• Title/Summary/Keyword: community impacts

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Synecological Study of the Naturalized Plant Communities in Old-Andong City (구 안동시역에 분포하는 귀화식물군락의 생태학적 연구)

  • 송종석;안상흥
    • The Korean Journal of Ecology
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    • v.22 no.3
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    • pp.169-179
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    • 1999
  • The present study was undertaken to classify and describe the spring naturalized plant communities in old-Andong city by the methodology of the ZM school of phytosociology. As a result, the vegetation was classified into the six communities and two subcommunities: A. Bromus tectorum community A-a. Bromus japonicus subcommunity, A-b. Melica onoei subcommunity; B. Poa pratensis community; C. Rumex crispus community; D. Oenothera lamarckiana community; E. Ambrosia artemisiifolia var. eiatior community; F. Rumex conglomeratus community. The total taxa of the naturalized plant communities consisted of 31 families, 86 genera, 114 species and 13 varieties. Of which the taxa of the naturalized plant species consisted of 8 families, 21 genera, 25 species and 1 variety. The result of Bray-Curtis ordination revealed that the plots suveyed were arranged according largely to the vegetation units of' the communities. Also the interspecific affinity was examined by an analysis of interspecific association and the main component species in the communities were divided into two groups. The naturalized rate was higher in the communitise affected by strong human impacts, while was lower in the communities affected relatively less by human impacts. On the other hand the seasonal changes of the communities and the naturalized rate between the spring and the autumn were investigated. Many naturalized communities present in Spring were replaced by the other native ruderal communitues in the Autumn. The naturalized rate based on the dominance was largely decreased over from the spring to the Autumn.

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Setting limits for water use in the Wairarapa Valley, New Zealand

  • Mike, Thompson
    • Proceedings of the Korea Water Resources Association Conference
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    • 2015.05a
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    • pp.227-227
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    • 2015
  • The Wairarapa Valley occupies a predominantly rural area in the lower North Island of New Zealand. It supports a mix of intensive farming (dairy), dry stock farming (sheep and beef cattle) and horticulture (including wine grapes). The valley floor is traversed by the Ruamahanga River, the largest river in the Wellington region with a total catchment area of 3,430 km2. Environmental, cultural and recreational values associated with this Ruamahanga River are very high. The alluvial gravel and sand aquifers of the Wairarapa Valley, support productive groundwater aquifers at depths of up to 100 metres below ground while the Ruamahanga River and its tributaries present a further source of water for users. Water is allocated to users via resource consents by Greater Wellington Regional Council (GWRC). With intensifying land use, demand from the surface and groundwater resources of the Wairarapa Valley has increased substantially in recent times and careful management is needed to ensure values are maintained. This paper describes the approach being taken to manage water resources in the Wairarapa Valley and redefine appropriate limits of sustainable water use. There are three key parts: Quantifying the groundwater resource. A FEFLOW numerical groundwater flow model was developed by GWRC. This modelling phase provided a much improved understanding of aquifer recharge and abstraction processes. It also began to reveal the extent of hydraulic connection between aquifer and river systems and the importance of moving towards an integrated (conjunctive) approach to allocating water. Development of a conjunctive management framework. The FEFLOW model was used to quantify the stream flow depletion impacts of a range of groundwater abstraction scenarios. From this, three abstraction categories (A, B and C) that describe diminishing degrees of hydraulic connection between ground and surface water resources were mapped in 3 dimensions across the Valley. Interim allocation limits have been defined for each of 17 discrete management units within the valley based on both local scale aquifer recharge and stream flow depletion criteria but also cumulative impacts at the valley-wide scale. These allocation limits are to be further refined into agreed final limits through a community-led decision making process. Community involvement in the limit setting process. Historically in New Zealand, limits for sustainable resource use have been established primarily on the basis of 'hard science' and the decision making process has been driven by regional councils. Community involvement in limit setting processes has been through consultation rather than active participation. Recent legislation in the form of a National Policy Statement on Freshwater Management (2011) is reforming this approach. In particular, collaborative consensus-based decision making with active engagement from stakeholders is now expected. With this in mind, a committee of Wairarapa local people with a wide range of backgrounds was established in 2014. The role of this committee is to make final recommendations about resource use limits (including allocation of water) that reflect the aspirations of the communities they represent. To assist the committee in taking a holistic view it is intended that the existing numerical groundwater flow models will be coupled with with surface flow, contaminant transport, biological and economic models. This will provide the basis for assessing the likely outcomes of a range of future land use and resource limit scenarios.

