• Title/Summary/Keyword: configuration determination

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A Mobile Object Tracking Scheme by Wired/wireless Integrated Street Lights with RFID

  • Cha, Mang Kyu;Kim, Jung Ok;Lee, Won Hee;Yu, Ki Yun
    • Journal of Korean Society for Geospatial Information Science
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    • v.24 no.2
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    • pp.25-35
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    • 2016
  • Since a sophisticated location determination technology (LDT) is necessary for accurate positioning in urban area environments, numerous studies related to the LDT using the RFID (Radio Frequency IDentification) technology have been implemented for real-time positioning and data transferring. However, there are still lots of unsolved questions especially regarding what to use as base stations and what are corresponding results under the intrinsic complexity of alignment and configuration of components used for the RFID positioning. This study proposes the street light fixtures as base stations where the RFID receivers will be embedded for the mobile tracking scheme. As street light fixtures are usually installed at a certain distance interval, they can be used as base stations for the RFID receiver installation. Using the principle of the single row triangle network, the RFID receiver organization is determined based on the experiments such as recognition distance measurement and tag position accuracy estimation at inside and outside of the single row triangle network. The results verify that the mobile tracking scheme which uses RFID-embedded street light fixtures, suggested and configured in this study, is effective for the real-time outdoor positioning.

The Optical Characteristics of the Soft X-Ray Telescope Aboard Yohkoh : The On- and Off-Axis Point Spread Function

  • Shin, Junho;Sakurai, Takashi
    • The Bulletin of The Korean Astronomical Society
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    • v.38 no.1
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    • pp.64.1-64.1
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    • 2013
  • The point spread function (PSF) of an optical system is in general defined as a two-dimensional intensity distribution which results from a single point source at infinity. It is an important key for the evaluation of the optical performance of an astronomical telescope. The PSFs of the soft X-ray telescope (SXT) aboard Yohkoh were measured in a wide range of the field-of-view under the in-flight configuration at White Sands Missile Range prior to launching the satellite. It has been known that the SXT PSF has a sharp peak at the core and the intensity drops very fast as it goes distant from the center. Due to the combination of this sharp peak at the PSF core and the effect of undersampling by a large pixel size, a carefully designed method is requested in the examination of the PSF data. The pattern of the SXT PSF is determined by the fitting of a mathematical functional form to the pre-launch experimental data. The elliptical Moffat function has been adopted for the evaluation of the SXT PSF. It is revealed from our study that the SXT PSF shows a peculiar characteristics, and thus a careful consideration on the undersampling effect and also a proper choice of statistics are necessary for the determination of the best fit function of the PSF. Details on the on- and off-axis SXT PSF in the field-of-view will be introduced and discussed in our presentation.

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Analysis of Flavor Composition of Coriander Seeds by Headspace Mulberry Paper Bag Micro-Solid Phase Extraction

  • Cha, Eun-Ju;Won, Mi-Mi;Lee, Dong-Sun
    • Bulletin of the Korean Chemical Society
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    • v.30 no.11
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    • pp.2675-2679
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    • 2009
  • This paper reports the example of headspace mulberry paper bag micro solid phase extraction (HS-MPB-μ-SPE) as a new sampling method for the determination of volatile flavor composition of coriander seeds. Adsorption efficiencies between two configurations of mulberry paper bag were compared, and several parameters affecting the HS-MPB-μ-SPE were investigated and optimized. The optimized technique uses an adsorbent (Tenax TA, 0.1 mg) contained in a mulberry paper bag of front configuration where fine surface was outside, and minimal amount of organic solvent (0.6 mL). Linalool and γ-terpinene were found as abundant flavor compounds from coriander seeds. The limit of detection (LOD) and the limit of quantitation (LOQ) for linalool of major flavor in coriander seeds were 10.3 ng/mL and 34.4 ng/mL, respectively. The proposed method showed good reproducibility and good recovery. The HS-MPB-μ-SPE is very simple to use, inexpensive, requires small sample amounts and solvent consumption. Because the solvent for extraction is reduced to only a very small volume, there is minimal waste or exposure to toxic organic solvent and no further concentration step.

