• Title/Summary/Keyword: cooperative navigation

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A Cooperative Navigation for UAVs with Inertial Sensors and Passive Sensor Using Wireless Communication (무선통신을 이용한 관성센서 및 수동센서 장착 무인기들의 협력 항법)

  • Seong, Sang Man
    • Journal of Institute of Control, Robotics and Systems
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    • v.19 no.2
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    • pp.102-106
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    • 2013
  • A cooperative navigation method for cooperative flight of UAVs is proposed. The commonly used navigation method for UAVs is based on GNSS measurements. However, when it is not available by jamming or other causes, an alternative method is needed. In this paper, it is shown that UAVs equipped with inertial sensors, passive sensor and wireless communication link can perform accurate navigation through sharing information with each other. Firstly, the appropriate roles for sensors and wireless communication link are assigned. Secondly, a filter to perform navigation cooperative is constructed. Finally, the boundedness of estimation error of the filter under small initial estimation error is analyzed. The simulation results show that the proposed method can reduce navigation errors effectively.

Optimal cooperative sensing scheme in cognitive radio communication systems (무선인지통신 시스템에서 최적 협업 센싱 방식)

  • Lee, Dong-Jun;Lee, Myeong-Jin
    • Journal of Advanced Navigation Technology
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    • v.12 no.5
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    • pp.429-436
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    • 2008
  • In this paper, we study an optimization which determines the optimal sensing time and the number of cooperative sensing cognitive users for cooperative spectrum sensing scheme in cognitive radio networks. In cooperative spectrum sensing, cognitive users originally in inactive status are activated and take part in spectrum sensing along with transmitting cognitive users resulting in a reduced sensing time. Tradeoff between transmission rate gain and energy consumption due to cooperative sensing is formulated as a mixed integer programming problem which is solved for the optimal values.

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A Novel Localization Algorithm using Received Signal Strength Difference

  • Lim, Deok Won;Seo, Jae-Hee;Chun, Sebum;Heo, Moon Beom
    • Journal of Positioning, Navigation, and Timing
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    • v.6 no.4
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    • pp.141-147
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    • 2017
  • In this paper, an efficient and robust localization algorithm using Receiver Signal Strength Difference (RSSD) for a non-cooperative RF emitter is given. The proposed algorithm firstly calculate the center point and radius of Apollonius's circles and then estimate the intersection point of the circles based on Time of Arrival concept. And this paper also compares the performance of RSSD localization algorithms such as Non-linear Least Squares and Linearized Least Squares by Lines of Position (LOP) with the proposed algorithm. And some conclusions have been reached regarding the relative accuracy, robustness and computational cost of these algorithms.

Vehicular Cooperative Navigation Based on H-SPAWN Using GNSS, Vision, and Radar Sensors (GNSS, 비전 및 레이더를 이용한 H-SPAWN 알고리즘 기반 자동차 협력 항법시스템)

  • Ko, Hyunwoo;Kong, Seung-Hyun
    • The Journal of Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences
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    • v.40 no.11
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    • pp.2252-2260
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    • 2015
  • In this paper, we propose a vehicular cooperative navigation system using GNSS, vision sensor and radar sensor that are frequently used in mass-produced cars. The proposed cooperative vehicular navigation system is a variant of the Hybrid-Sum Product Algorithm over Wireless Network (H-SPAWN), where we use vision and radar sensors instead of radio ranging(i.e.,UWB). The performance is compared and analyzed with respect to the sensors, especially the position estimation error decreased about fifty percent when using radar compared to vision and radio ranging. In conclusion, the proposed system with these popular sensors can improve position accuracy compared to conventional cooperative navigation system(i.e.,H-SPAWN) and decrease implementation costs.

A Study on RFID Sensors Location Tracking Systems Using Cooperative Spectrum Sensing (협력 스펙트럼 센싱을 이용한 RFID 센서의 위치인식 시스템에 대한 연구)

  • Roh, Chang-Bae;Na, Won-Shik
    • Journal of Advanced Navigation Technology
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    • v.15 no.5
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    • pp.839-844
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    • 2011
  • Various technologies such as infrared light, ultrasonic waves, RFID, GPS, UWB, and signal indicators have been incorporated in the location tracking system. However, such pre-existing systems require location recognition in shadow areas. This study proposes a location tracking system that utilizes Cooperative Spectrum Sensing. Cooperative Spectrum Sensing is not only able to track the location and path of moving objects but also recognize when objects breakaway from the path set by sensors and guide them back. In addition, it has the advantage of being more efficient in terms of frequency usage. It is able to automatically fix power transmission and frequency modulation for transmission cognitive users to an optimum level within the range that does not cause interference for primary users.

