• Title/Summary/Keyword: coastal seawater

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Development of Remote Sensing Reflectance and Water Leaving Radiance Models for Ocean Color Remote Sensing Technique (해색 원격탐사를 위한 원격반사도 및 수출광 모델의 개발)

  • 안유환
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.16 no.3
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    • pp.243-260
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    • 2000
  • Ocean remote sensing reflectance of just above water level was modeled using inherent optical properties of seawater contents, total absorption (a) and backscattering(bb) coefficients ($R_{rs}$=0.046 $b_b$/(a+$b_b$). This modeling was based on the specific absorption and backscattering coefficients of 5 optically active seawater components; phytoplankton pigments, non-chlorophyllous suspended particles, dissolved organic matters, heterotrophic microorganisms, and the other unknown particle components. Simulated remote sensing reflectance($R_{rs}$) and water leaving radiance(Lw) spectra were well agreed with in-situ measurements obtained using a bi-directional fields remote spectrometer in coastal waters and open ocean. $R_{rs}$ values in SeaWiFS bands from the model were analyzed to develop 2-band ratio ocean color chlorophyll with those observed insitu. Also, chlorophyll algorithm based on remote reflectance developed in this study fell in those obtained by a SeaBAM working group. The model algorithms were examined and compared with those observed insitu. Also, chlorophyll algorithm based on remote reflectance developed in this study fell in those obtained by a SeaBAM working group. The remote reflectance model will be very helpful to understand the variation of water leaving radiances caused by the various components in the seawater, and to develop new ocean color algorithm for CASE-II water using neural network method or other analytical method, and in the model of fine atmospheric signal correction.

Proposal for the groundwater based countermeasures to secure water resources considering regional characteristics of water resources vulnerable areas (국내 수자원 이용 취약지역의 지역 특성을 고려한 지하수 기반 수자원 확보 방안 제시)

  • Kim, Geon;Lee, Jae-Beom;Agossou, Amos;Yang, Jeong-Seok
    • Journal of Korea Water Resources Association
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    • v.55 no.3
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    • pp.191-203
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    • 2022
  • This study is a follow-up study of vulnerable areas according to the vulnerability assessment of groundwater resource management in Korea. In this study, an optimal operation plan for groundwater resource management was proposed for areas vulnerable to groundwater resource management in Korea derived from previous studies. Prior to presenting the optimal operation plan for groundwater resource management, this study grasped the current status of changes in groundwater level and seawater penetration area for vulnerable areas using MODFLOW, a groundwater flow analysis program. As a result of the analysis using basic data for 10 years from 2009 to 2018, the groundwater level fell and the sea infiltration area increased. The final purpose of this study, the optimal operation plan for groundwater resource management, was selected as a total of four alternatives that can be expected to have positive effects to increase groundwater level and reduce seawater penetration. As a result of analyzing the amount of change in groundwater level and seawater penetration by applying the selected optimal operation plan, positive effects were found in all methods. It is expected that the optimal operation plan for groundwater resource management proposed in this study will be applied not only to vulnerable areas of groundwater resources in Korea but also to areas requiring development to establish efficient groundwater resource management measures.

Temporal and Spatial Variability of Phytoplankton Communities in the Nakdong River Estuary and Coastal Area, 2011-2012 (2011-2012년 낙동강 하구 및 연안역에서 식물플랑크톤 군집의 시·공간적 변화)

