• Title/Summary/Keyword: corrosion effect

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Examination for Controlling Chloride Penetration of Concrete through Micro-Cracks with Surface Treatment System (표면도장공법을 적용한 미세균열 콘크리트의 염소이온 침투 제어 특성)

  • Yoon, In-Seok;Chae, Gyu-Bong
    • KSCE Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.28 no.5A
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    • pp.729-735
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    • 2008
  • For well-constructed concrete, its service life is a long period and it has an enough durability performance. For cracked concrete, however, it is clear that cracks should be a preferential channel for the penetration of aggressive substance such as chloride ions accoding to author's previous researches. Even though crack width can be reduced due to the high reinforcement ratio, the question is to which extend these cracks may jeopardize the durability of cracked concrete. If the size of crack is small, surface treatment system can be considered as one of the best options to extend the service life of concrete structures exposed to marine environment simply in terms of cost effectiveness versus durability performance. Thus, it should be decided to undertake an experimental study to deal with the effect of different types of surface treatment system, which are expected to seal the concrete and the cracks to chloride-induced corrosion in particular. In this study, it is examined the effect of surfaced treated systems such as penetrant, coating, and their combination on chloride penetration through microcracks. Experimental results showed that penetrant can't cure cracks. However, coating and combined treatment can prohibit chloride penetration through cracks upto 0.06 mm, 0.08 mm, respectively.

Stress-strain Relations of Concrete Confined with Tubes Having Varying GFRP Layers (수적층 및 필라멘트 와인딩을 이용한 GFRP튜브로 구속된 콘크리트의 압축 거동)

  • Lee, Sung Woo;Choi, Sokhwan
    • KSCE Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.28 no.6A
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    • pp.861-872
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    • 2008
  • Concrete-filled glass fiber reinforced polymer tubes are often used for marine structures with the benefit of good durability and high resistance against corrosion under severe chemical environment. Current research presents results of a comprehensive experimental investigation on the behavior of axially loaded circular concrete-filled glass fiber reinforced polymer tubes. This paper is intended to examine several aspects related to the usage of glass fiber fabrics and filament wound layers used for outer shell of piles subjected to axial compression. The objectives of the study are as follows: (1) to evaluate the effectiveness of filament winding angle of glass fiber layers (2) to evaluate the effect of number of GFRP layers on the ultimate load and ductility of confined concrete (3) to evaluate the effect of loading condition of specimens on the effectiveness of confinement and failure characteristics as well, and (4) to propose a analytical model which describes the stress-strain behavior of the confined concrete. Three different types of glass fiber layers were chosen; fabric layer, ${\pm}45^{\circ}$ filament winding layer, and ${\pm}85^{\circ}$ filament winding layer. They were put together or used independently in the fabrication of tubes. Specimens that have various L:D ratios and different diameters have also been tested. Totally 27 GFRP tube specimens to investigate the tension capacity, and 66 concrete-filled GFRP tube specimens for compression test were prepared and tested. The behavior of the specimens in the axial and transverse directions, failure types were investigated. Analytical model and parameters were suggested to describe the stress-strain behavior of concrete under confinement.

A Study on Rational Design and Construction of High-Tension-Bolt Friction Joints (고장력볼트 마찰이음의 합리적 설계 및 시공에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Seung Yong;Kyung, Kab Soo
    • KSCE Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.26 no.3A
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    • pp.513-521
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    • 2006
  • Many studies have been conducted on the high tension bolt friction connection in the view of the field practice. Those effort, however, unfortunately have not been appropriately applied in the design specifications. Recently, particularly for steel bridges, rationalization of design takes greater attention from designers and hence, demand on rationalization of high tension connection becomes more significant. The purpose of this study is to suggest direction for the rationalization of high tension bolt connection and to also provide fundamental information for the improvement of the design specifications. In order to accomplish the purposes, the design specifications in Korea was analyzed and compared with other specification from abroad, and was studied one of the most important factors including slip coefficient, and the specifications on the size of bolt holes. The effect of over-sized bolt hole and the reduction of axial force on bolt was evaluated through the experimental studies on the slippage of the high tension bolt connections. Other research topics included herein includes the difference of slip coefficients, the effect of over-sized bolt holes and the gap distance of members, and the application of filler plate and corrosion protected bolts. From the research results, it is known that the specifications in Korea apply a constant slip coefficient with respect to the contacted surface conditions while various coefficients are available depending on the contacted surface conditions. Therefore, it is recommended that the specifications in Korea also develop and detail the slip coefficient which can appropriately take account of the variation of the contacted surface conditions. It is also suggested that the limitation abroad on the over-sized bolt hole may be applied for enhancing the effectiveness of construction.

