• Title/Summary/Keyword: collapsed wall

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Effect of Torrefaction Condition on The Chemical Composition and Fuel Characteristics of Larch wood (낙엽송재의 화학적 조성 및 연료적 특성에 대한 반탄화 조건의 영향)

  • Kim, Sang Tae;Lee, Jae-Jung;Park, Dae-Hak;Yang, In;Han, Gyu-Seong;Ahn, Byoung Jun
    • Journal of the Korean Wood Science and Technology
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    • v.43 no.1
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    • pp.122-134
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    • 2015
  • This study was conducted to investigate the potential of torrefied larch wood as a raw material of pellets. First of all, larch chip was torrefied at the temperatures of 230, 250 and $270^{\circ}C$ for 30, 50 and 70 min. Secondly, moisture content, moisture absorption, higher heating value and ash content of the torrefied chip were measured to examine the effects of torrefaction conditions on the fuel characteristics of larch. Thirdly, surfaces of the torrefied chip were observed by light microscope (LM), field emission scanning microscope (FE-SEM) and SEM-energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDXS). With the increases of torrefied temperature and time, contents of lignin increased and those of hemicellulose reduced. Moisture content of torrefied larch chip was greatly lower than that of non-torrefied chip. Moisture absorption of the torrefied chip decreased as torrefaction temperature increased. As torrefaction temperature increased, higher heating value and ash content of larch chip increased. However, durability of torrefied-larch pellets was remarkably lower comparing to non-torrefied-larch pellets. When surface of larch chip was observed by LM and FE-SEM, surface color and cell wall of the chip was getting darker and more collapsed with the increases of torrefaction conditions. Through the analysis of SEM-EDXS, distribution and quantity of lignin existing on the surface of larch chip increased with the increases of torrefied conditions. In conclusion, $270^{\circ}C$/50 min might be an optimal condition for the torrefaction of larch with the aspect of fuel characteristics, but torrefaction condition of $230^{\circ}C$/30 min should be considered according to the durability of torrefied-larch pellets.

A Study on the Radioprotection Effect of Selenium and Arginine Mixtures for Reducing Radiation Damage to Police SOU (경찰특공대 요원의 방사선손상 감소를 위한 셀레늄과 아르기닌 혼합물의 방호효과 연구)

  • Geun-Woo Jeong;Hae-Suk Kim;Jae-Hyeong Park;Sung-Hyun Joo;Jae-Gyeong Choi;Se-Im Cheon;Byung-In Min
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Radiology
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    • v.18 no.2
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    • pp.119-125
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    • 2024
  • The purpose of this study is to examine the radioprotection effect of mixtures of selenium and arginine for development of radioprotection agents that can minimize radiation damage to police special operation unit in the event of radioactive terrorism. In this study 72 male rats were classified into 4 groups: normal group(NC Group), selenium and arginine mixtures administration group(SeAr Group), radiation exposure group(IR Group), and selenium and arginine mixture administration group followed by radiation exposure(SeAr+IR Group). The 7Gy of X-ray was irradiated to whole body of SD rats. And selenium and arginine were dministered orally at 3mg/kg and 150mg/kg once a day for 14 days. And then hematological and histological analyzes were performed on days 1, 7, and 21 after radiation exposure. In hemotological analysis, significant radioprotection wes observed in lymphocytes(p<0.05) on day 1, platelet(p<0.01) on day 7, red blood cell(p<0.01) on day 21 of radiation exposure in SeAr+IR group compared to IR group. In histological analysis, it was observed that the border of small crypt cells in the small intestine was less collapsed and the length of small crypts was relatively recovered on day 7 and showed that the number of cells and cell wall thickness were better in the prostate on day 21 in SeAr+IR group compared to IR group. Therefore, it is judged that selenium and arginine mixtures have radioprotection effect on blood and tissues due to radiation exposure. it will be helpful for research on radioprotection agents to reduce radiation damage to police special operation unit.

Effect of Posture on the Distribution of Pulmonary Ventilation in Patients with Increased Closing volume (폐쇄용적(Closing Volume)이 증가된 만성 폐질환 환자에서 체위에 따른 폐환기량의 변화)

  • Kim, Young-Tae;Kim, Mee-Kyung;Lim, Chae-Man;Koh, Youn-Suck;Kim, Woo-Sung;Ryu, Jin-Sook;Lee, Myung-Hae;Kim, Won-Dong
    • Tuberculosis and Respiratory Diseases
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    • v.40 no.6
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    • pp.631-637
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    • 1993
  • Background: In normal adults, ventilation is uneven and greater in the base than the apex of the lung in tidal volume breathing. However infants have fragile chest wall and reduced elastic recoil, resulting in easy closure of peripheral airways especially in the dependent portion of the lung. So ventilation in infants is greater in the apex than the base of the lung. We assumed that in adults whose closing volume is increased, dependent portion could be easily collapsed during tidal breathing and ventilation could be greater in the uppear than than the lower portion of the lung. Methods: We measured spirometry and closing volume(CV) in normal controls and in patients with chronic lung disease. Also we measured fractional distribution of ventilation at supine, left lateral and right lateral decubitus with $^{133}Xe$ ventilation scan in normal controls, patients with normal closing volume and patients with increased closing volume. Results: The subjects consisted of 7 normal controls(mean $age{\pm}SD$, $62.9{\pm}6.1$ years). 6 patients with normal CV($62.8{\pm}8.2$ years) and 7 patients with increased CV($63.0{\pm}15.3$ years). 1) Normal controls have mean(${\pm}SD$) FVC $104{\pm}11%$ of predicted value, $FEV_1\;120{\pm}16%,\;FEV_1/FVC\;112{\pm}5%$ and CV $86.9{\pm}12.5%$. Patients with normal CV have FVC $62{\pm}11%,\;FEV_1\;54{\pm}17%,\;FEV_1/FVC\;84{\pm}23%$ and CV $92.6{\pm}15.5%$. Patients with increased CV, have FVC $53{\pm}9%,\;FEV_1\;38{\pm}13,\;FEV_1/FVC\;69{\pm}16%$ and CV $176.1{\pm}36.6%$, CV was significantly different between two patient groups(p<0.02) 2). In normal controls mean fractional ventilation to left lung was $48.1{\pm}5.3%$ at supine, $54.1{\pm}9.8%$ at dependent and $40.9{\pm}6.5%$ at left uppermost position. In patients with normal CV mean fractional ventilation to left lung was $44.6{\pm}2.1%$ at supine, $59.7{\pm}5.6%$ at left dependent and $31.7{\pm}8.3%$ at left uppermost position. In patients with increased CV mean fractional ventilation to left lung was $48.7{\pm}4.5%$ at supine, $41.7{\pm}6.6%$ at left dependent and $60.9{\pm}15.7%$ at left uppermost position. In normal controls and patients with normal CV, ventilation to left lung at left dependent position tends to be higher than that at supine position but without statisitical significance and it was significantly lower at left uppermost than at left lung dependent position. In patients with increased CV, ventilation to left at left dependent position tends to be higher than that at supine position but without significance and it was significantly higher at left uppermost than that at left dependent position. Conclusion: These data suggest that in patients with increased CV ventilation to one side of lung could be higher at uppermost than at dependent position on lateral decubitus during tidal breathing and this fact should be taken into account in positioning of patients with unilateral lung disease.

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