• Title/Summary/Keyword: consciousness of rural community

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The Farmers′ health management status compared with different farming types (농업인의 營農유형에 따른 健康管理 상태)

  • 신영숙;정금주;이승교;박양자
    • Korean Journal of Rural Living Science
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    • v.9 no.2
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    • pp.51-62
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    • 1998
  • This study was performed to suggest the health management of farmers compared with different farming types, such as rice plant, livestock, horticulture, orchard and others, for the farmer's health enhancement. For this study, 720 subjects were selected in 8 provinces through cluster method, and relevent caculations for the analysis of the subjects were made SAS program, and tested significance with x$^2$ and F value, those probability levels were 0.1%, 1% and 5%. Among the subjects, aged 40's were 38%, females 66%, elementary graduates (32%), and think of living conditions were average (67%). In the self-consciousness test for health, there was no significant difference of farmers with farming types. In the aspect of agricultural work situation, they took holidays according to the weather conditions or no pressed work to be done. And They took a break “when they feel tired during work”. For the recovery of fatigue, sleeping was chosen as the most favorite (68%) followed bathing (17%). but exercise was the lowest (7%). In the case of working conditions, 74% of them replied they work under average condition, and only 9% of them thought they were under pleasant surroundings. And 37% of them have had healthy food, for health practice and restorative for health. 20% of them have had breakfast irregularly. In addition to the regular meal intake, sufficient re자 and pleasant agricultural working conditions would be necessary for health, and the farmers themselves should recognize the importance and care of health. The project for enhancement of the farmers' health is needed and who should give guideline to have the responsibility for health.

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A Study on the status of treatment by acupunctury of community people in city area (도시민의 침치료에 대한 의식과 관련요인분석)

  • 정홍수;변정환;남철현
    • Korean Journal of Health Education and Promotion
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    • v.9 no.1
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    • pp.66-78
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    • 1992
  • This study carried out to investigate consciousness level and situation of treatment by acupuntury (the most important part of oriental medicine) and analyze factors affection to the praetice of exercise. The main purpose of the study was to give basic and necessery data in formulating a policy related to Oriental Medical Treatment. The study was conducted by trained surveyers, for dueller in three cities (Seoul, Busan and Taegu) during 1990. 1. 4 -1990. 1. 23. The result of this study can be summerized as follows. 1. The subject of criticism an investigation for general charactristic be conducted in seoul, Busan and Taegu city area an objective 417 person, 423 person, and 366 person was among those comparatively little more by male was higher rate than female. Those in classification age group evaluation was adopted by age group 10, 20 years old adult 41.3% of most higher rate, next rank was adopted by age group 40 years old (24.9%). 2. An objective of investigation survery was made to personnel were comparative an educated level significantly higher such as college graduated 48.8%, high school graduated 30.1%. And the native comes from urban area, rural, midium and small city rate were shown as 29.6%, 28.4% and 19.9% each other. There by classification of occupational job was shown by students has 27.4% are most higher significantly also there sales and servive field job appearanced 15.1% and expert technical job is 9.0%. Religion is buddist, Christianity, Catholicism all them each other shown 33.6%, 16.7% and 12.4%. An evaluation in economic situation value rate was appearanced by middle class is 61.7% and upper and lower classes are 14.4% and 23.9% with each other and married were 59.2% 3. The people resident in cities area has experience of acupuncture were 70.4% There by classification of an area was shown by Seoul, Busan and Taegu all them other shown 59.7%, 85.2%, 68.1%. According as sex was shown by male 71.7% was more higher than female. According as age was shown by 40 years 85.0% 50 years 77% 20 years old was more higher than 30, 60 years old.

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A Study on the Status of Physical Exercise of Community People in City Area (도시지역주민의 운동실태와 관련요인)

