• Title/Summary/Keyword: constitution of Five elements

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A Sasang Theoretical1) Study about the Morph & Image of Sasang Constitutional Medicine (사상의학(四象醫學) 형상관(形象觀)에 대한 사심신물적(事心身物的) 고찰(考察))

  • Kim, Jeong-ho;Song, Jeong-mo
    • Journal of Sasang Constitution and Immune Medicine
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    • v.11 no.1
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    • pp.295-310
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    • 1999
  • Nowadays there are a lot of attempts and approaches in the Study of Oriental Medicine. The Morph&Image is one of them, and its importance is more and more increasing. Likewise, in the Sasang Consitutional Medicine, the Morph&Image is one of the important part too. And it is presented in the ${\ll}$Dorgyi SooseBowon(東醫壽世保元)${\gg}$. But that Discourse shows us only the concept and conclusion of Morph&Image, based on classification of Sasang Constitution, without explaining how it is derived. So the author studied the basic theory parts of ${\ll}$Dorgyi Soose Bowon${\gg}$-those are the , , , and - and wanted to find out the mechanism of Morph&Image concept in the Sasang Constitutional Medicine. The results were as follows. 1. Every portion of human body, can be considered as Morph&Image, in ${\ll}$Dorgyi Soose Bowon${\gg}$ could be explained in the line with the Sasang theory. Morph&Image in ${\ll}$Dorgyi Soose Bowon${\gg}$ contents not only the shape itself but also image, operation, mind condition, nature, emotion and so on. 2. The traditional Oriental Medicine has the Morph&Image categorized by Five elements(五行). And it is used for Oriental medical Diagnosis. But in the Sasang Constitution, Morph&Image is used for Sasang Constitutional classification. 3. The Morph&Image in Sasang could be classified into four groups. Affairs(事)- group(ears, eyes, nose, mouth(耳目鼻口) and so on), object(物)-group(lung, spleen, liver, kidney(肺脾肝腎)and soon), Mind(心)-group(jaw, chest navel, abdomen and so on) and Body(身)-group(head, shoulders, waist hips(頭肩腰臀) and so on) are those. Event and Object groups reflect the congenital conditions of Sasang-Classified human body, and Mind and Body groups reflect mind state, nature, emotion etc..

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Yongdoseo(龍圖墅) and Guimunwon(龜文園) which Applied a Sangsu(象數) Principle on Garden Composition (상수(象數) 원리를 정원구성에 적용한 용도서(龍圖墅)와 귀문원(龜文園))

  • Hong, Hyoung-Soon
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Traditional Landscape Architecture
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    • v.30 no.2
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    • pp.119-129
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    • 2012
  • Yongdoseo and Guimunwon are described in "Bokgeo(卜居, fixabode)" of "Sanlimkyengje(山林經濟)" written by Manseon Hong. This record is a unique garden conceptual idea applying the principles of Hetu(河圖) and Luoshu(洛書), fanciful gardens which have not been actually constructed. Here, two garden types were concretely described respectively, however the underlying meaning therein cannot be apprehended without exact understanding about Sangsu studies. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to illuminate the meaning contained in Garden illustration and the historical meaning of landscape therein through considering this text. To achieve the purpose of this study, the writer and the compiler who are the background of this writing and the outline of Sangsu studies were investigated. Also, the principles of Saengsu(生數), Seongsu(成數), Yin Yang(陰陽), Four Bodies(四象), Palgwedo(八卦圖), etc. which are in Hetu and Luoshu were considered. The result of this study went through this research process is summarized as follows. First, Hetu Luoshu are conceptual definitions which wholly abstracted the basic propositions of Sangsu philosophy such as the universe change principle, etc., while Yongdoseo and Guimunwon can be said to be operational definitions which apply those as garden composition principle, enabling to experience the meaning contained therein concretely and explain it in a replicable way. This attempt is a unique example, unprecedented in Chinaas well. Second, as a livingspace, garden was selected as a means to concretize operational definitions about the meaning of Hetu Luoshu, and as the property to reproduce the bearings concept, the location and the number, etc. of Hetu Luoshu, Taegukjeong(太極亭), Shipjagak(十字閣), Dondae(墩臺), well, pond as well as various kinds of trees were used. Third, the main motif of Yongdoseo and Guimunwon is the relation between Apriority(先天) and Posterior(後天), and the relation between Constitution(體) and Use(用) of Hetu and Luoshu respectively. That is, Yongdoseo planted evergreen trees such as Shipjangcheong(十長靑) in order to symbolize the universe creation principle which Hetu stands for, i.e. silent, harmonious, orderly and win-win image. In Guimunwon, flowering trees(花木) and fruit trees(果木) were planted freely to express the change of Posterior which Luoshu stands for, thatis, dynamic, disharmonious, disorderly, incompatible(相剋) and changing image. The effects intended to be attained through such planting were, 'freshness and cheerfulness(淸爽)' of Yongdoseo and 'splendidness' of Guimunwon respectively. Sangsu studies based on Hetu and Luoshu is a unique thinking system to the Orient which came from the accumulated wisdom of several scholars from various schools through a long period since ancient times. Therefore, the concept and the theory thereof are profound and huge, and its viewpoints of interpretation are diverse. It is a limit of this study that more in-depth and various consideration was not performed. As a further research project, more empirical study of Orientalism such as Sangsu studies, etc. inherent in Traditional Garden is necessary.

