• Title/Summary/Keyword: commodity contents

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Human Being in the Contemporary Society (도시적 인간상 연구 - 본인 작품을 중심으로-)

  • 박성원
    • Proceedings of the Korea Contents Association Conference
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    • 2004.05a
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    • pp.553-561
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    • 2004
  • It works as intermediation of communication of publics these days. Since 20 century, We, Koreans, have established new chaotic multi culture with traditional Korean culture and other different culture from everywhere. Meanwhile, we occupied the most powerful semi-conduct and IT indusry. Within those circumstance, people feel very confused in political, cultural and social aspect. The society armed with economy and popularization promotes material satisfaction with this potential possibility of anonymous masses. However, it results to cause loneliness, isolation, alienation, anonymity, non individuality and commodity of culture. In my work, such phenomenon reveals through human character in a city. People are exposed culture of consumption and surrounded and tempted by all those artificial and superficial atmosphere. Human are possessed and exposed to attractive products and visual images. Finally they make themselves stuck in their case of this world. People lose their own identify and shape of bodies. That is our portrait, who are living this moment. Also, this is a symbol that destroys this modern society. As a result, 1 consider such aspects through those elements above to think how to keep and rethink our identity and what to do for this world.

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Effect of Postharvest Treatments on Storage Quality of Buckwheat Sprouts (메밀 새싹채소의 저장품질에 대한 수확 후 처리공정 효과)

  • Lee, Hyun-Hee;Hong, Seok-In;Kim, Dong-Man
    • Korean Journal of Food Science and Technology
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    • v.43 no.1
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    • pp.98-104
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    • 2011
  • The storage quality of fresh buckwheat sprouts, as influenced by pretreatment and packaging within processing steps, was investigated to establish appropriate postharvest handling treatment for the commodity. After harvest, the sprouts were dipped in chlorine water (100 ppm), rinsed twice with clean water, pre-cooled with iced water, de-watered, and packed in plastic trays. Sprout samples taken from each processing step were stored at $5^{\circ}C$ for 6 days to measure quality attributes. Viable cell counts of mesophilic aerobes and coliform bacteria were lower by about 1 log scale in the postharvest treated samples compared to an untreated control, although the initial microbial reduction due to the postharvest treatments was offset by cell growth during storage. All sprout samples showed a decrease of fresh weight by approximately 4% after 6 days of storage. However, moisture and soluble solid contents were maintained at the initial levels of the sprouts. No significant difference in surface color was observed among sample treatments. For sensory properties including discoloration, wilting, decay, and visual quality, there were no significant differences among sample treatments. The present results suggest that proper postharvest processing treatments can exert positive effects on extending the shelf-life of fresh buckwheat sprout.

Overview of Cadmium Exposure from Plant-based Food Consumption in Global Population especially in Asia and Techniques to Reduce the Risks to Human Health (인체 건강에 위해성을 감소시키기 위한 기술과 세계 인구. 특히 아시아에서 식품 소비에 근거한 식물체로부터의 카드늄 노출 개관에서는 전세계 카드늄)

  • Su, S.W.;Chen, Z.S.
    • Korean Journal of Soil Science and Fertilizer
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    • v.42 no.spc
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    • pp.4-7
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    • 2009
  • Agricultural soils contaminated by cadmium (Cd) are common problems in Asia due to rapid industrial development, so the risks of Cd exposure from food crops consumption are concerned by public and authorities. The latest data on Cd concentration in plant-based food and the dietary intakes of Cd around the world are presented in this review. In general, Cd concentrations in major plant-based commodities seldom exceed 0.05 mg/kg fresh weight and decline in the order as: cereals > pulses > vegetables > roots and tubers > fruits in Far Eastern region. In Middle Eastern and European regions, the order is vegetables > cereals > roots and tubers > pulses > fruits. Rice has the highest Cd levels among cereals in Asian countries, but in Middle Eastern and European region the highest level of Cd occurred in leaf vegetables. The dietary intakes of Cd from plant-based commodities around the world declined in the order as: cereals > vegetables > roots and tubers > fruits > pulses. Rice is the largest contributor to total dietary Cd intake (58%) in the Far Eastern region and contributed 36% of Provisional Tolerable Daily Intake (PTDI). For high foodstuffs consumers, intake of Cd from all diets may exceed PTWI, especially for high rice consumers in Asian countries. The World Health Organization (WHO) conducted impact assessment of different maximum levels (MLs) of Cd and demonstrated that each of the four possible MLs for rice had little impact on dietary Cd intake. Since many Cd-contaminated soils in Asian countries still producing crops due to the growing population, the cost-effective techniques for reducing Cd contents in crops especially rice grain are absolutely required.

