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Predicting concrete's compressive strength through three hybrid swarm intelligent methods

  • Zhang Chengquan;Hamidreza Aghajanirefah;Kseniya I. Zykova;Hossein Moayedi;Binh Nguyen Le
    • Computers and Concrete
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    • v.32 no.2
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    • pp.149-163
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    • 2023
  • One of the main design parameters traditionally utilized in projects of geotechnical engineering is the uniaxial compressive strength. The present paper employed three artificial intelligence methods, i.e., the stochastic fractal search (SFS), the multi-verse optimization (MVO), and the vortex search algorithm (VSA), in order to determine the compressive strength of concrete (CSC). For the same reason, 1030 concrete specimens were subjected to compressive strength tests. According to the obtained laboratory results, the fly ash, cement, water, slag, coarse aggregates, fine aggregates, and SP were subjected to tests as the input parameters of the model in order to decide the optimum input configuration for the estimation of the compressive strength. The performance was evaluated by employing three criteria, i.e., the root mean square error (RMSE), mean absolute error (MAE), and the determination coefficient (R2). The evaluation of the error criteria and the determination coefficient obtained from the above three techniques indicates that the SFS-MLP technique outperformed the MVO-MLP and VSA-MLP methods. The developed artificial neural network models exhibit higher amounts of errors and lower correlation coefficients in comparison with other models. Nonetheless, the use of the stochastic fractal search algorithm has resulted in considerable enhancement in precision and accuracy of the evaluations conducted through the artificial neural network and has enhanced its performance. According to the results, the utilized SFS-MLP technique showed a better performance in the estimation of the compressive strength of concrete (R2=0.99932 and 0.99942, and RMSE=0.32611 and 0.24922). The novelty of our study is the use of a large dataset composed of 1030 entries and optimization of the learning scheme of the neural prediction model via a data distribution of a 20:80 testing-to-training ratio.

Determination of the Initial Tendon Force using Rating Factor Equation in Composite Girders Strengthened with External Tendons (외부 긴장재로 보강된 강합성보의 내하율 산정식을 이용한 초기 긴장력 결정)

  • Choi, Dong Ho;Chung, Sang Hwan;Yoo, Dong Min
    • Journal of Korean Society of Steel Construction
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    • v.17 no.5 s.78
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    • pp.527-536
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    • 2005
  • A method of reinforcement using external tendons has been found to be one of the effective techniques of reinforcement and its application is increasing. In this paper, the method to calculate the initial tendon force is proposed for the improvement of load-carrying capacity in existing steel-concrete composite bridges. An equation for the increment of tendon force was derived for tendon configurations and live load types, and the effect of reinforcement in a composite beam was numerically studied. The method to calculate the number of tendon and initial tendon force was presented by proposing the new method to calculate the rating factor, which considers the increment of tendon force. The method was shown to be effective for an existing steel-concrete bridge.

An Investigation of the Use of Hierarchical Elements for Incompressible Flow Computations (비압축성 유동계산을 위한 계층 요소 사용의 검토)

  • Kim, Jin-Hwan;Jeong, Chang-Ryul
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers B
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    • v.26 no.9
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    • pp.1209-1217
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    • 2002
  • The use of a two dimensional hierarchical elements are investigated for the incompressible flow computation. The construction of hierarchical elements are explained by both a geometric configuration and a determination of degrees of freedom. Also a systematic treatment of essential boundary values has been developed for the degrees of freedom corresponding to higher order terms. The numerical study for the poisson problem shows that the computation with hierarchical higher order elements can increase the convergence rate and accuracy of finite element solutions in more efficient manner than the use of standard first order element. for Stokes and Cavity flow cases, a mixed version of penalty function approach has been introduced in connection with the hierarchical elements. Solutions from hierarchical elements showed better resolutions with consistent trends in both mesh shapes and the order of elements.