The Bibiographical Investigation of effect of Acorus gramineus Soland (석창포의 약리(藥理)에 대한 문헌적(文獻的) 고찰(考察))

  • Jung, Kuk-yung;Kho, Byung-hee;Song, Il-byung
    • Journal of Sasang Constitution and Immune Medicine
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    • v.11 no.1
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    • pp.241-252
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    • 1999
  • 1. Purpose and Method : We have many difficulty of using the existing medical Hurbs based on the theory of Em-Yang and the five elements, this is why we still do not explain the Sasang Constitutional medical Hurb Classification and do not have the Sasang Constitutional Pharmacology exactly, so we easily enter into a dispute and confusion. So through literary consideration about Acorus gramineus Soland. I try to objectify Sasang Constitutional Classification of Acorus gramineus Soland and the spirit of using Acorus gramineus Soland and common property of Sasang Constitutional Medical Hurb and try to find out a clue that search the effect of other Sasang Constitutional Medical Hurb. 2. Result : Qi(氣) and mi(味) of Acorus gramineus Soland have aroma and hot taste and have won Qi(溫氣), the using portion of Acorus gramineus Soland is root as medical Hurb. So Acorus gramineus Soland rise from Goonghacho(中下焦) to Sangcho(上焦) and divied impurity and purity and able to remove the turbidity Qi(氣)Ack(液) Acorus gramineus Soland have the effect of progressing the involution of Paeqi(肺氣) and divided impurity and purity of Qi(氣) and ack(液) and improve the fuction and structure of Tae-Em-ln. I think that the method of literay consideration on objectification of Sasang Constitution Pharmacology is of great value.

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The Basic principle of treatment according to the symptom (病證藥理) in Sasang Constitutional Medicine (사상인병증약리(四象人病證藥理)의 성립과정(成立過程)과 그 운영정신(運營精神)에 대한 고찰(考察))

  • Song, Il-Byung
    • Journal of Sasang Constitution and Immune Medicine
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    • v.8 no.1
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    • pp.1-15
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    • 1996
  • The Sasang Constitutional Medicine seeks the psychosomatic balance, and the Basic principle of treatment according to the symptom(病證藥理) in Sasang Constitutional Medicine could be summarize as follows. 1. The pursuit of Shape-Image Medicine (形象醫學) and the Symptoms of shape - Symptoms of disease (形置病證). It established emotion, symptoms of constitution, and symptoms of constitutional disease on the base of Shape-Image Medicine (形象醫學) which means qi (氣) is inside and shape is outside (氣裡形表). 2. The inductive medicine and positive medicine. It systematized the Symptoms of shape - Symptoms of disease (形證病證) on the base of the medical practice of the ancients and Lee Jae-Ma (李濟馬)'s own experience inductively, and it present show to control the psychosomatic balance practically. 3. The pathology centering on human. Oriental medicine is based on Yin-Yang (陰陽) and Five elements (五行) and the harmony of nature and human (天人相應) of Taoism, but Sasang Constitutional Medicine is based on emotional and ethical pathology of Confucianism (儒學). 4. The treatment according to the symptom (病證藥理) in Sasang Constitutional Medicine centering on clear qi (正氣). The promotion and demotion (補瀉) which is based on clear qi (正氣) and evil qi (邪氣) is a basic principle in Oriental medicine, but In Sasang Constitutional Medicine it is attached importance to control of clear qi and classify obedience symptom and disobedience symptom (順 逆症) as the type to oppose disease. 5. The treatment according to the psychomatic symptoms. It takes importances to control of one-sided emotion as well as the treatment of psychical symptoms, and also to remedy disease as keeping under control one's mind. 6. The preventive medicine and the medicine to develop one's health. It is in pursuit of social health to develop personality through clear qi (正氣) in real life, to prevent disease, and to spread the sickness control of individual person. Sasang Constitutional Medicine pursuits the psychosomatic balance through 'Balance', 'Control', 'Self regulating Control' of the 'Golden Mean (中庸)' with the treatment according to the symptom (病證藥理) in Sasang Constitutional Medicine.

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