A Comparison of the Form-Finding Method of Tensegrity Structures (텐세그리티 구조물의 형상탐색 기법 비교)

  • Lee, Seunghye;Lee, Jaehong
    • Journal of the Computational Structural Engineering Institute of Korea
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    • v.27 no.4
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    • pp.313-320
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    • 2014
  • A tensegrity structure consists of a set of continuous cables in tension and a set of discontinuous struts in compression. The tensegrity structure can be classified into self-stressed and pre-stressed pin-jointed structure. A key step in the design of tensegrity structures is the determination of their equilibrium configuration, known as form-finding. In this paper, three effective methods are presented for form-finding of tensegrity structures. After performing form-finding process, a set of force density and corresponding topology results can be obtained. Then the force density method combined with a genetic algorithm is adopted to uniquely define a single integral feasible set of force densities. Numerical examples are presented that demonstrate the excellent performance of the algorithms.

First Studies for the Development of Computational Tools for the Design of Liquid Metal Electromagnetic Pumps

  • Maidana, Carlos O.;Nieminen, Juha E.
    • Nuclear Engineering and Technology
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    • v.49 no.1
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    • pp.82-91
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    • 2017
  • Liquid alloy systems have a high degree of thermal conductivity, far superior to ordinary nonmetallic liquids and inherent high densities and electrical conductivities. This results in the use of these materials for specific heat conducting and dissipation applications for the nuclear and space sectors. Uniquely, they can be used to conduct heat and electricity between nonmetallic and metallic surfaces. The motion of liquid metals in strong magnetic fields generally induces electric currents, which, while interacting with the magnetic field, produce electromagnetic forces. Electromagnetic pumps exploit the fact that liquid metals are conducting fluids capable of carrying currents, which is a source of electromagnetic fields useful for pumping and diagnostics. The coupling between the electromagnetics and thermo-fluid mechanical phenomena and the determination of its geometry and electrical configuration, gives rise to complex engineering magnetohydrodynamics problems. The development of tools to model, characterize, design, and build liquid metal thermomagnetic systems for space, nuclear, and industrial applications are of primordial importance and represent a cross-cutting technology that can provide unique design and development capabilities as well as a better understanding of the physics behind the magneto-hydrodynamics of liquid metals. First studies for the development of computational tools for the design of liquid metal electromagnetic pumps are discussed.

Direct Geo-referencing for Laser Mapping System

  • Kim, Seong-Baek;Lee, Seung-yong;Kim, Min-Soo
    • Proceedings of the KSRS Conference
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    • 2002.10a
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    • pp.423-427
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    • 2002
  • Contrary to the traditional text-based information, 4S(GIS,GNSS,SIIS,ITS) information can contribute to the citizen's welfare in upcoming era. Recently, GSIS(Geo-Spatial Information System) has been applied and stressed out in various fields. As analyzed the data from GSIS arena, the position information of objects and targets is crucial and critical. Therefore, several methods of getting and knowing position are proposed and developed. From this perspective, Position collection and processing are the heart of 4S technology. We develop 4S-Van that enables real-time acquisition of position and attribute information and accurate image data in remote site. In this study, the configuration of 4S-Van equipped with GPS, INS, CCD and eye-safe laser scanner is shown and the merits of DGPS/INS integration approach for geo-referencing is briefly discussed. The algorithm of DGPS/INS integration fur determination of six parameters of motion is eccential in the 4S-Van to avoid or simplify the complicated computation such as photogrammetric triangulation. 4S-Van has the application of Laser-Mobile Mapping System for three-dimensional data acquisition that merges the texture information from CCD camera. The technique is also applied in the fields of virtual reality, car navigation, computer games, planning and management, city transportation, mobile communication, etc.

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Applicability of the Krško nuclear power plant core Monte Carlo model for the determination of the neutron source term

  • Goricanec, Tanja;Stancar, Ziga;Kotnik, Domen;Snoj, Luka;Kromar, Marjan
    • Nuclear Engineering and Technology
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    • v.53 no.11
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    • pp.3528-3542
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    • 2021
  • A detailed geometrical model of a Krško reactor core was developed using a Monte Carlo neutron transport code MCNP. The main goal of developing an MCNP core model is for it to be used in future research focused on ex-core calculations. A script called McCord was developed to generate MCNP input for an arbitrary fuel cycle configuration from the diffusion based core design package CORD-2, taking advantage of already available material and temperature data obtained in the nuclear core design process. The core model was used to calculate 3D power density profile inside the core. The applicability of the calculated power density distributions was tested by comparison to the CORD-2 calculations, which is regularly used for the nuclear core design calculation verification of the Krško core. For the hot zero power and hot full power states differences between MCNP and CORD-2 in the radial power density profile were <3%. When studying axial power density profiles the differences in axial offset were less than 2.3% for hot full power condition. To further confirm the applicability of the developed model, the measurements with in-core neutron detectors were compared to the calculations, where differences of 5% were observed.

