• Title/Summary/Keyword: connection of concept

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A Study on the Construction Process and Design Characteristics of Korean Pavilion in Paris 1900 Exposition Universelle in Korean Modern Architecture (근대 초기 파리만국박람회(1900) "한국관"의 건축과정과 초기설계안의 디자인 특성에 관한 연구)

  • Jin, Kyung-Don;Park, Mi-Na
    • Korean Institute of Interior Design Journal
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    • v.17 no.3
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    • pp.3-14
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    • 2008
  • The purpose of this study is to clarify the historical circumstances under which the Korean Pavilion was established at the 1900 Paris Exposition Universelle, and the construction process and design features of the pavilion building. At that time, even though Korea faced difficulty due to lack of experience in the world exposition and funds, Korea attempted to positively participate in the international cultural event by establishing the Korean Pavilion under an official contract with assistance of the French Government. Moreover, the Pavilion shows significant architectural features which had not been shown until then in terms of the structure and design of the pavilion building. In this connection, in this thesis, among others, the historical circumstances under which the "Korean Pavilion" was established at the 1900 Paris Exposition Universelle, and the construction process as well as the process and features of the draft design prepared at an early stage by Baron Delort de Gleon on the part of France among the above parties to the project for construction of the Korean Pavilion, which have never been addressed in the field of architecture or interior due to lack of existing data, will be clearly studied based on relevant literatures. According to analysis of the study, it reveals that the representation method for the Korean tradition of Korean Pavilion designed by Baron Delort de Gleon was based on the Chinoiserie, the style widely seen in Europe. In addition, Delort de Glean's commerce-oriented concept is integrated into the design of the Korean Pavilion as well.

A study on approach thesis of protection martial arts (경호기법에 입각한 경호무도의 학문적 접근)

  • Park, Jun-Seok
    • Korean Security Journal
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    • no.6
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    • pp.103-122
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    • 2003
  • Protection sciences are new science. therefore, protection martial arts sciences are will studied be based on study of protection in order to supply high level by request. Moreover, It is reconstruction that protection martial arts masters education, systematic manage, certificate system, protection martial arts recognition certificate, protection martial arts equipment, practice of protection martial arts. Protection martial arts occurs on the unforeseen accident and body guarding, therefore martial arts concept of protection martial arts different general martial arts and sport. In order to develope of protection martial arts First, scientific thesis need of protection martial arts learning. Especially, aims of present protection martial arts is not protect oneself, protect the VIP to safely from all dangers is different thing with aims of general martial arts. Instinct that VIP protect rather than oneself should study and develop. Second, techniques and model of protection martial arts spread to who in connection with security service by systematic and organized. Preferentially, study of protection martial arts Techniques and model possible the protection martial arts learned society, found laboratory and endowed protection martial arts society organize and prevention for random of protection martial arts and must make the original protection martial arts. Third, protection martial arts official certificate and license system must organize in order to training and manage of protection martial art master, Match director(First Second), life physical director(First, Second, Third) is systematically manage by Ministry of Culture & Tourism Republic of Korea. Like this protection martial arts also classify the certificate by scholarship and experience. Fourth, In union to university, private security service company, public institution, police and system that possible leaning to protection martial arts certificate course important. In addition, destroy the commercial character of present martial arts and cultivate the pure martial arts mind, should develop to martial arts in order to improve the humanism and temperament of right body guard.

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Developed Type in the Managed Structured System Programming of Hybrid Web in .NET Framework Environment-Centric of Smart Web (.net Framework 환경에서 하이브리드 웹 기반의 매니지드 구조화 시스템 프로그래밍 개발방식-스마트 웹 중심으로)

  • Jang, Seung-Young
    • Journal of the Korea Society of Computer and Information
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    • v.18 no.4
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    • pp.141-152
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    • 2013
  • The current web implementation largely falls into process-oriented and object-oriented methods. Both ways implement the programs to be used for simple design of external outfit and auxiliary function of hybrid webs and it might lead to cost problems arising from waste of time and man-power to develop with it. Therefore, managed structural system programming which can be applied under .NET framework is suggested in a bid to solve these problems. The structural system design method under .NET environment by applying CS concept prefers to adopting the optimized design configuration suited to proper interfaces of UI configuration, which offers the environment to maintain the inheritance relationship by taking form of the balanced class allotment by domain, and continue to keep the connectivity between UX and UI which leads to application of interface of UX objects as form of objects through connection with objects in class design process. This development method enables programs to be implemented focused on representation methods of UI and UX, and helps relieve much of the burden on development costs.

