• Title/Summary/Keyword: configuration determination

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Numerical investigation of glass windows under near-field blast

  • Chiara Bedon;Damijan Markovic;Vasilis Karlos;Martin Larcher
    • Coupled systems mechanics
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    • v.12 no.2
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    • pp.167-181
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    • 2023
  • The determination of the blast protection level and the corresponding minimum load-bearing capacity for a laminated glass (LG) window is of crucial importance for safety and security design purposes. In this paper, the focus is given to the window response under near-field blast loading, i.e., where relatively small explosives would be activated close to the target, representative of attack scenarios using small commercial drones. In general, the assessment of the load-bearing capacity of a window is based on complex and expensive experiments, which can be conducted for a small number of configurations. On the other hand, nowadays, validated numerical simulations tools based on the Finite Element Method (FEM) are available to partially substitute the physical tests for the assessment of the performance of various LG systems, especially for the far-field blast loading. However, very little literature is available on the LG window performance under near-field blast loads, which differs from far-field situations in two points: i) the duration of the load is very short, since the blast wavelength tends to increase with the distance and ii) the load distribution is not uniform over the window surface, as opposed to the almost plane wave configuration for far-field configurations. Therefore, the current study focuses on the performance assessment and structural behaviour of LG windows under near-field blasts. Typical behavioural trends are investigated, by taking into account possible relevant damage mechanisms in the LG window components, while size effects for target LG windows are also addressed under a multitude of blast loading configurations.

Effect of Adhesion on a Beam with Surface Effects Interacting with an Elastic Foundation

  • Kyeong min Kim;Ilkwang Jang;Yong Hoon Jang
    • Tribology and Lubricants
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    • v.40 no.6
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    • pp.251-258
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    • 2024
  • This study investigates the contact behavior of a long beam interacting with an elastic foundation under the influence of surface effects and adhesion forces. Using the Bernoulli-Euler beam theory and energy-based analysis, the research examines how surface residual stress and adhesion energy affect the beam's deformation and contact interaction. The analysis involves deriving governing equations for the beam's deflection in contact and separation regions, while the equilibrium configuration is determined by minimizing the total potential energy. This energy includes elastic strain, interface effects, and external work, enabling the determination of the beam's separation length and deformation profile. The results indicate that surface residual stress significantly reduces the sensitivity of the separation length to lifting forces due to increased stiffness at the contact interface. Conversely, when adhesion forces dominate, the separation length becomes more responsive to lifting forces. These contrasting effects underscore the interplay between surface stress and adhesion in determining the mechanical response of the beam. The findings contribute to a deeper understanding of microscale contact mechanics and provide essential insights for the design and optimization of MEMS and NEMS devices, where surface and adhesive forces critically influence performance.

Implementation of a Kinematic Network-Based Single-Frequency GPS Measurement Model and Its Simulation Tests for Precise Positioning and Attitude Determination of Surveying Vessel (동적네트워크 기반 단일주파수 GPS 관측데이터 모델링을 통한 측량선의 정밀측위 및 자세각결정 알고리즘 구현과 수치실험에 의한 성능분석)

  • Hungkyu, Lee;Siwan, Lyu
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.33 no.2
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    • pp.131-142
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    • 2015
  • In order to support the development of a cost-effective river bathymetric system, this research has focused on modeling GPS observables, which are obtained by array of five single-frequency receivers (i.e., two references and three rovers) to estimate the high accurate kinematic position, and the surveying vessel altitude. Also, by applying all GPS measurements as multiple-baselines with constraining rover baselines, we derived the socalled ‘kinematic network model.’ From the model, the integer-constrained least-squares (LS) for position estimation and the implicit LS for attitude determination were implemented, while a series of simulation tests with respect to the baseline lengths around 2km performed to demonstrate its accuracy analysis. The on-the-fly (OTF) ambiguity resolution tests revealed that ninety-nine percents of time-to-fix-first ambiguity (TTFF) can be decided in less than two seconds, when the positioning accuracy of ambiguity-fixed solutions was assessed as the greater than or equal to one and two centimeters in horizontal and vertical, respectively. Comparing to the GPS-derived attitudes, the achievable accuracy gradually descended in sequence of yaw, pitch and roll due to the antenna geometric configuration. Furthermore, the RMSE values for the baseline lengths of three to six meters were within ±1′for yaw, and less than ±10′and ±20′for pitch and roll, respectively, but those of between six to fifteen meters were less than ±1′for yaw, ±5′for pitch, and ±10′for roll.

