• Title/Summary/Keyword: complex mountain

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Vascular plant diversity of Gwangdeoksan Mountain (Cheonan-Asan, Korea): insights into ecological and conservation importance (광덕산(천안·아산시) 관속식물상의 다양성: 생태학적, 보존학적 중요성)

  • JEON, Ji-Hyeon;CHO, Myong-Suk;YUN, Seon A;GIL, Hee-Young;KIM, Seon-Hee;KWON, Youl;SEO, Hee-Seung;SHUKHERTEI, Ariun;KIM, Seung-Chul
    • Korean Journal of Plant Taxonomy
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    • v.51 no.1
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    • pp.49-99
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    • 2021
  • Gwangdeoksan Mountain (699.3 m) is the highest border mountain between the two cities of Chungcheongnamdo Province, Cheonan and Asan, Korea. In this study, we investigated the flora of Gwangdeoksan Mt. from April of 2015 to October of 2017. Through 20 independent field investigations, we identified and tallied a total of 428 species, 9 subspecies, 30 varieties, and a forma in 287 genera and 97 families. Of a total of 468 taxa, 128 taxa in 112 genera and 58 families were found to be Korean endemic species (7 taxa), floristic regional indicator species (45 taxa), rare or endangered species (3 taxa), species subject to the approval of outbound transfer (73 taxa), and alien or ecosystem disturbing species (32 taxa). The flora of Gwangdeoksan Mt. can be divided into four distinct floristic subregions, with higher diversity in the north-facing subregion. The complex flora of Gwangdeoksan Mt., emerging at the edge of two floristic regions of the Korean peninsula, may represent a significant conservation priority and a topic for future ecological and geographical studies.

A Study on the Sunshine Environment Around Urban Redevelopment Area Using a GIS Data (GIS 자료를 활용한 도시 재개발 주변 지역의 일조 환경 분석)

  • Kang, Jung-Eun;Park, Soo-Jin;Kim, Jae-Jin
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.34 no.5
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    • pp.749-762
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    • 2018
  • In this study, the changes of the sunshine environment due to the construction of buildings were analyzed by season. Using a geographic information system (GIS) data, the topography and the buildings were constructed around Pukyong National University (PKNU) in Busan. The numerical model was performed for a week in each season, before and after the construction of buildings. Even before the construction of the high-rise building complex, the area of sunshine block is wide due to the apartment complex located in the southeast of the PKNU campus and the mountain in the south. After the construction, the sunshine-blocked area became wider after the sunrise and before the sunset. The area of sunshine block after 1 hour at sunrise increased by 1.60%, 1.50%, 1.58% and 1.36% in the vernal equinox, summer solstice, autumnal equinox and winter solstice, respectively. The building complex in the east (south) of the PKNU campus made shadow in more than 1,000 m (750 m) toward the west (east) just before the sunrise (sunset). Especially, the sunshine duration in PKNU campus decreased by 46.61%, 22.75%, 58.56%, and 11.31% in the vernal equinox, summer solstice, autumnal equinox and winter solstice, respectively. The analysis of the sunshine duration for a dormitory building showed that the construction of the building complex in the south of the PKNU campus reduced the sunshine area of the western (southern) wall of the dormitory by 30.91% (49.45%) for a winter week.

Daesoon Jinrihoe Yeoju Headquarters Temple Complex as Viewed within Feng-Shui Theory (풍수지리로 본 대순진리회 여주본부도장)

