• 제목/요약/키워드: cover function

검색결과 389건 처리시간 0.03초

Fair Bit Allocation in Spatially Correlated Sensor Fields Using Shapley Value (공간 상관성을 갖는 센서장에서 섀플리 값을 이용한 공정한 비트 할당)

  • Sang-Seon Byun
    • IEMEK Journal of Embedded Systems and Applications
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    • 제18권4호
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    • pp.195-201
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    • 2023
  • The degree of contribution each sensor makes towards the total information gathered by all sensors is not uniform in spatially correlated sensor fields. Considering bit allocation problem in such a spatially correlated sensor field, the number of bits to be allocated to each sensor should be proportional to the degree of contribution the sensor makes. In this paper, we deploy Shapley value, a representative solution concept in cooperative game theory, and utilize it in order to quantify the degree of contribution each sensor makes. Shapley value is a system that determines the contribution of an individual player when two or more players work in collaboration with each other. To this end, we cast the bit allocation problem into a cooperative game called bit allocation game where sensors are regarded as the players, and a payoff function is given in the criteria of mutual information. We show that the Shapley value fairly quantifies an individual sensor's contribution to the total payoff achieved by all sensors following its desirable properties. By numerical experiments, we confirm that sensor that needs more bits to cover its area has larger Shapley value in spatially correlated sensor fields.

Selection of Biodiversity Indicators for a National Assessment in Korea (국내 생물다양성 평가를 위한 지표 선정)

  • Inyoung Jang;Sung-Ryong Kang
    • Korean Journal of Ecology and Environment
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    • 제56권4호
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    • pp.393-405
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    • 2023
  • This study was conducted to select indicators for assessing national biodiversity. For this purpose, 140 biodiversity-related indicators were identified as a result of inventorying biodiversity-related indicators used in Korea and abroad, and when these indicators were applied to the pressure, status, and response indicator system, it was found that status indicators accounted for the largest number of indicators, with 29 pressure, 59 status, and 44 response. We also categorized the status indicators into genes, species, habitat, function, and quality, and found that species and habitat indicators accounted for the majority. Pressure indicators were categorized into direct exploitation, pollution, alien species, climate change, and habitat change. As a result, it was found that direct exploitation and pollution accounted for most of the pressure indicators. In addition, this study used internationally used indicator selection criteria to establish criteria for selecting domestic biodiversity assessment indicators. Using this list of indicators and indicator selection criteria, we evaluated the prioritization of domestically applicable biodiversity indicators through relevant expert consultations. 1) Vegetation class, 2) Land cover indicators, and 3) Change of protected area ranked highly. In fact, these indicators have been used in many studies due to the availability of assessable data. However, most of the highly scored indicators are based on ecosystem area, and further consideration of ecosystem functions and components(species) is needed.

A conditionally applied neural network algorithm for PAPR reduction without the use of a recovery process

  • Eldaw E. Eldukhri;Mohammed I. Al-Rayif
    • ETRI Journal
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    • 제46권2호
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    • pp.227-237
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    • 2024
  • This study proposes a novel, conditionally applied neural network technique to reduce the overall peak-to-average power ratio (PAPR) of an orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) system while maintaining an acceptable bit error rate (BER) level. The main purpose of the proposed scheme is to adjust only those subcarriers whose peaks exceed a given threshold. In this respect, the developed C-ANN algorithm suppresses only the peaks of the targeted subcarriers by slightly shifting the locations of their corresponding frequency samples without affecting their phase orientations. In turn, this achieves a reasonable system performance by sustaining a tolerable BER. For practical reasons and to cover a wide range of application scenarios, the threshold for the subcarrier peaks was chosen to be proportional to the saturation level of the nonlinear power amplifier used to pass the generated OFDM blocks. Consequently, the optimal values of the factor controlling the peak threshold were obtained that satisfy both reasonable PAPR reduction and acceptable BER levels. Furthermore, the proposed system does not require a recovery process at the receiver, thus making the computational process less complex. The simulation results show that the proposed system model performed satisfactorily, attaining both low PAPR and BER for specific application settings using comparatively fewer computations.