Study on Design Method of Tunnel-type Ammunition Storage Chamber (터널형 탄약고의 격실 설계 방법에 대한 연구)

  • Park, Sangwoo;Baek, Jangwoon;Park, Young-Jun
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Building Construction
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    • v.20 no.3
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    • pp.279-287
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    • 2020
  • Recently, the demand for underground-type ammunition storage facilities has increased. Comparing with a ground-type ammunition storage facility, the underground-type ammunition storage facility can decrease the standard of safety distance because fragment and blast wave can be locked in the rock formation. However, the absence of a design method on the underground-type ammunition storage chamber became a major setback for the construction promotion. In this study, the process for designing an overall configuration of the underground-type ammunition storage facility was provided. First, the determination method for configuration and number of the chamber was developed by performing the ammunition storage simulation. Then, a tunnel (i.e., transfer channel for vehicles) and designed chambers can be arranged on the basis of safety distance standard. The safety distance standard also should be considered for determining the location and the size of entrances because of the blast wave and fragment effect at the entrances when an explosion is generated inside a chamber. In addition, considerations on the design for the waterproof and the drainage of subsurface water were analyzed through construction cases. Finally, an example of designing underground-type ammunition storage chambers was provided in order to verify the developed design process.

10Gb/s CMOS Transimpedance Amplifier Designs for Optical Communications (광통신용 10Gb/s CMOS 전치증폭기 설계)

  • Sim, Su-Jeong;Park, Sung-Min
    • Journal of the Institute of Electronics Engineers of Korea SD
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    • v.43 no.10 s.352
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    • pp.1-9
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    • 2006
  • In this paper, a couple of 10Gb/s transimpedance amplifiers are realized in a 0.18um standard CMOS technology for optical communication applications. First, the voltage-mode inverter TIA(I-TIA) exploits inverter input configuration to achieve larger effective gm, thus reducing the input impedance and increasing the bandwidth. I-TIA demonstrates 56dBΩ transimpedance gain, 14GHz bandwidth for 0.25pF photodiode capacitance, and -16.5dBm optical sensitivity for 0.5A/W responsivity, 9dB extinction ration and 1012 BER. However, both its inherent parasitic capacitance and the package parasitics deteriorate the bandwidth significantly, thus mandating very judicious circuit design. Meanwhile, the current-mode RGC TIA incorporates the regulated cascade input configuration, and thus isolates the large input parasitic capacitance from the bandwidth determination more effectively than the voltage-mode TIA. Also, the parasitic components give much less impact on its bandwidth. RGC TIA provides 60dBΩ transimpedance gain, 10GHz bandwidth for 0.25pF photodiode capacitance, and -15.7dBm optical sensitivity for 0.5A/W responsivity, 9dB extinction ration and 1012 BER. Main drawback is the power dissipation which is 4.5 times larger than the I-TIA.

Determination of Planimetric Control Coordinates by Repetative Free Network Adjustments (반복자유망조정에 의한 평면기준점좌표의 결정)

  • Yeu, Bock-Mo;Kwon, Hyun;Pyo, Myung-Young
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.13 no.1
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    • pp.107-113
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    • 1995
  • Generally, the objectives of the geodetic network adjustments are for solving the configuration of geodetic net-works and the problem of observation plans. In this study, assuming that the configuration is fixed, for improving the accuracy of geodetic networks, we focus on choosing adjustment control points and adjustment methods. By choosing adjustment control points and adjustment methods, the adjustment result accuracy of national geodetic networks can be different. So, in this study, we introduce the algorithm that use free network adjustment concept to minimize the displacements of new station points but fixing existing control points. Then, us-ing adjustment results, we can check the errors of existing control points. After checking the errors of existing control point, in case of severe error points in existing control points, we change those points into unknown station points and repeat the algorithm to optimize the coordinates of new station points. As applying this algorithm to simulation network, we can check the errors of existing control points. And changing severe error points into unknown station points, we can decrease the errors of network and optimize the coordinates of new station points. From the results of simulation network adjustment, we think that, as applying this algorithms to sequential adjustment of geodetic network and public surveying that using national geodetic network, the accuracy of network adjustments can be improved.

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Determination of Base Capacity Values for Short-Term Freeway Work Zone (고속도로 단기공사구간 기본용량 결정에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Sang Gu;Hong, Gil Seong
    • Journal of Korean Society of Transportation
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    • v.31 no.1
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    • pp.37-46
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    • 2013
  • Lane closure in freeway work zone due to maintenance and repair of freeway facilities results in abrupt change of traffic flow. Sudden change of traffic flow results strong interactions among vehicles, and reduces capacity compared to the ordinary traffic condition. Such capacity reduction is likely to cause congestion, traffic queues, and economic loss cost. This study aims to determine the base capacity for a short-term freeway work zone that can be used to establish a work zone schedule in advance without any traffic impact. First, the research collected detector data and schedule data of road works on all freeways in Korea. Second, the research determined 23 study sites finding the capacity values of work zone after matching two kinds of data. All study sites had varying characteristics regarding traffic flow being adjacent to work zone during road works. The capacity values were reviewed in terms of lane closure configuration, the types of work, and design speed. Finally, research proposed capacity values for a short-term freeway work zone with the design speeds of 100 kph, 120 kph and 1,700 pcphpl, 1,750 pcphpl, respectively.

