• Title/Summary/Keyword: color painting

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Development of Auto Polishing System for Automobile Door A-Fuel Filler using Image Processing (영상처리를 이용한 자동차 도어필러의 자동 폴리싱 시스템 개발)

  • Kim, Seong-Jin;Lee, Seong-Cheol
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.15 no.4
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    • pp.1807-1812
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    • 2014
  • A plastic has a various advantages in engineering elements that it can be formed a curve surface without restriction of shape and product the high volume with various color and lower price. Also, it is being used for many parts of automobile as the weight of cars is getting lighter. The Door A-Fuel Filler is a automobile plastic part by injection molding production. The injected products are involved a lot of factors for the inferior goods after painting. Therefore the painted products are required to have the process of the polishing in order to eliminate the faults. Now polishing process is being worked by hands. The workers tend to evade the process of polishing because the working needs a lot of powers momentarily. This paper presents the development of auto-polishing system that can check the inferior goods by the vision system and control the polishing process by the motion system. As a result, Shorten production time (30 seconds), and decreases by 1 person to work to increase the competitiveness of the production cost was to expect improvement.

Tactile Value Expressed in the Design of Madeleine Vionnet (마들렌 비요네 디자인에 나타난 촉각적 가치)

  • Yoon, Jin-Young;Yim, Eun-Hyuk
    • The Research Journal of the Costume Culture
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    • v.19 no.6
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    • pp.1193-1204
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    • 2011
  • As designs that simulate man's five wits are important, all five senses used are complex. Tactil value by Bernard Berenson means that the object in fine art makes the spectator feel like his or her finger is touching something, although the spectator is distant from the art piece. Especially as costumes have a relationship with the flexible skin and moving body, tactile modality and tactile value is more important. In order to analyze how Madeleine Vionnet realized a new femininity through the application of the principal of tactile value to dress design and in order to define tactile value in the field of fashion, this study examines the theory of tactile value, sculpture, painting, contemporary art, and product design as well as the design of Madeleine Vionnet from 1925 to 1937 because she was in the fashion business enlarging dress shops in New york during this period. The shape of Madeleine Vionnet's dresses made the concealed body alive through organic curves pressed against the body from cuts and dissections based on the anatomy of a supple body with curves and movement. In the garments, soft physical characteristics or the glossy touch of silk or pile textile imitated smooth skin while colors similar to a woman's eye, hair, and skin color continue the impression of the dress extending to the body through these design elements, Madeleine Vionnet's dresses reinforce the will to touch female body hidden under the dress by tactile values, not by the body's modification or visual exposure.

Developing application depend on emotion extraction from paintings (회화에서 감성 추출에 기반한 어플리케이션 개발 연구)

  • Lee, Taemin;Kang, Dongwann;Cho, Kyung-Ja;Park, SooJin;Yoon, Kyunghyun
    • Journal of Digital Contents Society
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    • v.18 no.6
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    • pp.1033-1040
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    • 2017
  • Artists use artistic features of paintings to provide various emotions in paintings. These features may be simply color and texture, but they can move on to form a composition or a symmetry. Through these features, people can feel various emotions when enjoying paintings. Even though they are using these features, there are paintings that are not readily accessible to non-extractable experts. This is because the analysis of features is not intuitive. In this paper, we want to produce content that matches paintings and music. This helps user to understand painting easily with paintings and matched music.

Knit fashion design by application of a flower image of Georgia O'Keeffe painting (조지아 오키프(Georgia O'Keeffe) 회화의 꽃 이미지를 응용한 니트 패션 디자인)

