• Title/Summary/Keyword: corrosion effect

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Effect of Fusing Treatment on Anti-Corrosion Characteristics of Ni-based Self-flux Alloy Coating (니켈기 자융성 합금 코팅의 방식특성에 미치는 후열처리의 영향)

  • Kim, Tae-Yong;Kim, Jae-Dong;Kim, Yeong-Sik
    • Journal of Power System Engineering
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    • v.17 no.4
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    • pp.79-85
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    • 2013
  • This study aims at investigating the effect of a fusing treatments on anti-corrosion characteristics of Ni-based self-flux alloy coating. Ni-based coatings were fabricated by flame spray process on steel substrates, and fusing treatments were performed using a vacuum furnace at $800^{\circ}C$ $900^{\circ}C$, $1000^{\circ}C$ and $1100^{\circ}C$. After fusing treatments, corrosion tests were carried out using potentiostat/galvanostat at solution with pH 2 and pH 6. Corrosion potential(Ecorr) and corrosion current density(Icorr) could be analyzed from polarization curve. Fusing-treated coating at $1100^{\circ}C$ showed more favorable anti-corrosion characteristics than as-sprayed coating. Anticorrosive effect of fusing-treated coating at solution with pH 2 was relatively greater than at solution with pH 6. Fusing-treated coating at $1100^{\circ}C$ showed the most excellent anti-corrosion characteristics.

The Effect of Corrosion Inhibitors Influencing on the Corrosion of Reinforced Steel in Mortar Specimen Immersed in Sea Water for Seven Years (해수중 7년간 침지된 몰탈시험편의 철근부식에 미치는 부식억제제의 효과)

  • 정진아;남진각;문경만;이명훈;김기준
    • Proceedings of the Korea Concrete Institute Conference
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    • 1998.10c
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    • pp.211-216
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    • 1998
  • Recently the shortage of good aggregate has encouraged the use of sea sand in construction field, and the corrosion damage of the reinforced steel in concrete structures has been increased due to chlorides from sea sand and deicing salt. Therefore, a number of researchs are proceeding to prevent the corrosion of the reinforced steel in concrete, especially in marine environments. This study focused on the effect of corrosion inhibitors to evaluate protection characteristics for mortar specimens containing clorides. Corrosion behaviors have been investigated by half-cell potential measurement, linear polarization method, AC impedance method, and cyclic polarization test after immersing in sea water for 7 years. A possitive effect of a corrosion inhibitor has been obtained.

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A Study on the Effect of Corrosion Resistance According to the Composition Variety of C, Cr, N in Duplex Stainless Steel

  • Kim, Hyeong-Jin;Cho, Kye-Hyun;Jung, Jae-young
    • Corrosion Science and Technology
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    • v.3 no.5
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    • pp.179-186
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    • 2004
  • Recently the alloy development of duplex stainless steel has been done. On this study we studied the effect of the corrosion resistance according to the composition variety of C, Cr, N in the alloy elements of duplex stainless steel. materials which have below 0.1[mm/year] corrosion rate enable to use for corrosion-resisting materials, generally. On this experiment we inspected the effect of the composition variety of C, Cr, N in duplex stainless steel and the heat treatment, which the condition was the water quenching after the heat treatment for 1hr. The experiment was done on the basis of the ASTM G48A test, Critical pitting temperature(CPT), and ASTM G-61(Electrochemical tests for cyclic polarization).

Initial Stage of Atmospheric Corrosion of Carbon and Weathering Steels in Thailand Climate

  • Nii, K.;Bhamornsut, C.;Chotimongkol, L.;Vutivat, E.;Nakkhuntod, R.;Jeenkhajohn, P.;Suphonlai, S.
    • Corrosion Science and Technology
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    • v.2 no.4
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    • pp.183-188
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    • 2003
  • Corrosion of carbon and weathering steels were evaluated under 3 environmental exposures in Thailand (urban, rural and marine) for a year. The seasonal study was designed to determine different corrosion mechanisms by 6 months of dry season and 6 months of rainy season in a year. The sheltered exposure racks were used to determine the washing effect of min. At each site, climatic and pollutants analyses were carried out. The present study showed that the difference in corrosion rates of carbon and weathering steels was not so distinguished in both rural (AIT) and urban (TISTR) environments. The corrosion rate of weathering steel was somewhat lower than that of carbon steel and the decreasing tendency of corrosion rate with time was slightly higher for weathering steel than for carbon steel. In marine (Rayong) environment, the corrosion rate was higher and the effect of wet and dry seasons was observed. The corrosion rate in 6 dry months was higher for direct exposure than for sheltered exposure. However, in 6 rainy months. the corrosion rate of sheltered exposure was higher than that of direct exposure. In direct exposure for I year, that is, the first 6 dry months and the next 6 rainy months, the corrosion rate decreased with time. but in sheltered exposure, the corrosion rate did not decrease with time. instead, increased in the next 6 rainy months. This indicated that the protect ive layer formed in the first 6 dry months could be destroyed by high deposition of chloride to r sheltered exposure in the next 6 rainy months; whereas the rust layer for direct exposure could be kept sound due to washing effect in rainy season, even though the deposition rate of chloride was almost the same for direct and sheltered exposures. In marine environment, the weathering steel showed higher corrosion resistance than carbon steel but its corrosion rate was higher than those in other environments.