A Study on the Composition of HonJeon(魂殿) space (조선시대 혼전(魂殿)공간의 구성에 관한 연구)

  • Hong, Eun Ki;Kim, Sang Tae;Chang, Hun Duck
    • Korean Journal of Heritage: History & Science
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    • v.45 no.4
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    • pp.74-91
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    • 2012
  • This study puts its focus on Honjeon space which relatively small number of precedent studies chose as a subject of a study. The objective is to analyze Honjeon space's spatial relationship and palaces that consist Honjeon through analysis of spatial configuration and elements that affected construction of Honjeon space. The Royal Funeral, among other ceremonies of Joseon Dysnasty, carries religious characteristic along with functional and structural characteristics. By analyzing "National Five Rites", "Uigwe for the State Funeral 魂殿都監儀軌", and "Annals of Joseon Dynasty", the study organized elementary details about Honjeon space and surrounding spaces to determine the symbolism of Honjeon space's location at each palace and compared them to see if any systematical features existed between Honjeon spaces of each palace. Through this study, it was apparent the king mainly used Jaseongdang Hall of Gyeongbokgung in the early period of Joseon Dynasty and he mainly used Sunjeongjun of Changdeokgung while the queen used Munjeongjun of Changgyeonggung as the time reached the later period of Joseon Dynasty. Also in determination of Honjeon space, the study found that there were records of avoiding Pyeonjeon space in need for political space. The study also determined that places other than Pyeonjeon space was intended to be used for Honjeon space through the analysis which indicates that spaces that were initially used as Pyeonjun in the early Joseon Dynasty and simultaneously as Honjeon space were moved due to changes made in terms of theirs usages. Through the study, it could be also known that primary spaces of Honjeon was composed accordingly to "National Five Rites" and constant pattern of spaces existed among buildings near Honjeon which were arranged according to each palace's characteristic.

QRAS-based Algorithm for Omnidirectional Sound Source Determination Without Blind Spots (사각영역이 없는 전방향 음원인식을 위한 QRAS 기반의 알고리즘)

  • Kim, Youngeon;Park, Gooman
    • Journal of Broadcast Engineering
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    • v.27 no.1
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    • pp.91-103
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    • 2022
  • Determination of sound source characteristics such as: sound volume, direction and distance to the source is one of the important techniques for unmanned systems like autonomous vehicles, robot systems and AI speakers. There are multiple methods of determining the direction and distance to the sound source, e.g., using a radar, a rider, an ultrasonic wave and a RF signal with a sound. These methods require the transmission of signals and cannot accurately identify sound sources generated in the obstructed region due to obstacles. In this paper, we have implemented and evaluated a method of detecting and identifying the sound in the audible frequency band by a method of recognizing the volume, direction, and distance to the sound source that is generated in the periphery including the invisible region. A cross-shaped based sound source recognition algorithm, which is mainly used for identifying a sound source, can measure the volume and locate the direction of the sound source, but the method has a problem with "blind spots". In addition, a serious limitation for this type of algorithm is lack of capability to determine the distance to the sound source. In order to overcome the limitations of this existing method, we propose a QRAS-based algorithm that uses rectangular-shaped technology. This method can determine the volume, direction, and distance to the sound source, which is an improvement over the cross-shaped based algorithm. The QRAS-based algorithm for the OSSD uses 6 AITDs derived from four microphones which are deployed in a rectangular-shaped configuration. The QRAS-based algorithm can solve existing problems of the cross-shaped based algorithms like blind spots, and it can determine the distance to the sound source. Experiments have demonstrated that the proposed QRAS-based algorithm for OSSD can reliably determine sound volume along with direction and distance to the sound source, which avoiding blind spots.

Operation of Brushless DC Motor without a Rotor Magnet Position Sensor (회전자극 위치센서 없는 Brushless DC전동기의 운전에 관한 연구)

  • 서석훈;엄우용
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Telematics and Electronics T
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    • v.36T no.3
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    • pp.50-55
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    • 1999
  • Brushless DC Motor(BLDCM) has high efficiency. But this type of motor needs a rotor sensor which complicates the motor configuration. Rotor position sensor degrades system reliability in the severe environmental condition. In this paper, we study a controller which permits the determination of the rotor position by the back EMF to eliminate the rotor position sensor Also, since the back EMF is zero at standstill, a starting technique which permits the starting of an asynchronous motor without a sensor is described. The controller is implemented using microcontroller for minimal external component.

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