Performance Analysis of the Cooperative Localization Algorithm with Virtual Reference Nodes in Wireless Sensor Networks (무선 센서네트워크 환경에서 VRN을 이용한 협력 위치추정 알고리즘의 성능 분석)

  • Jeong, Seung-Heui;Oh, Chang-Heon
    • Journal of Advanced Navigation Technology
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    • v.12 no.6
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    • pp.619-626
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    • 2008
  • In this paper, we proposed a RSS based cooperative localization algorithm using VRN for wireless sensor networks, which can estimate the BN position. The proposed localization system monitoring all nodes estimates a position of BN, and calculates an intersection area with cooperative localization. From the results, we confirm that BN intersection area is reduced as the number of RN is increased. In addition, the fewer RN exists, the more iteration needs at least 4 times. Moreover, the propose algorithm using 4 RNs is improved 71.6% estimation performance than conventional method. Therefore, the cooperative localization algorithm with VRN provides higher localization accuracy than RSS based conventional method.

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Analysis of Error Propagation in Two-way-ranging-based Cooperative Positioning System (TWR 기반 군집 협업측위 시스템의 오차 전파 분석)

  • Lim, Jeong-Min;Lee, Chang-Eun;Sung, Tae-Kyung
    • Journal of Institute of Control, Robotics and Systems
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    • v.21 no.9
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    • pp.898-902
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    • 2015
  • Alternative radio-navigation technologies aim at providing continuous navigation solution even if one cannot use GNSS (Global Navigation Satellite System). In shadowing region such as indoor environment, GNSS signal is no longer available and the alternative navigation system should be used together with GNSS to provide seamless positioning. For soldiers in battlefield where GNSS signal is jammed or in street battle, the alternative navigation system should work without positioning infrastructure. Moreover, the radio-navigation system should have scalability as well as high accuracy performance. This paper presents a TWR (Two-Way-Ranging)-based cooperative positioning system (CPS) that does not require location infrastructure. It is assumed that some members of CPS can obtain GNSS-based position and they are called mobile anchors. Other members unable to receive GNSS signal compute their position using TWR measurements with mobile anchors and neighboring members. Error propagation in CPS is analytically studied in this paper. Error budget for TWR measurements is modeled first. Next, location error propagation in CPS is derived in terms of range errors. To represent the location error propagation in the CPS, Location Error Propagation Indicator (LEPI) is proposed in this paper. Simulation results show that location error of tags in CPS is mainly influenced by the number of hops from anchors to the tag to be positioned as well as the network geometry of CPS.

Evaluation Environment based on V2X Communication for Commercial Vehicle Cooperative Autonomous Driving (상용차 자율협력주행 플랫폼 평가를 위한 V2X 기반 평가환경 개발)

  • Han-gyun Jung;Seong-keun Jin;Jae-min Kwak
    • Journal of Advanced Navigation Technology
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    • v.25 no.6
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    • pp.450-455
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    • 2021
  • In this paper, we introduce the contents of research on the establishment of an evaluation environment for autonomous cooperative driving platform for commercial vehicles based on V2X communication. For the evaluation of the autonomous cooperative driving platform based on V2X communication, various standards, standards, and guidelines for test evaluation should be developed and provided to the test subject, along with the establishment of test beds such as roads and V2X infrastructure that can apply various driving scenarios. do. In addition, based on this, various reference equipment and test equipment for actual test and evaluation should be developed. In this paper, various technologies, standards, equipment, and construction infrastructure developed to construct the evaluation environment for autonomous cooperative driving platform for commercial vehicles based on V2X communication are introduced.

Radio Frequency Based Emergency Exit Node Technology

  • Choi, Youngwoo;Kim, Dong Kyoo;Kang, Do Wook;Choi, Wan Sik
    • Journal of Positioning, Navigation, and Timing
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    • v.2 no.1
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    • pp.91-100
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    • 2013
  • This paper introduces an indoor sensor fusion wireless communication device which provides the Location Based Service (LBS) using fire prevention facility. The proposed system can provide information in real time by optimizing the hardware of Wi-Fi technology. The proposed system can be applied to a fire prevention facility (i.e., emergency exit) and provide information such as escape way, emergency exit location, and accident alarm to smart phone users, dedicated terminal holders, or other related organizations including guardians, which makes them respond instantly with lifesaving, emergency mobilization, etc. Also, the proposed system can be used as a composite fire detection sensor node with additional fire and motion detect sensors.


    • Journal of the Korean Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics
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    • v.19 no.3
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    • pp.253-270
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    • 2015
  • Two major simultaneous attack strategies have been introduced, as one of cooperative attack of multiple missiles. One strategy is an undesignated time attack, in which the missiles communicate among themselves to synchronize the arrival times by reducing the mutual differences of times-to-go of multiple missiles during the homing. The other is a designated time attack, in which a common impact time is commanded to all members in advance, and thereafter each missile tries to home on the target on time independently. For this individual homing, Impact-Time-Control Guidance (ITCG) law is required. After introducing cooperative proportional navigation (CPN) for the first strategy, this article presents a new closed-form ITCG guidance solution for the second strategy. It is based on the linear formulation, employing base trajectories driven by PNG with various navigation constants. Nonlinear simulation of several engagement situations demonstrates the performance and feasibility of the proposed ITCG law.