  • Shin, Young-dae
    • Journal of the Daesoon Academy of Sciences
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    • v.33
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    • pp.91-145
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    • 2019
  • This study aims to reveal that Daesoon Jinrihoe Yeoju Headquarters Temple Complex is a sacred place of Gaebyeokgongsa (the Reordering Works of the Great Opening) through the logic of the energy of form in Feng-Shui studies. The Headquarters Temple Complex can illuminate the lamp of coexistence, emerge as a place for cultivation, and support the era of human nobility with Gucheonsangje (the Supreme God of the Ninth Heaven) as an object of faith. Virtuous Concordance of Yin and Yang, Harmonious Union between Divine Beings and Human Beings, the Resolution of Grievances for Mutual Beneficence, and Perfected Unification with Dao are the mission statements of this great site. For this purpose, it is necessary to investigate the headquarters according to integral Feng-Shui Theory. Doing so can provide proof that the geographic location, landscape, yin-yang harmonizing, and flowing veins of terrestrial energy at Headquarters Temple Complex are all profoundly auspicious. At the same time, this data also allows further study into the interactions of dragon-veins, energy hubs, surrounding mountains, and watercourses, which reveal how Daesoon Jinrihoe Yeoju Headquarters Temple Complex promotes the basic works of propagation, edification, and cultivation and three societal works of charity aid, social welfare, and education for the purpose of global propagation, saving beings, and building an earthly paradise by reforming humanity and engaging in spiritual civilization. This must be done on site with proper Feng-Shui in order to open up the era of human nobility upon the Great Opening of the Later World. As the center of the religious order, Daesoon Jinrihoe, Yeoju Headquarter Temple Complex has the general Feng-Shui characteristic of Baesanimsu (a back supported by a mountain and a front facing water). Through discussing the Feng-Shui of Daesoon Jinrihoe's Yeoju Headquarters Temple Complex as the center of humankind's resolution of grievances for mutual beneficence, this study would explore growth-supporting land that delivers future rewards through Feng-Shui symbolism and the ethical practice of grateful reciprocation of favors for mutual beneficence. This exploration will reveal how the geographical features and conditions of the Yeoju Headquarters Temple Complex make it a place fit for spiritual cultivation. It is a miraculous luminous court surrounded by mountains, where auspicious signs in eight directions gather. Its veins of terrestrial energy harmonize with clean water energy as it is affectionately situated within its natural environment. Its location corresponds with the Feng-Shui theory of dragon-veins, energy hubs, surrounding mountains, and watercourses. Thus, with regards to the Feng-Shui of Daesoon Jinrihoe's Yeoju Headquarters Temple Complex, this study examines the flows of mountains and waters and focuses on how the site is based on the logic of Feng-Shui. More generally, the geographical features of the surrounding mountains are likewise examined. An analysis of the relationship between Poguk (布局) of Sasinsa (animal symbols of the four directions, four gods, including blue dragon of the east, red phoenix of the south, white tiger of the west, and black tortoise of the north) and the location will be provided while focusing on the Yeoju Headquarters Temple Complex. This study supports the feasibility of further Feng-Shui studies of the Yeoju Headquarters Temple Complex based on traditional geomancy books that focusing on Hyeonggi (Energy of Form) Theory.

The Application of High-resolution Land Cover and Its Effects on Near-surface Meteorological Fields in Two Different Coastal Areas (연안지역 특성에 따른 상세 토지피복도 적용 효과 및 기상장에 미치는 영향 분석)

  • Jeong, Ju-Hee;Kim, Yoo-Keun
    • Journal of Korean Society for Atmospheric Environment
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    • v.25 no.5
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    • pp.432-449
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    • 2009
  • In this study, the effects of high-resolution land cover on the simulation of near-surface meteorological fields were evaluated in two different coastal regions using Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model. These analyses were performed using the middle classification land cover data upgraded by the Korean Ministry of Environment (KME). For the purpose of this study, two coastal areas were selected as follows: (1) the southwestern coastal (SWC) region characterized by complex shoreline and (2) the eastern coastal (EC) region described a high mountain and a simple coastline. The result showed that the application of high-resolution land cover were found to be notably distinguished between the SWC and EC regions. The land cover improvement has contributed to generate the realistic complex coastline and the distribution of small islands in the SWC region and the expansion of urban and built-up land along the sea front in the EC region, respectively. The model study indicated that the improvement of land cover caused a temperature change on wide areas of inland and nearby sea for the SWC region, and narrow areas along the coastal line for the EC region. These temperature variations in the two regions resulted in a decrease and an increase in land-breeze and sea-breeze intensity, respectively (especially the SWC region). Interestingly, the improvement of land cover can contribute large enough to change wind distributions over the sea in coastal areas.

