• Title/Summary/Keyword: construction engineering

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Evaluation of Performance of Modified Recycling Asphalt Mixture and Normal Asphalt Mixture Using Basalt Powder Sludge as Filler (현무암 석분슬러지를 채움재로 활용한 개질재생아스팔트혼합물과 일반아스팔트혼합물의 공용성 평가)

  • Kim, Seung Hyun;Lee, Dong Wook
    • KSCE Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.38 no.4
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    • pp.611-619
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    • 2018
  • Basalt powder sludge (abbreviated BPS) is an inevitable industry by product resulted from the stone processing. Recently, demands for natural materials have been increasing in the construction and landscaping fields, therefore, amounts of BPS have been also increasing. Since most of BPS are used as landfill and earth soil, it is necessary to figure out to expedite their utilization. In this study, by considering the characteristics of precipitation of Jeju, effectiveness of BPS as a filler for asphalt compounds mixed with cement were analyzed. As a result, BPS satisfies quality criterion required in KS F 3501. Marshall mixing designs were performed to determine the optimal asphalt content for the Modified recycling asphalt mixture (27% recycling aggregate) and the Normal asphalt mixture. Effectiveness of BPS were identified by the Marshall Stability Test with the mixing ratio (level 3) of two asphalt compounds and composition ration (level 3) of BPS and cement. Performance of asphalt compounds shown appropriate effect of mixing and composition ratios of the filler were assessed. Test results show that two types of asphalt compounds satisfy the quality standards of the MLIT (2015). Therefore, BPS could be used as filler for asphalt compounds.

A Study on Improvement of Operation Characteristics and Inspection Method of Standby Power Supply such as Emergency Induction Light using Li-ion Capacitor (리튬이온커패시터를 활용한 비상유도등 예비전원장치의 동작 특성 및 점검방법 개선에 관한 연구)

  • Jung, Jun-Chea
    • Journal of the Society of Disaster Information
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    • v.16 no.2
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    • pp.392-401
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    • 2020
  • Purpose: This study analyzes the operating characteristics of a lithium ion capacitor that can be used as a standby power supply in an emergency, and determines whether the standby power supply is abnormal even by measuring the voltage using a linear proportionality characteristic during charging and discharging. The aim is to provide an experimental basis that can be done. Method: As a method for this study, first, analyze the operation principle and characteristics of the existing backup power supply and lithium ion capacitor, and then measure the voltage of the lithium ion capacitor according to the configuration and system block diagram of the induction lamp used in the experiment. We proceed with the test of the measured value of discharge power for each voltage band to check the amount of power held by the battery and the operation test experiment using induction lamps. Results: Just by checking the charging voltage using the linear proportional characteristics of lithium ion capacitors, it provides a basis for accurately inferring the effective operating time of induction lamp lamps. Conclusion: In the event of a disaster, the lithium ion capacitor is used as a spare power supply for emergency induction lamps to prevent complete discharge of emergency induction lamps, to prevent the problem of performing normal operation of the standby power supply, and to use only a simple voltage measurement to reserve power. It was intended to suggest many uses for evacuation equipment application in the future by making it possible to check whether the device is abnormal.

Behavior of Concrete Bridge Deck Using Hybrid Reinforcement System (Hybrid Reinforcement System을 이용한 콘크리트 교량상판 슬래브의 거동)

  • Park Sang-Yeol;Cho Keun-Hee
    • Journal of the Korea Concrete Institute
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    • v.16 no.4 s.82
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    • pp.451-458
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    • 2004
  • This study describes the basic concept and the applicability of Hybrid Reinforcement System using conventional steel reinforcing bars and Fiber Reinforced Polymer bars. The concrete bridge decks are assumed to be supported by beams and reinforced with two layers of reinforcing bars. In concrete bridge deck using HRS, the top tensile force for negative moment zone on beam supports is assumed to be resisted by FRP reinforcing bars, and the bottom tensile force for positive moment zone in the middle of hem supports is assumed to be resisted by conventional steel reinforcing bars, respectively. The FRP reinforcing bars are non-corrosive. Thus, the steel reinforcement is as far away as possible from the top surface of the deck and protected from intrusion of corrosive agent. HRS concrete bridge deck has sufficient ductility at ultimate state as the following reasons; 1) FRP bars have lower elastic modulus and higher ultimate strain than steel re-bars have, 2) FRP bars have lower ultimate strain if provided higher reinforcement ratio, 3) ultimate strain of FRP bars can be reduced if FRP bars are unbonded. Test results showed that FRP and HRS concrete slabs are not failed by FRP bar rupture, but failed by concrete compression in the range of ordinary reinforcement ratio. Therefore, in continuous concrete bridge deck using HRS, steel reinforcing bars for positive moment yield and form plastic hinge first and compressive concrete fail in the bottom of supports or in the top of the middle of supports last. Thus, bridge deck consumes significant inelastic strain energy before its failure.