Fast Algorithm for 360-degree Videos Based on the Prediction of Cu Depth Range and Fast Mode Decision

  • Zhang, Mengmeng;Zhang, Jing;Liu, Zhi;Mao, Fuqi;Yue, Wen
    • KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems (TIIS)
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    • v.13 no.6
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    • pp.3165-3181
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    • 2019
  • Spherical videos, which are also called 360-degree videos, have become increasingly popular due to the rapid development of virtual reality technology. However, the large amount of data in such videos is a huge challenge for existing transmission system. To use the existing encode framework, it should be converted into a 2D image plane by using a specific projection format, e.g. the equi-rectangular projection (ERP) format. The existing high-efficiency video coding standard (HEVC) can effectively compress video content, but its enormous computational complexity makes the time spent on compressing high-frame-rate and high-resolution 360-degree videos disproportionate to the benefits of compression. Focusing on the ERP format characteristics of 360-degree videos, this work develops a fast decision algorithm for predicting the coding unit depth interval and adaptive mode decision for intra prediction mode. The algorithm makes full use of the video characteristics of the ERP format by dealing with pole and equatorial areas separately. It sets different reference blocks and determination conditions according to the degree of stretching, which can reduce the coding time while ensuring the quality. Compared with the original reference software HM-16.16, the proposed algorithm can reduce time consumption by 39.3% in the all-intra configuration, and the BD-rate increases by only 0.84%.

The Effect of Legal Political Determination of Perpu Number 1 of 2020 on Financial Markets in Indonesia During the COVID-19 Pandemic

  • RAJAGUKGUK, Blucer Welington;NAJIB, Muhammad
    • The Journal of Asian Finance, Economics and Business
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    • v.8 no.3
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    • pp.655-664
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    • 2021
  • The purpose of this research paper is to overcome the impact the COVID-19 in Indonesia, the Government of the Republic of Indonesia has set Perpu No.1 of 2020 concerning State Financial Policies and Financial System Stability for Handling COVID-19 Pandemic. This paper uses a descriptive analysis method with a normative juridical approach, namely by explaining the politics of law in the stipulation of Perpu No. 1 of 2020 into Law, then analyzing its effect on the character of legal products contained in the Act. The data sources used in this paper are the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia, Perpu Number 1 of 2020 which has been ratified into Law Number 2 of 2020, Legislation in the field of state finance, literature books, and several articles from print and electronic media. This paper concludes that the legal politics of establishing Perpu No.1 of 2020 into Act was born from a democratic political system and configuration, but the character of its legal products was conservative. The aim of the paper is to focus on the discussions related to the new regulations that have been made by the Indonesian government and analyse the impact resulting from the enactment of these regulations.

Diffusion-based determination of protein homodimerization on reconstituted membrane surfaces

  • Jepson, Tyler A.;Chung, Jean K.
    • BMB Reports
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    • v.54 no.3
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    • pp.157-163
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    • 2021
  • The transient interactions between cellular components, particularly on membrane surfaces, are critical in the proper function of many biochemical reactions. For example, many signaling pathways involve dimerization, oligomerization, or other types of clustering of signaling proteins as a key step in the signaling cascade. However, it is often experimentally challenging to directly observe and characterize the molecular mechanisms such interactions-the greatest difficulty lies in the fact that living cells have an unknown number of background processes that may or may not participate in the molecular process of interest, and as a consequence, it is usually impossible to definitively correlate an observation to a well-defined cellular mechanism. One of the experimental methods that can quantitatively capture these interactions is through membrane reconstitution, whereby a lipid bilayer is fabricated to mimic the membrane environment, and the biological components of interest are systematically introduced, without unknown background processes. This configuration allows the extensive use of fluorescence techniques, particularly fluorescence fluctuation spectroscopy and single-molecule fluorescence microscopy. In this review, we describe how the equilibrium diffusion of two proteins, K-Ras4B and the PH domain of Bruton's tyrosine kinase (Btk), on fluid lipid membranes can be used to determine the kinetics of homodimerization reactions.