A Application Method of Plotting Original Data (도화원도의 활용방안)

  • Lee, Yong-Wook
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.29 no.5
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    • pp.441-448
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    • 2011
  • Lately, digital restitution was became common using digital aerial photos. Therefore, we can obtain three-dimensional data. As a plotting-maker is checked by naked eye, plotting original data is very useful for making reliable three-dimensional data including contour and elevation point layers. In this study, we want to make precise and accurate digital elevation model using plotting original data. Contour and elevation point layers was extracted in digital map and break line was extracted in plotting original data. And then, compared both of results. For comparison, we selected slight slope and complex topography area like a residence area, mountain and agricultural land. We extracted break line deleting layer until obtaining ideal digital elevation model. As the results, We could extract contour, elevation points, eight road and two boundary layers using break lines. And We could obtain precise elevation model. Editing break lines, the distortion of digital elevation model could be minimized in the complex and sharp slope area.

A Study on the Diffusion of Gaseous Radioactive Effluents Based on the Statistical Method (통계적 방법을 이용한 방사성 물질의 대기 확산 평가)

  • Na, Man-Gyun;Lee, Goung-Jin
    • Journal of Radiation Protection and Research
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    • v.23 no.4
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    • pp.251-257
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    • 1998
  • A diffusion model of radioactive gaseous effluents is improved to apply for domestic nuclear power plants. Up to now, XOQDOQ computer code package developed by U. S NRC has been used for the assessment of radioactive plume dispersion by normal operation of domestic nuclear power plants. XOQDOQ adopts the straight-line Gaussian plume model which was basically derived for the plane terrain. However, since there are so many mountains in Korea, the several shortcomings of XOQDOQ are improved to consider the complex terrain effects. In this work, wind direction change is considered by modifying the wind rose frequency using meteorological data of the local weather stations. In addition, an effective height correction model, a plume reduction model due to plume penetration into mountain, and a wet deposition model are adopted for more realistic assessments. The proposed methodology is implemented in Yongkwang nuclear power plants, and can be used for other domestic nuclear power plants.

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A Review on the Photochemical Oxidant Modeling as Applied to Air Quality Studies in Complex Terrain

  • Lee Hwa-Woon;Kim Yoo-Keun;Won Gyeong-Mee;Park Jong-Kil
    • Environmental Sciences Bulletin of The Korean Environmental Sciences Society
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    • v.1 no.1
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    • pp.19-33
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    • 1997
  • The high oxidants, which occur the daily maximum concentrations in the afternoon, are transported into the other region via long range transport mechanisms or trapped within the shallow mixing boundary layer and then removed physically (deposition, transport by mountain wind, etc.) and chemically (reaction with local sources). Therefore, modeling formation of photochemical oxidants requires a complex description of both chemical and meteorological processes. In this study, as a part of air quality studies, we reviewed various aspects of photochemical modeling on the basis of currently available literature. The result of the review shows that the model is based on a set of coupled continuity equations describing advection, diffusion, transport, deposition, chemistry, emission. Also photochemical oxidant models require a large amount of input data concerned with all aspects of the ozone life cycle. First, emission inventories of hydrocarbon and nitrogen oxides, with appropriate spatial and temporal resolution. Second, chemical and photochemical data allowing the quantitative description of the formation of ozone and other photochemically-generated secondary pollutants. Third, dry deposition mechanisms particularly for ozone, PAN and hydrogen peroxide to account for their removal by absorption on the ground, crops, natural vegetation, man-made and water surfaces. Finally, meteorological data describing the transport of primary pollutants away from their sources and of secondary pollutants towards the sensitive receptors where environmental damage may occur. In order to improve our present study, shortcomings and limitation of existing models are pointed out and verification process through observation is emphasized.