  • Kim, Hyeon-Yeong;Lee, Younhee
    • The Research Journal of the Costume Culture
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    • v.24 no.2
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    • pp.180-197
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    • 2016
  • The purpose of this study is to create knit ruffles that represent the aesthetic and artistic values of painted works of art that rhythmically express flower petals and add an artistic impression on the knit ruffle designs. This study is based on the artistic life of Georgia O'Keeffe and changes in her artistic background, and the world of paintings. The relevant data was gathered from domestic and foreign references, academic journals, and the internet. The characteristics of Georgia O'Keeffe paintings were examined. Her paintings typically include a series of various motifs, symmetry, balance, and harmony of detailed realistic expressions and abstract elements, repetition, and the principles of contrast and emphasis in shaping. The decoration techniques used on fabrics were applied using the knitting machine which controls the tension to develop a variety of textures, apart from the previous standardized knit textures, through various knitting techniques. A gradation effect was then applied by piece-dyeing the knitted materials in various colors to express asimilarity to the original colors in O'Keeffe's works with delicate color expressions. After the piece-dyeing, the decorative knitted materials were trimmed on a model to re-create the natural curves of flower petals. This study aims to converge works of art with fashion designs to develop various creative knitted fashion and to impart an artistic sense in the fashion design industry.

An Experimental Study on Reduction of $CO_2$ Exhausted Emission by using Fuel-cut Function of Vehicles (고속도로 주행 시 연료차단 기능을 활용한 $CO_2$ 배출량 감축에 대한 실험적 연구)

  • Ko, Kwang-Ho;Jeong, Seung-Hyun;Yoo, In-Kyoon;Lee, Soo-Hyung;Kim, Je-Won
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Automotive Engineers
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    • v.18 no.1
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    • pp.86-92
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    • 2010
  • The fuel is not injected when the driver doesn't push acceleration pedal of a vehicle with engine speed higher than about 1,500rpm above mid vehicle speed range. This is called "fuel-cut function" and almost every modern vehicle is equipped with this function. This is activated on downhill part of a highway most often. Therefore the vehicle-exhausted $CO_2$ can be zero in this downhill part if the driver could recognize this part of highway. We compared the vehicle-exhausted $CO_2$ emission when using fuel-cut function with the $CO_2$ mass when without using this function in this study. We found that the $CO_2$ emission reduced with fuel-cut function and measured the reduction rate of vehicle-exhausted $CO_2$ mass with this test results. The exhausted $CO_2$ mass of a passenger car(2,000cc engine volume) is reduced by 4% with this function used. This $CO_2$ reduction effect can be achieved if the downhill part of a highway is painted with a specific color. And this road painting can be included in the highway road rehabilitation policy.

Skinny Smudge Tool (스키니 스머지 툴)

  • Woo, Seung-Beom;Kwak, No-Yoon
    • 한국HCI학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2009.02a
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    • pp.111-115
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    • 2009
  • This paper is related to a skinny smudge tool based on the image segmentation for a master shape. The smudge tool is the popular graphic tool embedded in Adobe Photoshop. The smudge tool is used to smear paint on your canvas. The effect is much like finger painting. You can use the smudge tool by clicking on the smudge icon and clicking on the canvas and while holding the mouse button down, dragging in the direction you want to smudge. A disadvantage of previous smudge tool is to also smear pixels in the undesired region according to generating the target image as blending all pixels in a diameter of the master. In this paper to reduce the disadvantage, the skinny smudge tool based on the image segmentation for a master shape is proposed. The proposed skinny smudge tool has the advantage of applying the smudge effect to the desired regions regardless of the background as the master shape adhered closely to the contour shape is extracted by color image segmentation.

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A Study on the arranged space of 'Ssangpok Checkgeori' Pictures ('쌍폭 책거리' 그림의 공간배치 연구)

  • Lee, Mi-Young;Kim, Sun-Gu
    • Archives of design research
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    • v.19 no.5 s.67
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    • pp.151-160
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    • 2006
  • When it comes to the paintings in Joseon Dynasty, landscape and a genre paintings were popular but it was Minhwa that people of every dass loved. Minhwa contained not only true meaning of a picture, but also it was simple and straighforwardly depicted. Among them, paintings in books belonging to the Joseon Dynasty (hereinafter called Checkgeori paintings) describe a small universe in which people live harmoniously in nature on the basis of a Confucian society. In addition, it shows modern philosophy in paintings and makes a feature of human life. In this paper, 'Ssangpok Checkgeori 'in Checkgeori paintings illustrates the relationships between things such as color, arrangement, place and direction. They have outstanding features such as the direction of things in composition, multiple vanishing points, a folding screen constituent and movement of viewpoints. Therefore, we come to know the painting method of 'Ssangpok Checkgeori' can be applied to modern paintings.