New Compounds from Euphorbia helioscopia and Absolute Configuration Determination by Computational Methods

  • He, Jiang-Bo;Zhu, Hua-Jie;Luo, Gui-Fen;Liu, Guang-Ming;Chen, Hao;Li, Yan;Chen, Shaopeng;Lu, Xin;Zhou, Guochun;Cheng, Yong-Xian
    • Bulletin of the Korean Chemical Society
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    • v.31 no.8
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    • pp.2211-2214
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    • 2010
  • The whole plant of Euphorbia helioscopia is an important traditional Chinese medicine. Fom its BuOH soluble extract, one new lactam (1), three new terpenoids (2-4) including a new naturally occurring compound, and three known compounds were isolated. Their structures were identified by spectroscopic evidences. In particular, the absolute configurations of side chain of compounds 1 and 2 were determined using computational methods.

Non-linear rheology of tension structural element under single and variable loading history Part II: Creep of steel rope - examples and parametrical study

  • Kmet, S.;Holickova, L.
    • Structural Engineering and Mechanics
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    • v.18 no.5
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    • pp.591-607
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    • 2004
  • The substance of the use of the derived non-linear creep constitutive equations under variable stress levels (see first part of the paper, Kmet 2004) is explained and the strategy of their application is outlined using the results of one-step creep tests of the steel spiral strand rope as an example. In order to investigate the creep strain increments of cables an experimental set-up was originally designed and a series of tests were carried out. Attention is turned to the individual main steps in the production and application procedure, i.e., to the one-step creep tests, definition of loading history, determination of the kernel functions, selection and definition of constitutive equation and to the comparison of the resulting values considering the product and the additive forms of the approximation of the kernel functions. To this purpose, the parametrical study is performed and the results are presented. The constitutive equations of non-linear creep of cable under variable stress history offer a strong tool for the real simulation of stochastic variable load history and prediction of realistic time-dependent response (current deflection and stress configuration) of structures with cable elements. By means of suitable stress combination and its gradual repeating various loads and times effects can be modelled.

Process Sequence Design in Cold Forged Part of Hub (허브 냉간단조품의 공정설계)

  • Go, Dae-Cheol;Kim, Byeong-Min;O, Se-Uk
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers A
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    • v.20 no.11
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    • pp.3387-3397
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    • 1996
  • The Hub is an auto mobile component used as aircon clutch. The important aspects in cold forging of the Hub with complex geometry are the design of an initial shape of the workpiece, the possibility of the forming by one-stage operation and the determination of number of performs, etc. Based on the systematic procedure of process sequence design, in this paper, the forming operation of cold forged part of the Hub is designed by the rigid-plastic finite element method. The two design criterion of geometrical filling without defect and an even distribution of effective strain in final product are investigated in controlling the initial shape of the workpiece and preform configuration. It is noted that one preforming operation is required in order to obtain final product of the Hub.

Determination of CTOD & CTOA Curve for Structural Steel Hot-Rolled Thin Plates (일반 구조용강 열간압연 박판에 대한 CTOD와 CTOA 곡선 결정)

  • 이계승;이억섭
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Precision Engineering Conference
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    • 2003.06a
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    • pp.729-732
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    • 2003
  • The K-R design curve is an engineering method of linear-elastic fracture analysis under plane-stress loading conditions. By the way, linear-elastic fracture mechanics (LEFM) is valid only as long as nonlinear material deformation is confined to a small region surrounding the crack tip. Like general steels, it is virtually impossible to characterize the fracture behavior with LEFM, in many materials. Critical values of J contour integral or crack tip opening displacement (CTOD) give nearly size independent measures of fracture toughness, even for relatively large amounts of crack tip plasticity. Furthermore, the crack tip opening displacement is the only parameter that can be directly measured in the fracture test. On the other. the crack tip opening angle (CTOA) test is similar to CTOD experimentally. Moreover, the test is easier to measure the fracture toughness than other method. The shape of the CTOA curve depends on material fracture behavior and, on the opening configuration of the cracked structure. CTOA parameter describes crack tip conditions in elastic-plastic materials, and it can be used as a fracture criterion effectively. In this paper, CTOA test is performed for steel JS-SS400 hot-rolled thin plates under plane-stress loading conditions. Special experimental apparatuses are used to prevent specimens from buckling and to measure crack tip opening angle for thin compact tension (CT) specimens.

