• Title/Summary/Keyword: cooking and drying

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Evaluation of Antioxidant and Antidiabetic Activities of Superior Potato Prepared by Various Cooking Methods (다양한 조리 방법에 따른 수미감자의 항산화 및 항당뇨 활성 평가)

  • Juha Baek;Mijoo Choi;Minhye Won;Eunju Park
    • Journal of the Korean Dietetic Association
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    • v.30 no.4
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    • pp.240-249
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    • 2024
  • This study examined the antioxidant compounds and functional properties of superior potato (SP) after various cooking methods (sun drying: SD, roasting after sun drying: SR, hot-air drying: HD, roasting after hot-air drying: HR, boiling: B, roasting: R, and air-frying: AF) and compared with uncooked SP. As a result, the total phenolic contents (TPC) in the hot water extract (HWE) were the highest in SR. B showed the highest TPC in the ethanol extract (EE). In the α-glucosidase inhibitory activity, S was the highest in the HWE, whereas R was the highest in the EE. At 50 ㎍/mL concentration, AF showed the highest oxygen radical absorbance capacity in both HWE and EE compared to others. SP protected HepG2 cells against H2O2-induced DNA damage. Based on the results, the antioxidant compounds and antioxidant activity differed by the cooking method. Thus, the findings from the current study may provide suitable SP cooking methods for attaining their maximum biological activity.

Physicochemical Properties of Soybean Curd Residue Powder by Different Soybean and Drying Methods (콩의 종류와 건조 방법에 따른 비지 분말의 이화학적 특성)

  • Eun Ji Kim;Hee Nam Jung
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Culture
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    • v.38 no.5
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    • pp.356-364
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    • 2023
  • This study compared the physicochemical properties of soybean curd residue and black soybean curd residue produced by hot air-drying and freeze-drying. Regardless of drying method, the crude protein, crude ash, crude fiber contents, pH, L, a, b color values and water soluble index were higher in soybean curd residue, whereas total polyphenol contents and antioxidant activity were higher in black soybean curd residue. Significant differences in water absorption index, oil absorption capacity and emulsion activity were observed between soybean curd residue and black soybean curd residue in freeze-drying. On the other hand, the emulsion stability was not significant difference in both hot-air drying and freeze-drying. The crude protein and crude fiber contents of soybean curd residue were not significant difference between hot-air drying and freeze-drying. Freeze-drying resulted in higher crude ash contents, pH, water absorption index, water soluble index, oil absorption capacity, emulsion activity and emulsion stability than hot-air drying. Hot-air drying have caused significantly higher water contents, water activity, total polyphenol contents and antioxidant activity in soybean curd residue than freeze-drying. In conclusion, soybean type and drying methods affect the physicochemical and quality characteristics of soybean curd residue, which could be important factors in the manufacture of processed foods.

Cholestrol Content and Formation of Oxidized Cholesterols in Processed Squids

  • Hong, Jeung-Hoon;Ryu, Hong-soo;Kim, Heung-Bae
    • Preventive Nutrition and Food Science
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    • v.1 no.2
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    • pp.196-202
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    • 1996
  • The effect of cooking(boiling, steaming and baking0and drying on the cholesterol content and formation of oxidized cholesterols in quid(Japanese flying squid, Todarodes pacificus) was studied. Cholesterol content of live squid meat varied with the portion sampled, and results from spectrophotometric assay ranged from 263.2mg/1..g(mantle) to 315.8mg/100g(tentacle). The cholesterol levels analyzed by gas chromatography(GC) for squid samples were lower by 7% of total cholesterol for live squid meat and 24% for processed meat than those results by spectrophotometric assay. Cooking resulted in the decrease of the initial total cholesterol content of raw meat from 10%(boiling for 5min.) to 25%(steaming for 5min.) The amounts of cholesterol remaining after baking were 68% for microwave oven samples and 64% for convection oven samples. Drying of raw tissue caused the greater reduction in cholesterol content than cooking but showed no significant difference in samples stored for 6 weeks at 4$^{\circ}C$ and 2$0^{\circ}C$. Raw squid meats contained essentially no oxidized cholesterols, while the 22-hydroxychoesterol was detected in frozen meats. The additional oxidized cholesterols as cholestane-triol was indentified with 22-hydroxycholesterols in cooked samples. Sun dried meat stored at 4一 and 2$0^{\circ}C$ for 6 weeks had the three kinds of oxidized cholesterols such as 22-hydroxycholesterol, cholesta-3,5-dien-7-one and cholestane-triol.