Study on the Consequence Effect Analysis & Process Hazard Review at Gas Release from Hydrogen Fluoride Storage Tank (최근 불산 저장탱크에서의 가스 누출시 공정위험 및 결과영향 분석)

  • Ko, JaeSun
    • Journal of the Society of Disaster Information
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    • v.9 no.4
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    • pp.449-461
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    • 2013
  • As the hydrofluoric acid leak in Gumi-si, Gyeongsangbuk-do or hydrochloric acid leak in Ulsan, Gyeongsangnam-do demonstrated, chemical related accidents are mostly caused by large amounts of volatile toxic substances leaking due to the damages of storage tank or pipe lines of transporter. Safety assessment is the most important concern because such toxic material accidents cause human and material damages to the environment and atmosphere of the surrounding area. Therefore, in this study, a hydrofluoric acid leaked from a storage tank was selected as the study example to simulate the leaked substance diffusing into the atmosphere and result analysis was performed through the numerical Analysis and diffusion simulation of ALOHA(Areal Location of Hazardous Atmospheres). the results of a qualitative evaluation of HAZOP (Hazard Operability)was looked at to find that the flange leak, operation delay due to leakage of the valve and the hose, and toxic gas leak were danger factors. Possibility of fire from temperature, pressure and corrosion, nitrogen supply overpressure and toxic leak from internal corrosion of tank or pipe joints were also found to be high. ALOHA resulting effects were a little different depending on the input data of Dense Gas Model, however, the wind direction and speed, rather than atmospheric stability, played bigger role. Higher wind speed affected the diffusion of contaminant. In term of the diffusion concentration, both liquid and gas leaks resulted in almost the same $LC_{50}$ and ALOHA AEGL-3(Acute Exposure Guidline Level) values. Each scenarios showed almost identical results in ALOHA model. Therefore, a buffer distance of toxic gas can be determined by comparing the numerical analysis and the diffusion concentration to the IDLH(Immediately Dangerous to Life and Health). Such study will help perform the risk assessment of toxic leak more efficiently and be utilized in establishing community emergency response system properly.

Ultimate Strength and Design Method of Turn-buckle for Measuring Tensile Force (인장력 측정용 턴버클의 극한강도 및 설계방법)

  • Lee, Swoo Heon;Shin, Kyung Jae;Lee, Hee Du
    • Journal of Korean Society of Steel Construction
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    • v.25 no.1
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    • pp.61-70
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    • 2013
  • A turn-buckle is capable of adjusting the tensile force by left-hand threads and right-hand threads between tension members. There are different types of turn-buckles according to tension member and connection form but the practical and existing turn-buckles are incapable of measuring the tensile force. A turn-buckle for adjusting and measuring tensile force has therefore been developed. This study shows the ultimate strength and reliability for measurement of the new turn-buckles through finite element analysis of the developed ones. From analytic results of the new turn-buckles which have the measurement limit loads of 100kN, 200kN and 300kN, the ultimate strength is approximately five times stronger than the measurement limit capacity. Additionally, a review of the new turn-buckle, which has the measurement limit load of over 300kN, shows that there is a tendency for the size of turn-buckle to become larger. So the connection devices were designed and the loading test was conducted from the concept that the parallel connection of turn-buckle with 300kN capacity can measure the tensile force of 600kN. The results of parallel loading test show the sufficient possibility. Furthermore, the mock-up test was constructed to investigate the release of initial load and corrosion when the new turn-buckle is installed at the outdoor and exposed to rain and atmosphere.