Implications of Digital Education Policy -Focused on Basic Act for Digital-based Education-

  • Shinhye, Heo
    • International Journal of Internet, Broadcasting and Communication
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    • 제16권1호
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    • pp.321-329
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    • 2024
  • This study attempted to obtain implications for digital education policy by reviewing the Framework Acts and Enforcement Decrees related to digital education. To this end, the following were explored. First, the concept and components of digital competency were reviewed. Second, the Framework Acts and Enforcement Decrees related to digital education policy were reviewed using the above concepts. Third, the characteristics and implications of the Framework Acts and Enforcement Decrees for digital education were explored. The results are as follows: Korea's digital education policy tried to reflect the categories that digital competency must cover, even its function and dysfunction role. However, to achieve their purpose, it is necessary to maintain consistency with related laws or policies. We identified that amendments to the Basic Act and related articles are essential to effectively enforce the Digital-Based Distance Education Activation Basic Act. A reevaluation of the correlation between Article 10, emphasizing digital media literacy education, and Article 5 of the enforcement decree is necessary. Revision of the enforcement decree to align with Article 10's objectives is vital to ensure proactive measures for promoting digital literacy and competence as mandated by the Basic Act.

Development of an Integrated Monitoring System for the Low and Intermediate Level Radioactive Waste Near-surface Disposal Facility (방사성폐기물 표층처분시설 통합 모니터링 시스템 개발)

  • Se-Ho Choi;HyunGoo Kang;MiJin Kwon;Jae-Chul Ha
    • Journal of Radiation Industry
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    • 제17권4호
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    • pp.359-367
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    • 2023
  • In this study, the function and purpose of the disposal cover, which is an engineering barrier installed to isolate the disposal vault of the near-surface disposal facility for radioactive waste from natural/man-made intrusion, and the design details of the demonstration facility for performance verification were described. The Demonstration facility was designed in a partially divided form to secure the efficiency of measurement while being the same as the actual size of the surface disposal facility to be built in the Intermediate & low-level radioactive waste disposal site of the Korea Radioactive Waste Agency (KORAD). The instruments used for measurement consist of a multi-point thermometer, FDR (Frequency Domain Reflectometry) sensor, inclinometer, acoustic sensor, flow meter, and meteorological observer. It is used as input data for the monitoring system. The 3D monitoring system was composed of 5 layers using the e-government standard framework, and was developed based on 4 components: screen, control module, service module, and DBIO(DataBase Input Output) module, and connected them to system operation. The monitoring system can provide real-time information on physical changes in the demonstration facility through the collection, analysis, storage, and visualization processes.

A Study on the Application of IUCN Global Ecosystem Typology Using Land Cover Map in Korea (토지피복지도를 활용한 IUCN 생태계유형분류 국내 적용)