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The Formation of Cholesterol Oxidation Products during Its Drying and Cooking in Squid (오징어 건조 및 조리 중 콜레스테롤 산화물 생성)

  • Yang, Seung-Mi;Shin, Jung-Hye;Kang, Min-Jung;Kim, Tae-Hoon;Sung, Nak-Ju
    • The Korean Journal of Food And Nutrition
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    • v.14 no.6
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    • pp.573-578
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    • 2001
  • Cholesterol oxidation products(COPs) such as 7-ketocholesterol, 7 ${\alpha}$, 7 ${\beta}$-hydroxycholesterol and 25-hydroxycholesterol were analyzed for ensuring the safety of squid during its drying and cooking. In addition. changes of malonaldehyde in squid during its drying and cooking were also investigated. Cholesterol was detected 636.4m9/1009 in fresh sample, which was decreased during its drying and cholesterol contents in dried sample were 468.9mg/100g, 486.8mg/100g, respectively, while COPs contents of sun and hot air dried samples increased about 6.2 times more than those contents of fresh sample. Regardless of cooking methods, the contents of COPs in dried products increased after cooking. Especially, those contents were determined 127.3 mg/g in sun dried samples were cooked by microwave oven. The malonaldehyde contents of dried products increased after cooking, its contents in cooked samples by an microwave oven after sun dried were about 4.3 times more than in control products. In general, a small quantity of COPs were formed in dried samples which were cooked by a steam.

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Effect of Cooking Methods on the Qualities of Quick Cooking Rice (취반방법이 즉석쌀밥의 품질에 미치는 영향)

  • Kim, Jeong-Sang;Lee, Hyun-Yu;Kim, Yung-Myung;Shin, Dong-Hwa
    • Korean Journal of Food Science and Technology
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    • v.19 no.6
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    • pp.480-485
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    • 1987
  • Quick cooking rice was produced by cooking raw, white long grain rice with three different methods which were atmospheric cooking in electric cooker, autoclaving and precooking followed by autoclaving. The drying rate curve showed that cooking methods affected little the drying pattern of the cooked rice except that precooking treatment before autoclaving retarded dehydration. The quick cooking rice prepared by precooking and autoclaving method among three cooking methods showed the fastest rehydration rate and took 7.5 minutes in reaching equilibrium moisture content by soaking in boiling water. And it had less hard and more cohesive texture than the milled rice cooked by conventional method and the quick cooking rice prepared by electric cooking when reconstituted. The microstructure of quick cooking rice was investigated among cooking methods.

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The Historycnl Study of Deer and Roe Deer Cooking in Korea (우리나라 사슴고기와 노루고기 조리법(調理法)의 역사적(歷史的) 고료(考寮))

  • Kim, Tae-Hong
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Culture
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    • v.12 no.3
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    • pp.275-287
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    • 1997
  • The purpose of this paper is to examine the various kinds of recipes of deer and roe deer through classical cookbooks written from 1670 to 1943. The recipes of deer and roe deer are found 31 times in the literature written in classical Chinese from 1715 to the mid-l8th century, which can be classified six groups. Their records are less than other recipes such as beef, chicken, pork, lamb, and dog, but the deer recipe is recorded frequently as four times as the roe deer one The deer were cooked and preserved by the following six ways like large-size drying, drying, boiling, soup, roasting, and gruel, while three ones such as boiling, roasting, and drying were applied to the roe deer. However, there is little difference in recipes between deer and roe deer. In case of deer, boiling and drying were the most popular ones with the frequency of 28%. But the recipes of the roe deer, boiling, roasting, and drying are recorded with the same frequency of 33.3%. The recipes were introduced from China, and had many characteristics different from other kinds of meat, of which most process reflected the mordern cooking scientific aspect. The main ingredients were flesh meat, tail, and tongue and horn was used with uniqueness. Salt, vinegar, oil soy sauce, and the white part of the green onion were used as main seasonings. Alcohol, chuncho, sesame flower powder, and cinnamon powder are frequently added.

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Effects of Cooking and Drying Methods on the Taste Component and Microstructure of Shrimp (새우의 맛성분과 미세구조에 미치는 가열 및 건조방법의 영향)

  • Kim, Hyun-Ku;Chang, Young-Sang;Shin, Hyo-Sun
    • Applied Biological Chemistry
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    • v.32 no.3
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    • pp.278-285
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    • 1989
  • Effects of cooking and drying methods on the taste component and microstructure of shrimp, Metapenaeus joyneri, were investigated. The nucleotides and their related compounds of fresh shirmp such as ATP, ADP, AMP, IMP, inosine and hypoxanthine were detected. AMP was detected as a trace amount in fresh shrimp, however, it increased up to $23.5{\sim}45.7{\mu}$ moles with cooking and drying due to the decomposition of ATP and ADP to AMP during cooking and drying. The major component of the free amino acids of fresh shrimp was arginine followed by glycine, lysine, proline and alanine. These free amino acids contents were 70% of the total free amino acids. One hundred grams of fresh shrimp contained 1,198mg (dry basis) of the total free amino acids. However, for hot air and freeze dried cooked shrimps it was decreased down to 342mg (dry basis) and 503mg (dry basis), respectively. It might be due to the dissolution of soluble amino acids during cooking. Hot air-and freeze-dried fresh shrimps was higher in hardness and brittleness but lower in cohesiveness and gumminess than hot air-and freeze-dried ones with boiling and microwave heating. Freeze dried shrimp had softer myofibril texture than hot air dried one. At the same time, more dense and multiporous structure in the tissue could be obtained from the hot air and freeze drying, respectively, after microwave heating of shrimps.

