• Title/Summary/Keyword: connection of concept

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A Study on the Spatial Configuration of Type of Health Examination Center (건강검진센터의 공간유형과 구조체계에 관한 연구)

  • Song, Seung-Eon;Kim, Suk-Tae
    • Korean Institute of Interior Design Journal
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    • v.21 no.5
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    • pp.399-410
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    • 2012
  • Due to development of modern medical services and economics, people raised expectation and demand about medical services from previous disease treatment to comprehensive health care covering prevention and health care. Responses of each medical facility to these social needs and the evolution of concept of medicine rapidly occur. The health examination centers are being operated with the purpose of health examination and this trend is reflected on several aspects such as the size of the facilities, function and configuration of space in health examination centers. Thus, health examination centers consisting of various space systems appear, but this trend and interpretations are lacking. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to draw trends of system through analysis of types and its evolved space systematic analysis and establish it. Analysis targets were classified into small, medium and large groups by sizes based on number of space and a total of 12 health examination centers in four for each category were selected. As research methods, functional relationship of space was examined through analysis of type in which segmentalized type tools were applied in local units. The flow diagram was established based on direction turning point and was classified into sub-flow and main-flow in local units and the systems between local units were derived. Finally, the results of this study can be summarized as the following three results. 1) The space connection system of health examination center showed four systems such as circulation, independence, continuation, and network. 2) Local type indicators and global type indicators which were evolved more from limitation of type analysis tools in existing research were derived so that more systematic analysis could be made. 3) Network system is distributed approach system and space for each function is formed around public space.

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An Empirical Study on Nonlinear Relationship between Product Modularity and Customer Satisfaction (제품의 모듈화 전략과 고객만족의 비선형적 관계에 대한 실증적 연구)

  • Hwang, Sunil;Suh, Eung-Kyo
    • The Journal of Industrial Distribution & Business
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    • v.9 no.2
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    • pp.47-55
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    • 2018
  • Purpose - To meet the needs of various customers in an uncertain market environment, many companies use product modularization strategies. Modularization of a product means that one product consists of several components and that the type of product can be changed according to the combination of components. The greatest feature of modularity is that changes in one component do not significantly affect the physical changes in the other component to which they are connected. Modularization of products is recognized as a very important strategy to reflect increasingly complicated customer requirements to products and respond to the needs of various markets. Many studies have been made in connection with the concept of mass customer satisfaction. There are many prior studies that modularization of such products positively affects the operational performance (manufacturing cost, fast delivery, etc.) and innovation of the product. However, excessive modularization has been found to have a negative effect on this performance. However, there are very few studies on the nonlinear relationship between product modularization and customer satisfaction. Supplementing these academically insufficient parts is very necessary when considering the current market environment. Research design, data, and methodology - In order to make up for the shortcomings of academic research in Korea, this study collects data through questionnaires in electronic, auto, and defense industry. This is because these industries are using modularity of products. based on lots of previous studies and information overload theory, we made two hypothesis and verify with empirical analysis. All 108 data were used. We used the R program and SPSS program for statistical verification. Results - As a result of the study, modularization of products showed positive relationship with customer satisfaction to a certain level. However, it has been found that when the modularization is over and beyond a certain level, there is a negative relationship with customer satisfaction. Conclusions - Excessive modularization of products can have a negative impact on customer satisfaction. This result can be understood as a result of human limited rationality due to information overload. Therefore, it is important for companies to apply appropriate modularity to product design.

A Study on the Characteristics of System Furniture (시스템 가구의 특성에 관한 연구)

  • 신홍경
    • Korean Institute of Interior Design Journal
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    • no.6
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    • pp.45-52
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    • 1995
  • The presentation of the method by which the furniture and the architecture can be unified in one category, and the study and the verification on the mutual relation in the shape and the function are having been consistently made till the late twenties. The change of the social structure such as increasing the unit dwelling space with the small scale comes to need the efficiency in using space and the open dwelling space by the systematic spa-cial formation. Therefore, the understanding of the mean-ing and the characteristics of system furnitures as the design method which can meet such needs will be made here in this study. The application of the systematic consideration as the method of interior design means the formation of the firm image on the spacial environment through the mix-ture and link of the heterogeneous factors, the organic connection of each surface, the establishment of the natu-ral relation by linking the heterogeneous materials mutu-ally. and the easiness of the entire plan in the end. This study aims at analyzing and studying the typical charac-teristics by understanding the historical background and methodical principle which enabled the appearance of this kind of thought, and the adapted cases of the wood and metal material system furniture. There may be difference between the structural sub-stance and formative consideration. Transformative furni-ture which consists of the factors is the concept for the encrease of the multi purpose value by mixing the unit cabinets. One system can be separated horizontally, verti-cally, and to the drawers, and it gives us the disengage-ment from the artificial environment, since all the heights and width can be transformed as per each situa-tion of the space. The factors which can not be found in the other existing furniture are as follows. 1. disengagement from the artificial environment. 2. establishing the new productiosn trend as freed from the customers' fashion trend. 3. presenting the producing condition which leads the exact technology. 4. flexibility of the furniture which enables the reduction and enlargement in each situation.