  • 한중호;남철현
    • Korean Journal of Health Education and Promotion
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    • v.8 no.1
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    • pp.68-86
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    • 1991
  • This study was carried out to investigate consciousness level of physical exercise and analyze factors affection to the practice of exercise. The main purpose of the study was to give basic and necessary data in developing of program regarding to the physical exercise of the people and social athletics. This study was conducted by trained surveyers, for dweller in three cities(Seoul, Taegu and Ulsan) during January 4. 1990 to January 24. 1990. The results of this study can be summarized as follows 1. The subject of criticism an investigation for general charactristic be conducted in Seoul, Taegu and Ulsan city area an objective 417 person, 432 person and 366 person was among those comparatively little more by male was higher rate than female. Those in classification was adopted by age group 20 years old adult 41.3% of most higher rate, age group evaluation, were 24.9% and other group were 18.4% comprehensively appearanced by adult group has most many value rate. 2. An objective of investigation survey was made to personnel were comparative an educated level significantly higher such as college graduated 48.8% this rate of value has most higher, High school graduated ; 30.1% and middle School gratuated were 11.7%. In addition the native comes from large city, Farming and fishing villages an rural area rate were shown as 29.6%, 28.4% and 19.9% each other. There by classification of occupational job was shown by students has 27.4% are most higher significantly, also there sales and service field job appearanced 15.1% and expert technical job is 9.0% Although nonreligion person rate were 37.3%, buddist, Christianity, Roman Catholicism all them each other shown 33.6%, 16.7% and 12.4%. An evaluation in economic situation value rate was appearanced by middle class level 61.7% and higher and low level are 14.4% and 23.9% with each other and married were 59.2%. 3. The people resident in cities area has pratice of health development by exercise person were 43.5% and value of rate for male has exercise practice is 52.5%, was significantly higher than female has by age group 10 years old and age group 50 years old is 52.6% and 47.3% was comparative higher rate also age group 30 is 35.1% of low factor was indicated. Although evaluated an economic situation rate was higher level get more taken the practice of health develop exercise(higher level 60.0% and low level is 32.9%). Although by higher level of educated were more taken pratice of their proper physical exercise(college graduated rate ; 52.2% of most higher and high school graduted ; 39.7% and then middle school graduated is 19.1%) unmarried taken exercise rate ; 48.4% is significantly higher than married person rate ; 40.8%. Although objective of native area of exercise rate of Urban area cities ; 52.5% are significantly higher farming and fishing native person rate ; 40.4% shown is most low.

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A Study on the Consciousness of the Environment Pollution Problem in Pohang City (환경문제에 관한 시민의식 조사 - 통합후 포항시민을 대상으로 -)

  • Ha, Yeong-Gil;Park, Kyung-Min;Kwon, Young-Sook
    • Journal of agricultural medicine and community health
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    • v.21 no.1
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    • pp.61-73
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    • 1996
  • This study conducted to determine the attitude on environment pollution by Pohang city citizens. 1,059 Pohang city citizens in the age group 20 and over were chosen and surveyed by officials's interview at Up, Myun and Dong during the period 6 September to 20 September 1995. The issue problems to be solved in Pohang city were traffic control 47.3%, environment pollution 22.7%, cultural institutions 11.6%, water service 9.9%, education system 5.1% and community security 2.1%. The 55.1% of subjects responded that responsibility for environment pollution is every citizens duty. The trash from houses were 'garbage'(48.1%), 'waste of life'(21.8%), 'reuse trash'(15.6%) and 'one use thing'(14.5%) in order. The 66.9% of subjects responded that the trash's standard envelopes can be easily tear and its texture is not good. The respondents sometimes or often had experienced foreign bodies, sediment in the water service supply. The 45.9% of the respondents use natural water as drinking water, and the water service supply(26.7%), underground water(17.0%) and buying water(9.3%) were followed. Pertaining to the air pollution(by percent) was pollution of the steel industry complex 78.0%, combustive gas 16.6% and construction dust 1.7%. The respondents at southern district complained of respiratory tract by air pollution and the respondents at northern district complained of the visual disturbance and the offensive odor(P<0.05). Water pollution problem is factory's wastewater 56.2%, home wastewater 36.4% and livestock's wastewater 5.6% in order. The respondents at southern district complained of the noise pollution by airplanes and factories at the afternoon and the respondents at northern district complained of the noise pollution by vehicles(P<0.05).

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A Study on the Characteristics and Management Plan of Old Big Trees in the Sacred Natural Sites of Handan City, China (중국 한단시 자연성지 내 노거수의 특성과 관리방안)