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The Experiment for the Technical Balance Work on the Automatic Silk Reeling Machine ( I ) (자동조사기 기술체계확립을 위한 시험 (I))

  • 최병희;송기언;유시환;김화연;이용우
    • Journal of Sericultural and Entomological Science
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    • v.13 no.2
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    • pp.155-160
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    • 1971
  • This experiment was carried out to investigate the cocoon reeling condiditions required to technical balance work on the automatic silk reeling machine. The results obtained were as follows. 1) Reasonable reeling velocity with regard to raw silk yield and to reeling efficiency varied according to cocoon reelability. It was observed to be about 150m/min on good reelability cocoon (850m of nonbreaking bave length), about 120m/min on medium reelability cocoon (650m of nonbreaking bave length) and from 90m/min to 120m/min on bad reelability cocoon (500m of nonbreaking bave length) 2) Low temperature drying of cocoon (T$_3$) improved the reelability of cocoon, but increased the reeling accidance with deteriorating the quality of raw silk more than the control(T$_1$) or high temperature drying of cocoon (T$_2$). No significant difference was observed in its raw silk yield and silk by-product with regard to cocoon drying temperature. 3) Incomplete drying of cocoon (T$_3$) improved the reelability of cocoon, but increased the reeling accidance with deteriorating the quality of raw silk more than the control(T$_1$) or over drying of cocoon(T$_2$). No significant difference was observed in its raw silk yield and silk by-product with regard to cocoon drying degree. It was cocoon drying condition of cocoon was the control(T$_1$) or high temperature(T$_2$) rather than low temperature (T$_3$) in cocoon drying process. Control (T$_1$) or over drying of cocoon (T$_2$) was adequate rather than incomplete drying of cocoon (T$_3$) for the improvement of the quality of raw silk on the automatic silk reeling process. 4) It was found that the reasonable cooking condition of cocoon was optimum cooking with 4$0^{\circ}C$ of reeling temperature or incomplete cooking with 45$^{\circ}C$ of the reeling temperature in the automatic silk reeling of the domestic cocoon.

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The Medicinal Effects of Seafoods in ${\ulcorner}$Lim-Won-Sib-Rheuk-Ji${\lrcorner}$ ("임원십육지(林園十六誌)"에 수록된 어패류의 향약성(鄕藥性)에 관한 연구)

  • 최영진;백숙은
    • Journal of the East Asian Society of Dietary Life
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    • v.14 no.3
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    • pp.187-195
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    • 2004
  • This study was conducted to figure out the nutritional nature of seafoods categorized according to the medicinal effects and the usages introduced in Lim-Won-Sib-Rheuk.-Ji, one of the well-known encyclopedias published during the Chosun Dynasty. They were compared with those introduced in other cooking books in order to find out how they were used in the diet of real-life. The seafoods of the book were first categorized into the fish 20, the mollusk 5, the crustacea 4, and the shellfish 7, and reptile according to the biological taxonomy, and then each one was reviewed in terms of the taste and the food-nature. Generally, the fishes had the sweet taste; the crustacea and the shellfish the salty or sour in addition to the sweet taste; none of them were bitter or hot. Most of them had the mild nature; seven of them were regarded as warm; four as cool; one as cold from the standpoint of the traditional medicine. The food-nature of seafoods was closely related with the medicinal effects on the human body. These seafoods were characteristically used in daily dietary life as well as the medical applications; used as the side-dishes rather than the main-dishes. The cooking methods of boiling, steaming, and baking were preferred to drying and stewing. The preservation methods favored were the fermentation, drying and salting. These cooking and preservation methods were believed to reflect the nature of the seafoods to manifest the medicinal effects.

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Effects of Cooking and Drying Methods on the Lipid Content and Neutral Lipid Composition of Shrimp (가열 및 건조방법이 새우의 지방질 함량과 중성지방질 조성에 미치는 영향)

  • Kim, Hyun-Ku;Hawer, Woo-Derck S.;Shin, Hyo-Sun
    • Korean Journal of Food Science and Technology
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    • v.21 no.1
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    • pp.17-24
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    • 1989
  • Effects of cooking and drying methods on the lipids content and neutral lipid component of shrimp, Metapenaeus joyneri, were investigated. Total lipid content of the fresh shrimp was 6.0%(dry basis), which was not changed significantly depending on the cooking and drying methods. Lipid of the fresh shrimp was composed of 36.8% of neutral lipids, 21.5% of glycolipids, and 41.7% of phospholipids. Freeze dried shrimp was substantially higher in neutral lipid contents but lower in glycolipid and phospholipid contents than hot air dried one. Main components of the neutral lipids were triglycerides, free sterols, free fatty acids and esterified sterols. Freeze dried shrimp contained higher triglycerides contents than hot air dried shrimp, whereas free fatty acids content in hot air dried shrimp was greater than that of freeze dried one due to the decomposition of triglycerides to free fatty acids during hot air drying. Major fatty acid composition of the total lipid were palmitoleic acid, eicosapentaenoic acid and docosahexaenoic acid, and that of neutral lipid were palmitic acid, palmitic acid, oleic acid, eicosapentaenoic acid and docosahexaenoic acid in fresh shrimp.

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