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Fractal Analysis of GIS PD Patterns (GIS 부분방전 패턴의 프랙탈 해석)

  • Choi, Ho-Woong;Kim, Eun-Young;Min, Byoung-Woon;Lee, Dong-Chul;Kim, Hee-Soo
    • Proceedings of the KIEE Conference
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    • 2006.07e
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    • pp.55-56
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    • 2006
  • In prevention and diagnostic system of GIS, pattern classification is focused on the detection of unnatural patterns in PD(Partial discharge) image data. Fractals have been used extensively to provide a description and to model mathematically many of the naturally occurring complex shapes, such as coastlines, mountain ranges, clouds, etc., and have also received increased attention in the field of image processing, for purposes of segmentation and recognition of regions and objects present in natural scenes. Among the numerous fractal features that could be defined and used for image data, fractal dimension and lacunarity have been found to be useful for recognition purposes Partial discharge(PD) occuring in GIS system is a very complex phenomenon, and more so are the shapes of the various 2-d patterns obtained during routine tests and measurements. It has been fairly well established that these pattern shapes and underlying defects causing PD have a 1:1 correspondence, and therefore methods to describe and qunatify these pattern shapes must be explored, before recognition systems based on them could be developed. The computed fractal features(fractal dimension and lacunarity) for standard library of PD data were analyzed and found to possess fairly reasonable pattern discriminating abilities. This new approach appears promising, and further research is essential before any long-term predictions can be made.

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Development of a High-Resolution Near-Surface Air Temperature Downscale Model (고해상도 지상 기온 상세화 모델 개발)

  • Lee, Doo-Il;Lee, Sang-Hyun;Jeong, Hyeong-Se;Kim, Yeon-Hee
    • Atmosphere
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    • v.31 no.5
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    • pp.473-488
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    • 2021
  • A new physical/statistical diagnostic downscale model has been developed for use to improve near-surface air temperature forecasts. The model includes a series of physical and statistical correction methods that account for un-resolved topographic and land-use effects as well as statistical bias errors in a low-resolution atmospheric model. Operational temperature forecasts of the Local Data Assimilation and Prediction System (LDAPS) were downscaled at 100 m resolution for three months, which were used to validate the model's physical and statistical correction methods and to compare its performance with the forecasts of the Korea Meteorological Administration Post-processing (KMAP) system. The validation results showed positive impacts of the un-resolved topographic and urban effects (topographic height correction, valley cold air pool effect, mountain internal boundary layer formation effect, urban land-use effect) in complex terrain areas. In addition, the statistical bias correction of the LDAPS model were efficient in reducing forecast errors of the near-surface temperatures. The new high-resolution downscale model showed better agreement against Korean 584 meteorological monitoring stations than the KMAP, supporting the importance of the new physical and statistical correction methods. The new physical/statistical diagnostic downscale model can be a useful tool in improving near-surface temperature forecasts and diagnostics over complex terrain areas.

A Study on the Location and Space Composition of Small Elderly Care Facilities - Focus on the Elderly Care Facilities in Gyeongsangnam-do - (소규모 노인요양시설의 입지 및 공간구성의 실태 고찰 - 경남지역 노인요양시설을 중심으로 -)

  • Yang, Kum-Suek
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Rural Architecture
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    • v.25 no.3
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    • pp.17-25
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    • 2023
  • The purpose of this study is to analyze the location and space composition of small elderly care facilities in gyeongsangnam-do and to present a desirable direction for planning small elderly care facilities. As a research method, the location and spatial composition of 82 facilities for elderly care facilities with a capacity of 10 to 29 installed in Gyeongsangnam-do were investigated. In particular, the location, site area, total floor area, and composition of major rooms of small elderly care facilities were analyzed. The results of the survey and analysis are as follows. First, as for location characteristics, 56.1% of the suburban and rural types, 28.1% of the urban area type, and 12.2% of the mountain type were found in order. Second, in the connection between location and spatial composition, stand-alone facilities accounted for 53.7%, and complex types accounted for 46.3%. Third, the average number of admissions was 23.1, and facilities corresponding to the size of 26-29 admissions were the largest at 41.0%. The total floor area per person was 28.3m2. Fourth, in terms of the spatial composition of facilities, stand-alone facilities accounted for 53.7%, and complex types accounted for 46.3%. Fifth, by the number of people in the bedroom, 49.4% were installed in the order of a four-person room, 25.0% in a three-person room, 18.7% in a two-person room, and 3.5% in a one-person room. In addition, in the bedroom lifestyle, 84.1% of the bed type and 15.9% of the bed + sitting type were found.