  • Chung, Mi Hee;Youn, Seok-Hyun
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    • v.18 no.4
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    • pp.214-226
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    • 2013
  • To understand the changing patterns in phytoplankton communities, we conducted 12 surveys along the Nakdong River, its estuary, and adjacent coastal areas between January 2011 and October 2012 (during the period of barrage construction and sediment dredging). Monthly precipitation ranged from 0 to 502 mm during the survey period, and salinity ranged between 0.1 psu and 0.3 psu in the Nakdong River, regardless of the depth, indicating no seawater influence, while salinity showed large seasonal fluctuations in the estuarine and coastal station, ranging from 0.1 psu to 34.8 psu. A total of 402 phytoplankton species were identified, 178 species from the river and 331 species from the estuary and coastal areas. Phytoplankton standing crop increased in 2012 compared to that in 2011, and was found to be highest in the river, followed by the estuary and coastal areas. Among the top 20 species in frequency of occurrence and dominance, Stephanodiscus spp., Aulacoseira granulata, and Aulacoseira granulata var. angustissima and Pseudo-nitzschia spp. were important species along the river-estuary-coastal areas. Diatoms were the major taxonomic group inhabiting the Nakdong river-estuary-coastal areas. A comparison of seasonal dominant phytoplankton species revealed a slight decrease over the years, from 13 species in 2011 to 10 species in 2012. However, no significant difference was found in the diversity of phytoplankton species between the two survey years, although lightly greater diversity was observed in the coastal areas than in the river and estuary. Cluster analysis with community composition data revealed that the community structure varied significantly in 2011 depending on the time of survey, while in 2012, it hardly showed any variation and was simpler. An increase in the phytoplankton standing crop, fewer dominant species, and simpler community structure in 2012 compared to those in 2011 are probably due to the rapid environmental changes along the Nakdong River. To investigate these ecological relationships, it is necessary to conduct further studies focusing on integrated analyses of biocenosis, including phytoplankton with respect to the changes in nutrient distribution, variation of freshwater discharge, and effect area of freshwater in the Nakdong estuary and adjacent coastal areas.

Water Mass Stability of Deep Ocean Water in the East Sea (동해 심층수의 수괴 안정성)

  • Moon D.S.;Jung D.H.;Shin P.K.;Kim H.J.
    • Proceedings of the Korea Committee for Ocean Resources and Engineering Conference
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    • 2004.05a
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    • pp.285-289
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    • 2004
  • Oceanographic observation and qualitative analysis for deep ocean water in the East Sea were carried out from January 2003 to January 2004, in order to understand the characteristics of deep sea water in the East Sea. Temporal and spatial variation of water masses were discussed from survey of the study area including the coastal sea of Kwangwon province in where the polar front mixing cold and warm water masses were formed. On the basis of the vertical profiles of temperature, salinity and dissolved oxygen, water masses in the study area were divided into 5 major groups; (1) Low Saline Surface Water (LSSW) (2) Tsushima Surface water (TSW) (3) Tsushima Middle Water (TMW) (4) North Korea Cold Water (NKCW) and (5) East Sea Proper Water (ESPW). In winter, surface water in coastal sea of Kwangwaan Kosung region were dominated by North Korean Cold Water (NKCW). As Tsushima warm current were enforced in summer, various water masses were vertically emerged in study area, in order of TSW, TMW, NKCW and ESPW. It is highly possible that the LSSW which occurred at surface water of september is originated from influx of fresh water due to the seasonal rainy spell. Nevertheless water masses existed within surface water were seasonally varied, water quality characteristics of East Sea Proper Water (ESPW) under 300 m did not changed all the seasons of the year.

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Simulation of undewater irradiance distribution in coastal squid jigging vessel using the LED and metal halide fishing lamp combination (LED와 메탈헬라이드 집어등을 겸용한 연안 오징어채낚기 어선의 수중 방사조도 분포 시뮬레이션)