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Awareness of the Others on Facebook: Empirical Analysis of Social Presence (페이스북에서 상대방에 대한 존재 인식: 사회적 현존감의 실증적 분석)

  • Hwang, Ha Sung
    • Journal of Internet Computing and Services
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    • v.16 no.4
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    • pp.93-99
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    • 2015
  • The purpose of this study was to explore the reasons why college students use Facebook and the ways in which they feel of social presence while using Facebook. In fact, the study aimed to specify the links between motivations for using SNS and a sense of 'being together'. The findings of this study suggest that major motivations of SNS use were social interaction, entertainment, self-presentation, and information-seeking. Specifically, results from a survey of 280 respondents revealed that college students used Facebook to seek maintenance and connection with friends, to express themselves, to get information about school activities, and to be entertained. These findings are consistent with the existing literature regarding SNS as a primary channel to maintain the existing social relationships among college students. The study also found that all motivation factors, except information-seeking factor, were positively and significantly related to social presence. The strongest correlations were between social presence and Facebook use for social interaction and entertainment needs. It seemed that users who seek social interaction and entertainment needs are more likely to feel a sense of being with others while users who seek to get information are less likely to feel a sense of social presence. These findings implied that to some extent, a sense of social presence occurs in the context of Facebook and that the experience of social presence depends on what college students seek from Facebook use. In addition, the results showed a positive relationship between Facebook use and social presence; the more college students use Facebook, the more they are likely to experience sense of social presence. Given that Facebook provides college students with a place where they can share thought and feelings among friends, it can be concluded that Facebook contributes to the sense of belonging among users. And such feeling may enhance a sense of presence with others while using Facebook. These findings suggest that uses and gratifications researchers should consider the concept of social presence as an important variable in explaining what audience members do with media.

Study on Characteristics of the Development Process of Fashion Design Thinking through the Lexicon (어휘를 통한 패션 디자인 발상 전개 과정의 특성 연구)

  • Kim, Yoon Kyoung
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Costume
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    • v.64 no.2
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    • pp.113-125
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    • 2014
  • Creative thinking requires an ability to draw ideas on the given topic in a given time period with concentration. For this, the development process of design concept on the topic was collected through experiments and interviews targeting 10 fashion education experts and 10 clothing majors. After the analysis, the results are as follows: First of all, divergent thinking was done to find as many ideas and possibilities as possible at the step of expanding the topic by analogy. This showed characteristics of spreading thoughts through the spread of lexicon to professional field knowledge of learned, individual's cultural background, other art fields. Second, abstracted and designed words that are expanded and listed by the topic analogy were specified the topic gradually through the free combination method between lexicons. The sentences made by the combination of lexicons were interpreted through the serial listing method, in which the connection between sentences had the meaning of orderly cause and effect form, and the parallel listing method that treated information at once. Third, the few characteristics of the procedure that visualizing into the specific design are as follows. Firstly, the method to transform image that lexicon has into the one appropriate to the topic, the case that reflects external characteristics of selected designed word, and the case which reflects as the extrinsic expression of personal immanent and tactic desires. This study has its means to propose methods and directions to help create more creative and systematic ideas by analyzing the characteristics that appeared during the process of thinking language-oriented design.

Innovation City and Competitiveness of Region and Nation (혁신도시와 지역 및 국가의 경쟁력)

  • Lee, Bo-Young
    • Journal of the Economic Geographical Society of Korea
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    • v.14 no.1
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    • pp.1-18
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    • 2011
  • This paper explores changing concept of city in the context of globalization with innovation city and examines the characteristics of innovation city along with regional and national competitiveness. It is agreed that construction of innovation city by relocation of public institutions for balanced development of the country has valid logic. However, there are weak possibilities of innovation within the innovation city. Further more it is not a proper solution for the level up of national and regional competitiveness through this policy. The main logic is that physical relocation of institutions do not guarantee innovation of region through integration into globalization network resulting from the scale difference between nation and globe. Rather this paper suggests that regional innovation policy should performed in accordance with regional conditions and for the better competitiveness of nation and region, decentralization of power is needed. Then a region could have connection with global pipeline based on endogenous development power.