  • Hee-Jung Sohn;Su-Yeon Won;Jeong-Eun Jeon;Eun-Hee Park;Do-Hee Kim;Sang-Hak Han;Young-Keun Song
    • Korean Journal of Environment and Ecology
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    • 제37권3호
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    • pp.209-220
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    • 2023
  • Over the past few centuries, widespread changes to natural ecosystems caused by human activities have severely threatened biodiversity worldwide. Understanding changes in ecosystems is essential to identifying and managing threats to biodiversity. In line with this need, the IUCN Council formed the IUCN Global Ecosystem Typology (GET) in 2019, taking into account the functions and types of ecosystems. The IUCN provides maps of 10 ecosystem groups and 108 ecological functional groups (EFGs) on a global scale. According to the type classification of IUCN GET ecosystems, Korea's ecosystem is classified into 8 types of Realm (level 1), 18 types of Biome (level 2), and 41 types of Group (level 3). GETs provided by IUCN have low resolution and often do not match the actual land status because it was produced globally. This study aimed to increase the accuracy of Korean IUCN GET type classification by using land cover maps and producing maps that reflected the actual situation. To this end, we ① reviewed the Korean GET data system provided by IUCN GET and ② compared and analyzed it with the current situation in Korea. We evaluated the limitations and usability of the GET through the process and then ③ classified Korea's new Get type reflecting the current situation in Korea by using the national data as much as possible. This study classified Korean GETs into 25 types by using land cover maps and existing national data (Territorial realm: 9, Freshwater: 9, Marine-territorial: 5, Terrestrial-freshwater: 1, and Marine-freshwater-territorial: 1). Compared to the existing map, "F3.2 Constructed lacustrine wetlands", "F3.3 Rice paddies", "F3.4 Freshwater aquafarms", and "T7.3 Plantations" showed the largest area reduction in the modified Korean GET. The area of "T2.2 Temperate Forests" showed the largest area increase, and the "MFT1.3 Coastal saltmarshes and reedbeds" and "F2.2 Small permanent freshwater lakes" types also showed an increase in GET area after modification. Through this process, the existing map, in which the sum of all EFGs in the existing GET accounted for 8.33 times the national area, was modified so that the total sum becomes 1.22 times the national area using the land cover map. This study confirmed that the existing EFG, which had small differences by type and low accuracy, was improved and corrected. This study is significant in that it produced a GET map of Korea that met the GET standard using data reflecting the field conditions. 

A Topographical Classifier Development Support System Cooperating with Data Mining Tool WEKA from Airborne LiDAR Data (항공 라이다 데이터로부터 데이터마이닝 도구 WEKA를 이용한 지형 분류기 제작 지원 시스템)

  • Lee, Sung-Gyu;Lee, Ho-Jun;Sung, Chul-Woong;Park, Chang-Hoo;Cho, Woo-Sug;Kim, Yoo-Sung
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • 제28권1호
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    • pp.133-142
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    • 2010
  • To monitor composition and change of the national land, intelligent topographical classifier which enables accurate classification of land-cover types from airborne LiDAR data is highly required. We developed a topographical classifier development support system cooperating with da1a mining tool WEKA to help users to construct accurate topographical classification systems. The topographical classifier development support system has the following functions; superposing LiDAR data upon corresponding aerial images, dividing LiDAR data into tiles for efficient processing, 3D visualization of partial LiDAR data, feature from tiles, automatic WEKA input generation, and automatic C++ program generation from the classification rule set. In addition, with dam mining tool WEKA, we can choose highly distinguishable features by attribute selection function and choose the best classification model as the result topographical classifier. Therefore, users can easily develop intelligent topographical classifier which is well fitted to the developing objectives by using the topographical classifier development support system.

Use of Unmanned Aerial Vehicle for Multi-temporal Monitoring of Soybean Vegetation Fraction

  • Yun, Hee Sup;Park, Soo Hyun;Kim, Hak-Jin;Lee, Wonsuk Daniel;Lee, Kyung Do;Hong, Suk Young;Jung, Gun Ho
    • Journal of Biosystems Engineering
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    • 제41권2호
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    • pp.126-137
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    • 2016
  • Purpose: The overall objective of this study was to evaluate the vegetation fraction of soybeans, grown under different cropping conditions using an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) equipped with a red, green, and blue (RGB) camera. Methods: Test plots were prepared based on different cropping treatments, i.e., soybean single-cropping, with and without herbicide application and soybean and barley-cover cropping, with and without herbicide application. The UAV flights were manually controlled using a remote flight controller on the ground, with 2.4 GHz radio frequency communication. For image pre-processing, the acquired images were pre-treated and georeferenced using a fisheye distortion removal function, and ground control points were collected using Google Maps. Tarpaulin panels of different colors were used to calibrate the multi-temporal images by converting the RGB digital number values into the RGB reflectance spectrum, utilizing a linear regression method. Excess Green (ExG) vegetation indices for each of the test plots were compared with the M-statistic method in order to quantitatively evaluate the greenness of soybean fields under different cropping systems. Results: The reflectance calibration methods used in the study showed high coefficients of determination, ranging from 0.8 to 0.9, indicating the feasibility of a linear regression fitting method for monitoring multi-temporal RGB images of soybean fields. As expected, the ExG vegetation indices changed according to different soybean growth stages, showing clear differences among the test plots with different cropping treatments in the early season of < 60 days after sowing (DAS). With the M-statistic method, the test plots under different treatments could be discriminated in the early seasons of <41 DAS, showing a value of M > 1. Conclusion: Therefore, multi-temporal images obtained with an UAV and a RGB camera could be applied for quantifying overall vegetation fractions and crop growth status, and this information could contribute to determine proper treatments for the vegetation fraction.