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Impact of Community Health Care Resources on the Place of Death of Older Persons with Dementia in South Korea Using Public Administrative Big Data (공공 빅데이터를 이용한 치매 노인 사망장소의 결정요인: 지역보건의료자원의 영향)

  • Lim, Eunok;Kim, Hongsoo
    • Health Policy and Management
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    • v.27 no.2
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    • pp.167-176
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    • 2017
  • Background: This study aimed to analyze the impact of community health care resources on the place of death of older adults with dementia compared to those with cancer in South Korea, using public administrative big data. Methods: Based on a literature review, we selected person- and community-level variables that can affect older people's decisions about where to die. Data on place-of-death and person-level attributes were obtained from the 2013 death certification micro data from Statistics Korea. Data on the population and economic and health care resources in the community where the older deceased resided were obtained from various open public administrative big data including databases on the local tax and resident population statistics, health care resources and infrastructure statistics, and long-term care (LTC) insurance statistics. Community-level data were linked to the death certificate micro data through the town (si-gun-gu) code of the residence of the deceased. Multi-level logistic regression models were used to simultaneously estimate the impacts of community as well as individual-level factors on the place of death. Results: In both the dementia (76.1%) and cancer (87.1%) decedent groups, most older people died in the hospital. Among the older deceased with dementia, hospital death was less likely to occur when the older person resided in a community with a higher supply of LTC facility beds, but hospital death was more likely to occur in communities with a higher supply of LTC hospital beds. Similarly, among the cancer group, the likelihood of a hospital death was significantly lower in communities with a higher supply of LTC facility beds, but was higher in communities with a higher supply of acute care hospital beds. As for individual-level factors, being female and having no spouse were associated with the likelihood of hospital death among older people with dementia. Conclusion: More than three in four older people with dementia die in the hospital, while home is reported to be the place of death preferred by Koreans. To decrease this gap, an increase in the supply of end-of-life (EOL) care at home and in community-based service settings is necessary. EOL care should also be incorporated as an essential part of LTC. Changes in the perception of EOL care by older people and their families are also critical in their decisions about the place of death, and should be supported by public education and other related non-medical, social approaches.

Fish Fauna and Community Analysis in Heuck Stream Watershed (흑천수계의 어류상 및 군집분석)

  • Moon, Woon-Ki;Han, Jeong-Ho;An, Kwang-Guk
    • Korean Journal of Ecology and Environment
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    • v.43 no.1
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    • pp.69-81
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    • 2010
  • This study was conducted at 25 sites of 6 mainstreams and 19 tributaries sites within Heuck Stream watershed during May~October 2003 for the survey of fish distributions, compositions, and community characteristics. The survey showed that total fish was identified as 9 family and 26 species in all sites, and Cyprinidae dominated the community as 15 species. The dominant species of >20% of the total were Zacco temminckii (29%), Zacco platypus (22%), and Rhynchocypris oxycephalus (21%) in the watershed. Community analysis, based on the stream spatial gradients, indicated composition differences along the main axis of the stream from the headwater to the downstream; R. oxycephalus predominated in the most headwater zone and Z. temminckii dominated in the lower headwater zone, whereas Z. temminckii -Z. platypus dominated in the mid-to-downstream, and Z. platypus dominated the community in the most downstream zone. Total endemic species was 7 family and 15 species, which is made of 50% in the fish community, so that the high proportion of endemic species indicated a healthy region in terms of fish community, compared to average 23% in Korean peninsula in general. The total number and species of fish increased as the stream order (stream size) increased, indicating that impacts on chemical pollution or habitat disturbance were not so large to the fish community in this watershed. Trophic and tolerance guilds analysis showed that relative proportions of sensitive and insectivore species were >50% in the watershed and decreased as the stream order increased, whereas relative proportions of tolerant and omnivore species showed an opposite results. These outcomes suggest that the natural condition of watershed is preserved relatively and the region should be protected from the chemical and habitat disturbace by agricultural activity and urban developments.