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Environmental Design Methods Based on the Idea of Fold : The Re-Design Proposal of Do-San Park (폴드 개념을 이용한 환경설계방법 연구 - 도산공원 재설계를 사례로 -)

  • 오창송;조경진
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.30 no.2
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    • pp.50-62
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    • 2002
  • From modernism to post-modernism, the practice in the design field often reduced the complexity of environment and to remove variety. However, contemporary ideas of space have been changed. The current thought premise is that the environment is mutable and is evolving according to inner and outer forces and elements. Therefore, leading designers recognize that the environment is complex in itself while anticipating a new theory explaining on-going trends. The idea of fold formulated by Gilles Deleuze can provide a theoretical base for new environmental design in constrat to current design practices. The fold is a hybrid by accommodating complex relations within an object. It carries a dynamic world view through continual process and yields a topological space against absolute space like Euclid geometry. The characteristics of the fold can be paraphrased as rhizome, stratification and smooth space. Rhizome forms a non-hierarchial connection like networking in internet space. Stratification is a kind of superimposition of autonomous potential layers within a single object. Smooth space is a free space and event oriented space keeping non-linear form. This study tried to incorporate the idea of fold to environmental design methods and design process in order to make space which can correspond with complex environment and topological form. In the design process adapted to fold theory, rhizome analysis accepts the complexity of environment and stratification strategy embraces the possibility of accidental use. As a result, the designed park carries a monadic image and produces an ambiguous space. Lastly, smooth space makes topological space unlike Euclid geometry and is free space comosed by the user themselves. Transporting the idea of fold into environmental design could be an alterative way for indeterminate and flexible design to accept new identity of place. Therefore, this study accepts the concept of incidental morphogenesis to make space based on the complexity of environment. The designed space based on the idea of fold searches to create free event space determined by user rather than designated by designer.

An Analysis of the Characteristics of Fashion Design as Intelligent Wear (인텔리전트 웨어로서 패션디자인의 특성 분석)

  • Jun, Hye-Jung;Ha, Ji-Soo
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Costume
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    • v.59 no.2
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    • pp.70-86
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    • 2009
  • Today, digital technology is extending its influence to fashion design, which is closely related to people's lifestyle. In order for people to access information all the time, every place, people have to wear these devices all the time, every place. Intelligent wear allows people to communicate with their own body, other persons or surrounding real-time. The purposes of this study are to define 'Intelligent wear' by looking through the similar terms of intelligent wear on related fields, to analyze characteristics of intelligent wear and to provide not only theoretical data but also, practical data far product development on both functional and aesthetic sides. In this study, usefulness provided by intelligent wear were identified in the concept of instrumental & expressive function. For the aim of the study, literature and case study were considered at the same time. The conclusions are as the following. The characteristics of intelligent materials were found to be information, intelligence and protection, the characteristics of intelligent manufacture were combination and virtual reality. And The characteristics of intelligent products were multi-function, transformation, camouflage. Integration of operability function extends human ability and the area of human activity, entertainment, and communication, and provides convenience. Consequently, development of intelligent wear should promote through not only computer engineering but also, connection to other fields. Most of all, there is a need for active research in clothing design and the fashion design since intelligent wear is after all, clothing.

Unified equivalent frame method for post-tensioned flat plate slab structures

  • Choi, Seung-Ho;Lee, Deuck Hang;Oh, Jae-Yuel;Kim, Kang Su;Lee, Jae-Yeon;Lee, Kang Seok
    • Computers and Concrete
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    • v.20 no.6
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    • pp.663-670
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    • 2017
  • The post-tensioned (PT) flat plate slab system is commonly used in practice, and this simple and fast construction method is also considered to be a very efficient method because it can provide excellent deflection and crack control performance under a service load condition and consequently can be advantageous when applying to long-span structures. However, a detailed design guideline for evaluating the lateral behavior of the PT flat plate slab system is not available in current design codes. Thus, typical design methods used for conventional reinforced concrete (RC) flat plate slab structures have inevitably been adopted in practice for the lateral load design of PT flat plate structures. In the authors' previous studies, the unified equivalent frame method (UEFM) was proposed, which considers the combined effect of gravity and lateral loads for the lateral behavior analysis of RC flat plate slab structures. The aim of this study is to extend the concept of the UEFM to the lateral analysis of PT flat plate slab structures. In addition, the stiffness reduction factors of torsional members on interior and exterior equivalent frames were newly introduced considering the effect of post-tensioning. Test results of various PT flat plate slab-column connection specimens were collected from literature, and compared to the analysis results estimated by the extended UEFM.

Understanding the Water Cycle Process and Composition Elements of High School Students (고등학생들의 물 순환 과정과 구성 요소에 대한 이해)

  • Lee, Dong-Eun;Jeong, Jin-Woo;Kim, Yun-Ji
    • Journal of The Korean Association For Science Education
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    • v.28 no.1
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    • pp.24-31
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    • 2008
  • This study aims at examining the concepts that apply in understanding the water cycle, to inquire into the concept related to the unit of earth structure that are taught in the Earth Science I. Analysis of word association, drawing and questionnaires showed that it was difficult for them to understand the water cycle within the earth system, and to put components into one integrated system together. In other words, it showed that they have a low standard of understanding in connection with the water cycle, that their understanding of water cycle are simple thoughts rather than systematic thought. It showed that they had an understanding of the atmosphere and hydrosphere to some extent, but they took no notice of the effect of the lithosphere or biosphere, nor do they have an understanding of its effect. Analysis of questionnaires showed that they have no well understanding of water cycle of cyclic nature, and that they have low standard of understanding of the components of water cycle.