Effect of Corrosion Characteristics in Relation to Loaded Stress in the Welded Zone of A5083-H116 Aluminum Alloy (A5083-H116 알루미늄 합금재 용접부의 부하응력에 따른 부식특성의 영향)

  • Jo, S.K.;Kong, Y.S.;Kim, Y.D.
    • Journal of Power System Engineering
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    • v.8 no.3
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    • pp.44-51
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    • 2004
  • Effect of corrosion characteristics in relation to loaded stress in the welded zone of A5083-H116 aluminum alloy, in the seawater was studied. The corrosion experiment was performed for 120 hours on the specimens in the natural seawater tank with four steps of the loaded stress. The corrosion crack, corrosion rate, electrode potential, current, and corrosion pattern, etc. were examined for the specimens with the elapse of the immersion time. The main result derived from this study is the crack growth length is increased with the increasing loaded stress. The electrode potential and the corrosion current are decreased rapidly in the early stage of the corrosion, and then decreased gradually and stabilized eventually with the elapse of the immersion time. The test condition of the longer crack growth tends to show the higher corrosion rate. Corrosion pattern of the welded zone indicates that the depth and width of the pitting become increasing with the increasing loaded stress.

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Study on the Characteristics of Erosion-Corrosion for Heat Exchanger of Shell and Tube Type(I) (원통다관형 열교환기의 침식-부식 특성에 관한 연구 (I))

  • 임우조;정해규
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Fisheries and Ocean Technology
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    • v.35 no.2
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    • pp.196-200
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    • 1999
  • In the case that erosion and corrosion occurs in machinery and structure at the same time, the synergy effect by erosion-corrosion affects fatal effect to durability of machinery and structure. Therefore, in machinery and structure which use corrosion liquid, the study of the synergy effect of erosion-corrosion which affects metal material is requested. In this paper. the flow corrosion experiment about the effect of temperature change and liquid velocity change in sea water was carried out to study the characteristics of erosion-corrosion for tube material Cu heat exchanger The main results obtained are as follows. (1) Damage appearance of tube outside by erosion-corrosion becomes dull because electrode potentials of Cu tube is higher than electrode potential of STPG38 shell. (2) In the cooling system by sea water, the weight loss rate of Cu at tube outside liquid temperature of $70^{\circ}C$ is higher than that of temperature of $20^{\circ}C$. (3) In cooling system by sea water, the weight loss rate of Cu at liquid velocity of 5.1m/s is higher than that of velocity of 1.47m/s. But as the testing time passed, the weight loss rate of Cu at velocity of 5.1m/s is almost steady and becomes dull at velocity of 1.47m/s.

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An Effect of Shot Peening on Corrosion Fatigue Crack Growth of Suspension Material (현가장치재의 부식피로균열진전에 미치는 쇼트피닝의 영향)

  • Park, Keyung-Dong;An, Jae-Pil
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Automotive Engineers
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    • v.14 no.3
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    • pp.88-94
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    • 2006
  • The compressive residual stress, which is induced by shot peening process, has the effect of increasing the intrinsic fatigue strength of surface and therefore would be beneficial in reducing the probability of fatigue damage. However, the effect of shot peening in corrosion environment was not known. In this study, investigated is the effect of shot peening on corrosion fatigue crack growth of SAE 5155 steel immersed in 6% $FeCl_3$ solution and corrosion characteristics with considering fracture mechanics. The results of the experimental study corrosion fatigue characteristics of SAE 5155 are as follows; the fatigue crack growth rate of the shot peening material was lower than that of the non-peening material. And fatigue life shows more improvement in the shot peening material than in non-peening material. This is due to the compressive residual stress of surface increases resistance of corrosion fatigue crack propagation. It is assumed that the shot peening process improve corrosive resistance and mechanical property.