  • Xi, Su-Ting;Shin, Hyun-Sil
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Traditional Landscape Architecture
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    • v.41 no.2
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    • pp.35-45
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    • 2023
  • First, The spatial distribution characteristics of old big trees were analyzed using ArcGIS figures by combining basic information such as species and ages of old big trees in Handan City, which were compiled by the local bureau of landscaping. The types of species, distribution by ages of trees, ownership status, growth status, and diversity status were comprehensively analyzed. Statistically, Styphnolobium, Acacia, Gleditsia, and Albizia of Fabaceae accounted for the majority, of which Sophora japonica accounted for the highest proportion. Sophora japonica is widely and intensively distributed to each prefecture and district in Handan city. According to the age and distribution, the old big trees over 1000 years old were mainly Sophora japonica, Zelkova serrata, Juniperus chinensis, Morus australis Koidz., Dalbergia hupeana Hance, Ceratonia siliqua L., and Pistacia chinensis, and Platycladus orientalis. Second, as found in each type of old big tree status, various types of old big tree status were investigated, the protection management system, protection management process, and protection management benefits were studied, and the protection of old big tree was closely related to the growth environment. Currently, the main driving force behind the protection of old big trees is the worship of old big trees. By depositing its sacredness to the old big tree and sublimating the natural character that nature gave to the old big tree into a guiding consciousness of social activities, nature's "beauty" and personality's "goodness" are well combined. The protection state of the old big tree is closely related to the degree of interaction with the surrounding environment and the participation of various cultures and subjects. In the process of continuously interacting with the surrounding environment during the long-term growth of old big trees, it seems that a natural sanctuary was formed around old big trees in the process of voluntarily establishing a "natural-cultural-scape" system involving bottom-up and top-down cross-regions, multicultural and multi-subjects. Third, China focused on protecting and recovering old big trees, but the protection management system is poor due to a lack of comprehensive consideration of historical and cultural values, plant diversity significance, and social values of old big trees in the management process. Three indicators of space's regional characteristics, property and protection characteristics, and value characteristics can be found in the evaluation of the natural characteristics of old giant trees, which are highly valuable in terms of traditional consciousness management, resource protection practice, faith system construction, and realization of life community values. A systematic management system should be supported as to whether they can be protected and developed for a long time. Fourth, as the perception of protected areas is not yet mature in China, "natural sanctuary" should be treated as an important research content in the process of establishing a nature reserve system. The form of natural sanctuary management, which focuses on bottom-up community participation, is a strong supplement to the current type of top-down nature reserve management in China. Based on this, the protection of old giant trees should be included in the form of a nature reserve called a natural monument in the nature reserve system. In addition, residents of the area around the nature reserve should be one of the main agents of biodiversity conservation.

A Comparison on the Characteristics of Cerebrovascular Disease Patients Admitted to Some Western and Oriental Hospitals (일부 양·한방 병원에 입원한 뇌혈관질환 환자의 특성 비교)

  • Yu, Dae-Jin;Ryu, So-Yeon;Park, Jong;Kim, Ki-Soon
    • Journal of agricultural medicine and community health
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    • v.26 no.1
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    • pp.65-79
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    • 2001
  • Cerebrovascular disease(CVD) is one of the major causes of death in Korea as well as most countries in the world and the disease gives great burden to humans socio-economically due to its high fatality and common occurrence of disability as the sequelae. This study was performed to investigate the utilization of western hospital(WH) or oriental hospital(OH) due to CVD and compare the type and the clinical characteristics of patients with CVD between WH and OH located in Kwangju City, Chonnam Province and Chonbuk Province. We reviewed the medical records of 1,070 patients who were discharged from 12 WIT and 6 OH from January to March, 2000 and confirmed for the diagnosis of CVD. Fifty-one percent of the subjects were treated at WH and forty-nine percent at OH. Females were more prevalent than males. As well, the most common age group among these subjects was found to be 70 years and older. About 92% in W~H and 80% in OH received brain imaging diagnostic procedures such as CT or MRI. The cerebral infarction was the most common type of CVD when compared by the kind of utilized hospitals, sex, age group except patient Group who was treated at WH and whose age was lower than 50 years old. The cerebral hemorrhage was more frequent than cerebral infarction among this group. The proportion of cerebral hemorrhage was decreasing and that of cerebral infarction was increasing with age. The most common clinical manifestations of undetermined type of CVD was paralysis of lower extremity in WIT and paralysis of upper extremity in OH. In cerebral hemorrhage loss of consciousness in WIT and dysarthria in OH were most frequently manifested, while in the case of cerebral infarction hemiplegia in WIT and dysarthria in OH were the most common complaints. The interval from the onset of disease to admission to the hospital was 5.5 days in WH arid 31.4 days in OH and the difference was statistically significant. Average admission duration of patients at OH was longer than WH, but it was not statistically significant. In conclusion these results suggest that the effort for systematic and efficient management of CVD patients was necessary for close co-operation and role arrangement between WH and OH considering the positive and negative points of western and oriental medicines.

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