A Study on the Digital robot utilization for implementation Augmented Reality of Interactive Advertisement (양방향 광고의 증강현실 구현을 위한 디지털로봇 활용 연구)

  • Choi, Chi Kwon;Um, Ki Joon
    • Journal of Korea Society of Digital Industry and Information Management
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    • v.6 no.3
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    • pp.159-168
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    • 2010
  • Developments and changes in digital environment based on computer technologies and internet networks enabled us interactive communication for planning and execution through the freedom of 'connection', 'sharing', and 'conversion'. The subject of this study, interactive commercial, might be the core of success based on creation which stems from communication design, revolution in design and technology, and conversion. Communication in modern economy is not optional, but essential. Furthermore, like evolution process up to Augmented Reality from developments of mobile communication technology, or concept in paradigm change, digital interactive commercial means the core of success, not a part of it. Therefore, in order to achieve success in the global competition structure, mobile communication design, revolution, and creation which produce added value shall be working as a base. In order to reach effective communication process performance of interactive commercial media, this study would like to propose building a media commercial system which is realized by human senses. Using this, standardized methods for interactive commercial which can be used together with augmented reality based on digital technology, and for using digital robot contents are available, along with methodology system of their use. In addition, the ultimate goal of this study aims to discover new factors through reorganization of precedent analysis and adaptation based on academic achievement and practical application. And thus, it wants to contribute to practical use of interactive commercial out of augmented reality-based communication in which technology, marketing, and design are integrated to be used in real sense.

A Study on the Utilization of Co-Housing Community Facilities in the User-Oriented Design Perspective - Focusing on the Case of So-Haeng-Ju No.1, No.2, and No.3 - (사용자중심 디자인 관점에서의 국내 코하우징 공동생활시설 활용에 대한 연구 - 소행주(소통이 있어 행복한 주택) 1, 2, 3호 사례를 중심으로 -)

  • Lee, Jin Woo;Lee, Joo Young;Ma, Wen Hao;Hwang, Yeon Sook
    • Korean Institute of Interior Design Journal
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    • v.24 no.4
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    • pp.80-90
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    • 2015
  • This study aims to improve plans by analyzing spatial compositions of cohousing common houses, their role depending on the types of users and spaces, and satisfaction from the user-oriented design perspective. For this study, a basic concept was examined based on previous studies and literature reviews. So-Haeng-Ju(Happy House with Communication) Houses 1, 2, and 3 in Seongmisan Village was analyzed. As well, interviews with residents of these houses were conducted to analyze the role of user behavior in common house depending on the types of users and spaces. As a result, it was found that there were common characteristics of roles in an exchange with neighbors, cooperative child-care, and residents' meetings. The time and behavioral types were different depending on the living patterns, characteristics, and family members of residents. User satisfaction with the locations of community facilities including communal kitchen and communal living room, the composition of rooms, communication with residents, and the connection between communal living space and personal living space, was above the average. However, user satisfaction with storage facilities, or defect repair and facility maintenance was low. Most of cohousing common house users were satisfied with the use and size of spaces, and a sense of community, including communication with neighbors beyond the environment and Seongmisan Village. In conclusion, a realistic alternative is required for future cohousing by developing a system regarding human resources networks and cost bearing issues.

A Study on Body Painting according to Nature Art Types (자연미술 유형에 따른 바디페인팅 연구)

  • Park, Jeongshin
    • Journal of Fashion Business
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    • v.18 no.4
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    • pp.66-79
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    • 2014
  • Unlike other body arts, body painting illuminates the value of art using eco-friendly formative activity and natural environment and highlights the need of eco-friendly activity. However, although body painting has focused on forming right relationship between human beings and nature, there are few researches which are linked with nature art. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to argue the need to study body painting as nature art in connection with natural environment and analyze body painting according to nature art types. The study methods included both theoretical review and empirical review. The theoretical review examined the concept and characteristics of nature art through previous researches and literature and the empirical review looked into the types and works of nature art and applied them to body painting works. The results were as follows. First, an installation type was possible by arranging and attaching certain materials to the body. Second, a physical type was possible by representing body itself as the part of nature. Third, a symbolic type was possible by making body appearance as a some symbol based on artist's idea. Fourth, a sound type was possible by stimulating auditory hallucination using the nature of objects and sensing a sound. Fifth, an ecological type was possible by conveying the message of living things in nature to the body. Sixth, an interior type was possible by inducing indoor installation of works. Seventh, a poetic type was possible by making one feel a poetic inspiration expressed in nature using the mystery of the sea and a simple sequential pattern of floral leaves. Eighth, a drawing type was possible by adding artist's intentional hand with a pictorical technique. Ninth, a indigenous type was possible by reproducing South American indian's primitive style. The review of this study suggests that body painting works have been expressed in experimental and temporary arrangement like nature art in nature and can be applied according to nine types of nature art.