  • Bae, Jae-Hyun;An, Heui-Chun;Kim, Mi-Kyung;Park, Hae-Hun;Jung, Mee-Suk
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Fisheries and Ocean Technology
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    • v.50 no.4
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    • pp.511-519
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    • 2014
  • This study is aimed to analyze the three-dimensional underwater irradiance using an optical simulation software and to clarify the propriety and operation method under considering luminous intensity distribution of the luring lamp and penetrability in the seawater, when we use the light diffuser type 300W high powered LED and the metal halide lamp (MHL) on a coastal squid jigging vessel in the 10-ton class, simultaneously. For their attenuation characteristics of each wavelength in relation to the sea, LED lamp was to be effective in the 1.9-fold at 50 m depth and 2.1-fold at 80 m for underwater irradiance more than MHL according to the power consumption. In addition, the underwater irradiance distribution using the LED and MHL combination was rather increased even when reducing total power usage up to 20% depending on the simulation with changing the configuration and lighting angle of the lamp. These results can be utilized as an evaluation method of the operation and performance of the LED lamp according to adjusting its arrangement and lighting angle.

Characterization of Bunker Oil-Related Compounds Degrading Bacteria Isolated from Pusan Coastal Waters (부산근해에서 분리한 Bunker Oil 관련화합물 분해세균의 특성)

  • Choi, Jin;Kim, Jong-Goo;Park, Geun-tae;Son, Hong-Joo;Kim, Hee-Gu;Lee, Sang-Joon
    • Journal of Environmental Science International
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    • v.8 no.4
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    • pp.451-456
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    • 1999
  • Microorganisms utilizing petroleum as substrate were screened from the seawater in Pusan coastal area. Among them, fifty strains utilized bunker-A oil as a sole carbon and energy source. Five of these fifty strains were selected to experiment this study. According to the taxonomic characteristics of its morphological, cultural and biochemical properties, the selected stains were named Pseudomonas sp. EL-12, Flavobacterium sp. EL-15, Acinetobacter sp. EL-18, Enterobacter sp. EL-27 and Micrococcus sp. EL-43, respectively. The optimal medium compositions and cultural conditions for assimilation of bunker-A oil by the selected strains were 1.5-2% bunker-A oil, 0.1% $NH_4NO_3$, 1-1.5% $MgSO_4$.$7H_2O$, 0.05-0.15% KCl, 0.1-0.15% $CaCl_2$.$2H_2O$, 2.5-3.5% NaCl, initial pH 8-9, temperature 3$0^{\circ}C$ and aeration, respectively. The utilization and degradation characteristics on the various hydrocarbons by the selected stains were showed that bunker oil, n-alkane and branched alkane compounds were highly activity than cyclic alkane and aromatic hydrocarbon compounds.

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Assesment of pCO2 in the Yellow and East China Sea Using an Earth System Model (지구시스템모형을 이용한 황동중국해 이산화탄소분압 분포 특성 평가)

  • Park, Young-Gyu;Choi, Sang-Hwa;Kim, Cheol-Ho
    • Ocean and Polar Research
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    • v.33 no.4
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    • pp.447-455
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    • 2011
  • Using results from an earth system model, the distribution of partial pressure of $CO_2$ ($pCO_2$) in surface seawater over the East China Sea is investigated. In this area $pCO_2$ shows minimum along the edge of the continental break along the path of the Taiwan-Tsushima Current System. Apparently modelled chlorophyll is also great along the current but the maximum of the chlorophyll and the minimum of $pCO_2$ do not coincide suggesting that the primary production is not the main cause of the $pCO_2$ minimum. As we move toward the Yellow Sea from the Kuroshio area the temperature decreases so that the $pCO_2$ becomes smaller. If we move further toward the Yellow Sea beyond the Taiwan-Tsushima Current System, alkalinity starts to drop substantially to intensify $pCO_2$ while overcoming the effect of decreasing temperature and salinity. Thus $pCO_2$ minimum occurs along the Taiwan-Tsushima Current System. Of course, the primary production lower $pCO_2$ during spring when it is high but the effect is local. Near the Yangtze river mouth and northeastern corner of the Yellow Sea the fresh water input is large enough and dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) becomes low enough so that $pCO_2$ becomes lower again.

