• 제목/요약/키워드: coastal-offshore

검색결과 616건 처리시간 0.019초

한국 남동해안 외해 표층 200m 수온의 년변동 (Annual Variation of Water Temperatures in the Upper 200m Off)

  • 강용균;강옥규
    • 한국해양학회지
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    • 제22권2호
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    • pp.71-79
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    • 1987
  • 동해안 외해역 51개 정점의 표층 200m내 10개 표준 수심의 누년평균 수온자 료에 대한 조화분석을 통하여 수온의 연변동을 구명하였다. 연안에 인접한 해역에 서 연평균 수온의 등온선은 해안선에 거의 평행한 반면에, 외해에서는 등온선이 위 도선에 거의 평행한다. 수심이 증가함에 따라 수온의 연진폭은 지수함수적으로 감 소하고, 연위상은 거의 선형적으로 증가한다. 동해 남동해역에서의 평균적인 지수적 진폭 감소 수심 (e-folding depth)은 65 이고, 수심증가 200m에 따른 연위상의 변동 은 180 이며, 연직방향의 난류적 전도계수는 $4\textrm{cm}^2/sec$해안으로부터 수십해리 이내인 연안역의 수온 연변동은 외해의 수온 연변동과 상당히 다르다. 연안역 진폭의 지수 적 감소 수심은 외해에서 보다 얕으며, 수심에 따른 수온 연변동 상의 증가는 연안 쪽이 외해쪽보다 완만하다.

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AIS 광역망을 이용한 연근해 어장관리 (Management of coastal and offshore fishing ground using wide-area network of AIS)

  • 신형일;배문기;이대재;이유원
    • 수산해양기술연구
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    • 제42권3호
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    • pp.179-185
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    • 2006
  • In order to efficiently manage the coastal and offshore fishing ground, the applicability of real-time monitering was also investigated through a wide-area network of automatic identification system(AIS). The experiment of efficiently managing coastal and offshore fishing ground with a wide-area network of AIS required, on the headquarter's screen, a synthetic display of vessel information transmitted from three different distant stations. This experiment tested the applicability of real-time monitoring with the shown display. The maximum range of detection of the first station in Busan was 24 nautical miles while those of the second and third stations in Yeosu and Jeju were 26 and 52 nautical miles, respectively.

Natural frequency of bottom-fixed offshore wind turbines considering pile-soil-interaction with material uncertainties and scouring depth

  • Yi, Jin-Hak;Kim, Sun-Bin;Yoon, Gil-Lim;Andersen, Lars Vabbersgaard
    • Wind and Structures
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    • 제21권6호
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    • pp.625-639
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    • 2015
  • Monopiles have been most widely used for supporting offshore wind turbines (OWTs) in shallow water areas. However, multi-member lattice-type structures such as jackets and tripods are also considered good alternatives to monopile foundations for relatively deep water areas with depth ranging from 25-50 m owing to their technical and economic feasibility. Moreover, jacket structures have been popular in the oil and gas industry for a long time. However, several unsolved technical issues still persist in the utilization of multi-member lattice-type supporting structures for OWTs; these problems include pile-soil-interaction (PSI) effects, realization of dynamically stable designs to avoid resonances, and quick and safe installation in remote areas. In this study, the effects of PSI on the dynamic properties of bottom-fixed OWTs, including monopile-, tripod- and jacket-supported OWTs, were investigated intensively. The tower and substructure were modeled using conventional beam elements with added mass, and pile foundations were modeled with beam and nonlinear spring elements. The effects of PSI on the dynamic properties of the structure were evaluated using Monte Carlo simulation considering the load amplitude, scouring depth, and the uncertainties in soil properties.