Study on Surface Morphology Control of Electroless Ni-P for Reliability Improvement of Solder Joints (솔더 조인트 신뢰성 향상을 위한 무전해 니켈-도금의 표면형상 제어)

  • Lee, Dong-Jun;Choi, Jin-Won;Cho, Seung-Hyun
    • Journal of the Microelectronics and Packaging Society
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    • v.15 no.3
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    • pp.27-33
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    • 2008
  • With increasing use of portable appliances such as PDA and cellular phone, changing environment of applications requires higher solder joint reliability. The ENIG (Electroless Nickel Immersion Gold) process has been widely used for fine pitch SMT (Surface Mount Technology) and BGA (Ball Grid Array) packaged devices due to its benefits including excellent solderability, high uniformity and substantial legibility throughout the packaging process. Its brittle fracture of solder, however, has received increasingly attentions. It was Down that fracture brittleness is mainly related with black pad resulting from galvanic nickel corrosion and P-enriched layer formation between the IMC (Intermetallic Compounds) and electroless nickel layer. Theoretically, smooth electroless Ni layer was blown to have a advantages in minimizing the black pad phenomenon by uniform solution exchange during immersion gold plating. Nevertheless, how to control the surface morphology of electroless Ni layer has been hardly blown. This study investigates an effect of surface morphology of Cu underlayer on surface morphology of electroless Ni layer. To obtain various kinds of surface morphology of Cu layer, two types of Cu etching chemical and a number of Cu etching treatment were applied.

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Aluminum Powder Metallurgy Current Status, Recent Research and Future Directions

  • Schaffer, Graham
    • Proceedings of the Korean Powder Metallurgy Institute Conference
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    • 2001.11a
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    • pp.7-7
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    • 2001
  • The increasing interest in light weight materials coupled to the need for cost -effective processing have combined to create a significant opportunity for aluminum P/M. particularly in the automotive industry in order to reduce fuel emissions and improve fuel economy at affordable prices. Additional potential markets for Al PIM parts include hand tools. Where moving parts against gravity represents a challenge; and office machinery, where reciprocating forces are important. Aluminum PIM adds light weight, high compressibility. low sintering temperatures. easy machinability and good corrosion resistance to all advantages of conventional iron bm;ed P/rv1. Current commercial alloys are pre-mixed of either the AI-Si-Mg or AL-Cu-Mg-Si type and contain 1.5% ethylene bis-stearamide as an internal lubricant. The powder is compacted in closed dies at pressure of 200-500Mpa and sintered in nitrogen at temperatures between $580~630^{\circ}C$ in continuous muffle furnace. For some applications no further processing is required. although most applications require one or more secondary operations such as sizing and finishing. These sccondary operations improve the dimension. properties or appearance of the finished part. Aluminum is often considered difficult to sinter because of the presence of a stable surface oxide film. Removal of the oxide in iron and copper based is usually achieved through the use of reducing atmospheres. such as hydrogen or dissociated ammonia. In aluminum. this occurs in the solid st,lte through the partial reduction of the aluminum by magncsium to form spinel. This exposcs the underlying metal and facilitates sintering. It has recently been shown that < 0.2% Mg is all that is required. It is noteworthy that most aluminum pre-mixes contain at least 0.5% Mg. The sintering of aluminum alloys can be further enhanced by selective microalloying. Just 100ppm pf tin chnnges the liquid phase sintering kinetics of the 2xxx alloys to produce a tensile strength of 375Mpa. an increilse of nearly 20% over the unmodified alloy. The ductility is unnffected. A similar but different effect occurs by the addition of 100 ppm of Pb to 7xxx alloys. The lend changes the wetting characteristics of the sintering liquid which serves to increase the tensile strength to 440 Mpa. a 40% increase over unmodified aIloys. Current research is predominantly aimed at the development of metal matrix composites. which have a high specific modulus. good wear resistance and a tailorable coefficient of thermal expnnsion. By controlling particle clustering and by engineering the ceramic/matrix interface in order to enhance sintering. very attractive properties can be achicved in the ns-sintered state. I\t an ils-sintered density ilpproaching 99%. these new experimental alloys hnve a modulus of 130 Gpa and an ultimate tensile strength of 212 Mpa in the T4 temper. In contest. unreinforcecl aluminum has a modulus of just 70 Gpa.