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Algorithm of solving the problem of small elastoplastic deformation of fiber composites by FEM

  • Polatov, Askhad M.;Khaldjigitov, Abduvali A.;Ikramov, Akhmat M.
    • Advances in Computational Design
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    • v.5 no.3
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    • pp.305-321
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    • 2020
  • In this paper is presented the solution method for three-dimensional problem of transversely isotropic body's elastoplastic deformation by the finite element method (FEM). The process of problem solution consists of: determining the effective parameters of a transversely isotropic medium; construction of the finite element mesh of the body configuration, including the determination of the local minimum value of the tape width of non-zero coefficients of equation systems by using of front method; constructing of the stiffness matrix coefficients and load vector node components of the equation for an individual finite element's state according to the theory of small elastoplastic deformations for a transversely isotropic medium; the formation of a resolving symmetric-tape system of equations by summing of all state equations coefficients summing of all finite elements; solution of the system of symmetric-tape equations systems by means of the square root method; calculation of the body's elastoplastic stress-strain state by performing the iterative process of the initial stress method. For each problem solution stage, effective computational algorithms have been developed that reduce computational operations number by modifying existing solution methods and taking into account the matrix coefficients structure. As an example it is given, the problem solution of fibrous composite straining in the form of a rectangle with a system of circular holes.

Determination of K-R Curve for Steel Structure Hot-Rolled Thin Plates (일반구조용강 열간압연 박판에 대한 K-R 곡선 결정)

  • Lee, Eok-Seop;Lee, Gye-Seung;Baek, Jun-Ho;Pyeon, Jang-Sik
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Precision Engineering
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    • v.19 no.9
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    • pp.98-105
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    • 2002
  • Some materials exhibit a rising K-R curve, while the K-R curve for other materials is flat. The shape of the K-R curve depends on material behavior and, to a lesser extent, on the configuration of the cracked structure. The K-R curve for an ideally brittle material is flat because the surface energy is an invariant material property. However, the K-R curve can take on a variety of shapes when nonlinear material behavior accompanies fracture. Five different hot-rolled thin plates are tested to investigate K-R curve behavior. A special experimental apparatus is used to prevent specimens from buckling.

Unambiguous Identification of Fugitive Pollutants and Determination of Annual Emission Flux as Diurnal Monitoring Mode

  • Chang, Shih-Yi;Tso, Tai-Ly;Lo, Jiunn-Gung;Huang, Jer-Luen;Lin, Cheng Ming
    • Analytical Science and Technology
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    • v.8 no.4
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    • pp.731-738
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    • 1995
  • Toxic air pollutants are investigated in a petrochemical industrial park in Taiwan by using a movable open path FTIR. The results show the qualitative and quantitative analysis of emission gases from plants, and also provide the emission rate of different compounds. More than twenty compounds under usual operation are found from this industrial park. The concentration variation with time can be correlated exactly with wind direction. It means that by changing the measuring points, the source of emission can be unambiguously identified. An EPA proved PAL model is applied to estimate the emission rate of either a point or an area source. Local atmospheric stability is determined by releasing the SF6 tracer. The origins of errors come mainly from the uncertainty of source's configuration and the variation of meteorological condition. Through the continuous measurement (half an hour base in this study) of OP-FTIR sensor, the maximum value of emission rate and the annual amount of emission can be derived. The emission rate of the measured toxic gases are derived by the model technique and the results show that the emission amount are in the order of ten to hundred tons per year.

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