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An Analytical Investigation on the Dancheong Pigments by Hyperspectral Technique: Focusing on Green Colors

  • Jung, Cham Hee;Lee, Han Hyoung;Song, You Na;Min, Kyeong Jin;Chung, Yong Jae
    • Journal of Conservation Science
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    • v.35 no.4
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    • pp.345-361
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    • 2019
  • This study demonstrates the application of hyperspectral analysis as a pigment identification method for modern and contemporary Dancheong, the polychrome surface on traditional Korean wooden buildings. In particular, green pigments are the focus of this study. Green pigments in modern and contemporary Dancheong have the largest variation of materials and show a noticeable timeline. Thus, they are most suitable for estimating the manufacture or restoration period of Dancheong. Hyperspectral analysis is a noncontact, long-distance measurement technique that has advantages in the field of Dancheong analysis. It is capable of identifying both organic and inorganic pigments, unlike existing analysis methods. For this experiment, green and other pigments used during the modern and contemporary era were selected and made into painted samples under various mixing conditions that reflect their actual uses. Through hyperspectral analysis, their reflectance characteristics were observed, which enables the derivation of four main features that can distinguish the type of pigments used for color mixture. Based on these, a pigment identification system was designed in the form of a flowchart, and its utility was confirmed through site application. Despite some limitations at this stage, the technique can be complemented by considering proper measurement methods or the continuous accumulation of samples and data. If a database on various materials, mixing ratios, painting techniques, and other external interference factors is developed in future research, it would provide the foundation for a faster and safer analysis environment of Dancheong sites.

Species and Characteristics of Particles for Traditional Red and Green Pigments used in Temples (사찰에 사용된 적색 및 녹색안료의 종류와 입자특성 분석)

  • Yoo, Young Mi;Han, Min Su;Lee, Jang Jon
    • Journal of Conservation Science
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    • v.30 no.4
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    • pp.365-372
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    • 2014
  • The purpose of the present study is to determine the species of red and green pigments used on paintings of Korean temples and also to compare the two pigments according to the particle characteristics. The component analysis shows that the red pigment consists of cinnabar, hematite, and minium and the green pigment are composed of atacamite, celadonite, and malachite. The result suggests that mixture of various pigments were applied to the painting. When it comes to the particle characteristics, there are various hedral or anhedral shapes such as sharp, long, angular, and platy shapes even in the same cinnabar. In addition, the green pigment also shows a similar pattern with those of the red pigment. Up to now, an identification of minerals has been relied on examination of component and crystal shape. However, it is notable that using form related characteristics can be a better and useful method not only for categorization of pigments which are similar in terms of color and species but also specific index.

Web-based Image Retrieval and Classification System using Sketch Query (스케치 질의를 통한 웹기반 영상 검색과 분류 시스템)

  • 이상봉;고병철;변혜란
    • Journal of KIISE:Software and Applications
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    • v.30 no.7_8
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    • pp.703-712
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    • 2003
  • With the explosive growth n the numbers and sizes of imaging technologies, Content-Based Image Retrieval (CBIR) has been attacked the interests of researchers in the fields of digital libraries, image processing, and database systems. In general, in the case of query-by-image, in user has to select an image from database to query, even though it is not his completely desired one. However, since query-by-sketch approach draws a query shape according to the user´s desire it can provide more high-level searching interface to the user compared to the query-b-image. As a result, query-by-sketch has been widely used. In this paper, we propose a Java-based image retrieval system that consists of sketch query and image classification. We use two features such as color histogram and Haar wavelets coefficients to search similar images. Then the Leave-One-Out method is used to classify database images. The categories of classification are photo & painting, city & nature, and sub-classification of nature image. By using the sketch query and image classification, w can offer convenient image retrieval interface to user and we can also reduce the searching time.