Analysis of the complaints and policy of the Ministry of Employment and Labor using the R program (R을 이용한 고용노동부 민원·정책 연관분석)

  • Sung, Bo-Kyoung;You, Yen-Yoo
    • Journal of the Korea Convergence Society
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    • v.9 no.7
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    • pp.41-46
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    • 2018
  • This study is based on the opinions of the Ministry of Employment and Labor and the Policy Bulletin of the National Intelligence Service (http://www.people.go.kr) The data were visualized, frequency analysis and correlation analysis using the R program Big Data method, and the analysis was conducted by analyzing the public opinion on civil affairs and policies such as industrial relations, industrial safety, wage policy, The results of this study are as follows: First, disagreement of wage concept and labor - management conflict were found as complaints factor due to complex wage structure in Korea and lack of awareness among labor and management Second, And there are various complaints caused by the economic panic of the workers etc. Third, in the absence of safety awareness of small business sites An industrial disaster is constantly occurring, and institutional support for work-family connection is lacking.

Relationship between the High School Chemistry I, II, and the General Chemistry, and College Students' Cognition about the Subject (대학교 일반화학과 고등학교 화학 I, 화학 II 교과의 연계성 및 일반화학에 대한 대학생들의 인식조사)

  • Moon, Sook-Hee;Lee, Sang-Joa
    • Journal of the Korean Chemical Society
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    • v.55 no.1
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    • pp.112-123
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    • 2011
  • The chemistry has the academic system in which a concept is jointly developed into the single strain, so the contents of the chemistry I II of the high school are very important in the connection of the general chemistry in the university. At this moment, it is possible for high school graduates to be accepted into science or engineering majors without taking the chemistry II. These the highest intensive election subject cause problems of differences in level of understanding and difficult of quality educations. In this study, we have analyzed similarity between the contents of the chemistry I II and the general chemistry. We also analyzed the cognition level of students without taking the chemistry II in understanding the general chemistry level classes. We found that the high school level chemistry I and II introduced about 27% and 62% of the essential concepts required for the general chemistry, respectively. In a case of M university in Chonnam, about 70% of students in the general chemistry classes have no exposure to the chemistry II in their high schools, causing difficulty of understanding new subjects due to their insufficient concepts for classes. The lack of knowledge caused lowering of learning achievement and decrease of interests in chemistry.

Phenomena of Nonlinear Dynamics in Space Design (공간조형에 표현된 비선형 동력학 현상)

  • 임은영
    • Archives of design research
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    • v.15 no.4
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    • pp.379-390
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    • 2002
  • Science Revolution, which stands for new paradigm in an era as a transfer, usually is accompanied with a change in intellectual sphere. Futhermore, as there is an indissoluble connection between science and an, so the correlation of two realm lead to mutual prosperity in coexistence. Recently, concerns for the phenomena of non-linear dynamics in science and its quick adaptation in art made .it possible. What is important agenda for science and art is to suggest the process of creative evolution and its method, I believe. In order to attain these, different and contra way of thinking, spirit of research and venture for unpredictable things out of daily routine should be indispensible. In this study, I am offering and reviewing the space design based upon phenomena of nonlinear dynamics, drawn from concept of chaos in physics and mathematics. This study places a great emphasis on nonlinearity which should be understood as a whole, not partially, that enable a designer to find new cosmos and principles of creation. In addition to these, I wish that a designer would stop trying partial apply in nonlinear space. In fine, I hope this study enables a designer to adapt and generate nonlinearity as creative attribute in space by understanding of phenomena of nonlinear dynamics and its process as a whole.

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An Analysis of Novice Teachers' Pedagogical Content Knowledge in Elementary Mathematics Teaching (초등학교 수학 수업에 나타난 초임교사의 교수학적 내용 지식 분석)

  • Kim, Yu-Kyung;Pang, Jeong-Suk
    • Journal of the Korean School Mathematics Society
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    • v.15 no.1
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    • pp.27-51
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    • 2012
  • This paper analyzed the pedagogical content knowledge (PCK) presented in three novice teachers' mathematics instruction. PCK was analyzed in terms of the knowledge of mathematics content, the knowledge of students' understanding, and the knowledge of teaching methods. Teacher A executed a concept-oriented instruction with manipulative materials because she had difficulties in learning mathematics during her childhood. Teacher B attempted to implement an inquiry-centered instruction in the lesson of looking for the area of a trapezoid. Teacher C focused on the real-life connection to mathematics instruction. There were substantial differences among the teachers' PCK revealed in mathematics teaching, depending on their instructional goals. The detailed analyses of three teachers' teaching in terms of their PCK will give rise to the issues and suggestions of professional development for beginning elementary school teachers in mathematics teaching.

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