Reliability analysis of laterally loaded piles for an offshore wind turbine support structure using response surface methodology

  • Kim, Sun B.;Yoon, Gil L.;Yi, Jin H.;Lee, Jun H.
    • Wind and Structures
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    • 제21권6호
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    • pp.597-607
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    • 2015
  • With an increasing demand of a renewable energy, new offshore wind turbine farms are being planned in some parts of the world. Foundation installation asks a significant cost of the total budget of offshore wind turbine (OWT) projects. Hence, a cost reduction from foundation parts is a key element when a cost-efficient designing of OWT budget. Mono-piles have been largely used, accounting about 78% of existing OWT foundations, because they are considered as a most economical alternative with a relatively shallow-water, less than 30 m of seawater depth. OWT design standards such as IEC, GL, DNV, API, and Eurocode are being developed in a form of reliability based limit state design method. In this paper, reliability analysis using the response surface method (RSM) and numerical simulation technique for an OWT mono-pile foundation were performed to investigate the sensitivities of mono-pile design parameters, and to find practical implications of RSM reliability analysis.

Application of fractals to study the corroded reinforced concrete beam

  • Fan, Y.F.;Zhou, J.;Hu, Z.Q.
    • Structural Engineering and Mechanics
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    • 제20권3호
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    • pp.265-277
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    • 2005
  • This paper is focused on fractal analysis of the surface cracking, a new tool for safety evaluation of corroded reinforced concrete (RC) beams. Comprehensive experimental investigations, including flexural tests, coupon tests on strength evaluation of corroded concrete and rusty rebar, and pullout tests to determine bond strength between concrete and rebar were carried out on nine Corroded Reinforced Concrete Beams (CRCB) exposed to an aggressive environment for more than 10 years. In combination with test results from a previous study on CRCBs fabricated in the laboratory from accelerated methods, it is found that, for both types of beams, the surface cracking distributions are fractal in character at loading and failure stages. Fractal dimension is calculated for all specimens at different corrosion states based on fractal analysis method. Relationships between the fractal dimension and mechanical properties of corroded concrete, rebar corrosion ratio, and ductility of CRCBs are discussed in detail. It is concluded that the fractal dimension can act as a damage index and can be efficiently used to describe the corrosion state of CRCBs.

연근해어선 승선 외국인어선원의 무단이탈률 저감 방안에 관한 연구 (A Study on Devices of Reducing Foreign Fishermen's Rate of Deserting from Coastal and Offshore Fishing Vessels in Korea)

  • 김영운;박문갑
    • 수산해양교육연구
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    • 제24권2호
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    • pp.263-271
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    • 2012
  • The aim of this study is to reduce the foreign fishermen's rate of deserting from Korean coastal and offshore fishing vessel. There are two employment systems for foreign fishermen who work on a coastal and offshore fishing vessel in Korea. One is employment permit system and the other is foreign seamen system. The former permits the foreign fishermen to work on the fishing vessels which are less than 20 gross tonnage. The latter permits the foreign fishermen to work on the fishing vessels which are more than 20 gross tonnage. The recent rate of deserting from their workplace are 21.5% in foreign seaman system and 26.8% in employment permit system by October 2011. In this paper, the authors propose eight means to reduce the rate of deserting from their workplace.

Size Effect of Axial Compressive Strength of CFRP Confined Concrete Cylinders

  • Akogbe, Romuald-Kokou;Liang, Meng;Wu, Zhi-Min
    • International Journal of Concrete Structures and Materials
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    • 제5권1호
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    • pp.49-55
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    • 2011
  • The main objective of this investigation is to study size effect on compressive strength of CFRP confined concrete cylinders subjected to axial compressive loading. In total 24 concrete cylinders with different sizes were tested, small specimens with a diameter of 100 mm and a height of 200 mm, medium specimens with a diameter of 200 mm and a height of 400 mm, and big specimens with a diameter of 300 mm and a height of 600 mm. The lateral confining pressure of each specimen is the same and from that hypothesis the small specimens were confined with one layer of CFRP, medium and big specimens were performed by two and three layers of CFRP respectively. Test results indicate a significant enhancement in compressive strength for all confined specimens, and moreover, the compressive strengths of small and medium specimens are almost the same while a bit lower for big specimens. These results permit to conclude that there is no size effect on compressive strength of confined specimens regardless of cylinder dimension.