Accuracy Assessment of Unsupervised Change Detection Using Automated Threshold Selection Algorithms and KOMPSAT-3A (자동 임계값 추출 알고리즘과 KOMPSAT-3A를 활용한 무감독 변화탐지의 정확도 평가)

  • Lee, Seung-Min;Jeong, Jong-Chul
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • 제36권5_2호
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    • pp.975-988
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    • 2020
  • Change detection is the process of identifying changes by observing the multi-temporal images at different times, and it is an important technique in remote sensing using satellite images. Among the change detection methods, the unsupervised change detection technique has the advantage of extracting rapidly the change area as a binary image. However, it is difficult to understand the changing pattern of land cover in binary images. This study used grid points generated from seamless digital map to evaluate the satellite image change detection results. The land cover change results were extracted using multi-temporal KOMPSAT-3A (K3A) data taken by Gimje Free Trade Zone and change detection algorithm used Spectral Angle Mapper (SAM). Change detection results were presented as binary images using the methods Otsu, Kittler, Kapur, and Tsai among the automated threshold selection algorithms. To consider the seasonal change of vegetation in the change detection process, we used the threshold of Differenced Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (dNDVI) through the probability density function. The experimental results showed the accuracy of the Otsu and Kapur was the highest at 58.16%, and the accuracy improved to 85.47% when the seasonal effects were removed through dNDVI. The algorithm generated based on this research is considered to be an effective method for accuracy assessment and identifying changes pattern when applied to unsupervised change detection.

Scenario-based Flood Disaster Simulation of the Rim Collapse of the Cheon-ji Caldera Lake, Mt. Baekdusan (시나리오에 따른 백두산 천지의 외륜산 붕괴에 의한 홍수재해 모의)

  • Lee, Khil-Ha;Kim, Sang-Hyun;Choi, Eun-Kyeong;Kim, Sung-Wook
    • The Journal of Engineering Geology
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    • 제24권4호
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    • pp.501-510
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    • 2014
  • Volcanic eruptions alone may lead to serious natural disasters, but the associated release of water from a caldera lake may be equally damaging. There is both historical and geological evidence of the past eruptions of Mt. Baekdusan, and the volcano, which has not erupted for over 100 years, has recently shown signs of reawakening. Action is required if we are to limit the social, political, cultural, and economic damage of any future eruption. This study aims to identify the area that would be inundated following a volcanic flood from the Cheon-Ji caldera lake that lies within Mt. Baekdusan. A scenario-based numerical analysis was performed to generate a flood hydrograph, and the parameters required were selected following a consideration of historical records from other volcanoes. The amount of water at the outer rim as a function of time was used as an upper boundary condition for the downstream routing process for a period of 10 days. Data from the USGS were used to generate a DEM with a resolution of 100 m, and remotely sensed satellite data from the moderate-resolution imaging spectroradiometer (MODIS) were used to show land cover and use. The simulation was generated using the software FLO-2D and was superposed on the remotely sensed map. The results show that the inundation area would cover about 80% of the urban area near Erdaobaihezhen assuming a 10 m/hr collapse rate, and 98% of the area would be flooded assuming a 100 m/hr collapse rate.