Manufacture of Processed Foods and its Quality Characteristics from Kumquats, a Citrus Variety Produced in Cheju (금감 가공식품(加工食品)의 제조(製造)와 품질특성(品質特性))

  • Koh, Jeong-San;Kim, Chan-Shick;Ko, Myung-Soo;Yang, Young-Tack
    • Korean Journal of Food Science and Technology
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    • v.25 no.1
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    • pp.33-38
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    • 1993
  • In order to utilize Kumquats as a processed products, a Citrus varieties produced in Cheju island, physicochemical properties of Kumquats, sensory evaluation of frozen Kumquats, sensory evaluation and texture parameter of Kumquats processed foods were investigated. Fruit size, weight, peel ratio, peel thickness, and Brix/acid ratio of Youngpa Kumquats cultivated in green house were 29.5 mm, 16.10g, 4.63 mm and 20.0 respectively, and it was suitable for as raw-eating and processing materials. Kumquats juice consisted of 58.27% citric acid, 32.49% malic acid, 9.14% tartaric acid and 0.08% maleic acid of total organic acids. Organic acid contents of Kumquats juice was very different from Citrus unshiu juice in malic acid content. Sensory evaluation on frozen Kumquats stored at $-18^{\circ}C$ for 6 month was good for appearance, taste and texture as summer commodity. Vitamin C content of frozen Kumquats was 74.94 mg/100g, and its content was decreased slightly during fronzen storage. Hardness on Kumquats jam was lowered from 1,294 to 355 g-force as the ratio of Kumquats juice content was increased, but the changes of other texture parameter were not so large. Kumquats jam contained $40{\sim}60%$ orange juice was evaluated as superior to orange jam for panelists.

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An Inquiry into the Cultural Identity of Korean Design: 'Well-Being' and 'Body-Mind Monism' (한국 디자인의 문화적 정체성에 대한 소고: '웰빙'과 '심신일원론')

  • Ko, Young-Lan
    • Archives of design research
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    • v.17 no.4
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    • pp.169-176
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    • 2004
  • It is incontestable that the essence of the current fever of well-being is pseudo-ideology, which is the commercialized well-being. Nevertheless, the potential value as the cultural contests of Korean Design, reaching the philosophy of well-being, must not be overlooked. Being more than its dictionary meaning of 'happiness' and 'welfare', well-being aims peace of mind and richness in mentality, thus supports the life style of 'Body-Mind Monism'. As a trend that has taken a ride on the consumerism, it is inevitable to excavate the benign cultural value that an ordinary sign of well-being lacks in order to create a peculiar model of Korea's design contents by sublimating the commodity aesthetic of well-being into an alternative argument possessing the cultural identity of Korea. Well-being, not much different form an attitude of following the 'ways of nature', is a typical model of non-dualistic thinking of East Asia. By tracing back to the indication of well-being that already existed in the non-dualistic thought and design of East Asia, the genealogy connecting the current phenomena of well-being to the Body-Mind Monism can be found in the cultural traditions of as close as Korea and as far as East Asia. In the case of adopting the monistic way of East Asian thinking that sees body and mind as one not two as the theoretical background of well-being imported fro the West, it is expected to provide a solution for the design discourse of Korea to be out of colonialism. Well-being contributes to the monistic awareness in the period of self-reflected modernization, which needs to search new values based on the reconsideration of dualistic paradigm centered on the Western culture, thus it is worth putting anticipation on the potential significance well-being would have in the field of national as well as international design world.