Development and Splice Lengths of FRP Bars with Splitting Failures (쪼갬파괴에 의한 FRP 보강근의 정착길이와 이음길이)

  • Chun, Sung-Chul;Choi, Dong-Uk
    • Journal of the Korea Concrete Institute
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    • v.22 no.4
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    • pp.519-525
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    • 2010
  • Data from beam-based bond tests for FRP bars in the literature were collected and regression analyses were conducted for the data of splitting failure. Average bond strengths obtained from splice tests were found to be lower and more affected by C/$d_b$ values than average bond strengths from anchorage tests, indicating needs of new design equation for the splice length of FRP bars based on the data of splice tests only. In addition, the variation of bond strengths was greater than that of tensile strengths of FRP bars and, therefore, a new safety factor should be involved for the design equation. Five percent fractile coefficients were used to develop the design equations based on the assumption that load and resistance factors for FRP reinforced concrete structures are same to the factors for steel reinforced concrete structures. The proposed design equations give economical and reliable lengths for development and splice of FRP bars. The proposed equation for splice provides shorter lengths than the ACI 440 equation in case of C/$d_b$ of 3.0 or greater. Because FRP bars are expected to be used in slabs and walls exposed to weather with thick cover and large spacing between bars, the proposed equation gives optimal splice lengths.

Effect of Operational Parameters on the Ammonia Stripping (암모니아 스트리핑에 미치는 운전인자의 영향)

  • Seo, Jeong-Beom;An, Kwang-Ho
    • Journal of Korean Society of Environmental Engineers
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    • v.28 no.9
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    • pp.935-939
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    • 2006
  • The biological nutrient removal from domestic wastewater with low C/N ratio is difficult. Therefore, this study was performed to examine effect of operational parameters such as air supply, hydraulic retention time, pH on the nitrogen removal by ammonia stripping and to increase influent C/N ratio without required carbon source. The ammonia stripping system used for the bench-scale experiment in laboratory had a dimension of 15 cm diameter and 150 cm height. The ammonia stripping reactors were classified into two types, type AS I and type AS II, according to there using or not media. Results of the research showed that the T-N removal efficiency of AS I using plastic media is slightly higher than AS II without media. In experimental condition of air supply 30 L/min and pH 12.5, T-N removal efficiencies increased as HRT of ammonia stripping reactor became longer from 8 hr to 36 hr. In experimental condition of HRT 36 hr, it was also found that the T-N removal efficiencies improved through increase of air supply. On the other hand, C/N ratio of wastewater was increased from average 3.9 to 5.4 by ammonia stripping.

Comparison Analysis between PWL and Probability Theory for Quality Measurement of Asphalt Pavement (아스팔트 포장의 품질측정을 위한 확률이론과 PWL방법의 비교 분석)

  • Choi, Jang-Kyu;Rhee, Suk-Keun;Kim, Seong-Min;Hwang, Sang-Min
    • International Journal of Highway Engineering
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    • v.11 no.2
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    • pp.27-35
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    • 2009
  • This study was conducted to suggest resonable quality measurement methods of asphalt pavements to be used in the Pay adjustment. The Pay adjustment is a method to adjust the construction cost according to the pavement quality based on the statistic theories. Many U.S states use Pay adjustment and the PWL(Percent with in Limit) is calculated using their quality index tables. In this study, the application of PWL in Korea was evaluated by comparing the PWL South Carolina with the probability theories. The probability values and the PWL obtained using the data collected from the test roads were used to determine the pay factors suggested by AASHTO and the pay factors between them were closed to each other. In addition, the PWL was very similar to the probability obtained using the predicted average of the population when calculating the Z-values. The pay factors were obtained using artificial data whose average satisfied the codes and whose standard deviation was large. The pay factors were less than 100% in the quality measurements can be performed using the PWL methods, and with the development of the korea quality index table, the PWL methods can be applied in korea.

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The Ages of Fault Activities of the Ilkwang Fault in Southeastern Korea, Revealed by Classification of Geomorphic Surfaces and Trench Survey

  • Ho, Chang;Ree, Jin-Han;Joo, Byung-Chan
    • The Korean Journal of Quaternary Research
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    • v.18 no.2 s.23
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    • pp.1-2
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    • 2004
  • The Ilkwang Fault is NNE-striking, elongated 40 Km between Ulsan and Haendae-ku, Busan in southeastem part of the Korean Peninsula(Kim, D.H. et al., 1989; Kim, J.S. et al., 2003). This paper is mainly concemed about the ages of the fault activities especially in the Quatemary, infered from classification of geomorphic surface and trench excavation for the construction of Singori nuclear power plant. The geomorphi surfaces are classified into the Beach and the Alluvial plain, the 10 m a.s.l. Marine terrace, the 20 m a.s.l. Marine terrace, the Reworked surface of 45 m a.s.l. Marine terrace and the Low relief erosional surface, from lower to higher altitude. The Beach and the Alluvial plain are elongated to the Holocene terrace(ist terrace, choi, 2003). The 10 m a.s.l. Marine terrace is correlated to 2nd terrace (MIS 5em 125 Ka. y. B.P., Choi, 1998). The 45 m a.s.l. Marine terace is correlated to the Lower marine terrace (MIS 7,220 Ka. y. B.P., Choi, 2003 or MIS 9,320 y. B.P.) to the Gwanganri terrace(Penultimate interglacial age, 200-200 Ka. Y. B.P., Oh, 1981). The Low relief erosional surface is distributed coastal side, the Reworked surface of 45 m a.s.l. Marine terrace inland side by the Ilkwang Fault Line as the boundary line. But the former is above 10 m higher in relative height than the latter. The 20 m a.s.l. Marine terrace on the elongation line of the Ilkwang Fault reveals no dislocation. A site was trenched on the straight contract line with $N30^{\circ}$ E-striking between the 10 m a.s.l. Marine terrace and the 20 m a.s.l. Marine terrace. Fault line or dislocation was not observable in the trench excavation. Accordingly, the straight contact line is inferred as the ancient shoreline of the 10 m a.s.l. Marine terrace. The Ages of the Fault activities are inferred after the formation of the Ichonri Formation - before the formation of the 45 m a.s.l. Marine terrace (220 Ka. y. B.P. or 320 Ka. y. B.P.). The Low relief erosional surface was an island above the sea-level during the formation of the 45 m a.s.l. Marine terrace in the paleogeography.