Variability of Pb, Mn, Al and Na Concentrations is Snow Deposited from Winter to Early Summer 1998 in Livingston lsland, Antarctic Peninsula

  • Sungmin Hong;Lee, Gangwoong;Velde, Katja-Van de;Claude F. Boutron
    • Journal of Korean Society for Atmospheric Environment
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    • v.16 no.E2
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    • pp.85-96
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    • 2000
  • The concentrations of Pb, Mn, Al and Na were measured from a total of 26 snow samples collected from a 1.5-m deep snow pit in Livingston Island, South Shetland Islands, at the northern tip of the Antarctic Peninsula. Ore sampling location is great concern, because of its proximity to the southern extremity of south America, a candidate for the source regions of pollutant aerosols entering Antarctica. The mean concentrations of Pb and Mn were found to be 4.97 pg g(sup)-1 and 20.6 pgg(sup)-1, respectively. These concentrations levels are similar to those reported for recent snow at other Antarctic sites with pronounced spring maxima for both metals. Contributions form natural sources are estimated to be minor (∼16%) for Pb. For Mn, on the other hand, contribution from rock and soil dusts is found to be very important. Excess Pb over Pb from natural sources is likely to be anthropogenic, especially from South Americal. Our results show that yearly Pb fallout flux is much greater in Antarctic coastal areas than at other Antarctic locations far from the coast , indicating that the transport and deposition patterns of pollutant aerosols are not simple is Antarctica. It is also suggested that the recycling of anthropogenic Pb in seawater to the atmosphere could significantly contribute to the Pb fallout flux in the Antarctic coastal regions.

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A Study on the Inflow and Seasonal Characteristics of Foreign Marine Debris in the Coastal Area of the West Sea (서해안 일대 외국기인 해양쓰레기의 유입과 계절적 특성 연구)

  • Jang, Seon-Woong;Park, Jae-Moon;Chung, Yong-Hyun;Kim, Dae-Hyun;Yoon, Hong-Jo
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Marine Environment & Energy
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    • v.15 no.2
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    • pp.89-100
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    • 2012
  • The aim of this study knows to occurrence characteristics and monthly transition of foreign marine debris by changing in the marine environment for the national marine debris monitoring areas in the west coastal area. The Jeju Island (5,112) had the highest number for foreign marine debris flowed in the coast. Many areas in the next were surveyed by Hajo Island (1,967), Imja Island (507). Plastic bottles were the most common type to 2,925 piece of the whole collection. Then, the monthly occurrence amount was concentrated in July, September. At this time, analysis results of the marine environment are as follows: The sea surface wind of southerly or southeasterly were predominated. In addition, the sea surface circulations were dominated by inflow of seawater southward along the China Coast and northward from the East China Sea.

Application of Macrocell Sensor System for Monitoring of Steel Corrosion in Concrete Structure Exposed to Marine Environment (해양 콘크리트구조물의 철근부식 모니터링을 위한 매크로셀 센서 시스템의 적용)

  • Lee, Seung-Tae;Moon, Dae-Joong;Kim, Wan-Jong;Moon, Jae-Heum;Kim, Hak-Soo
    • Journal of Korean Society of Coastal and Ocean Engineers
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    • v.22 no.4
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    • pp.241-247
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    • 2010
  • Corrosion of steel embedded in concrete is one of the foremost factors that affect the durability of concrete structures in marine environments. This paper presents an application technique of anode-ladder-system to evaluate corrosion behaviours of marine concrete structure. In order to investigate the behaviours quantitatively, the measurement of potential and current was performed on the concrete elements subjected to the penetration and diffusion of chloride ions. The main variable was the heights from seawater level; namely 3.7, 6.0 and 8.2 m. As a result of the monitoring, it was found that the corrosion characteristics differently behaved with the increasing height. Additionally, through migration test, the relationship between compressive strength of concrete and diffusivity of chloride ions was observed. It is suggested, ultimately, that in order to reduce or mitigate steel corrosion, both appropriate concrete cover depth and high-quality of concrete in early ages should be done.