그리드를 이용한 3차원 가상 환경 내의 위치 정보 인식 향상)

  • Kim, Seung-Chan;Yang, Tae-Heon;Kwon, Dong-Soo
    • 한국HCI학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2007.02a
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    • pp.447-454
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    • 2007
  • 본 논문에서는 사용자의 가상환경 내의 위치 정보에 대한 감각을 향상시키는 방법론으로서 햅틱 피드백(haptic feedback)과 사운드 피드백(sound feedback)의 모달리티를 활용한 그리드(grid)를 제안한다. 제안된 그리드는 사용자의 3차원 공간 내의 움직임(explorative procedure)에 추가적인 비 시각적인(non-visual) 위치정보 피드백을 부여하는데 그 목적을 두고 있다. 햅틱 모달리티를 활용한 3차원 그리드는 SensAble사의 PHANTOM(R) Omni$^{TM}$ 를 활용하여 설계되었으며, 사운드 모달리티를 활용한 경우 저주파 배경음의 주파수 특성(frequency characteristics of sound source)을 사용자 손의 공간 좌표값에 근거하여 재생 시의 표본 추출 비율(sampling rate)를 연속적으로 바꾸는 방식으로 설계되었다. 이러한 공간 그리드는 두 모달리티 각각의 독립적인 제시 및 동시 제시/제거를 통해 평가되었으며, 동시 제시의 경우 두 모달리티간의 어긋남(cross-modal asynchrony)이 없도록 설계되어 사용자의 공간 작업 시 모달리티간의 조화 (manipulating congruency)를 확보할 수 있도록 하였다. 실험을 통해 얻어진 결과는 그것의 통계적 유의미성을 분석하기 위해 다원변량분석과 사후검증(Turkey. HSD)을 거쳐 해석이 되었다. 공간 내 특정 좌표 선택을 기준으로 하는 그리드의 사용자 평과 결과, 3차원 내의 움직임에 대해 햅틱 및 사운드 피드백의 비 시각적 피드백은 사용자의 공간 작업의 오차를 줄여 주고 있음이 확인되었다. 특히 시각적인 정보만으로 확인하기 어려운 Z축 상의 움직임은 그리드의 도움으로 그 오차정도가 50% 이상 줄어 드는 것으로 확인되었다(F=19.82, p<0.01). 이러한 시각적 정보를 보존하는 햅틱, 사운드 피드백 방식을 HCI의 중요한 요소인 사용성과 유용성과 연관시켜 MMHCI(multimodal human-computer interaction) 방법론으로의 적용 가능성을 검토해 본다.

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