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An analysis of interception capability of storm water grate inlet in road (도로 빗물받이의 차집능력 분석)

  • Lee, Jong-Tae;Yoon, Sei-Eui;Kim, Kap-Soo;Kim, Young-Ran;Ryu, Taek-Hee
    • Journal of Korea Water Resources Association
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    • v.36 no.3 s.134
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    • pp.465-480
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    • 2003
  • The interception capabilities of storm water grate inlet were analyzed in this paper. The hydraulic model lot gutter flow was used to estimate the interception capability. With the consideration of width and length of road, gutter discharges were ranged of 4-15l/sec. The transverse slopes of gutter were selected 4, 7 and 10%. The longitudinal slopes were 0, 2, 5 and 7%. The four sizes of storm water grate inlet were used in this experiments ($30\times40cm,\;40\times50cm,\;40\times100cm,\;40\times150cm$). The total number of experimental cases were 240. As the transverse slopes of gutter increased, the interception capability also increased. As the flow width in gutter and the discharge were lower, the interception efficiencies increased and the longitudinal slopes of road increased, the interception efficiencies decreased. The empirical formula with the factors of total inflow discharge, the longitudinal slope and the transverse slope of gutter were derived. These equations could be used to estimate the intercepting discharge of grate inlet. The reasonable construction space of grate inlet for the road widths, the longitudinal slopes, the transverse slopes and the grate inlet sizes were suggested.

DAD Analysis of Yongdam Dam Watershed Using the Cell-Based Automatic Rainfall Field Tracking Methods (격자기반의 자동 강우장 탐색기법을 활용한 용담댐 유역 DAD분석)

  • Song, Mi-Yeon;Jung, Kwan-Sue;Lee, Gi-Ha;Kim, Yeon-Su;Shin, Young-A
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.17 no.3
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    • pp.68-81
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    • 2014
  • This study aims to apply and evaluate the automatic DAD analysis method, which is able to establish the depth-area relationship more efficiently and accurately for point-to-areal rainfall conversion. First, the proposed automatic DAD analysis method tracks the expansion route of area from the storm center, and it is divided into Box-tracking, Point-tracking, Advanced point-tracking according to tracking method. After applying the proposed methods to 10 events occurred in Yongdam-watershed area, we confirmed that the Advanced point-tracking method makes it possible to estimate the maximum average areal rainfal(MAAR) more accurately with consideration of the storm movement and the multi-centered storm. In addition, Advanced point-tracking could reduce the errors of the estimated MAAR induced by increasing the area because it can estimate MAAR for each storm center and compare them at the same time. Finally, the DAD curve for the study area could be derived based on the DAD analysis of the selected 10 events.

An Integrated Assessment of Green Environment on Urban Space (도시공간의 통합적 녹지환경 평가)

  • Lee, Woo-Sung;Jung, Sung-Gwan;Park, Kyung-Hun;You, Ju-Han
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.17 no.2
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    • pp.15-31
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    • 2014
  • The purpose of this study is to assess the green environment on urban space and to suggest the sustainable green space planning. The study area is Dalseo-gu which has the biggest spatial imbalance of green space among 7 districts of Daegu. Three functions such as nature-ecological, environment-control, and usage function were established for assessing the green environment. For the assessment step of nature-ecological function, 'green connectivity' and 'animal movement' were used. Also,'thermal environment' and 'temperature decrease' were utilized in terms of environment-control function and 'green space's service supply' were utilized in terms of usage function. According to the results of integrated assessment, the green rich zone(Grade I) was 44.8% of total area in Dalseo and this zone was distributed along the southern forest of Mt. Ap and Mt. Biseul and the northern forest of Mt. Gung and Mt. Waryong. On the other hand, the green broken zone(Grade IV) was located in the residential areas of Gamsam and Jukjeon and the residential and industrial areas of Wolseong 1 and Jincheon and this zone was 5.5% of total area. The findings from this study can be used as the plan criteria for construction and distribution of green space in urban master plan.