Study on effect of solution temperature on corrosion fatigue of high strength steel (고장력강의 부식피로에 미치는 용액온도의 영향에 관한 연구)

  • 유헌일
    • Journal of the korean Society of Automotive Engineers
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    • v.8 no.1
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    • pp.40-51
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    • 1986
  • A study has been made of the corrosion fatigue of high strength low alloy steel in 3.5% NaCl solution under tension stress for solution temperature being 25.deg. C, 55.deg. C and 85 .deg. C. The main results obtained are as follows; 1) The corrosion fatigue crack growth rate curve could be divided into the First Region, the Second Region and the Third Region. 2) The corrosion fatigue crack growth rates in the First Region and the Second Region were Arrhenius temperature-dependent in this test range. The apparent activation energies for the corrosion fatigue cack growth rate were found to be 2000cal/mol in the First Region and 3700 cal/mol in the Second Region. 3) Hematite (Fe$_{2}$O$_{3}$) as the hexahedral crystal and magnetite (Fe$_{3}$O$_{4}$) as the octahedral crystal were observed in the corrosion products on the corrosion fatigue fracture surface at 85.deg. C and the anode fusion seem to be generated in the crack tip region at high temperature. 4) The complex environment effect ratio which was defined by the ratio of fatigue crack growth rate in corrosion environment to that in air might be considered not only a criterion estimating the effect of environment quantitatively but also an important parameter in the selection of the design stress for the fail safe design. The complex environment effect was not greater than ten in this test.

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Effect of pH in 3.5% NaCl aqueous solution and ferrite grain size on corrosion fatigue fracture of dual phase steel (複合組織鋼의 부식피로파괴에 미치는 3.5% NaCl水溶液의 pH와 母相粒徑의 效果)

  • 오세욱;강호민
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers
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    • v.11 no.6
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    • pp.867-876
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    • 1987
  • Corrosion fatigue fracture with change in the grain size of M.E.F. dual phase steel is investigated in 3.5% NaCI aqueous solution at pH 2, 4, 6, 9, and 11. Generally speaking, decrease in corrosion fatigue life is strongly dependent on decrease in pH and slightly on the grain size. For the B material with the big grain size, the fatigue life is small due to its large reduction ratio of corrosion fatigue life. The influence of grain size on the reduction ratio of corrosion fatigue life is large at pH 11-6. Whi9le at pH 4-2 the reduction ratio of corrosion fatigue life only depends on the corrosion effect. The larger grain size and the lass pH result in the greater influence on corrosion fatigue crack propagation rate. As pH decreases, the plateau portion in the crack propagation rate curves of the B material are distinct. Crack propagation rate curves become slow down at high .DELTA.K range because crack closure effect by minute corrosion products inside crack causes the oxidation corrosion action less effective for a certain period of time. In A material with small grain size, fatigue life is increased in proportion with increase of martensite intergranular which brings forth restraining the crack propagation decreases crack propagation rate. Corrosion pit which is created in the surface of specimen is found at pH 6,4 and 2 which is noticeable and the unevenness of the surface of the specimen becomes severe as pH decreases. The unevenness of corrosion fatigue fracture surface is severe as the effect of pH increases i.e. as pH decreases. In proportion with increase in the grain size and decrease in pH, the aspect of brittle fracture becomes evident.

The Effect of $Bi(OH)_3$ on Corrosion-Resistant Properties of Automotive Epoxy Primers

  • Yang, Wonseog;Min, Sungki;Hwang, Woon-suk
    • Corrosion Science and Technology
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    • v.7 no.6
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    • pp.370-374
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    • 2008
  • In this study, we evaluated anti-corrosion properties of both commercial unleaded and lead epoxy primer for automotive substrate before applying to actual painting lines by salt spray test, and cyclic corrosion test, potentiodynamic test and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy. The difference in the corrosion resistance between automotive epoxy primers contained $Bi(OH)_{3}$ and leaded one was investigated. And it was also discussed the effect of zinc phosphate pretreatment to the epoxy primers. The specimen coated epoxy primer contained $Bi(OH)_{3}$ showed 0.5 V higher corrosion potential than that of bare steel. The result of salt spray test did not indicate remarkable difference of corrosion resistance in all specimens above $10{\mu}m$ thickness up to 1200 hours. In the cyclic corrosion test, epoxy primers contained $Bi(OH)_{3}$ on phosphated substrate performed good corrosion properties until 800 hours. The epoxy primer contained $Bi(OH)_{3}$ performed the equivalent corrosion resistance as leaded coating on phosphated steel, but slightly inferior to that of leaded on bare steel. These results show that the pre-treatment of zinc phosphate is effective as well as pigment changing in performing anti-corrosion properties in automotive bodies.