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A Study of Weather Resistance on Dancheong Ground Treatment of Tranditional Wooden Building in Korea (한국 목조건축물 단청 바탕처리에 대한 내후성 연구)

  • Kim, Young Kyun;Han, Kyeong Soon
    • Journal of Conservation Science
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    • v.35 no.5
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    • pp.480-493
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    • 2019
  • In this study, the method for processing glue and glue-alum sizing from the dancheong ground treatment was evaluated with respect to weather resistance, and its effect on the conservation of dancheong was analyzed. Viscosity and pH of the glue and glue-alum specimen were measured and classified into three categories(none layer, glue layer, and glue-alum layer), which were further classified according to low concentration(four times for 2%) and high concentration(once for 10%). The base layer formation was subsequently classified into three categories based on pigment adoption, namely, Noerok(celadonite), Seokganju(terra rossa), and Jangdan(red lead). The completed specimen was subjected to a changing-environment experiment for evaluating weather resistance and observing the surface. Color variations were analyzed before and after the experiment. The results indicate that glue-alum sizing comprising 5% alum or 7% alum has strong acidity that can affect the life of dancheong, and the high level of 7% alum makes it difficult to create a solid coating layer. After ultraviolet irradiation, the specimen with 7% alum changes its color to yellow. Furthermore, after moisture absorption and drying, cracks can be observed on the entire specimen surface that corroborate the physical change. Additionally, gas-based corrosion causes marginal surface changes. Hence, the formation of a stable coating layer can be achieved by incorporating a low concentration glue solution that is almost neutral, and the application of glue-alum sizing having 2% concentration can aid in the conservation of dancheong.

The influential Investigation and Surface Change by Concentration to the Antimicrobial Agent and Insecticide on Metallic Material (항균·방충제의 농도에 따른 금속재질에 미치는 영향성 및 표면변화 조사)

  • Lee, Jae Hui;Cho, Nam Chul;Lee, Sang Bae
    • Journal of Conservation Science
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    • v.31 no.4
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    • pp.361-372
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    • 2015
  • The experiment attempts to find out the effect of the mixture of the antimicrobial agent and insecticide on metallic material including Silver(99.9%), Copper(99.9%), Lead(99.9%) and Iron(99.5%) by Oddy test. The mixtures of the antimicrobial agent and insecticide were prepared in 60ml; with the standard concentration of 17.5% in B77 Essential oil mixture, one for mixture of concentration of ${\pm}1{\sim}2%$ and insect repellent material; the other for mixture of low concentration and antimicrobial agent(BS-2 and BS-3) material. After Oddy test, we investigated the variation in the surface of the samples by visual inspection, weighing, color measurement and SEM-EDS analysis. The result showed that Lead had the biggest change in the surface, and Copper had the biggest change in the color. In addition, changes in the samples before and after the experiment were found to be greatest at concentration of 19% of Essential oil mixture of the antimicrobial agent and insecticide. Also, B78 Essential oil mixture produce change in samples. It means when the concentration of oil mixture rises, the variation of the samples gets bigger. And, the low concentration of mixture including B77 Essential oil mixture and B78 Essential oil mixture also produce big change in the samples. However, the low concentration of B77 Essential oil mixture that do not contain B78 Essential oil mixture was able to confirm that the change of the surface is not large.

Experimental Research on the Effect of the Number of Layers by Overlay Welding of Monel-Clad Pipe on Weldability (모넬(Monel)-Clad 파이프의 오버레이 용접 적층수가 용접성에 미치는 영향에 관한 실험적 연구)

  • Choi, Hyeok;Park, Joon-Hong
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.17 no.11
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    • pp.42-50
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    • 2016
  • Overlay welding affects the chemical components and weld hardness by dilution of the lamination layer thickness, which determines the surface properties. This study experimentally investigates different numbers of layers for overlay welding monel materials, which are anti-corrosion materials. The Fe content, weldability of the base metal and monel materials, hardness, and surface flatness were examined. Each evaluation was carried out after overlay welding with three layers on the base material and pipe base material of the plate. The Fe content was evaluated by analyzing the constituents of each layer. The Fe content was satisfactory in the three layers. The weldability of the laminate specimens was evaluated by a bending test. The hardness and bead flatness of the laminate specimens were evaluated by micro Vickers and 3D measurements. The hardness was highest in the heat-affected zone with one layer, and it decreased with increasing lamination. In the case of bead flatness, there is a sharp difference in the deviation with increasing numbers of laminations, which should be considered carefully.