Structural health monitoring using piezoceramic transducers as strain gauges and acoustic emission sensors simultaneously

  • Huo, Linsheng;Li, Xu;Chen, Dongdong;Li, Hongnan
    • Computers and Concrete
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    • 제20권5호
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    • pp.595-603
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    • 2017
  • Piezoceramic transducers have been widely used in the health monitoring of civil structures. However, in most cases, they are used as sensors either to measure strain or receive stress waves. This paper proposes a method of using piezoelectric transducers as strain gauges and acoustic emission (AE) sensors simultaneously. The signals received by piezoceramic transducers are decomposed into different frequency components for various analysis purposes. The low-frequency signals are used to measure strain, whereas the high-frequency signals are used as acoustic emission signal associated with local damage. The b-value theory is used to process the AE signal in piezoceramic transducers. The proposed method was applied in the bending failure experiments of two reinforced concrete beams to verify its feasibility. The results showed that the extracted low-frequency signals from the piezoceramic transducers had good agreement with that from the strain gauge, and the processed high-frequency signal from piezoceramic transducers as AE could indicate the local damage to concrete. The experimental results verified the feasibly of structural health monitoring using piezoceramic transducers as strain gauges and AE sensors simultaneously, which can advance their application in civil engineering.

연근해어업 구조개선의 의의, 문제점과 추진 방향 (The definition, problems and policy direction of structure reform in Korean coastal and offshore fisheries.)

  • 신영태
    • 수산경영론집
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    • 제30권2호
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    • pp.39-54
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    • 1999
  • This paper focused on meaning, problems and prospect of structural reform of coastal and offshore fisheries in Korea. Structural reform can be defined as effective combination of production factors in order to enhance fisheries productivity and it can be realized mainly through fleet reduction, modernization of fishing vessels and fishing gear etc. However, the structural reform alone will not be sufficient to advance Koreanl fisheries facing with severe challenges from both inside and outside. Domestically, worsening status of fisheries resources, decreasing number of fishermen, worsening financial status of fisheries businesses and severe competition cause structural problem in fisheries sector and internationally the pressure from WTO and OECD to reduce tariff and subsides in fisheries poses severe challenges. The structural reform should be carried out in relation with the general adjustment programs across coastal and offshore fisheries such as M&A among fisheries businesses, adjustment of number of fishing permits and fishing areas. And the policy to enhance the fishing productivity is needed for recovery of fisheries resources and for the reduction of fishing efforts, that is, the approach which combines economic and resources concerns is needed. For the effective implementation of the reform, effect analysis of the reform program is needed and at the same time, eradication of illegal fishing, reduction of fishing fleet and reduction of fishing cost should be realized. However, the most important thing is the will and efforts of the government for successful reform. If the government does not exert sufficient efforts for the structural reform, Korea could be degraded into a backward country in fisheries.

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Seismic rehabilitation of substandard RC columns with partially deteriorated concrete using CFRP composites

  • Hou, Dongxu;Wu, Zhimin;Zheng, Jianjun;Cui, Yao
    • Computers and Concrete
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    • 제15권1호
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    • pp.1-20
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    • 2015
  • Many existing reinforced concrete (RC) columns in structures tend to become substandard RC ones due to updated standards or environmental changes. These substandard columns may alter the behaviors of the whole structure and therefore are in urgent need of seismic retrofitting. Owing to their superior advantages, carbon fiber reinforced polymer (CFRP) composites are widely used to retrofit RC columns. The applications mainly focus on various substandard RC columns, but few deals with substandard columns with deteriorated concrete, especially damaged by earthquake. The purpose of this paper is to investigate the seismic behaviors of CFRP reinforced partially deteriorated RC columns and to evaluate the effect of CFRP sheets on them. Six flexure-dominant columns were tested under a constant axial load and transverse cyclic displacements. It is found that the seismic behaviors of partially deteriorated columns can be recovered by wrapping CFRP sheets on them. Numerical analysis is then conducted using finite element methods and verified with experimental results. The effects of the axial load ratio, the ratio of the thickness of CFRP sheet to the column diameter, and the slenderness ratio on the seismic behaviors of CFRP reinforced RC columns are evaluated. Finally, a method is proposed to determine the required thickness of CFRP sheet.