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Browning Inhibition of Paeonia lactiflora Root during Hot Air Dehydration (작약근(芍藥根)의 열풍건조시(熱風乾燥時) 갈변(褐變)의 효과적(效果的) 억제(抑制))

  • You, Oh-Jong;Kim, Jang-Eok;Kim, Ki-Jae;Park, Chun-Hong;Park, So-Deuk;Choi, Boo-Sull
    • Korean Journal of Medicinal Crop Science
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    • v.6 no.4
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    • pp.245-250
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    • 1998
  • This research was carried out to investigate the effective methods of browning inhibition on Paeonia lactiflra Pall during hot air dehydratin. After drying for 36 hrs without pretreatment and with briquet fumigation moisture contents of Paeonia lactiflora Pall. was 16.0% and 16.2%, respectively, while with acidic solution, sulfite salt solution and blanching it was lower of 13.5, 12.9 and 14.8%, respectively. Using freeze drying moisture content was highest of 18.8%. The Hunter values of dried Paeonia lactiflora Pall., L, a, band ${\triangle} E$ showed that non-treatment had the most browning with 61.60, 1.89, 10.20 and 39.78, respectively, while briquet fumigation and sulfite salt solution were excellent in reducing browning. During freeze drying browning didn't occur. Paeoniflorin content was 2.41 and 2.51 %, respectively, in briquet fumigation and sulfite salt solution and was the highest (2.70%) in freeze drying. The content of $SO_2$, was 0.63% both in briquet fumigation and sulfite salts. It was 0.15% and 0.17% higher than nontreatment and freeze drying. The most effective pretreatment to inhibit browning of Paeonia lactiflora Pall. was soaking in sulfite salt solution $(0.5% NaHSO_4-0.5% Na_2S_2O_3)$ considering many things such as manpower, economical efficiency, drying time, commodity, etc. but safety should be evaluated to treat sulfite salts solution on peony roots.

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Production of Levulinic Acid from Gelidium amansii Using Two Step Acid Hydrolysis (우뭇가사리로부터 레불린산 생산공정을 위한 2단 산 가수분해)

  • Kim, Jun Seok
    • Korean Chemical Engineering Research
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    • v.51 no.4
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    • pp.438-442
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    • 2013
  • The study of bioproduct production from inexpensive biomass such as marine biomass has recently attracted considerable attention. Because, marine biomass which compared to land biomass, it can be grown rapidly and is easily cultivated without the need for expensive equipment. In addition, the carbohydrate contents are similar or higher than land biomass such as woody biomass and can be easily converted to chemicals through proper chemical processes. In the production of various biochemicals from marine biomass, levulinic acid is a highly versatile chemical with numerous industrial uses and has the potential to become a commodity chemical. It can be used as a raw material for resins, plasticizers, textiles, animal feed, coatings and antifreeze. In this study, experiments were carried out to determine the optimum conditions of temperature, acid concentration and reaction time for production of levulinic acid from marine biomass, Gelidium amansii, using two-step treatment. In the first hydrolysis step, solid-state cellulose which was used to produce ethanol by fermentation and liquid-state galactose which used to produce bioproduct such as levulinic aicd were obtained through acid soaking. In the second hydrolysis step, the liquid-state galactose was converted into levulinic acid via a high-temperature reaction in a batch reactor. As a result, the overall production yield of Gelidium amansii to levulinic acid in the two-step acid hydrolysis was approximately 20.6% on the initial biomass basis.

Color Marketing Strategy of Milk Packaging (우유 Packaging 색채 마케팅전략)