An Appropriate Utilization of Agricultural Water Resources of Jeju Island with Climate Change (I) (기후변화와 관련한 제주지역 농업용수의 효율적 활용 방안(I))

  • Song, Sung-Ho;Choi, Kwang-Jun
    • Journal of Soil and Groundwater Environment
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    • v.17 no.2
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    • pp.62-70
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    • 2012
  • Rainfall, on Jeju Island varies regionally in relation to Mt. Halla with higher rainfall within southern area and lower in western area, and its variability is expected to expand according to the climate change scenario. Non-parametric trend analysis for rainfall, using both historic (1971-2010) and simulated (2011-2100) data assuming the A1B emissions scenario, shows regionally increasing trends with time. In perspective of agricultural land use, area for market garden including various crop types with high water demand is increasing over the Island, especially in the western area with lower rainfall compared to southern area. On the other hand, area for fruit including mandarin and kiwi with low water demand is widely distributed over southern and northern part having higher rainfall. These regional disparity of water demand/supply may be more affected by extreme events such as drought and heavy rainfall that has not yet been considered. Therefore, it is necessary to make policies for water resource management considering both demand and supply in different regions with climate change impacts over Jeju Island.

The Effect of Exposure to Hazardous Workplace Environment on Depression - Focusing on Mediating Effects of Drinking and Moderating Effects of Subjective Health Status- (유해환경 근무 경험이 우울에 미치는 영향 - 음주의 매개효과와 주관적 건강의 조절효과를 중심으로 -)

  • Moon, Jae-Woo
    • The Journal of Korean Society for School & Community Health Education
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    • v.17 no.1
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    • pp.59-73
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    • 2016
  • Objectives: The working environment affects employees' physical and mental aspects, and has a deep associations with depression. The purposes of this study are to investigate how hazardous environment working experience impacts on depression, to provide rationale and practical implications for reducing depression and drinking. Methods: This study targeted 215 dental hygiene students from 3 universities located in Gyeonggi-do from November 30 to December 4, 2015. We analyzed the data with frequency analysis, descriptive statistics, t-test. One-way ANOVA, Pearson correlation coefficient, Regression analysis by using SPSS. Results: This study showed that experience working in hazardous environments increased depression and alcohol drinking, on the other hand alcohol drinking reduced depression. In addition, experience working in hazardous environments effected on depression indirectly through mediating of drinking, subjective health had not role of Moderating Effects between experience working in hazardous environments and depression. Conclusions: In order to reduce workers' depression and alcohol, the improvements of harmful environment are needed. For this governments and local governments should efforts to support enhancing workplace environment, to develop model of standard work environment, and to change employers' awareness on the harmful environment.

A Study on the Value of S Children's Library (어린이도서관의 가치에 관한 연구 - S어린이도서관을 중심으로 -)

  • Cho, Keum-Ju
    • Journal of Korean Library and Information Science Society
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    • v.42 no.1
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    • pp.51-72
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    • 2011
  • This work investigated the social, cultural, and economical impacts of the services that S Children's Library provides to local community and its residents. In this study I analyzed the user statistics by using Korean Library Automation System III, practiced a comparative analysis with other libraries over circulation efficiency, and reviewed the user's evaluation through user survey. The achievement of this study is to find out the value of S Children's Library by verifying the service status of S Children's Library based on the analyzed data, assessing the role and meaning of the children's library within the community, and measuring the economical contribution through user evaluation.

The Effects of Economic Condition and the Parenting on Children's Social Adjustment in Divorced Families - A Comparison of Custodial Fathers and Mothers - (이혼가정의 경제상태 및 양육행동이 자녀의 사회적 적응에 미치는 영향 - 양육부/모의 차이를 중심으로 -)

  • Kim, Young-Hee;Son, Jeong-Yeon
    • The Korean Journal of Community Living Science
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    • v.16 no.3
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    • pp.47-55
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    • 2005
  • The purposes of this study are to examine the economic conditions and parenting of custodial fathers/mothers and to explain their impacts on the children's social adjustment after divorce. A total of 185 custodial parents divorced within the last 5 years completed a structured questionnaire. Children's social adjustment was the dependent variable in this study and was defined as their school performance and behavior problems. Results show that compared with divorced custodial fathers, divorced custodial mothers demonstrate more effective parenting, but there were no differences in economic conditions between them. In addition, children in single-father divorced families have lower school grades and more behavior problems than those in single-mother divorced families. Results also indicate that the economic conditions and parenting have different effects for children across family type. For children raised with a custodial father in divorced families, the economic conditions and the divorce duration are associated with lower school grades and behavior problems. For children with a custodial mother, however, the effective of parenting and the children's age have significant effects on the children's social adjustment after the parent divorced. Based on these results, this study proposes strategies for the improvement of children's adjustment in divorced families.

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Smoking and Drinking Behaviors of Korean Female Adolescent according to Early Menarche (여자 청소년의 초경시기에 따른 흡연 및 음주행위)

  • Kwon, Mi Young;Baik, Hyung Won
    • The Journal of Korean Society for School & Community Health Education
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    • v.19 no.1
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    • pp.111-125
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    • 2018
  • Objectives: The aim of this study was to identify differential impacts on smoking and drinking behaviors according to early menarche. Methods: 31,277 Korean female adolescents who had undergone menarche were included. Among them, 1,822 participants(5.8%) who experienced menarche in elementary school under 4th grade were assigned to early menarche group and others were was assigned normal menarche group. Using 11th(2015) Korea Youth Risk Behavior Web-based Survey, logistic regression analysis was conducted. Results: Adjusted confounding variables were analyzed and it was found that both drinking and smoking behaviors were higher in early menarche group. The participants with early menarche showed higher risk of non-daily smoking(OR=1.39, 95%CI=1.18-1.63), light daily smoking(OR=1.64, 95%CI=1.14-2.35) and moderate-to-heavy daily smoking(OR=3.15, 95%CI=2.02-4.92). Also, in the drinking behaviors, the risk of light and heavy drinking was higher than those of normal menarche group. Conclusions: Finding of this study showed Early menarche adolescents were associated with heavy smoking and drinking behaviors compared to normal menarche. Further studies are needed more evaluations.

Impacts of Local Civic Consciousness Formation : Focused on the Yong-in City (지역시민의식 형성 영향 요인 : 용인시를 중심으로)

  • Jeon, Sun-Young
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.11 no.12
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    • pp.785-799
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    • 2011
  • This study apprehends the effect of primary causes that form civic consciousness, which mature local residents should have. Moreover, it tries to contribute to the development of mature civic consciousness with regard to the situations and conditions of local community, by observing how the extent of local problem recognition, personal viewpoints, and participation in social activities affect formation of civic consciousness. The research was conducted to 600 local residents, ages 20 and above, with proportional stratified sampling method. The study showed that high recognition of environmental, social, economic and aging issues, fulfillment on social achievement, self-perception, culture orientation, and higher frequency on participating on social activities have positive effects on formation of sound civic consciousness.