  • Kim, Kyung-Hwa;Na, Ji-Young
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.12 no.1
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    • pp.197-210
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    • 2012
  • In this research, we executed a questionnaire survey targeting men and women in 20' or more who reside in the metropolitan area and have experienced purchasing the vehicles in order to study how Promotion Mix Activity affects Brand assets, and ultimately what kind of relation it has with Purchase intention. In the statistical process of collected data, we analyzed the data by using SPSS 12.0 for Windows statistical package and AMOS 7.0 program. As the result of analysis, first, when we analyzed the relation of the Promotion Mix Activity and Brand Assets of the companies, the more affirmative the assessment on the advertising activities of the companies was, the higher the brand popularity, royalty and image increased, And it appeared that as the assessment on PR activities of the companies got more affirmative, the brand popularity, image and royalty increased. Second, as the result of the analysis of the relation between salespersons' Promotion Activities and Brand assets, it appeared that salespersons' social capacity improved Brand awareness and royalty and their strategic capacity improved Brand awareness, royalty and image. Third, seeing the result of the analysis on the relation between Brand assets and Purchase intention, it was shown that Brand popularity had a meaningful positive(+) effect upon satisfaction and repurchase(oral) intention, and Brand royalty had a meaningful positive(+) effect upon satisfaction and repurchase(oral) intention. In addition, it appeared that Brand image had a meaningful positive(+) effect upon satisfaction and repurchase(oral) intention, and finally it could be known that Brand assets had a close correlation with Purchase intention. Therefore, this research established the color marketing strategy as follows. First, we shall build up the functional role such as aesthetic favor, information communication, protection of ecosystem, publicity reinforcement etc. so as to emphasize the properties of the package design; second, we have to construct the color marketing strategy to convey the images of the commodity besides the psychological and physiological utility which colors grants, the utility used in visual conveyance as communication media; third, we should build the color marketing strategy for the integration of company image; finally we have to compose the colors fitted for the company and product style and introduce design marketing using company colors.

A Study on the Realities of Custom-made Clothing Production in Middle-aged Women's Clothing Firms (중년여성복업체(中年女性服業體)의 맞춤복(服) 생산실태(生産實態) 연구(硏究))

  • Park, Yu-Jeong;Sohn, Hee-Soon
    • Journal of Fashion Business
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    • v.6 no.2
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    • pp.1-16
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    • 2002
  • The need for ready-to-wear clothing increases as the problem comes to arise from the fit of custommade clothing due to the characteristics of middle-aged women's somatotype. At this point of time, a study on the realities of production of custom-made clothing in middle-aged women's clothing business firms is of very greatly significance. Therefore, this study was intended to identify the problem and improvements through the survey research of production of custom-made clothing in middle-aged women's clothing business firms and further present the plan for development of custom-made clothing business. The questionnaire was framed based on the contents extracted from the preliminary questionnaire research for the pattern section chief of each business firm. Collected data were statistically processed using the SPSS 10.0 Windows program. As a result, the following findings were obtained: 1. The target age of the middle-aged women's clothing business firms ranged from more than 45 years to less than 50 years of age. Clothing business firms much made inroads into the ready-to-wear clothing market largely in the 1980s and the 1990s. Their active entry into the custom-made clothing market occurred in the 1970s and the 1980s. 2. In terms of the clothing production method of middle-aged women's clothing firms, some private boutique and designer brand clothing firms entered the clothing market with a focus on custom-made clothing in the beginning of its organization and introduced the production method of ready-to-wear clothing in accordance with changes in production methods and consumers' needs and wants. National brand clothing firms manufactured clothing with a focus on ready-to-wear clothing from the beginning of its organization, but at last they manufactured both partial custom-made and whole custom-made as the problem arose from ready-to-wear clothing. Seeing that their clothing production showed the ratio readyto-wear to custom-made clothing of 2.58:1. And it was found that the manufacture of ready-to-wear and custom-made clothing took into consideration the great difference in the pattern, size and design plan. The research of the clothing production process showed that whole custom-made and partial custommade were distinguished according to whether or not the sample was presented. 3. The ready-to-wear pattern of middle-aged women's clothing firms were used with a focus on the 'patternmaker-developed pattern' and company-developed pattern'. Most clothing businesses produced clothing in 4 to 5 basic sizes, which is found to be insufficient to complement the physical characteristics of middle-aged women with many specific somatotypes. In the pattern of custom-made clothing, the 'pattern of ready-to-wear were applied' or the 'customized pattern was developed'. Actual measurements were most used as the size of custom-made, and accordingly it is predicted that the level of satisfaction is higher with the fit of custom-made clothing than that of ready-to-wear. The selling place and the head office showed the similar percent as the place for measuring the size of custom-made clothing. Size measurers were mostly the shop master. And it was found that most clothing business firms had a problem when the measured size was applied to the pattern. Accordingly, it is necessary to provide education on size measurement for shop masters. 4. It was found that in the middle-aged women's clothing firms, the pattern correction of the length of sleeve, jacket and slacks occupied the highest percent. Accordingly, it is necessary to provide for the size system to complement the accurate somatotype characteristics of middle-aged women. 5. In custom-made clothing customer management, most firms engaged in customer somatotype management through size management. They provided customers with commodity information by informing them of the sales and event period and practiced human management for customers by maintaining the get-together and friendly relationship. 6. Middle-aged women's clothing businesses responded that it would be necessary to improve the fit of custom-made clothing and complement their pursuit for individuality as the plan to improve its quality. In consequence, it suggests that middle-aged women's clothing businesses should provide middle-aged women with the clothing of better-suited size and refined design. Middle-aged women's clothing businesses responded that it was the most urgent task to form the custom-made clothing manufacturing team as the plan to expand the custom-made clothing market, which is identified as their emphasis on the systematized production of custom-made clothing.

Prediction of a hit drama with a pattern analysis on early viewing ratings (초기 시청시간 패턴 분석을 통한 대흥행 드라마 예측)

  • Nam, Kihwan;Seong, Nohyoon
    • Journal of Intelligence and Information Systems
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    • v.24 no.4
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    • pp.33-49
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    • 2018
  • The impact of TV Drama success on TV Rating and the channel promotion effectiveness is very high. The cultural and business impact has been also demonstrated through the Korean Wave. Therefore, the early prediction of the blockbuster success of TV Drama is very important from the strategic perspective of the media industry. Previous studies have tried to predict the audience ratings and success of drama based on various methods. However, most of the studies have made simple predictions using intuitive methods such as the main actor and time zone. These studies have limitations in predicting. In this study, we propose a model for predicting the popularity of drama by analyzing the customer's viewing pattern based on various theories. This is not only a theoretical contribution but also has a contribution from the practical point of view that can be used in actual broadcasting companies. In this study, we collected data of 280 TV mini-series dramas, broadcasted over the terrestrial channels for 10 years from 2003 to 2012. From the data, we selected the most highly ranked and the least highly ranked 45 TV drama and analyzed the viewing patterns of them by 11-step. The various assumptions and conditions for modeling are based on existing studies, or by the opinions of actual broadcasters and by data mining techniques. Then, we developed a prediction model by measuring the viewing-time distance (difference) using Euclidean and Correlation method, which is termed in our study similarity (the sum of distance). Through the similarity measure, we predicted the success of dramas from the viewer's initial viewing-time pattern distribution using 1~5 episodes. In order to confirm that the model is shaken according to the measurement method, various distance measurement methods were applied and the model was checked for its dryness. And when the model was established, we could make a more predictive model using a grid search. Furthermore, we classified the viewers who had watched TV drama more than 70% of the total airtime as the "passionate viewer" when a new drama is broadcasted. Then we compared the drama's passionate viewer percentage the most highly ranked and the least highly ranked dramas. So that we can determine the possibility of blockbuster TV mini-series. We find that the initial viewing-time pattern is the key factor for the prediction of blockbuster dramas. From our model, block-buster dramas were correctly classified with the 75.47% accuracy with the initial viewing-time pattern analysis. This paper shows high prediction rate while suggesting audience rating method different from existing ones. Currently, broadcasters rely heavily on some famous actors called so-called star systems, so they are in more severe competition than ever due to rising production costs of broadcasting programs, long-term recession, aggressive investment in comprehensive programming channels and large corporations. Everyone is in a financially difficult situation. The basic revenue model of these broadcasters is advertising, and the execution of advertising is based on audience rating as a basic index. In the drama, there is uncertainty in the drama market that it is difficult to forecast the demand due to the nature of the commodity, while the drama market has a high financial contribution in the success of various contents of the broadcasting company. Therefore, to minimize the risk of failure. Thus, by analyzing the distribution of the first-time viewing time, it can be a practical help to establish a response strategy (organization/ marketing/story change, etc.) of the related company. Also, in this paper, we found that the behavior of the audience is crucial to the success of the program. In this paper, we define TV viewing as a measure of how enthusiastically watching TV is watched. We can predict the success of the program successfully by calculating the loyalty of the customer with the hot blood. This way of calculating loyalty can also be used to calculate loyalty to various platforms. It can also be used for marketing programs such as highlights, script previews, making movies, characters, games, and other marketing projects.